Governor Brewer Is Imposing Her Beliefs on Arizonans

Editor’s Note: The following piece is a guest blog post from Planned Parenthood Arizona President and CEO Bryan Howard.

Gov. Jan Brewer isn’t shy about her goals. She wants to give government and employers power over women’s private medical decisions. She wants to undermine women’s access to reproductive health care. And she wants to take away public funding from every single Planned Parenthood health center in Arizona.

“I do not support the goals of Planned Parenthood. They believe in choice. So let’s just cut right through the fat and tell it like it is.” — Gov. Jan Brewer

Opponents of women’s health in the Arizona legislature have done everything they can to give Gov. Brewer whatever she wants. In the face of these relentless attacks, providing care to Arizona women and families has become more difficult than ever.

But I’m not giving up on our patients, and I’m not giving in to Gov. Brewer’s bullying. Neither are the doctors, nurses, staff, and volunteers at Planned Parenthood Arizona health centers. Arizona women continue to make their way to our 14 health centers to protect their health, and our doors will be open to them no matter what. And attacking Planned Parenthood in Arizona is attacking Planned Parenthood everywhere. Continue reading

The Pressure’s On: Now it Is Time to Kill House Bill 2036

I know we have asked a lot of you during this legislative session and you have taken action in a big way! You have sent more than 8,000 emails to lawmakers asking them to protect access to women’s health, and your time and efforts have paid off. HB2625, the Birth Control Discrimination Bill, has not moved forward and we have you to thank!

Now it is time to kill HB2036 — the bill that would make Arizona the state with the most extreme abortion ban in the nation. HB2036 will be heard in the House of Representatives very soon. This bill threatens doctors with criminal and civil penalties, forces women to continue pregnancies that are incompatible with life, and could delay cancer treatment for pregnant women. Continue reading

HB2036 Hurts Women and Promotes Bad Medicine

Call Senate President Steve Pierce immediately!

Call Senate President Steve Pierce

The fight against women’s health continues and we need to put the pressure on! You still have the power to help stop these dangerous, anti-woman bills, some of the worst this legislature has ever proposed.

The Arizona Senate will be hearing HB2036 tomorrow, March 22, and we need you to send a strong message
as soon as possible

Call Senate President Steve Pierce immediately,
and click here to send YOUR senator a strong message!

Senator Steve Pierce, Senate President: 602-926-5584 Continue reading

Life-Saving Cancer Screenings for Many Arizonans May Be Eliminated Soon

HB2800 is being heard tomorrow, March 14, in the House Healthcare Committee.

House Bill 2800 will have a devastating effect on women’s health care in Arizona.  This bill effectively singles out Planned Parenthood Arizona by attempting to prohibit us from providing family planning services including life-saving cancer screenings, birth control, and basic health care to thousands of Arizonans on AHCCCS and Title X. Continue reading

This Week, Say Goodbye to Birth Control and Religious Freedom

The political assault on women’s health care that has overwhelmed America in recent weeks is reaching a climax in Arizona THIS week.

No less than six bills that will make it harder or even impossible to get various women’s health care services are being voted on in committee hearings in these five days.

Every one of these bills is poised to become law if we don’t fight back NOW and LOUDLY. Continue reading

SB1009 Lacks Solutions — Tell House Education Committee to Vote NO!

SB1009, being heard today, Monday, March 12, in the House Education Committee, requires schools to promote childbirth and adoption over abortion. It is inappropriate to discuss a preference for pregnancy outcomes — ANY outcome — as a part of a sex education curriculum. That is a private decision best left to teens and their parents.

As we know, Arizonans want solutions to the devastating number of teen pregnancies in our state. We must work to reduce risky behaviors and help our youth develop life skills that will motivate them and encourage healthy lifestyle choices. We must engage youth and parents in an effort to address sexual risk-taking behaviors! Continue reading

The Senate Judiciary Committee: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Editor’s Note: Suzanne, an Arizona pro-choice activist, was present for the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on February 27, 2012. She shares her experience watching state legislators debate HB2036, which would ban abortion after 20 weeks, even in the case of fetal anomalies.

When State Sen. Paula Aboud addressed us at last year’s Planned Parenthood Legislative Day, she became emotional while speaking about her experiences in the Arizona Legislature. After having attended a recent committee hearing, I now know why this fight for our reproductive rights evokes such feelings. There, I witnessed the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Let’s start with some of the positives about the hearing:

  • women and men of all ages joining together to stand up to the Legislature
  • discussing issues with like-minded people as you wait for the hearing to begin – they usually never start on time
  • watching State Sen. David Lujan, who tried to interject reasonable discussion and later tweeted, “Committee passes bill interfering in a woman’s personal medical decisions. So much for limited government”
  • supporting fellow volunteers who are willing to share their very personal and emotional stories for the public record
  • observing our state’s political system first hand (and living to tell about it)

The bad and ugly list includes:

  • Chairman Gould telling a woman she couldn’t hold up a “Choose Life” sign so she simply placed it on top of her stroller making it still very visible to the committee
  • erroneous information being presented by and to legislators
  • vilifying a doctor trying to present information based on science, not philosophy, and enduring a grilling about the money to be made in the “abortion industry”
  • one legislator referring to a constituent as “just a resident”
  • using “creative” tactics to paste the contents of this bill that couldn’t generate enough support into an unrelated bill that had already passed the House

While preserving our rights will always mean a healthy dose of the good, bad, and ugly, it’s unfair to rely on the same people to be on the front lines. So I encourage you to attend at least one legislative hearing, send an email, or make a phone call in support of reproductive rights.

The new PPAZ Activist Council is one way for you to show your support. Visit our website for more info on this volunteer-driven project and its related committees.

Action Alert: House Bill 2838 Is Resurrected as House Bill 2036

All of your calls and emails really made a difference! HB2838 — the abortion bill that would impose harsh felonies and possible prison time on the physicians who provide care to me and my family — was pulled from the House Health Committee agenda and was considered dead!


Rep. Kimberly Yee, the sponsor of the bill, has found another bill to use as a striker for 2838. House Bill 2838 has just become House Bill 2036.

A strike-all amendment is a little-known backdoor legislative maneuver that allows lawmakers to strip the contents of a bill and replace everything below the title with new bill language that died along the way, like HB2838, effectively resurrecting a dead bill.

House Bill 2036 now includes all the same language that was in HB2838. Anti-choice legislators and the Center for Arizona Policy have pulled out all the stops — even ignored the cries of constituents who opposed this bad bill. HB2036 is going to the Senate Judiciary Committee this Monday, February 27, and we have to make sure we show our power again! We helped kill this bill in the House — I know together, we can do it again in the Senate!!


  1. Call Senate President Sen. Steve Pierce at 602-926-5584 and tell him: “Please do NOT allow HB2036 to be heard. It was already killed and it does not deserve to come back. I do not want doctors to have to face these kinds of liabilities and threats of jail.”
  2. CLICK HERE to send an important message to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

We can kill this bill forever!