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1:35 pm - 10/12/2012

"The Bieber Thief" Threatens Justin: TOMORROW PUNK!

Thief: "Gonna show the world. TOMORROW!"

Justin Bieber has publicly responded to the person who is claiming to be in possession of his stolen camera and laptop. Twitter user Gexwy established a new account with the sole purpose of leaking the "personal footage" online in what can only be called a malicious act.

According to the Gexwy's Twitter feed, there have been a lot of private messages back and forth between Justin and the thief.

Was Gexwy attempting to extort money out of Justin by threatening to release the pictures and videos on the stolen items? It certainly sounds like there was some nasty business going on.

Gexwy announced the footage would be leaked tomorrow, October 12, after he failed to get what he wanted out of Justin.

So, what did Justin have to say? Justin tweeted, "no matter what you have and what you post tomorrow i know my fans wont leave me. screw it. #toostrong."

@gexwy has also been tweeting at Bieber’s friends, threatening to leak videos of Alfredo Flores (@AlfredoFlores), and his manager Scooter Braun (@ScooterBraun).

Identified by the Twitter handle @gexwy, the person controlling the account has been tweeting all day Thursday, implying that he or she has possession of Bieber’s stolen materials.

@gexwy even went as far as to post a Bieber home video apparently gotten off the stolen camera.

Bieber is apparently taking the Twitter handle pretty seriously as he is listed as one of @gexwy’s followers.

Bieber had taken to Twitter earlier this week after his personal laptop and camera were stolen from his tour manager’s office while he was in Washington giving a performance in Tacoma Dome.

“Sucks when u take personal footage and people dont respect your privacy. yesterday during the show me and my tour manager josh had some stuff stolen. really sucks. people should respect other's property [sic],” Beiber tweeted.

"I had a lot of personal footage on that computer and camera and that is what bothers me the most. #lame #norespect," he went on to say.

On Thursday, a picture, allegedly of the singer, was leaked, and shows a naked body from the neck down. Also visible is one of Beiber’s tattoos, a bird on his right pelvic bone.

Bieber has since denied that the person in the picture is in fact him.

The latest tweet to come from @gexwy suggests that something extremely private will be shown to the world on Friday.

Leaked Videos So Far:

Source S2 S3 S4 S5

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squirrelsarerad 12th-Oct-2012 02:41 am (UTC)
omg I hope its good!
pastelward 12th-Oct-2012 02:42 am (UTC)
praying it's a sex tape and he recorded it after he turned 18
teaaet 12th-Oct-2012 02:48 am (UTC)
with demi
pls pls omg
lolzerz 12th-Oct-2012 03:08 am (UTC)
kydeon 12th-Oct-2012 03:11 am (UTC)
imnotasquirrel 12th-Oct-2012 03:33 am (UTC)
maryhurt 12th-Oct-2012 03:42 am (UTC)
shanny_w 12th-Oct-2012 04:13 am (UTC)
bradentastic 12th-Oct-2012 04:04 am (UTC)
me too pls pls pls pls

sounds like justin knows its going to be bad and is just bracing himself for it
fireprince 12th-Oct-2012 04:25 am (UTC)
He still looks 14.....
hawaii_bombay 12th-Oct-2012 02:42 am (UTC)
Dammit; if this actually going to happen, I won't leave the house tomorrow.

Edited at 2012-10-12 02:42 am (UTC)
heyijustmetyou 12th-Oct-2012 02:43 am (UTC)
lol ik i'm considering skipping school tomorrow!
reidacted 12th-Oct-2012 02:46 am (UTC)
Already thinking up names to call this mess.
thetxbelle 12th-Oct-2012 03:03 am (UTC)
beibergate is all I can think of but it seems like the obvious choice.
emeyea 12th-Oct-2012 05:22 am (UTC)
If there's diq, then #BieberConda12, obviously.
shining_starsxx 12th-Oct-2012 03:03 am (UTC)
I'm so glad I don't have class tomorrow.
andres01234 12th-Oct-2012 03:03 am (UTC)
you know nothing will happen
in_styles 12th-Oct-2012 03:12 am (UTC)
Im kinda annoyed cause I have a hair appt at noon tomorrow. Damn. lol
autumn1234 12th-Oct-2012 05:07 am (UTC)
I have no work or school tomorrow. I'm bringing the popcorn upstairs tonight and keeping an opened package in the mic. I will be fucking READY.
mermaidhotel 12th-Oct-2012 02:42 am (UTC)
is this because he wouldn't give him his lunch money
mercystars 12th-Oct-2012 03:07 am (UTC)
maryhurt 12th-Oct-2012 03:42 am (UTC)
melissa_ivory 12th-Oct-2012 05:59 am (UTC)
I bet the guy couldn't get tickets and decided to get back at him instead...Only in Tacoma.
fauxparadiso 12th-Oct-2012 02:43 am (UTC)
And I thought the Mariah/Nicki feud was as pathetic as it gets.
heyijustmetyou 12th-Oct-2012 02:43 am (UTC)
omg i can't wait! please leak nude pics!
icobsession 12th-Oct-2012 02:43 am (UTC)
please be epic

we need a good scandal tbh
ragechill 12th-Oct-2012 02:45 am (UTC)
We had a summer full of scandal tho. LOL
icobsession 12th-Oct-2012 02:45 am (UTC)
that was forever ago in my eyes

we need something NOW
thetxbelle 12th-Oct-2012 03:05 am (UTC)
It's been like Christmas all year imo
withoutyoursmil 12th-Oct-2012 03:06 am (UTC)
lol we did. it's getting greedy now
autumn1234 12th-Oct-2012 05:14 am (UTC)
Ugh I didn't care about anything this summer, I am so sad.
melissa_ivory 12th-Oct-2012 05:54 am (UTC)
That's right, Tacoma is the birthday place of the Bieber Scandal, I love it! We can stop using Neko Case and the Aroma as selling points!
mermaidhotel 12th-Oct-2012 02:43 am (UTC)
and the 2nd video says it's been taken down
and the first is interpol in concert?? is it just me...
kydeon 12th-Oct-2012 02:45 am (UTC)
l m f a o, fixing it
agoraphobicorgy 12th-Oct-2012 02:45 am (UTC)
Lol yes. I was so confused that an Interpol video was posted.
kydeon 12th-Oct-2012 02:46 am (UTC)
ok, does it work now?
mermaidhotel 12th-Oct-2012 02:47 am (UTC)
lol yes ty
lidahbidah 12th-Oct-2012 02:43 am (UTC)
Justin over here acting like he's a Prophet of God. "I know my fans won't leave me." Child, sit down.

This dude who has his stuff is pathetic.
heyijustmetyou 12th-Oct-2012 02:44 am (UTC)
um he means he knows there's nothing bad enough on the laptop that would make his fans leave him. sit down.
lidahbidah 12th-Oct-2012 02:45 am (UTC)
No he doesn't. Now shut up and let me interpret what he said the way I damn well please.
reidacted 12th-Oct-2012 02:48 am (UTC)
I don't think that's what he was getting at. I think he knows they have his back regardless of what's on it.
fruitchews 12th-Oct-2012 02:48 am (UTC)
No. That means he believes his fans will follow him no matter what dirty shit he has on that computer. They are that delusional.
slapband 12th-Oct-2012 02:48 am (UTC)
lmao aren't you 14? you would be a bieber stan.
hateranonymous 12th-Oct-2012 02:49 am (UTC)
xstellargrl 12th-Oct-2012 04:22 am (UTC)
He ain't worried cause his a** is releasing this sh*t!

lol His albums sales are down and PR is in emergency mode.

Fight didn't work...
Angsty wannabe Vanilla-thrilla didn't work...

Threat of "OMG!" career-damaging private footage? MIGHT WORK!
(except not, to those who know better)

Just go buy dudes album, it's what he wants.
melissa_ivory 12th-Oct-2012 05:51 am (UTC)
This dude is making Tacoma look bad and is pissing me off. My hometown doesn't deserve this shit.
heartina_cage 12th-Oct-2012 02:43 am (UTC)
This is potentially the most hilarious thing to happen all year.
thetxbelle 12th-Oct-2012 03:06 am (UTC)
Is anything going to top the robsten mess?
seriousfic 12th-Oct-2012 06:37 am (UTC)
Plot twist: It's a sex tape of Bieber with Kristen... or Rob.
hateranonymous 12th-Oct-2012 02:44 am (UTC)
chikntetrazzini 12th-Oct-2012 02:44 am (UTC)
So basically the Biebs is admitting to have naughty stuff on there?
hawaii_bombay 12th-Oct-2012 02:45 am (UTC)
I don't want to see his bieberconda, but the epicness will be awesome.
cricketgrl 12th-Oct-2012 03:10 am (UTC)
Justin doesn't have a Bieberconda, he has a Biebergina
jrh19782002 wouldnt it be lol if he really did have 10 inches.13th-Oct-2012 01:43 am (UTC)
agoraphobicorgy 12th-Oct-2012 02:44 am (UTC)
Uh oh. I feel kind of bad for Justin
cukoo4cocopuffs 12th-Oct-2012 04:14 am (UTC)
So do I.
melissa_ivory 12th-Oct-2012 05:53 am (UTC)
Watch him never come back to Tacoma because of this. :/
ragechill 12th-Oct-2012 02:44 am (UTC)
I wonder what he got.
xstellargrl 12th-Oct-2012 04:57 am (UTC)
Nothing. Just watch.
angelmonster 12th-Oct-2012 02:44 am (UTC)
Ugh, you know it is going to be as big of a let down as that 'someone is coming out of the close!' From a few years ago and no one knew who she was.
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