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  1. Kareena no show: actress misses Talaash success bash after premiere http://read.ht/ViG
    Photo: Kareena no show: actress misses Talaash success bash after premiere http://read.ht/ViG
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    • A short history lesson !!!!---------- RISE OF GERMANY by Victor Davis Hanson Hoover Institution, Stanford University December 15, 2011 The rise of a German Europe began in 1914, failed twice, and has now ended in the victory of German power almost a century later. The Europe that Kaiser Wilhelm lost in 1918, and that Adolf Hitler destroyed in 1945, has at last been won by German Chancellor Angela Merkel without firing a shot. Or so it seems from European newspapers, which now refer bitterly to a "Fourth Reich" and arrogant new Nazi "Gauleiters" who dictate terms to their European subordinates. Popular cartoons depict Germans with stiff-arm salutes and swastikas, establishing new rules of behaviour for supposedly inferior peoples. Millions of terrified Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, Portuguese and other Europeans are pouring their savings into German banks at the rate of $15 billion a month. A thumbs-up or thumbs-down from the euro-rich Merkel now determines whether European countries will limp ahead with new German-backed loans or default and see their standard of living regress to that of a half-century ago. A worried neighbor, France, in schizophrenic fashion, as so often in the past, alternately lashes out at Britain for abandoning it and fawns on Germany to appease it. The worries in 1989 of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and French President Francois Mitterrand over German unification -- that neither a new European Union nor an old NATO could quite rein in German power -- proved true. How did the grand dream of a "new Europe " end just 20 years later in a German protectorate -- especially given the not-so-subtle aim of the European Union to diffuse German ambitions through a continent-wide super-state? Not by arms. Britain fights in wars all over the globe, from Libya to Iraq . France has the bomb. But Germany mostly stays within its borders -- without a nuke, a single aircraft carrier or a military base abroad. Not by handouts. Germany poured almost $2 trillion of its own money into rebuilding an East Germany ruined by communism -- without help from others. To drive through southern Europe is to see new freeways, bridges, rail lines, stadiums and airports financed by German banks or subsidized by the German government. Not by population size. Somehow, 120 million Greeks, Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese are begging some 80 million Germans to bail them out. And not because of good fortune. Just 65 years ago, Berlin was flattened, Hamburg incinerated and Munich a shell -- in ways even Athens , Madrid , Lisbon and Rome were not. In truth, German character -- so admired and feared in some 500 years of European literature and history -- led to the present Germanization of Europe . These days we recoil at terms like "national character" that seem tainted by the nightmares of the past. But no other politically correct exegesis offers better reasons why a booming Detroit of 1945 today looks like it was bombed, and a bombed-out Berlin of 1945 now is booming. Germans on average worked harder and smarter than their European neighbors -- investing rather than consuming, saving rather than spending, and going to bed when others to the south were going to dinner. Recipients of their largesse bitterly complain that German banks lent them money to buy German products in a sort of 21st-century commercial serfdom. True enough, but that still begs the question why Berlin , and not Rome or Madrid , was able to pull off such lucrative mercantilism. Where does all this lead? Right now to some great unknowns that terrify most of Europe . Will German industriousness and talent eventually translate into military dominance and cultural chauvinism -- as it has in the past? How, exactly, can an unraveling EU, or NATO, now "led from behind" by a disengaged United States, persuade Germany not to translate its overwhelming economic clout into political and military advantage? Can poor European adolescents really obey their rich German parents? Berlin in essence has now scolded southern Europeans that if they still expect sophisticated medical care, high-tech appurtenances and plentiful consumer goods -- the adornments of a rich American and northern Europe lifestyle -- then they have to start behaving in the manner of Germans, who produce such things and subsidize them for others. In other words, an Athenian may still have his ultra-modern airport and subway, a Spaniard may still get a hip replacement, or a Roman may still enjoy his new Mercedes. But not if they still insist on daily siestas, dinner at 9 p.m., retirement in their early 50s, cheating on taxes, and a de facto 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. workday. Behind all the EU's 11th-hour gobbledygook, Germany 's new European order is clear: If you wish to live like a German, then you must work and save like a German. Take it or leave it.
      44 minutes ago
    • PLEASE REFER AN ARTICLE IN HINDUSTAN TIMES, NEW DELHI, DATED WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 21, 2012 UNDER FOLLOWING HEADING:- “Once upon a time in Yamuna” - REGARDING POLLUTION IN YAMUNA RIVER I have read the article with interest and pained to know that the problem of Yamuna Pollution is mainly due to misinterpretation of data (Lab. Report) by the concerned inspectors of Delhi Pollution Control Board. The job of misinterpretations/manipulation is being done by inspectors to achieve their monitory gain. We have got following suggestions, which can help to solve this problem to the greater extent:- (1) Solution is e-monitoring of the parameters of the water while entering in Yamuna river. (2) These parameters should be directly available to Govt. higher authorities so that they can instruct the concerned inspectors for rectification (3) We strongly suggest involvement of SPIRITUAL GURU for witnessing the data. We may add that function of SPIRITUAL GURU is only to witness the data, which will ensure that even Govt. higher authorities will not be able to manipulate the data for their interest. The above suggestions can be implemented for trial purpose as under:- (a) There are 17 nallahs entering in Yamuna in Delhi region (b) We can select one of the nallahs for demonstration of our suggestion. (c) Sensors can be installed at the exit of nallah entering Yamuna river. The sensor will be purchased by the Govt. authorites, the cost of which will be around Rs.1.50 Lacs. The equipment shall be the property of the Government. (d) The Wireless Instruments for communication of Data from Sensor to individual computer will be arranged by us free of cost only for a period of 15 days on trial basis. (e) The parameters will be directly available on the Computers of DPCC Officers, and to SPIRITUAL GURU. (f) DPCC officer & SPIRITUAL GURU will only witness the data on their individual computer. (g) DPCC Officers will contact concerned DPCC inspectors for rectification (h) Once the project get successful, additional sensors can be installed at various places of the nallah for e-monitoring THE ABOVE PROJECT CAN BE SUCCESSFUL ONLY IF CONCERNED INSPECTOR OF PARTICULAR AREA ARE STRICTLY ASKED TO GET THE RECTIFICATION DONE. IT IS A KNOWN FACT THAT INDUSTRIES ARE POLLUTING YAMUNA AND THE RESULTS OF DISCHARGE OF POLLUTED WATER IS MANIPULATED TO ACHIEVE INTEREST OF CONCERNED INSPECTORS. The concerned authorities can utilize our services free of cost for demonstrating this project. It can be started as under. 1. Concerned Govt. authorities will purchase pollution monitoring sensors as per our suggestions/specifications 2. We will arrange to supply and instal wireless equipments for getting the information on Computers of Govt. authorities and SPIRITUAL GURU. 3. We will loan our Wireless Equipments for 15 days only to prove the success of the project suggested by us. 4. Time taken for installation of Wireless equipment will be 20 days after installation of sensors at specific place of the verge of "Nallah" & River. Govt. authorities will fully assist for installation of sensors and our wireless equipments. The Security of Wireless equipments installed by us will be the responsibility of Govt. authorities. V. K. BASSI, 9810005825
      2 hours ago
    • See what's happened. RESURGENCE OF BJP. There is a chorus in support of MODI as PM. The majority should BE CONFIDENT in their culture. Be genuinely sincere to all minorities with SARVA DHARMA SAMBHAVA. Narendra Modi shall deliver on this principle. Sh.Shekhar Iyer to note reference his yesterday's article in HT
      3 hours ago
    • Samrat Pandey
      ATTENTION FRIENDS.....2009 Loksabha election was totally FAKE. people had voted against congress but congress had purchased the ECI AND HACKED the EVM machines to win 200 seats .c ongress won 22 loksabha seats in U.P which is impossible for a 4th rank party in u.p............please expose congress
      3 hours ago
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  13. Supreme Court issues notice to Centre and 5 states; asks them to explain arrests of social media users http://read.ht/Val
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  14. Ricky Ponting goes: will Sachin and Kallis follow? http://read.ht/VaO
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  17. Birth place: Switzerland is the best place to be born in the world; India ranks 66th. In this AP photo, a woman enjoys the weather at Lake Zurich, near Zurich, Switzerland. http://read.ht/V8N
    Photo: Birth place: Switzerland is the best place to be born in the world; India ranks 66th. In this AP photo, a woman enjoys the weather at Lake Zurich, near Zurich, Switzerland. http://read.ht/V8N
  18. Thank the free press when Section 66A of IT Act is scrapped and freedom expression is preserved, writes Prasanto K Roy http://read.ht/V7V
    Photo: Thank the free press when Section 66A of IT Act is scrapped and freedom expression is preserved, writes Prasanto K Roy http://read.ht/V7V
  19. The great Aussie goes: Ricky Ponting retires from Test cricket. Is he Australia's greatest batsman after Don Bradman? Vote and tell us http://read.ht/V7j
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  20. Figure this: A Raja seeks debate on auditor's 2G loss estimate http://read.ht/V73
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  21. Amit Shah gets ticket in 2nd list, Modi keeps Muslims out http://bit.ly/RjhCpd
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  23. Another Palghar youngster quizzed over abusive post against Raj Thackeray http://read.ht/V69
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  27. Mexico beauty queen used as 'human shield', killed in shootout http://read.ht/V5n
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    Photo: I'm not getting runs, now it's your call: Sachin Tendulkar tells selectors http://read.ht/V5L
  29. Free press in India a myth: 66A proves it, writes Mahesh Murthy. In this AP Photo, Shaheen Dhada, left, and Renu Srinivas, who were arrested for their Facebook posts, come out of a court in Mumbai on November 20. Shaheen had posted on Facebook that the shutdown in Mumbai over the death of Bal Thackeray was unjustified. Renu had 'liked' the comment http://read.ht/V5H
    Photo: Free press in India a myth: 66A proves it, writes Mahesh Murthy. In this AP Photo, Shaheen Dhada, left, and Renu Srinivas, who were arrested for their Facebook posts, come out of a court in Mumbai on November 20. Shaheen had posted on Facebook that the shutdown in Mumbai over the death of Bal Thackeray was unjustified. Renu had 'liked' the comment http://read.ht/V5H
  30. Sachin Tendulkar admits he's not making runs, tells selectors to take a call on his future http://read.ht/V5L
    Photo: Sachin Tendulkar admits he's not making runs, tells selectors to take a call on his future http://read.ht/V5L
  31. Extortion case: Zee news editors Sudhir Chaudhry and Sameer Ahluwalia arrested http://read.ht/V4S
    Photo: Extortion case: Zee news editors Sudhir Chaudhry and Sameer Ahluwalia arrested http://read.ht/V4S
  32. The pole and the dancer: images from the Miss Pole Dance South America competition in Buenos Aires http://read.ht/V35
    Photo: The pole and the dancer: images from the Miss Pole Dance South America competition in Buenos Aires http://read.ht/V35
  33. Justice, please: Aamir Khan speaks up for murdered khap critic http://read.ht/V2w
    Photo: Justice, please: Aamir Khan speaks up for murdered khap critic http://read.ht/V2w
  34. 2nd Test: England beat India by 10 wickets http://read.ht/V0i
    Photo: 2nd Test: England beat India by 10 wickets http://read.ht/V0i
  35. Hindu-Muslim issues haven't been settled, but Gujarat is far less likely to have a riot today. Narendra Modi hasn't apologised for 2002 but he has taken steps to make minorities feel safer, writes Ashok Malik http://read.ht/V0S
    Photo: Hindu-Muslim issues haven't been settled, but Gujarat is far less likely to have a riot today. Narendra Modi hasn't apologised for 2002 but he has taken steps to make minorities feel safer, writes Ashok Malik http://read.ht/V0S
  36. Four years after 26/11: Pakistani terror machinery grinds on, India wary http://read.ht/V0X
    Photo: Four years after 26/11: Pakistani terror machinery grinds on, India wary http://read.ht/V0X
  37. Your Facebook post or Tweet can get you arrested. Is a rule under the Information Technology Act--Section 66A--to blame for this latest restriction on freedom of speech. Prominent users of social media and professionals find out in a series of columns for HT. Blogger Aditya Magal starts off with 'a note to offenders from the offended' http://read.ht/VYy
    Photo: Your Facebook post or Tweet can get you arrested. Is a rule under the Information Technology Act--Section 66A--to  blame for this latest restriction on freedom of speech. Prominent users of social media and professionals find out in a series of columns for HT. Blogger Aditya Magal starts off with 'a note to offenders from the offended' http://read.ht/VYy
  38. Sachin and Hindustan Times, 'exclusive and one-on-one': batting legend speaks to Soumya Bhattacharya about cricket and life http://read.ht/VYl
    Photo: Sachin and Hindustan Times, 'exclusive and one-on-one': batting legend speaks to Soumya Bhattacharya about cricket and life http://read.ht/VYl
  39. 'Common man' Arvind Kejriwal all set to announce party, says he will bring 'swaraj'. In this PTI file photo, Kejriwal addresses a press conference in Delhi http://read.ht/VWY
    Photo: 'Common man' Arvind Kejriwal all set to announce party, says he will bring 'swaraj'. In this PTI file photo, Kejriwal addresses a press conference in  Delhi http://read.ht/VWY
  40. Nothing Indian? Aakash 2 tablet reportedly made in China http://read.ht/VWA In this picture, students display after its launching ceremony in Delhi in October 2011. Reuters photo
    Photo: Nothing Indian? Aakash 2 tablet reportedly made in China http://read.ht/VWA In this picture, students display after its launching ceremony in Delhi in October 2011. Reuters photo
  41. A new campaign: Arvind Kejriwal to launch political party on Nov 26 http://read.ht/VUy
    Photo: A new campaign: Arvind Kejriwal to launch political party on Nov 26 http://read.ht/VUy
  42. Movie review: Life of Pi gets top marks from critics http://read.ht/VUq
    Photo: Movie review: Life of Pi gets top marks from critics http://read.ht/VUq
  43. By the book: ex-IPL chief Lalit Modi alleges murder attempts on him http://read.ht/VUt
    Photo: By the book: ex-IPL chief Lalit Modi alleges murder attempts on him http://read.ht/VUt
  44. Busting myths about jailing Kasab: he didn't get biryani and he didn't fatten up http://read.ht/VRL
    Photo: Busting myths about jailing Kasab: he didn't get biryani and he didn't fatten up http://read.ht/VRL
  45. "I swear by God, won't do such a thing again", were the last words uttered by 26/11 attacker, Ajmal Kasab who was hanged till death and buried immediately inside Yerwada jail today. http://read.ht/VQ1
    Photo: "I swear by God, won't do such a thing again", were the last words uttered by 26/11 attacker, Ajmal Kasab who was hanged till death and buried immediately inside Yerwada jail today. http://read.ht/VQ1
  46. Operation X: how the plan to hang Kasab was executed http://read.ht/VPt
    Photo: Operation X: how the plan to hang Kasab was executed http://read.ht/VPt
  47. Ajmal Kasab, from petty criminal to mass murderer http://read.ht/VPm
    Photo: Ajmal Kasab, from petty criminal to mass murderer http://read.ht/VPm
  48. Flashback in photos: 6th May 2010, the day Ajmal Kasab got death http://read.ht/VPP. In this May 2010 photo, an armed security official patrols outside the special court which found Kasab guilty.
    Photo: Flashback in photos: 6th May 2010, the day Ajmal Kasab got death http://read.ht/VPP. In this May 2010 photo, an armed security official patrols outside the special court which found Kasab guilty.
  49. Kasab executed at 7.30am, buried in Pune jail: Maharashtra CM http://read.ht/VOn. In this Nov. 2008 file photo, a soldier takes cover as the Taj Mahal hotel burns during a gun battle between security forces and militants inside the hotel in Mumbai.
    Photo: Kasab executed at 7.30am, buried in Pune jail: Maharashtra CM http://read.ht/VOn. In this Nov. 2008 file photo, a soldier takes cover as the Taj Mahal hotel burns during a gun battle between security forces and militants inside the hotel in Mumbai.
  50. 26/11 convict Ajmal Kasab was hanged at Yerwada jail in Pune at 7.30 am today after President Pranab Mukherjee rejected his mercy petition. The President's decision came two months after the home ministry rejected Kasab's mercy petition. http://read.ht/VOZ
    Photo: 26/11 convict Ajmal Kasab was hanged at Yerwada jail in Pune at 7.30 am today after President Pranab Mukherjee rejected his mercy petition. The President's decision came two months after the home ministry rejected Kasab's mercy petition. http://read.ht/VOZ
  51. The BJP today deemed senior BJP leader Yashwant Sinha's statement against party chief Nitin Gadkari as inappropriate and asked him to reconsider his stand. Sinha had demanded Gadkari's resignation over corruption charges. http://read.ht/VNR
    Photo: The BJP today deemed senior BJP leader Yashwant Sinha's statement against party chief Nitin Gadkari as inappropriate and asked him to reconsider his stand. Sinha had demanded Gadkari's resignation over corruption charges.  http://read.ht/VNR
  52. The anti-fashion show. A model wears an oxygen mask at a fashion show organised by environmental group Greenpeace in Beijing. The group claims major global fashion labels are using toxic chemicals in the production of their clothing. http://read.ht/VMo
    Photo: The anti-fashion show. A model wears an oxygen mask at a fashion show organised by environmental group Greenpeace in Beijing. The group claims major global fashion labels are using toxic chemicals in the production of their clothing. http://read.ht/VMo
  53. Film Fiscal: Jab Tak Hai Jaan makes 80 cr, Son Of Sardar earns 66 cr in first 6 days http://read.ht/VMY
    Photo: Film Fiscal: Jab Tak Hai Jaan makes 80 cr, Son Of Sardar earns 66 cr in first 6 days http://read.ht/VMY
  54. Women speak out after arrests for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown, concern grows over misuse of Information Technology laws http://read.ht/VMR
    Photo: Women speak out after arrests for Facebook post on Mumbai shutdown, concern grows over misuse of Information Technology laws http://read.ht/VMR
  55. Cops arrest 9 for vandalising girl's uncle's clinic over anti-Thackeray Facebook post http://read.ht/VMF
    Photo: Cops arrest 9 for vandalising girl's uncle's clinic over anti-Thackeray Facebook post   http://read.ht/VMF