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Kinsley: Romney the peacenik

Romney the peacenik

In the final presidential debate, the GOP challenger at times seemed to be channeling George McGovern.


Founders' choice: the electoral college

It's widely criticized, but it's part of our Constitution's philosophy — carefully crafted as a compromise between competing interests to guarantee checks and balances.

2012 election: Los Angeles Times ballot endorsements, at a glance

2012 election: Los Angeles Times ballot endorsements, at a glance

With the final presidential candidate debate concluded and the deadline for voter registration passed, the last phase of the long 2012...

Amicable split for Scotland and England?

Amicable split for Scotland and England?

"Braveheart" will have his revenge. That's how some fervent Scottish nationalists will portray the announcement last week that the British...

Obama for president

Obama for president

When he was elected president in 2008, Barack Obama was untried and untested. Just four years out of the Illinois state Senate, he had not...

Is Defense of Marriage Act ruling too favorable?

Is Defense of Marriage Act ruling too favorable?

Last week the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York became the second federal appeals court to rule that Congress violated the...

Lance Armstrong must cut ties to his charity

Lance Armstrong must cut ties to his charity

Sports heroes rise, and sometimes they fall. When they do, they're usually quickly forgotten as their names are expunged from the halls of...

 No on Proposition 31

No on Proposition 31

Proposition 31 is a little like the dreamy stranger glimpsed across a crowded room — alluring, exciting, all promise and possibility...

No on Measure B

No on Measure B

Performers in adult films risk their health and their very lives to do their controversial work. Despite advances in the treatment of HIV,...

Cuba's paper wall falls

Cuba's paper wall falls

For 50 years, Cubans have been prevented from leaving their country by an anachronistic and repressive travel policy that has aptly been...

California's political earthquake

California's political earthquake

Two and a quarter centuries after America's founders devised what was then a unique approach to government — a nation in which...

How Prop. 14 weakened democracy

How Prop. 14 weakened democracy

When sample ballots started arriving this month, many California voters must have wondered where all the candidates went. Previously it...

Cheering for Jesus

Cheering for Jesus

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Fight bad speech with more speech. I don't approve of what you say, but I'll defend to the death your...

Goldberg: A vote for election day

Goldberg: A vote for election day

I'm writing this before Monday night's presidential debate, on the assumption that neither candidate changed the dynamic of the race too...

L.A.'s mayoral race just got more complicated

L.A.'s mayoral race just got more complicated

With the first round of the Los Angeles mayoral election still more than four months away, the race has taken shape in recent weeks, largely...

 Curbing the parking crunch by cutting disabled placard abuse

Curbing the parking crunch by cutting disabled placard abuse

Cities should set the right prices for curb parking because the wrong prices do so much harm. A yearlong study in 1984 estimated that...

McManus: Applying the 'ground game'

McManus: Applying the 'ground game'

Outside the old red-brick City Hall in Manassas, Va., Dorothy Cummings was beaming. She had finally persuaded her son Charles to register to...

Too little too late in Libya

Too little too late in Libya

The attack in Benghazi, which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, was practically the only foreign policy issue to...