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Global Alert and Response (GAR)

World Hepatitis Day 2012

A child holds the leg of an adult
World Hepatitis Alliance

“It’s closer than you think” is the theme of this year’s World Hepatitis Day, which takes place on 28 July 2012.

The campaign focuses on raising awareness of the different forms of hepatitis: what they are and how they are transmitted; who is at risk; and the various methods of prevention and treatment.

Despite its staggering toll on health, hepatitis remains a group of diseases that are largely unknown, undiagnosed and untreated.

fact buffet

Hepatitis A

1.4 million estimated cases occur annually

Read the fact sheet on hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

2 billionpeople (estimated) worldwide have been infected with the virus

Read the fact sheet on hepatitis B

Hepatitis C

150 millionpeople are chronically infected with the virus

Read the fact sheet on hepatitis C