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 McManus: Obama's second act

McManus: Obama's second act

Second terms have rarely been kind to American presidents.


Sheila Krumholz -- she follows the money

It was a California politico, Jesse Unruh, who nailed the relationship between dough and democracy: "Money is the mother's milk of politics....


Why do we vote?

For those inclined to worry about the American civic fabric, election day offers plenty of opportunity. Even in our most high-stakes...

A better way to grade teachers

A better way to grade teachers

Effective evaluation requires rigorous, ongoing assessment by experts who review teachers' instruction, looking at classroom practice and evidence of student learning.

The other melting pot

The other melting pot

Under the roof of one vast supermarket, I savor the presence of the continent where I was born; I go back to my origins.

McManus: The likely winner -- gridlock

McManus: The likely winner -- gridlock

Can either President Obama or Mitt Romney break the partisan logjam in Congress? Probably not.

The donations Sandy's victims don't need

The donations Sandy's victims don't need

Spanish flags, tuxedos, sex toys: Inappropriate donations inevitably pour in after disasters.

Sandy and the winds of change

Sandy and the winds of change

You don't need a climate scientist to tell which way the wind blows.

How Gov. Brown can save Prop. 30

How Gov. Brown can save Prop. 30

If he wants his tax increase measure to pass, he needs to let high-speed rail go, at least for now.

With paychecks, size matters

With paychecks, size matters

Unemployment is still too high, but we also need to focus on the problem of declining pay and the shrinking middle class.

Kinsley: Overthinking affirmative action

Kinsley: Overthinking affirmative action

Would a minority student admitted under race preferences at Harvard University's law school be better off at Ohio State's? Not likely.

Mac Taylor, California's prop master

Mac Taylor, California's prop master

The state legislative analyst and his office tell voters everything they need to know about ballot measures and their potential cost to taxpayers.

Daum: After Sandy, a bit of weather envy

Daum: After Sandy, a bit of weather envy

In California, the weather itself is too good for its own good.

Day of the Dead: Giving death its due

Day of the Dead: Giving death its due

The holiday is not at all somber; it is raucous and defiant, loud and garish.

McManus: Ohio's deluge of spin

McManus: Ohio's deluge of spin

Effective or not, campaign ads are interesting for what they tell you about the candidates and their strategies. And it's not pretty.

What Nov. 6 means for the Supreme Court

What Nov. 6 means for the Supreme Court

If Romney wins, we can expect a frighteningly conservative high court. A victory for Obama could mean a liberal majority for the first time since 1969.

 Goldberg: Benghazi -- no mere 'October surprise'

Goldberg: Benghazi -- no mere 'October surprise'

A conservative's challenge to the so-called mainstream media: Where is the feeding frenzy on the Libya story?

 Newton: Clear the Expo Line tracks

Newton: Clear the Expo Line tracks

The Westside light-rail project is too important to be derailed by a last-ditch neighborhood effort.

It's the economy, Supreme Court!

It's the economy, Supreme Court!

Mitt Romney would be more likely to appoint justices who understand the economic decisions facing the court.

We're undecided, we think

We're undecided, we think

You think picking a president is tough? Try choosing a toothpaste.

Why do they run?

Why do they run?

Why would anyone want the job of president? The answers are as different as the men themselves.

A Romney-Biden White House? It could happen

A Romney-Biden White House? It could happen

What happens if there's an electoral college tie of 269 votes apiece? The House elects the president and the Senate elects the veep. And what if there's a tie there? Can you say President Boehner?

McManus: The Ohio presidential equation

McManus: The Ohio presidential equation

Democrats hope that early voting will tip the scales.

 Jimmy Carter to California: Yes on Prop. 34

Jimmy Carter to California: Yes on Prop. 34

Voters should replace a death penalty process that is wasteful, immoral and discriminatory.

Italy blames the messengers

Italy blames the messengers

Scientists shouldn't be jailed because they can't precisely predict the future.

 May the best (political) nickname win

May the best (political) nickname win

All hail Mitt the Mighty, or perhaps Barack the Beneficent?

Can we get a political timeout?

Can we get a political timeout?

Presidential debates should be dialogues, not football games.

Kinsley: Romney the peacenik

Kinsley: Romney the peacenik

In the final presidential debate, the GOP challenger at times seemed to be channeling George McGovern.

No on Prop. 34: Let the death penalty live

No on Prop. 34: Let the death penalty live

A former prosecutor and judge argues in favor of California's capital punishment law, saying it is a deterrent and the right moral choice.

California's political earthquake

California's political earthquake

Our open primary system and nonpartisan redistricting commission could be a model for other states.

How Prop. 14 weakened democracy

How Prop. 14 weakened democracy

Elections are supposed to be about choice. But with minor party candidates marginalized and only two spots in a general election, voters have far less to choose from.

Founders' choice: the electoral college

Founders' choice: the electoral college

It's widely criticized, but it's part of our Constitution's philosophy — carefully crafted as a compromise between competing interests to guarantee checks and balances.

Douglas Kmiec on keeping the faith

Douglas Kmiec on keeping the faith

An influential Roman Catholic scholar, a veteran of Ronald Reagan's Justice Department and a Pepperdine University constitutional law professor, he was also President Obama's ambassador to Malta.

McManus: A kinder, gentler Romney

McManus: A kinder, gentler Romney

With his opponent so agreeable, it was hard for Obama to land a punch.