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Homicide Report > Irene Cardenas, 35

Irene Cardenas, 35

Died Oct. 24, 2012

Irene Cardenas, a 35-year-old Latina, died Wednesday, Oct. 24, in the 8700 block of Cleta Street in Downey, according to Los Angeles County coroner's records.

Cardenas was one of three people shot and killed in a shooting rampage police say may have been linked to a botched Craigslist robbery.

Downey police have arrested ex-con and known gang member Jade Douglas Harris, a 30-year-old black man, and charged him with three counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder, in addition to other charges.

Prosecutors say they believe Harris came to United States Fire Protection in order to rob its owners of a 2010 Camaro they had listed for sale on Craigslist. When he arrived, they say he brandished a gun and demanded the keys. When workers at the business could not provide the keys, Harris allegedly shot and killed Cardenas and Josimar Rojas, and shot and wounded another worker.

Harris is then charged with forcing Susana Perez-Ruelas, the sister-in-law of the business owner, to drive him back to her home to obtain the keys. There, Harris allegedly shot and killed her and shot and wounded her 13-year-old son.

The alleged assailant, who could face the death penalty if convicted, is due back in court Nov. 28.

Anyone with additional details about the shooting is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 222-8477.

—Wesley Lowery

United States Fire Protection - 8722 Cleta St.

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Updated: Nov. 2, 2012 at 10:34 p.m.

One reader comment about Irene Cardenas

Wow that's terrible. Such sad news.

— jones
Nov. 3, 2012 at 9:09 a.m.
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