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John Boehner


A collection of news and information related to John Boehner published by this site and its partners.

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    Nov 7, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  1. Partisan tones soften after Obama victory

    In a sign that political leaders are willing to heed President Obama’s calls for bipartisan cooperation in the wake of his reelection, both Republican House Speaker John A. Boehner and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid softened their partisan tones on Wednesday. In separate press conferences three hours apart, they pledged to work together to get the country on a better financial footing.
    In a sign that political leaders are willing to heed President Obama’s calls for bipartisan cooperation in the wake of his reelection, both Republican House Speaker John A. Boehner and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid softened their...

    Tags: Boston, Voting, Media Industry, Kid Rock, Democratic Party

  2. Nov 7, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  3. House Speaker John Boehner softens tone on 'fiscal cliff'

    WASHINGTON — House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) made an opening offer Wednesday to avert an impending fiscal showdown, softening his party's confrontational tone one day after its electoral losses. But he stood by the GOP's core no-new-taxes pledge that has prevented a deal with the White House.
    WASHINGTON — House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) made an opening offer Wednesday to avert an impending fiscal showdown, softening his party's confrontational tone one day after its electoral losses. But he stood by the GOP's core no-new-taxes...

    Tags: Tea Party Movement, Democratic Party, Personal Income, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney

  4. Nov 7, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  5. Boehner unveils first offer in 'fiscal cliff' standoff

    WASHINGTON -- The day after the election, House Speaker John A. Boehner made the first offer to avert the year-end "fiscal cliff," telling President Obama that the Republican majority in the House was willing to work with the White House even as he stood by the core no-new-taxes pledge that has prevented a deal.
    WASHINGTON -- The day after the election, House Speaker John A. Boehner made the first offer to avert the year-end "fiscal cliff," telling President Obama that the Republican majority in the House was willing to work with the White House even as he...

    Tags: Mitt Romney, Eric Cantor, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Politics

  6. Nov 7, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  7. Stocks fall on post-election worries about fiscal cliff

    WASHINGTON — Financial markets plunged as concerns about Europe's economy combined with the morning-after reality that the U.S. elections left the same gridlocked politicians to deal with the fast-approaching fiscal cliff.
    WASHINGTON — Financial markets plunged as concerns about Europe's economy combined with the morning-after reality that the U.S. elections left the same gridlocked politicians to deal with the fast-approaching fiscal cliff. The Dow Jones...

    Tags: NASDAQ, Mario Draghi, Labor Markets, Barack Obama, Finance

  8. Nov 7, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  9. Obama calls congressional leaders, talks 'fiscal cliff'

    CHICAGO -- Hours after winning a second term, President Obama reached out to leaders on Capitol Hill for what will likely be the first of many private conversations about the daunting fiscal mess awaiting them all.
    CHICAGO -- Hours after winning a second term, President Obama reached out to leaders on Capitol Hill for what will likely be the first of many private conversations about the daunting fiscal mess awaiting them all. The so-called fiscal cliff was the...

    Tags: Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama

  10. Nov 7, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  11. Questions linger following Obama's reelection victory

    President Obama has won reelection. The Republican Party faces a reckoning about its identity. In Florida, however, the election goes on.
    President Obama has won reelection. The Republican Party faces a reckoning about its identity. In Florida, however, the election goes on. The state whose dysfunctional voting methods traumatized the nation 12 years ago is still up in the air. The state...

    Tags: Boston, U.S. House of Representatives, Voting, Pinellas County (Florida), Democratic Party

  12. Nov 7, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  13. A good day for Sutter, and Nate Silver

    Wait, that’s it? The election’s over?
    Wait, that’s it? The election’s over? Here we get all prepared for recounts -- in perhaps Ohio and Florida and Virginia; or challenges because of election irregularities; or even, gasp, a tie in the electoral college, with all that that would...

    Tags: Jonah Goldberg, Al Gore, Karl Rove, Democratic Party, Lotto

  14. Nov 7, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times Exclusive
  15. Obama's victory is a harsh lesson for Republicans

    The people have spoken. President Obama has won a chance to move beyond the stunted progress of his first term and, perhaps, become a historic president. On the losing side, the Republican Party remains shut out of the White House and has blown a chance to take over the U.S. Senate, largely because it catered to the narrow concerns of tea party zealots and social conservatives who imagined themselves as the only authentic Americans but who are, in fact, way out of step with most of the people in this country.
    The people have spoken. President Obama has won a chance to move beyond the stunted progress of his first term and, perhaps, become a historic president. On the losing side, the Republican Party remains shut out of the White House and has blown a chance...

    Tags: Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Tea Party Movement, Barack Obama, Arts and Culture

  16. Nov 5, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  17. Boehner bullish on retaining House majority, speaker's gavel

    WASHINGTON — House Speaker John A. Boehner predicted that not only would his party retain control of the House, but it also might even gain seats at Democrats’ expense.
    WASHINGTON — House Speaker John A. Boehner predicted that not only would his party retain control of the House, but it also might even gain seats at Democrats’ expense. “I’ve never been into this idea that we had to lose seats,&...

    Tags: Mitt Romney, Parties and Movements, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Politics

  18. Nov 4, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  19. Democrats' hope of retaking House fades in polarized campaign

    METTER, Ga. — Early on a Saturday morning, four-term Rep. John Barrow, one of a dwindling number of moderate Democrats in Congress, sat down for coffee and biscuits with constituents as he campaigned in his party's uphill drive to retake the House.
    METTER, Ga. — Early on a Saturday morning, four-term Rep. John Barrow, one of a dwindling number of moderate Democrats in Congress, sat down for coffee and biscuits with constituents as he campaigned in his party's uphill drive to retake the House....

    Tags: Roscoe G Bartlett, Democratic Party, Tea Party Movement, Michele M. Bachmann, Nancy Pelosi

  20. Oct 31, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  21. U.S. is nearing its debt ceiling again, Treasury Department warns

    WASHINGTON — The nation's debt ceiling once again looms as the spark to congressional brinkmanship that could threaten the slowly recovering economy.
    WASHINGTON — The nation's debt ceiling once again looms as the spark to congressional brinkmanship that could threaten the slowly recovering economy. The Treasury Department said Wednesday that the U.S. probably will hit its $16.4-trillion...

    Tags: Ratings, Credit and Debt, International Monetary Fund, Ben Bernanke, Tea Party Movement

  22. Oct 30, 2012 |Story| Los Angeles Times
  23. Nancy Pelosi: Last stand or stunning comeback?

    LAREDO, Texas — At an intimate gathering in this border town, Nancy Pelosi was a whirlwind of urgency, a reminder of the force she once was as speaker of the House.
    LAREDO, Texas — At an intimate gathering in this border town, Nancy Pelosi was a whirlwind of urgency, a reminder of the force she once was as speaker of the House. Evening was falling, and this was the third stop in what would be a 12-hour day. On...

    Tags: Steny H. Hoyer, Parties and Movements, Emanuel Cleaver, Democratic Party, Politics

 1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-90Next >






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John Boehner Photos
Former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee (R) speaks as...
(November 7, 2012)
Former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee (R) speaks as U.S. Speaker of the House (L) John Boehner (R-OH) looks on during a campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney on October 11, 2012 in Asheville, North Carolina.
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) makes remarks on Ca...
(November 7, 2012)
Speaker Boehner addresses Obama victory
Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, meets with r...
(October 31, 2012)