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He flits across the stage a transient and embarrassed phantom.
Endymion, Benjamin Disraeli

October 8, 2012


The Anatomy of a Disastrous Debate Performance
by Victor Davis Hanson

The First Amendment vs. Multiculturalism
by Victor Davis Hanson



Questions for the Author


The Problem Last Night Was Not Just Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Clear Alternatives
by Bruce S. Thornton

Election Could Mirror 1980 Race
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Neurotic Middle East
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Fantasy House
by Victor Davis Hanson

'Religious Defamation' Law Would Ban Islam
by Raymond Ibrahim

President Ethelred
by Victor Davis Hanson

Middle East Madness
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Palestinian Playbook
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Rape of Christopher Stevens
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's Middle East Delusions
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama on the Middle East
by Victor Davis Hanson

Let Bush Be
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Ripples of 9/11
by Victor Davis Hanson

Diplomacy: What Not To Do
by Victor Davis Hanson

Storming Embassies
by Victor Davis Hanson

Everyone's a White Male - But Me
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama the Hare, Romney the Tortoise
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Is Obama Still Likeable?
by Bruce S. Thornton

The New Reactionaries
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Terrifying New Normal
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Humpty-Dumpty Middle East
by Victor Davis Hanson

What to Expect at the Democratic Convention
by Bruce S. Thornton

Liberal Chickens
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Academic Establishment Goes After Bruce Bawer
by Bruce S. Thornton

It's All Violence on Copts
by Raymond Ibrahim

Eating America's Seed Corn
by Victor Davis Hanson

Graffiti on Trees, High-Speed Rail to Nowhere
by Victor Davis Hanson

Three Democratic Women for Dependency
by Bruce S. Thornton

'White' on the Brain - II
by Victor Davis Hanson

Before the Culture Fades
by Bruce S. Thornton

Islam's 'Holy Month' of Christian Oppression
by Raymond Ibrahim

When Land Is History
by Victor Davis Hanson

Are We Doomed?
by Victor Davis Hanson

There Is No California
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Not So Best and Not So Brightest
by Victor Davis Hanson

'White' on the Brian
by Victor Davis Hanson

Time for 'Liberals' and 'Progressives' to Get New Labels
by Bruce S. Thornton

Who Gets a Pass?
by Victor Davis Hanson

What the Ryan Choice Means for November
by Bruce S. Thornton

Remembering the Dead
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Wasted Educational Crisis
by Bruce S. Thornton

More a Decline of the Spirit?
by Victor Davis Hanson

In Praise of Polarization
by Bruce S. Thornton

Obama in Never-Never Land
by Victor Davis Hanson

100 Days Is a Long Time
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama Administration's War on Persecuted Christians
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Muddle East
by Victor Davis Hanson

Iraqi Ironies
by Victor Davis Hanson

Romney and the Palestinian Culture of Destruction
by Bruce S. Thornton

California: The Road Warrior Is Here
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Media's Racial Prison
by Bruce S. Thornton

Imams of Islam and the Environment
by Victor Davis Hanson

MSM Facilitates Destruction of Pyramids
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Demons of the Modern Rampage Killer
by Victor Davis Hanson

Selective Transparency
by Victor Davis Hanson

Blowing Up History
by Victor Davis Hanson

Aurora & Fort Hood
by Bruce S. Thornton

Barack the Healer
by Victor Davis Hanson

Beware the Ides of October
by Victor Davis Hanson

The World Is Changing Minute by Minute
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Democracy Delusion
by Bruce S. Thornton

Tuning Out a President
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Positive Role of "Negative Feedback"
by Craig Bernthal

Calls to Destroy Egypt's Great Pyramids
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Flip Side of Illegal Immigration
by Victor Davis Hanson

Biden Unbound
by Victor Davis Hanson

Call for Hearings on the 'Radicalization' of White Christian Women
by Raymond Ibrahim

What Romney Needs to Do
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Obama Foreign Policy
by Victor Davis Hanson

Supreme Court Hypocrises
by Victor Davis Hanson

Is the Country Unraveling?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Get Ready for More Charges of Racism
by Bruce S. Thornton

Legal Illegal Immigration
by Victor Davis Hanson

'Germany May Destroy Europe for a Third Time' - Really?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Scandal of Our Age
by Victor Davis Hanson

People Matter
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Evils of the Muslim Brotherhood
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama, Storyteller
by Victor Davis Hanson

Securitygate Is Not Going Away
by Victor Davis Hanson

Greece Alone and Broke - Again
by Victor Davis Hanson

Court Journalism and the National Interest
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's 'They'-Did-It Campaign
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Summer With Virgil
by Bruce S. Thornton

The New American Helot
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Potemkin President Disintegrates
by Bruce S. Thornton

Parallel Betrayals
by Raymond Ibrahim

'Austerity' versus 'Growth'
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama and the Pathologies of Progressivism
by Bruce S. Thornton

Salafi Sex Scandals
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Liberal Super Nova
by Victor Davis Hanson

Don't Let America Imitate a Burning EU
by Bruce S. Thornton

Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque?
by Raymond Ibrahim

From Hope and Change to Fear and Smear
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Way of the Community Organizer
by Victor Davis Hanson

Thoughts on the Rhine
by Victor Davis Hanson

Romney Fights Back
by Victor Davis Hanson

Culture Still Matters
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Limits of German Patience
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Good/Bad of Removing Assad
by Victor Davis Hanson

Two, Three, Many Obamas
by Victor Davis Hanson

Secretaries Gone Wild
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Face of Things to Come
by Victor Davis Hanson

Egypt's Presidential Elections: What's at Stake
by Raymond Ibrahim

Can California Be Fixed?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The EU at the Abyss
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Gay Marriage 'Evolution' Deception
by Bruce S. Thornton

Obama's Undiplomacy
by Victor Davis Hanson

Let Sleeping Germans Lie
by Victor Davis Hanson

America's Problem of Assimilation
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Power of Cool
by Victor Davis Hanson

Winning Battles, Losing Wars
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Obama-Romney Doggy Wars
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Stupid Party
by Bruce S. Thornton

Islamic Hate for a Dead Pope
by Raymond Ibrahim

Presidential Narcissism
by Victor Davis Hanson

More Rubble, Less Trouble
by Victor Davis Hanson

Change - and Some Hope
by Victor Davis Hanson

Chameleon Nation
by Victor Davis Hanson

Mexican Jihad
by Raymond Ibrahim

It Was the Power, Stupid!
by Victor Davis Hanson

Cabinets Gone Wild
by Victor Davis Hanson

The New Reactionaries
by Victor Davis Hanson

All Fall Down
by Victor Davis Hanson

Elizabeth Warren and the Frauds of Diversity
by Bruce S. Thornton

Decline and Decadence
by Victor Davis Hanson

Sitting Out Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

The EU Speeds for the Iceberg
by Bruce S. Thornton

The New Anti-Semitism
by Victor Davis Hanson

Robert Spencer Asks, Did Muhammad Exist?
by Bruce S. Thornton

Race - on the Brain
by Victor Davis Hanson

When Administrations Implode
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why NATO Still Matters
by Victor Davis Hanson

Target: Ann Romney
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Trayvon Martin Case and the Growing Racial Divide
by Victor Davis Hanson

How the Media Whitewashes Muslim Persecution of Christians
by Raymond Ibrahim

Campaigning on Grievances
by Victor Davis Hanson

Strangers in a Strange Land
by Victor Davis Hanson

Derbyshire Learned What We Cannot Talk About
by Bruce S. Thornton

Death in Churches
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama Off the Cuff
by Victor Davis Hanson

Class Warfare the Last Refuge of a Failed Presidency
by Bruce S. Thornton

Freedom or Fairness in 2012?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Beware of the Mob
by Victor Davis Hanson

From the Trayvon Martin Tragedy to a National Travesty
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama a Creature of the Corrupt University
by Bruce S. Thornton

Iran's Win, Win, Win Bomb
by Victor Davis Hanson

Tawriya: New Islamic Doctrine Permits 'Creative Lying'
by Victor Davis Hanson

Appeasement Bodes War Not Peace
by Terry Scambray

The Second Oil Revolution
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Strange Case of Trayvon Martin
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Demagoguery
by Victor Davis Hanson

Faith-based Energy Policy
by Victor Davis Hanson

'Exceptional' America
by Victor Davis Hanson

Welcome to the Callifornia Outback
by Victor Davis Hanson

Liberal Illiberalism
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Virtual Rose Garden
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Gasoline Nightmare
by Victor Davis Hanson

California Tuition Blues
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Dangerous Verdict
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Sick Man of Europe
by Victor Davis Hanson

Weaponized Romanticism
by Craig Bernthal

We Give Up
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Middle East Mess
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Surreal Campaign
by Victor Davis Hanson

Christians, Jihadists and the Fate of Syria
by Raymond Ibrahim

Iran Senses Western Weakness
by Bruce S. Thornton

Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for "Destruction of All Churches"
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Gaseous Policies of Barack Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Historical Reality of Muslim Conquest
by Raymond Ibrahim

What We Don't Want to Hear Anymore
by Victor Davis Hanson

Europe in the Rearview Mirror
by Victor Davis Hanson

Syrian Ironies
by Victor Davis Hanson

History Never Quite Ends
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Real Point of the Left's Uproar over Limbaugh
by Bruce S. Thornton

High-Tech Nothing
by Victor Davis Hanson

by Bruce S. Thornton

Taking Out Dictators
by Victor Davis Hanson

Koran Burning and Destructive Double Standards
by Bruce S. Thornton

Achievement Trumps Identity Politics
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama, 'Son of Islam'?
by Raymond Ibrahim

Nuclear Realities
by Victor Davis Hanson

Iranian Threat Heats Up
by Bruce S. Thornton

Muslim Converts to Christianity Under Attack in Uganda
by Raymond Ibrahim

Greek Tragedies
by Victor Davis Hanson

The New Commandments on the Barn Wall
by Victor Davis Hanson

Please, A Little Honesty About Illegal Immigration
by Victor Davis Hanson

Are You 'Them'?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Libyan Non-Model
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Muslim Brothers Get Paid to Threaten America
by Bruce S. Thornton

Iran 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Assault on America's Prestige
by Bruce S. Thornton

The 2012 Election Circus
by Victor Davis Hanson

Which Way Greece?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Harvard Promotes the Palestinians' Slow-Motion 'Final Solution'
by Bruce S. Thornton

A Post-American World?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Un-Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Final Countdown
by Bruce S. Thornton

A Campaign Dictionary
by Victor Davis Hanson

Culture Matters
by Bruce S. Thornton

What We Do Not Want to Hear Anymore
by Victor Davis Hanson

Conservatives Need to Make the Case for Freedom
by Bruce S. Thornton

When Elections Fail, Jihad
by Raymond Ibrahim

Fidelity and the Presidency
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Perils of Obama's Foreign Policy
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Unlearned Lessons of Daniel Pearl's Murder
by Bruce S. Thornton

Civilization in Reverse
by Victor Davis Hanson

How Marxism Killed Keystone
by Bruce S. Thornton

Why the President Should Speak Out Against Religious Persecution
by Raymond Ibrahim

So Why Read Anymore?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Nigerian New Year
by Raymond Ibrahim

Will Iran Really Start a War?
by Victor Davis Hanson

South Carolina Debate
by Victor Davis Hanson

Christmas Under Islam
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's Racial Politics
by Victor Davis Hanson

Defense Spending Is a 'Shovel-Ready' Investment
by Victor Davis Hanson

Another Disgraceful Apology Frenzy
by Bruce S. Thornton

Cutting the Military Is a Bad Idea
by Victor Davis Hanson

Mr. Obama's 99%
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Coin Toss on EU Crisis
by Victor Davis Hanson

Diplomacy Carterizes
by Victor Davis Hanson

Muslim Brotherhood Seeks 'Mastership of World'
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's Postmodern Vision
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Case for Military Action Against Iran
by Bruce S. Thornton

Postmodern Populism
by Victor Davis Hanson

Iran on the Brink
by Bruce S. Thornton

Far from the Madding Islamists' Ignoble Strife
by Raymond Ibrahim

2011: Out with a Whimper, Not a Bang
by Victor Davis Hanson

Being There - the Obama Sequel
by Victor Davis Hanson

Goodbye, Mr Hitchens
by Victor Davis Hanson

2012: Crisis and Opportunity Await
by Bruce S. Thornton

Islam's Slave-Soldiers Return to Egypt
by Raymond Ibrahim

The No News Stories of 2011
by Victor Davis Hanson

The New Old Europe
by Victor Davis Hanson

America's Two-Front War
by Victor Davis Hanson

Lessons on the Long Road to Hijab
by Raymond Ibrahim

Diversity, Inc.
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama Derangement Syndrome
by Victor Davis Hanson

Nigeria's Christmas Present
by Raymond Ibrahim

Two Bad September Days
by Victor Davis Hanson

Diplomatic Supping with Jihadist Devils
by Bruce S. Thornton

Muslim Persecution of Christians: November
by Raymond Ibrahim

A Novel VDH
by Kathryn J. Lopez

What Does Romney Really Think About Vietnam?
by Bruce S. Thornton

Iraq's Christians Near Extinction
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Vandalized Valley
by Victor Davis Hanson

When Legend Becomes Fact
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Hundred Years' German War
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Christmas Gift to Iran
by Bruce S. Thornton

Illegal Immigration Is Illegal
by Victor Davis Hanson

Pearl Harbor Considered
by Victor Davis Hanson

Newt Challenges the Myth of Palestinian Nationalism
by Bruce S. Thornton

Oil-Rich America?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Collective Punishment
by Raymond Ibrahim

The President Who Never Was
by Victor Davis Hanson

Panetta's Failure of Imagination
by Bruce S. Thornton

Muslim Brotherhood Confessions
by Raymond Ibrahim

A Tale of Two Surges
by Victor Davis Hanson

Ancient Virtues and Modern Sins
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Eulogy for "Selective Death"
by Terry Scambray

Obama 101
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Dangers of Democracy
by Bruce S. Thornton

Romney: The Castor-Oil Candidate
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Not Pay Higher Taxes?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Grand Mufti Distorts Word 'Infidel' to Dupe Infidels
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's Economic Quackery
by Victor Davis Hanson

Moral Equivalence Is Moral Evasion
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Arab Winter Approaches
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Fannie and Freddie University
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Does America Defend the Weak and Small?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The End of Sparta: An Excerpt
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Imaginarium
by Victor Davis Hanson

The American Way of War
by Victor Davis Hanson

Despicable Israel Libels
by Bruce S. Thornton

In the Jaws of Sharia
by Raymond Ibrahim

What America Does Best
by Victor Davis Hanson

Rage On - and On and On
by Victor Davis Hanson

Islam's Predictability: Apostasy, Executions, and Lies
by Raymond Ibrahim

Conspiracy Theory Shuts Down Great Pyramid
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama Unbound
by Victor Davis Hanson

News Behind the News
by Victor Davis Hanson

The True Significance of Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Troubles
by Bruce S. Thornton

Muslim Prayers of Hate
by Raymond Ibrahim

Cain Lost in the Labyrinth
by Victor Davis Hanson

Give 'Em Hell, Barry
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Ancient World As It Was
by Cody Carlson

Who Are These Fat-Cat Few at the Top?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Excerpt: the Spartan General Lichas
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Target List
by Victor Davis Hanson

Tunisian Elections and the Road to Caliphate
by Raymond Ibrahim

Railing Against Reality
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Pathology of Double Standards
by Bruce S. Thornton

Obama's Empty Apologetics
by Victor Davis Hanson

The End of the Euro?
by Bruce S. Thornton

Islam and Reason
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Shalit Defining Moment
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Dimensions of Qaddafi's Death
by Victor Davis Hanson

by Victor Davis Hanson

The Moral Dimensions of Illegal Immigration
by Victor Davis Hanson

Excerpts: the End of Sparta
by Victor Davis Hanson

The New Novel, an Excerpt
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Blame Game
by Victor Davis Hanson

Destroying Churches, One at a Time
by Raymond Ibrahim

Democracy's New Discontents
by Victor Davis Hanson

Wall Street's Disgruntled Utopians
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Egyptian Military's Crimes Against Humanity
by Raymond Ibrahim

Ten Lessons from Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

Strangers in a Familiar Land
by Victor Davis Hanson

Who Really Is Anti-Science?
by Bruce S. Thornton

Islam's Uninterrupted History of Forced Conversion
by Raymond Ibrahim

Postmodern Class Warfare
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Racial Crisis
by Victor Davis Hanson

Defund the UN
by Bruce S. Thornton

Runnig for Their Lives
by Raymond Ibrahim

Why Does the Good Life End?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Yet Another Reason to Leave the UN
by Bruce S. Thornton

When Muslims Are More 'Radical' than Islamists
by Raymond Ibrahim

Can Israel Survive?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Zero Jobs 101
by Victor Davis Hanson

Ten Years of Lessons Unlearned
by Bruce S. Thornton

The State Department's Skewed Standards
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's Predictable Scandals
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Middle East Mess
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Idiotic Corner
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Great Obama Catharsis
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Real Iran
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's New Maiestas
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama Becomes the Fall Guy
by Victor Davis Hanson

The California Corridor
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Tale and a Taste of Ancient Greece
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Tale of Two Apostasies
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's Quiver Is Empty
by Victor Davis Hanson

Winning the Battle Against Al Qaeda
by Raymond Ibrahim

End of Sparta Reviewed
by Kirkus Editor

Myth and Reality After 9/11
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Stale Speech
by Victor Davis Hanson

Post-9/11 Mysteries
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Other California
by Bruce S. Thornton

Post-9/11 -Isms and -Ologies
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Cheney Memoire
by Victor Davis Hanson

What's Off the Table in 2012?
by Victor Davis Hanson

God Is Not Dead
by Terry Scambray

The Scottish Enlightenment
by Robert Curry

Soviet Spies
by Victor Davis Hanson

Reading Between the Lines
by Raymond Ibrahim

A Vineyard Too Far
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Old 'Not Enough' Excuse
by Victor Davis Hanson

Liberating Libya for Jihadists
by Bruce S. Thornton

The False WWII Analogy
by Victor Davis Hanson

Liberal Psychoses
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Lovely Little NATO Intervention
by Bruce S. Thornton

Muslim Disloyalty to America
by Raymond Ibrahim

Young Westerners - Deprived or Decadent?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Atlas Is Sorta Shrugging
by Victor Davis Hanson

Mubarak Deceived Israel As Muhammad Deceived Infidels?
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's Paradoxes
by Victor Davis Hanson

Taking Our Eye Off the Jihadist Ball
by Bruce S. Thornton

How Jihad Influenced the Norway Massacre
by Raymond Ibrahim

What If the President Liked Businesspeople?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

Do We Need Politicians Who Are Smart or Virtuous?
by Bruce S. Thornton

Why Christian Girls Are Converting To Islam in Egypt
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama Versus Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

Time for a Foreign Policy Paradigm Shift
by Bruce S. Thornton

Fighting for Free Speech
by Raymond Ibrahim

A Tottering Technocracy
by Victor Davis Hanson

Paralytic Western Society
by Victor Davis Hanson

Spare Us the Sermons, Mr. President
by Victor Davis Hanson

A War Against Real but Forgotten Evil
by Terry Scambray

The Inexplicables
by Victor Davis Hanson

Snapshot of a Sick Society
by Victor Davis Hanson

Rationalizing Pedophilia in Islam
by Raymond Ibrahim

Principle and the Possible
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Tragic View Returns
by Victor Davis Hanson

Is the President in Recovery?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Oslo and the Dangers of Moral Equivalence
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Muslim Brotherhood's Method
by Raymond Ibrahim

Behind the DC Slugfest
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Resignations in Turkey
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Ten-Trillion-Dollar Man
by Victor Davis Hanson

Green, Shovel-Ready Stimulus - 100 Years Ago
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Great Madness of 2004-10
by Victor Davis Hanson

New Saudi Fatwa Defends Pedophilia as 'Marriage
by Raymond Ibrahim

Why I Read the New York Times
by Bruce S. Thornton

Father Zakaria Botros: Islam's Scourge Returns
by Raymond Ibrahim

More Mumbais?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Christian Girls Kidnapped and 'Sold'
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Global Fairness Madness
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Dumb and Dumber War in Libya
by Victor Davis Hanson

St. Obama and the Debt Dragon
by Victor Davis Hanson

Al Qaeda's Zawahiri, Bigger Threat Than Osama?
by Raymond Ibrahim

It's the Philosophy, Stupid
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Demagogic Style
by Victor Davis Hanson

Illiberal Immigration
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama's Libya Venture and Double Standards
by Bruce S. Thornton

How Islamic Absurdities Prove Islamic Violence
by Raymond Ibrahim

Not So Fast on Strauss-Kahn
by Victor Davis Hanson

Liberal Frankensteins
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Muslim Demands for Headscarves Are Exaggerated
by Raymond Ibrahim

An Exceptional Fourth of July
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Evidence of a Bankrupt Populism
by Victor Davis Hanson

There Are No Socialists
by Victor Davis Hanson

Appeasing Jihadists
by Bruce S. Thornton

Foreign Thoughts
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Department of Food Subsides
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Art of Appreciating America from Abroad
by Victor Davis Hanson

Muslim Woman Seeks to Revive the Institution of Sex-Slavery
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's Bow to the Muslim World
by Bruce S. Thornton

Obama's Illiberal Foreign Policy
by Victor Davis Hanson

Reelecting Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

An American Versailles
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Metaphysics of Contemporary Theft
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Reactionary President
by Victor Davis Hanson

Anatomy of Congressional Narcissism
by Victor Davis Hanson

Thoughts on Greek Madness
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Factory of Selective Moral Outrage
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Collapse of a Rotten Edifice
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bush Did It, Bush Didn't Do It
by Victor Davis Hanson

Europe Is Warning Us
by Victor Davis Hanson

Land of the Lawless
by Victor Davis Hanson

Now That's a Higher Education Bubble
by Victor Davis Hanson

What We Might Remember This Memorial Day
by Victor Davis Hanson

Back to the Pre-American World
by Victor Davis Hanson

An Honest Obama Campaign
by Victor Davis Hanson

Corrupt Language Breeds Bad History and Bad Policy
by Bruce S. Thornton

Where Dreams Die
by Victor Davis Hanson

Alligators, Moats and Other Such Nonsense
by Victor Davis Hanson

Muslim Jihad in Christian Ethiopia
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Fog of Revolution
by Bruce S. Thornton

DSK's Technocratic Socialism
by Victor Davis Hanson

Hope and Change in the Middle East
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bin Laden and the Eternal Hydra of War
by Raymond Ibrahim

The End of an Idea
by Victor Davis Hanson

Adios, Pakistan
by Victor Davis Hanson

A Teachable Moment on American-European Faultlines
by Victor Davis Hanson

Was Bin Laden the Chicken or the Egg?
by Raymond Ibrahim

Fellow Travelers of Jihadism
by Bruce S. Thornton

Muslim 'Inferiority Complex" Kills Christians
by Raymond Ibrahim

Tough Times For Radical Islam
by Victor Davis Hanson

Living the Obama Dream
by Victor Davis Hanson

Were Conquered Christians Really Liberated Muslims?
by Raymond Ibrahim

Islam's Christian Scapegoat
by Raymond Ibrahim

Fantasies, Present and Future
by Victor Davis Hanson

Imprecise Language Breeds Dangerous Policy
by Bruce S. Thornton

The World Turned Upside Down - Again
by Victor Davis Hanson

Amnesty Revisited
by Victor Davis Hanson

The First-Person President
by Victor Davis Hanson

Rules for Killing Rogues
by Victor Davis Hanson

Thoughts on a Surreal Depression
by Victor Davis Hanson

Mission Lost
by Bruce S. Thornton

OK, Let's Decline
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bin Laden Fallout
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bin Laden Is Dead, But Our Delusions Live On
by Bruce S. Thornton

The American Soviet
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Unexamined President and His Media Enablers
by Bruce S. Thornton

Make the Rich Pay!
by Victor Davis Hanson

Failure Is Very Much an Option
by Victor Davis Hanson

Humanitarian Beheading
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Nature of Arab Unrest
by Victor Davis Hanson

California Abandons History for Melodrama
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Silent Extermination of Iraqi's 'Christian Dogs'
by Raymond Ibrahim

Patient Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

Dreamland, USA
by Victor Davis Hanson

Libya Is Not Iraq
by Victor Davis Hanson

Ideals Trump Interests
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Razor's Edge
by Victor Davis Hanson

Destroying One Koran or Many Christians
by Raymond Ibrahim

Foreign Policy Charity Should Start at Home
by Bruce S. Thornton

Did We Give Up on Libya?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Memo to the General
by Bruce S. Thornton

A Middle East Policy in Shambles
by Victor Davis Hanson

Runnig Scared of Islam
by Bruce S. Thornton

Kingdom of Lies
by Victor Davis Hanson

President Obama's Amazing Libyan Achievements
by Victor Davis Hanson

Libya: The Genesis of a Bad Idea
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Obama Doctrine
by Victor Davis Hanson

Obama Still Murky on Libya
by Victor Davis Hanson

Weeping and Other Hysterics
by Raymond Ibrahim

A Man-Made Energy Crisis
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Secularist Delusion
by Bruce S. Thornton

Our Libyan March Madness
by Victor Davis Hanson

No 'Revolution' for Egyptian Christians
by Raymond Ibrahim

America's Sorta Rescue?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Foreign Policy as Wishful Thinking
by Bruce S. Thornton

America Through the Looking Glass
by Victor Davis Hanson

President Hamlet
by Victor Davis Hanson

Should We Intervene in Libya?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Libya, What To Do?
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Fragility of Complex Societies
by Victor Davis Hanson

Grievance Politics Barks
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Put-off, Postpone and Procrastinate Generation
by Victor Davis Hanson

Caliphate, Jihad, Sharia - Now What?
by Raymond Ibrahim

Put Up or Shut Up
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Triumph of the Therapeutic
by Victor Davis Hanson

Mosques Flourish While Churches Perish
by Raymond Ibrahim

Some Very Bad American Habits
by Victor Davis Hanson

Of Hawks and Flies
by Bruce S. Thornton

Caught in the Middle East Minefield
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our Schizoid Foreign Policy
by Victor Davis Hanson

Rumsfeld's Rebuttal
by Victor Davis Hanson

Decline Is in the Mind
by Victor Davis Hanson

Libya without Qaddafi
by Victor Davis Hanson

After Obama, the Deluge
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Rise of the Adolescent Mind
by Victor Davis Hanson

Historian and Contemporary Critic
by Victor Davis Hanson

Show the World?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Is an Egyptian "Democracy" a Good Thing?
by Raymond Ibrahim

On Teachers and Others
by Victor Davis Hanson

Homer Economics
by Bruce S. Thornton

A New America in a New World Order
by Victor Davis Hanson

But That's What Community Organizers Do
by Victor Davis Hanson

Can American Values Radicalize Muslims?
by Raymond Ibrahim

Pruning Farm Subsidies
by Victor Davis Hanson

Dumbing Democracy Down
by Bruce S. Thornton

Not a Time for Wishful Thinking about Egypt
by Bruce S. Thornton

Egypt's Identity Crisis
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama's 1979
by Victor Davis Hanson

Goodbye to All That
by Victor Davis Hanson

Jerry Brown, Modern Sisyphus
by Victor Davis Hanson

Signs of the Times
by Victor Davis Hanson

Cairo Ironies
by Victor Davis Hanson

Victory and the Savior Generals
by Victor Davis Hanson

Clueless on Cairo
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why the Egyptian Revolution Can Be the Best or Worst Thing
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Middle East and the Multicultural Nightmare
by Victor Davis Hanson

Bewitched Animals and the Muslim Media
by Raymond Ibrahim

What's the Matter with Egypt
by Victor Davis Hanson

Thoughts on Chaos, Revolution, Radicalism
by Victor Davis Hanson

by Victor Davis Hanson

The Loud Passing of the Old Order
by Victor Davis Hanson

Free Men Have Free Tongues
by Bruce S. Thornton

Obama's Mandela Moment
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Bloomberg Syndrome
by Victor Davis Hanson

Civility for Thee
by Victor Davis Hanson

Reminding Politicians Who's the Boss
by Bruce S. Thornton

Egypt on the Brink
by Raymond Ibrahim

The War Against Palin Goes On
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Post-Tucson Era
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Tab Comes Due in 2011
by Victor Davis Hanson

Rhetoric and Perceived Status
by Victor Davis Hanson

Radical Muslims in America
by Raymond Ibrahim

Making It Up As We Go Along
by Victor Davis Hanson

Slouching Toward Geezerhood
by Bruce S. Thornton

Political Vultures
by Victor Davis Hanson

The New Sophists
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Destiny of Cities
by Victor Davis Hanson

A US Foreign Policy Marked by Competence and Strength
by Victor Davis Hanson

What to Expect from Mexico in 2011
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why America Must Defend South Korea
by Victor Davis Hanson

Anatomy of a Media Bias
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Manhattan Project
by Victor Davis Hanson

The American 21st Century
by Victor Davis Hanson

Raging Against 'Them'
by Victor Davis Hanson

How Did All That Happen?
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Face of Muhammad
by Raymond Ibrahim

Wars of Religion
by Bruce S. Thornton

When Reason Fades
by Victor Davis Hanson

Every Man a King
by Victor Davis Hanson

No Labels, No Democracy
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Obamaites About-Face
by Victor Davis Hanson

2011 Politically-Incorrect Resolutions
by Victor Davis Hanson

Paradoxes of the Present Age
by Victor Davis Hanson

Swedish Jihad Revelations
by Raymond Ibrahim

In Defense of the Liberal Arts
by Victor Davis Hanson

On Ewald Stadler
by Bruce S. Thornton

Now What?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Our 'Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain' Moment
by Victor Davis Hanson

Two Californias
by Victor Davis Hanson

Julian Assange's EgoLeaks
by Victor Davis Hanson

Why Not Soak the Rich?
by Victor Davis Hanson

Islamists Target Christians
byRaymond Ibrahim

Modern Stupidity
by Bruce S. Thornton

Liberal Math
by Victor Davis Hanson

Missing W.
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Existential Dilemma
by Victor Davis Hanson

Jerry Brown's Last Hurrah
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Consequences of Bad Ideas
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Confused Morality of WikiLeaks
by Victor Davis Hanson

An Age of Adolescence
by Victor Davis Hanson

Is Illegal Immigration Moral?
by Victor Davis Hanson

In Defense of Defense
by Victor Davis Hanson

Reflections on an Ailing Society
by Victor Davis Hanson

by Victor Davis Hanson

Muslims Project Islam's Worst Traits
by Raymond Ibrahim

All the News Unfit to Print
by Victor Davis Hanson

Voting Present Beats Losing
by Victor Davis Hanson

California's Assorted Rocks and Hard Places
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Forgotten Anniversary
by Bruce S. Thornton

The Politics of Budget-Cutting
by Victor Davis Hanson

Dead Souls
by Victor Davis Hanson

Christians Behaving Like Islamists?
by Raymond Ibrahim

The Obama Fabulists
by Victor Davis Hanson

FDR, Churchill, and World War II Leadership
by Victor Davis Hanson

Stay Worried
by Victor Davis Hanson

It's the President Stupid
by Bruce S. Thornton

What the Election Was Not About
by Victor Davis Hanson

America Just Checked into Rehab
by Victor Davis Hanson

Offensive Jihad
by Raymond Ibrahim

Obama Doesn't Get It
by Victor Davis Hanson

The World of Obama, a Glossary
by Victor Davis Hanson

American Groupspeak
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Inexplicables
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Great Divider
by Victor Davis Hanson

WikiLeaks Selective Morality
by Victor Davis Hanson

Whitewashing Islam
by Bruce S. Thornton

Egypt Cuts a Deal
by Raymond Ibrahim

Three Wars, Little News
by Victor Davis Hanson

That Strange Summer of 2008
by Victor Davis Hanson

Evidence Against the Evidence
by Terry Scambray

Fire Juan Williams Right Now!
by Victor Davis Hanson

Parson Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson

'I Love Your Hate'
by Bruce S. Thornton

Deficits and Depressions
by Victor Davis Hanson

Anatomy of Petulance
by Victor Davis Hanson

How to Turn a Recession into a Depression
by Victor Davis Hanson

Politics Upside Down
by Victor Davis Hanson

The Blogosphere Assails the Daily
by Victor Davis Hanson

New Commentary

The Debate

Victor Davis Hanson: The spin is almost incomprehensible. "The Anatomy of a Disastrous Debate Performance" 10/8/12

Two Millennia of Mediterranean History

Left Culture

Victor Davis Hanson: The worldview of the Left is self-contradictory. "The First Amendment vs. Multiculturalism" 10/8/12

The Debate

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama was just Obama. "The Problem Last Night Was Not Just Obama" 10/6/12

Bruce S. Thornton: Romney offers voters a meaningful choice. "The Clear Alternatives in the Presidential Debate" 10/6/12

Campaign 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: The current race for the presidency looks much like the Reagan-Carter face-off. "Election Could Mirror 1980 Race" 10/3/12

The Middle East

Victor Davis Hanson: The US needs to just say 'No'! "The Neurotic Middle East" 10/3/12

Week September 24-30, 2012

Barack Obama

Victor Davis Hanson: The second coming of a Illinois savior has failed and Obama must deal with reality. "The Fantasy House" 9/29/12


Raymond Ibrahim: The UN wants a law against defamation of religions, but has it considered how insulting the texts of Islam are? "'Religious Defamation' Law Would Ban Islam" 9/29/12

A Presidency

Victor Davis Hanson: Obama is a president without counsel, common sense or even a policy in the Middle East. "President Ethelred" 9/26/12


Victor Davis Hanson: America needs a policy makeover in Islamic countries. "Middle East Madness" 9/24/12

The Middle East

Bruce S. Thornton: The history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has set many precedents for embassy protests. "The Palestinian Playbook" 9/24/12


Raymond Ibrahim: The death of Ambassador Stevens invites new reflection on Islamic versus enlightened culture. "The Rape of Christopher Stevens" 9/24/12

Week September 17-23, 2012

The Administration

Victor Davis Hanson: Globalization certainly did not bring the premodern world of the Middle East closer together with the postmodern West. "Obama's Middle East Delusions" 9/22/12


Victor Davis Hanson: If only Obama would address our enemies abroad as he does his political opponents at home, it might sound something like this. "Obama on the Middle East" 9/21/12

The Middle East

Victor Davis Hanson: Here are some thoughts on Libya and Egypt from VDH's The Corner postings. "Thoughts on Cairo and Benghazi" 9/21/12

Raymond Ibrahim: Does the US always need to be cowed by the madness of jihadis? "Islam's Black Flag Flies over Egypt" 9/21/12

The Administration

Victor Davis Hanson: At some point, a president has to take responsibility. "Let Bush Be" 9/19/12

Week September 10-16, 2012


Victor Davis Hanson: The Bush protocols have gone a long way to keeping us from another hit like 9/11. "The Ripples of 9/11" 9/15/12


Victor Davis Hanson: Here are things we don't want to do when dealing with the embassy crises in Egypt and Libya. "Diplomacy: What Not To Do" 9/15/12

Murder in Lybia

Victor Davis Hanson: What is smart diplomacy in the face of embassy destruction and the murder of an ambassador? "Storming Embassies" 9/14/12

Race in America

Victor Davis Hanson: What is the origin and end of the race baiting in this campaign season. "Everyone's a White Male — But Me" 9/14/12

Campaign 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: Romney plods on, Obama runs circles. Who will make it to the finish line? "Obama the Hare, Romney the Tortoise" 9/10/12

Bruce S. Thornton: Other than the family-man image, this president has no record to run on and even less personality. "Why Is Obama Still Likeable?" 9/10/12

Week September 3-9, 2012

Political Culture

Victor Davis Hanson: Liberals no longer believe that their creed works or can work, only that somehow it must remain in control. "The New Reactionaries" 9/7/12

Victor Davis Hanson: The old and young are the ones who suffer most from our new bankrupt culture. "The Terrifying New Normal" 9/7/12

The Middle East

Victor Davis Hanson: The Obama administration suffers from a shattered Middle East policy. "The Humpty-Dumpty Middle East" 9/4/12

Campaign 2012

Bruce S. Thornton: Democrats have resorted to class warfare and other inflamatory tactics. "What to Expect at the Democratic Convention" 9/4/12

Week August 27-September 2, 2012

The Left

Victor Davis Hanson: It's time to add up all the distortions and half-truths of the Left. "Liberal Chickens" 9/2/12

The Left and Education

Bruce S. Thornton: Our educated elite are on the attack against any evidence of just how bankrupt Identity Studies are. "The Academic Establishment Goes After Bruce Bawer" 9/2/12

Egypt and Islam

Raymond Ibrahim: As Islamists call the shots in Egypt's new parliament, Ibrahim's blog at Jihad Watch chronicles increasing violence and its acceptance. "It's All Violence on Copts" 9/2/12

America's Future

Victor Davis Hanson: We were not forced into our dilemmas by nature, but simply by choice. "Eating America's Seed Corn" 8/31/12


Victor Davis Hanson: Affluence and poverty are the twins of liberalism. "Graffiti on Trees, High-Speed Rail to Nowhere" 8/31/12

Democratic Party

Bruce S. Thornton: Who is conducting a “war on women?” "Three Democratic Women for Dependency" 8/31/12

Week August 20-26, 2012

Reply to Critics

Victor Davis Hanson: From time to time, it is necessary to correct mistakes and slander on the internet. Here is one such case. "'White' on the Brain - II" 8/26/12

Book Review

Bruce S. Thornton: Roger Kimball has a new book out, a part of his quest to preserve Western culture. "Before the Culture Fades" 8/26/12


Raymond Ibrahim: Ramadan is a time of spiritual renewal and resurgence of violence against Christians. "Islam's 'Holy Month' of Christian Oppression" 8/26/12

Land and History

Victor Davis Hanson: VDH looks at the passage of time on 40 acres of farm land once owned by his family. "When Land Is History" 8/25/12


Victor Davis Hanson: Our debt-entitlement crisis is not new historically, but the solution will have to be novel — few societies have solved it. "Are We Doomed?" 8/25/12


Victor Davis Hanson: California is divided by much more than class. "There Is No California" 8/20/12


Victor Davis Hanson: Armed with progressivism, modern elites seem unbounded by traditional values of honesty, integrity and truth. "Our Not So Best and Not So Brightest" 8/20/12

Week August 13-19, 2012

Campaign 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: What is all the rhetoric from the Democrats about? "'White' on the Brain" 8/17/12


Bruce S. Thornton: Traditional ideological terms have lost their meaning. "Time for ‘Liberals’ and ‘Progressives’ to Get New Labels" 8/17/12

Political Culture

Victor Davis Hanson: Democrats seem little besmirched by their racism, bigotry, and fear-mongering? "Who Gets a Pass?" 8/14/12

Campaign 2012

Bruce S. Thornton: The choice this fall will be clear. "What the Ryan Choice Means for November" 8/14/12


Victor Davis Hanson: Gore Vidal and John Keegan both passed away recently and provide a study in contrast. "Remembering the Dead, from Selma" 8/12/12


Bruce S. Thornton: Cal State Fresno might have tried to raise student quality and academic standards, but didn’t. "A Wasted Educational Crisis" 8/12/12


Victor Davis Hanson: There are many ways to lament America's current financial and cultural dilemmas. "More a Decline of the Spirit?" 8/11/12


Bruce S. Thornton: A vibrant democracy is rarely peaceful and usually raucus. "In Praise of Polarization" 8/11/12

The Administration

Victor Davis Hanson: For our post-modern president, there is no necessary link between word and deed. What are words anyway? "Obama in Never-Never Land" 8/9/12

Campaign 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: The economy may not be the most pressing issue by November. "100 Days Is a Long Time" 8/6/12

Christians under Islam

Raymond Ibrahim: The State Department has a policy of obfuscating Muslim terror on Christians. "Obama Administration's War on Persecuted Christians" 8/6/12

Weeks July 23-August 5, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Muddle East" 8/2/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Iraqi Ironies" 8/1/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Romney and the Palestinian Culture of Destruction" 8/1/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "California: The Road Warrior Is Here" 7/31/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Media's Racial Prison" 7/31/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Imams of Islam and the Environment" 7/29/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "MSM Facilitates Destruction of the Pyramids" 7/29/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Demons of the Modern Rampage Killer" 7/27/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Selective Transparency" 7/27/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Aurora & Fort Hood" 7/24/12

Week July 16-22, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Barack the Healer" 7/21/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Beware the Ides of October" 7/21/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The World Is Changing Minute by Minute" 7/19/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Democracy Delusion and Obama's Failed Mideast Policy" 7/19/12

Week July 9-15, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Tuning Out a President" 7/15/12

Craig Bernthal: "The Positive Role of 'Negative Feedback'" 7/15/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Calls to Destroy Egypt's Great Pyramids" 7/15/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Flip Side of Illegal Immigration" 7/14/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Biden Unbound" 7/14/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Call for Hearings on the 'Radicalization' of White Christian Women" 7/14/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "What Romney Needs to Do" 7/13/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Obama Foreign Policy" 7/13/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Supreme Court Hypocrises" 7/10/12

Week July 2-8, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Good News - What Good News?" 7/6/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Is the Country Unraveling?" 7/4/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Get Ready for More Charges of Racism" 7/4/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Legal Illegal Immigration" 7/2/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "'Germany May Destroy Europe for a Third Time' - Really?" 7/2/12

Week June 25-July 1, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Scandal of Our Age" 7/1/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "People Matter" 7/1/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Evils of the Muslim Brotherhood" 7/1/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama, Storyteller" 6/29/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Securitygate Is Not Going Away" 6/29/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Greece Alone and Broke - Again" 6/26/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Court Journalism and the National Interest" 6/26/12

Week June 18-24, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's 'They'-Did-It Campaign" 6/24/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "A Summer With Virgil" 6/24/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New American Helots" 6/18/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Potemkin President Disintegrates" 6/18/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Parallel Betrayals" 6/18/12

Week June 11-17, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "'Austerity' versus 'Growth'" 6/16/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Obama and the Pathologies of Progressivism" 6/16/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Salafi Sex Scandals" 6/16/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Liberal Super Nova" 6/14/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Don't Let America Imitate a Burning EU" 6/14/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Greatest Church Soon To Be Mega Mosque?" 6/14/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "From Hope and Change to Fear and Smear" 6/11/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Way of the Community Organizer" 6/11/12

Week June 4-10, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Thoughts on the Rhine" 6/9/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Romney Fights Back" 6/9/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Culture Still Matters" 6/5/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Limits of German Patience" 6/5/12

Week May 28-June 3, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Good/Bad of Removing Assad" 6/1/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Two, Three, Many Obamas" 6/1/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Secretaries Gone Wild" 5/30/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Face of Things to Come" 5/30/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Egypt's Presidential Elections: What's at Stake" 5/30/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Can California Be Fixed?" 5/29/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The EU at the Abyss" 5/29/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Obama's Gay Marriage 'Evolution' Deception" 5/29/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Undiplomacy" 5/28/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Let Sleeping Germans Lie" 5/28/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "America's Problem of Assimilation" 5/28/12

Weeks May 7-28, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Power of Cool" 5/25/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Winning Battles, Losing Wars" 5/25/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Obama-Romney Doggy Wars" 5/20/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Stupid Party" 5/20/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Islamic Hate for a Dead Pope" 5/20/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Presidential Narcissism" 5/19/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "More Rubble, Less Trouble" 5/18/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Change — and Some Hope" 5/18/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Chameleon Nation" 5/16/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Mexican Jihad" 5/16/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "It Was the Power, Stupid!" 5/12/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Cabinets Gone Wild" 5/11/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New Reactionaries" 5/11/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "All Fall Down" 5/10/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Elizabeth Warren and the Frauds of Diversity" 5/10/12

Week April 30-May 6, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Decline and Decadence" 5/3/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Sitting Out Obama" 5/2/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The EU Speeds for the Iceberg" 5/2/12

Week April 23-29, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New Anti-Semitism" 4/29/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Robert Spencer Asks, Did Muhammad Exist?" 4/29/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Race — on the Brain" 4/29/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "When Administrations Implode" 4/23/12

Week April 16-22, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why NATO Still Matters" 4/19/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Target: Ann Romney" 4/19/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Trayvon Martin Case and the Growing Racial Divide" 4/18/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "How the Media Whitewashes Muslim Persecution of Christians" 4/18/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Campaigning on Grievances" 4/17/12

Week April 9-15, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Strangers in a Strange Land" 4/14/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Derbyshired Learned What We Cannot Talk About" 4/14/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Death in Churches" 4/14/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Off the Cuff" 4/12/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Class Warfare the Last Refuge of a Failed Presidency" 4/12/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Freedom or Fairness in 2012?" 4/11/12

Week April 2-8, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Beware of the Mob" 4/8/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "From the Trayvon Martin Tragedy to a National Travesty" 4/5/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Obama a Creature of the Corrupt University" 4/5/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Iran's Win, Win, Win Bomb" 4/3/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Tawriya: New Islamic Doctrine Permits 'Creative Lying'" 4/3/12

Terry Scambray: "Appeasement Bodes War Not Peace" 4/3/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Second Oil Revolution" 4/2/12

Week March 26-April 1, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Strange Case of Trayvon Martin" 3/30/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Demagoguery" 3/29/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Faith-based Energy Policy" 3/27/12

Week March 19-25, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "'Exceptional' America" 3/25/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Welcome to the California Outback" 3/25/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Liberal Illiberalism" 3/24/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Virtual Rose Garden" 3/22/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Gasoline Nightmare" 3/22/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "California Tuition Blues" 3/21/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "A Dangerous Verdict" 3/21/12

Week March 12-18, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Sick Man of Europe" 3/18/12

Craig Bernthal: "Weaponized Romanticism" 3/18/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Middle East Mess" 3/16/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Surreal Campaign" 3/16/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Christians, Jihadist and the Fate of Syria" 3/16/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "We Give Up" 3/15/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Iran Senses Western Weakness" 3/15/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Saudi Grand Mufti Calls for 'Destruction of All Churches'" 3/15/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Gaseous Policies of Barack Obama" 3/12/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Historical Reality of Muslim Conquest" 3/12/12

Week March 5-11, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "What We Don't Want to Hear Anymore" 3/10/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Europe in the Rearview Mirror" 3/9/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Syrian Ironies" 3/9/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "History Never Quite Ends" 3/6/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Real Point of the Left's Uproar over Limbaugh" 3/6/12

Weeks February 20-March 4

Victor Davis Hanson: "High-Tech Nothing" 3/3/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "'Nature-Fakery'" 3/3/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Taking Out Dictators" 3/2/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Koran Burning and Destructive Double Standards" 3/2/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Achievement Trumps Identity Politics" 2/28/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Obama, 'Son of Islam'?" 2/28/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Nuclear Realities" 2/26/12

Bruce S Thornton: "Iranian Threat Heats Up" 2/26/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim Converts to Christianity Under Attack in Uganda" 2/26/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Greek Tragedies" 2/22/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New Commandments on the Barn Wall" 2/20/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Please, A Little Honesty about Illegal Immigration" 2/20/12

Week February 13-19, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Are You 'Them'?" 2/18/12

Victor Davis Hanson: . "The Libyan Non-Model" 2/16/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Muslim Brothers Get Paid to Threaten America" 2/16/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Iran 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0" 2/14/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Obama's Assault on America's Prestige" 2/14/12

Week February 6-12, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The 2012 Election Circus" 2/12/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Which Way Greece?" 2/12/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Harvard Promotes the Palestinians' Slow-Motion 'Final Solution'" 2/12/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Post-American World?" 2/10/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Un-Obama" 2/8/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Final Countdown" 2/8/12

Week January 30-February 5, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Campaign Dictionary" 2/4/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Culture Matters" 2/4/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "What We Do Not Want to Hear Anymore" 1/31/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Conservatives Need to Make the Case for Freedom" 1/31/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "When Elections Fail, Jihad" 1/31/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Fidelity and the Presidency" 1/30/12

Week January 23-29, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Perils of Obama's Foreign Policy" 1/28/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Unlearned Lessons of Daniel Pearl's Murder" 1/28/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Civilization in Reverse" 1/24/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "How Marxism Killed Keystone" 1/24/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Why the President Should Speak Out Against Religious Persecution" 1/24/12

Week January 16-22, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "So Why Read Anymore?" 1/22/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Nigerian New Year, Christian Slaughter" 2/22/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Will Iran Really Start a War?"1/21/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "South Carolina Debate: A Perfect Distraction" 1/21/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Christmas Under Islam" 1/21/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Racial Politics" 1/19/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Defense Spending Is a 'Shovel-Ready' Investment" 1/18/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Another Disgraceful Apology Frenzy" 1/18/12

Week January 9-15, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Cutting the Military Is a Bad Idea" 1/15/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Mr. Obama's 99%" 1/15/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Coin Toss on EU" 1/13/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Diplomacy Carterizes" 1/13/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim Brotherhood Seeks 'Mastership of World'" 1/13/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Postmodern Vision" 1/12/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Case for Military Action Against Iran" 1/12/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Postmodern Populism" 1/11/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "Iran on the Brink" 1/11/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Far from the Madding Islamists' Ignoble Strife" 1/11/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "2011: Out with a Whimper, Not a Bang" 1/9/12

Week January 2-8, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "Being There - the Obama Sequel" 1/8/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "Goodbye, Mr Hitchens" 1/4/12

Bruce S. Thornton: "2012: Crisis and Opportunity Await" 1/4/12

Raymond Ibrahim: "Islam's Slave-Soldiers Return to Egypt" 1/4/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The No News Stories of 2011" 1/2/12

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New Old Europe" 1/2/12

Week December 26, 2011-January 1, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson: "America's Two-Front War" 12/31/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Lessons on the Long Road to Hijab" 12/31/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Diversity, Inc." 12/29/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Derangement Syndrome" 12/29/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Nigeria's Christmas Present: Blown Up Christians" 12/29/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Two Bad September Days" 12/27/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Diplomatic Supping with Jihadist Devils" 12/27/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim Persecution of Christians: November 2011" 12/27/11

Week December 19-25, 2011

Kathryn J. Lopez: "A Novel VDH"

Bruce S. Thornton: "What Does Romney Really Think About Vietnam?" 12/23/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Iraq's Christians Near Extinction" 12/23/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Vandalized Valley" 12/22/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "'When the Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend'" 12/22/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Hundred Years' German War" 12/19/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Obama's Christmas Gift to Iran" 12/19/11

Week December 12-18, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Illegal Immigration Is Illegal" 12/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Pearl Harbor Considered" 12/15/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Newt Challenges the Myth of Palestinian Nationalism" 12/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Oil-Rich America?" 12/12/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Collective Punishment" 12/12/11

Week December 5-11, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The President Who Never Was" 12/8/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Panetta's Failure of Imagination" 12/8/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim Brotherhood Confessions" 12/8/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Tale of Two Surges" 12/6/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Ancient Virtues and Modern Sins" 12/4/11

Terry Scambray: "A Eulogy for 'Selective Death'" 12/4/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama 101" 12/1/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Dangers of Democracy" 12/1/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Romney: The Castor-Oil Candidate" 11/30/11

Week December 21-27, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Not Pay Higher Taxes?" 11/27/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Grand Mufti Distorts Word 'Infidel' to Dupe Infidels" 11/27/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Economic Quackery" 11/25/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Moral Equivalence Is Moral Evasion" 11/25/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Arab Winter Approaches" 11/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Fanny and Freddie University" 11/23/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Does America Defend the Weak and Small?" 11/22/11

Week November 14-20, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "End of Sparta: An Excerpt" 11/20/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Imaginarium" 11/20/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The American Way of War" 11/19/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Despicable Israel Libels on Display at California Universities" 11/19/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "In the Jaws of Sharia" 11/19/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "What America Does Best" 11/17/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Rage On — and On and On..." 11/15/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Islam's Predictability: Apostasy, Execution, and Lies" 11/15/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Conspiracy Theory Shuts Down Great Pyramid" 11/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Unbound" 11/14/11

Week November 7-13, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The News Behind the News: From Cain to Blue Wall Street" 11/12/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "The True Significance of Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Troubles" 11/12/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim Prayers of Hate" 11/12/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Cain Lost in the Labyrinth" 11/11/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Give 'Em Hell, Barry" 11/10/11

Cody Carlson: "The Ancient World As It Was" 11/8/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Who Are These Fat-Cat Few at the Top?" 11/8/11

Week October 31-November 5, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Excerpt: the Spartan General Lichas" 11/6/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Occupy What?" 11/6/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Did 2008 Come True?" 11/3/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Liberal Indulgences" 11/2/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Blame Our Failing Schools for Occupy Wall Street" 11/2/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Top Muslim Declares All Christians 'Infidels'" 11/2/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Global Warming — RIP" 11/1/11

Week October 24-30, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Target List" 10/29/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Tunisian Elections and the Road to Caliphate" 10/29/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Railing Against Reality" 10/26/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Pathology of Double Standards" 10/26/11

Week October 17-23, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Empty Apologetics" 10/22/11

Bruce S. Thornton: The European Union cannot be fixed. "The End of the Euro?" 10/22/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Islam and Reason" 10/22/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Shalit Defining Moment" 10/20/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Dimensions of Qaddafi's Death" 10/20/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Predator-in-Chief" 10/17/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Excerpts: the End of Sparta" 10/16/11


Week October 10-16, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Moral Dimensions of Illegal Immigration" 10/16/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New Novel, an Excerpt" 10/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Blame Game" 10/14/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Destroying Churches, One at a Time" 10/14/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Democracy's New Discontents" 10/11/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Wall Street's Disgruntled Utopians" 10/11/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Egyptian Military's Crimes Against Humanity" 10/11/11

Week October 3-9, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Ten Lessons from Obama" 10/8/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Strangers in a Familiar Land" 10/05/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Who Really Is Anti-Science?" 10/05/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Islam's Uninterrupted History of Forced Conversion" 10/05/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Postmodern Class Warfare" 10/3/11

Week September 28-October 2, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Racial Crisis" 10/1/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Defund the UN" 10/1/11

Raymond Ibrahim: " "Running for Their Lives" 10/1/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Does the Good Life End?" 9/30/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Yet Another Reason to Leave the UN" 9/30/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "When Muslims Are More 'Radical' than Islamists" 9/30/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Can Israel Survive?" 9/26/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Zero Jobs 101" 9/25/11

Bruce Thornton: "Ten Years of Lessons Unlearned" 9/25/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "The State Department's Skewed Standards" 9/25/11

Week September 19-25, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Predictable Scandals" 9/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Middle East Mess" 9/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Idiotic Corner" 9/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Great Obama Catharsis" 9/22/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Real Iran" 9/22/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's New Maiestas" 9/19/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Becomes the Fall Guy" 9/19/11

Week September 12-18, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The California Corridor" 9/18/11

Editor: "A Tale and a Taste of Ancient Greece" 9/18/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "A Tale of Two Apostasies" 9/18/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Quiver Is Empty" 9/17/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Winning the Battle

Against Al Qaeda" 9/15/11

Kirkus: "The End of SpartaReviewed" 9/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Myth and Reality After 9/11" 9/13/11

Week September 5-11, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Stale Speech" 9/11/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Post-9/11 Mysteries" 9/10/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Other California" 9/10/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Post-9/11 -Isms and -Ologies" 9/9/11

Victor Davis Hanson: . "The Cheney Memoire: Hype and Reality" 9/8/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "What's Off the Table in 2012?" 9/5/11

Week August 29-September 4, 2011

Terry Scambray: "God Is Not Dead" 9/4/11

Robert Curry: "The Scottish Enlightenment and America's Founding" 9/4/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Soviet Spies" 9/2/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Reading Between the Lines" 9/2/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Vineyard Too Far" 8/31/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Old 'Not Enough' Excuse" 8/30/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Liberating Libya for Jihadists" 8/30/11

Week August 22-28, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The False WWII Analogy" 8/28/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Liberal Psychoses" 8/25/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "A Lovely Little NATO Intervention" 8/25/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim Disloyalty to America" 8/25/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Young Westerners - Deprived or Decadent?" 8/23/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Atlas is Sorta Shrugging" 8/23/11

Week August 15-21, 2011

Raymond Ibrahim: "Mubarak deceived Israel As Muhammad Deceived Infidels?" 8/19/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Paradoxes" 8/19/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Taking Our Eye Off the Jihadist Ball" 8/17/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "How Jihad Influenced the Norway Massacre" 8/17/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "What If the President Liked Businesspeople?" 8/16/11

Sunday Sitdown

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama" 8/14/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Do We Need Politicians Who Are Smart or Virtuous?" 8/14/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Why Are Christian Girls Converting To Islam in Egypt" 8/14/11

Week August 8-14, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Versus Obama" 8/14/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Time for a Foreign Policy Paradigm Shift" 8/12/11

Jamie Glazov: "Fighting for Free Speech" 8/12/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Tottering Technocracy" 8/11/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Paralytic Western Society" 8/9/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Spare Us the Sermons, Mr. President" 8/8/11

Week August 1-7, 2011

Terry Scambray: "A War Against Real but Forgotten Evil" 8/7/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Inexplicables" 8/7/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Snapshot of a Sick Society" 8/4/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Rationalizing Pedophilia in Islam" 8/3/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Principle and the Possible" 8/3/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Tragic View Returns" 8/1/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Is the President in Recovery?" 8/1/11

Week July 25-31, 2011

Bruce S. Thornton: "Oslo and the Dangers of Moral Equivalence" 7/31/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Muslim Brotherhood's Method" 7/31/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Behind the DC Slugfest" 7/30/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Resignations in Turkey" 7/30/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Ten-Trillion-Dollar Man" 7/29/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Green, Shovel-Read Stimulus - 100 Years Ago" 7/25/11

Week July 11-17, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Great Madness of 2004-10" 7/24/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "New Saudi Fatwa Defends Pedophilia as 'Marriage'" 7/24/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Why I Read the New York Times" 7/23/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Father Zakaria Botros: Islam's Scourge Returns" 7/23/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "More Mumbias?" 7/21/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Christian Girls Kidnapped and 'Sold'" 7/21/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Global Fairness Madness" 7/19/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Dumb and Dumber War in Libya" 7/18/11

Week July 10-17, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "St. Obama and the Debt Dragon" 7/17/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Al Qaeda's Zawahiri, Bigger Threat Than Osama?" 7/17/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "It's the Philosophy, Stupid" 7/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Demagogic Style" 7/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Illiberal Immigration" 7/12/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama 1.0, 2.0, 3.0" 7/12/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Obama's Libya Venture and Double Standards" 7/10/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "How Islamic Absurdities Prove Islamic Violence" 7/10/11

Victor Davis Hanson:"Not So Fast on Strauss-Kahn" 7/9/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Liberal Frankensteins" 7/7/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Why Muslim Demands for Headscarves Are Exaggerated" 7/6/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "An Exceptional Fourth of July" 7/6/11

Week June 27-July 3, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Philosophies of Illegal Immigration" 7/3/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Evidence of a Bankrupt Populism" 7/2/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "There Are No Socialists" 7/2/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Appeasing Jihadists" 6/30/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Foreign Thoughts" 6/30/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Department of Food Subsides" 6/28/11

Week June 21-27, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Art of Appreciating America from Abroad" 6/26/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim Woman Seeks to Revive the Institution of Sex-Slavery" 6/26/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Obama's Bow to the Muslim World" 6/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Illiberal Foreign Policy" 6/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Reelecting Obama" 6/23/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "An American Versailles" 6/22/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Metaphysics of Contemporary Theft" 6/21/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Reactionary President" 6/21/11

June 13-19, 2011

Political Culture

Victor Davis Hanson: "Anatomy of Congresssional Narcissism" 6/19/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Thoughts on Greek Madness" 6/16/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Factory of Selective Moral Outrage" 6/16/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Collapse of a Rotten Edifice" 6/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Bush Did It, Bush Didn't Do It" 6/13/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Europe Is Warning Us" 6/13/11

Weeks May 30-June 12, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Land of the Lawless" 6/7/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Now That's a Higher Education Bubble" 6/7/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "What We Might Remember This Memorial Day" 6/4/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Back to the Pre-American World" 6/2/11

Week May 23-29, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "An Honest Obama Campaign" 5/27/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Corrupt Language Breeds Bad History and Bad Policy" 5/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Where Dreams Die" 5/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Alligators, Moats and Other Such Nonsense" 5/23/11

Week May 16-22, 2011

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim Jihad in Christian Ethiopia" 5/22/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Fog of Revolution" 5/22/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "DSK's Technocratic Socialism" 5/22/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Hope and Change in the Middle East" 5/20/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Bin Laden and the Eternal Hydra of War" 5/20/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The End of an Idea" 5/19/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Adios, Pakistan" 5/19/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Teachable Moment on American-European Faultlines" 5/18/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Was Bin Laden the Chicken or the Egg?" 5/18/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Fellow Travelers of Jihadism" 5/17/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslim 'Inferiority Complex' Kills Christians" 5/17/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Tough Times for Radical Islam" 5/16/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Living the Obama Dream" 5/16/11

Week May 9-15, 2011

Raymond Ibrahim: "Were Conquered Christians Really Liberated Muslims?" 5/15/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Islam's Christian Scapegoat" 5/13/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Fantasies, Present and Future" 5/13/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Imprecise Language Breeds Dangerous Policy" 5/12/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The World Turned Upside Down - Again" 5/12/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Amnesty Revisited" 5/11/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The First-Person President" 5/11/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Rules for Killing Rogues" 5/10/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Thoughts on a Surreal Depression" 5/10/11

Week May 2-8, 2011

Bruce S. Thornton: "Mission Lost" 5/5/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "OK, Let's Decline" 5/5/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Bin Laden Fallout" 5/3/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Bin Laden Is Dead, But Our Delusions Live On" 5/3/11

Week April 25-May 1, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The American Soviet" 4/30/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Unexamined President and His Media Enablers" 4/29/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Make the Rich Pay!" 4/26/11

Week April 18-24, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Failure Is Very Much an Option" 4/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Humanitarian Beheading" 4/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Nature of Arab Unrest" 4/22/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "California Abandons History for Melodrama" 4/21/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Silent Extermination of Iraqi's 'Christian Dogs'" 4/20/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Patient Obama" 4/19/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Dreamland, USA" 4/18/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Libya Is Not Iraq" 4/18/11

Week April 11-17, 2011

Raymond Ibrahim: "Ideals Trump Interests" 4/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Razor's Edge" 4/14/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Destroying One Koran or Many Christians" 4/12/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Foreign Policy Charity Many Christians" 4/12/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Did We Give Up on Libya?" 4/11/11

Week April 4-10, 2011

Bruce S. Thornton: "Memo to the General" 4/10/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Middle East Policy in Shambles" 4/10/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Running Scared of Islam" 4/5/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Kingdom of Lies" 4/5/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "President Obama Amazing Libyan Achievements" 4/4/11

Week March 28-April 3, 2011


Victor Davis Hanson: "Libya: The Genesis of a Bad Idea" 4/3/11


Victor Davis Hanson: "The Obama Doctrine" 3/31/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Still Murky on Libya" 3/29/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Weeping and Other Hysterics" 3/29/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Man-Made Energy Crisis" 3/28/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Secularist Delusion" 3/28/11

Week March 21-27, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Libyan March Madness" 3/27/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "No 'Revolution' for Egyptian Christians" 3/27/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "America's Sorta Rescue?" 3/26/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Foreign Policy as Wishful Thinking" 3/26/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "America Through the Looking Glass" 3/26/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "President Hamlet" 3/22/11

Week March 15-21, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Should We Intervene in Libya?" 3/20/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Libya, What To Do?" 3/20/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Fragility of Complex Societies" 3/18/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Grievance Politics Bark" 3/17/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Put-off, Postpone and Procrastinate Generation" 3/15/11

Week March 7-14, 2011

Raymond Ibrahim: "Caliphate, Jihad, Sharia — Now What?" 3/11/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Put Up or Shut Up" 3/11/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Triumph of the Therapeutic" 3/10/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Mosques Flourish While Churches Perish" 3/9/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Some Very Bad American Habits" 3/8/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Of Hawks and Flies" 3/8/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Caught in the Middle East Minefield" 3/7/11

Week February 28-March 6, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Schizoid Foreign Policy" 3/6/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Rumsfeld's Rebuttal" 3/4/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Decline Is in the Mind" 3/3/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Libya without Qaddafi" 3/3/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "After Obama, the Deluge" 3/1/11

Week February 22-27, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Rise of the Adolescent Mind" 2/27/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Historian and Contemporary Critic" 2/27/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Show the World?" 2/26/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Is an Egyptian 'Democracy' a Good Thing?" 2/26/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "On Teachers and Others" 2/25/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Homer Economics" 2/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A New America in a New World Order" 2/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "But That's What Community Organizers Do" 2/22/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Can American Values Radicalize Muslims?" 2/21/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Pruning Farm Subsidies" 2/21/11

Week February 14-20, 2011

Bruce S. Thornton: "Dumbing Democracy Down" 2/20/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Not a Time for Wishful Thinking about Egypt" 2/18/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Egypt's Identity Crisis" 2/17/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's 1979" 2/17/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Goodbye to All That" 2/15/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Jerry Brown, Modern Sisyphus" 2/14/11

Week February 6-13, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "Signs of the Times" 2/13/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Cairo Ironies" 2/13/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Victory and the Savior Generals" 2/10/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Clueless on Cairo" 2/8/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere" 2/7/11

Week January 31-February 6, 2011

Raymond Ibrahim: "Why the Egyptian Revolution Can Be the Best or Worst Thing" 2/5/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Middle East and the Multicultural Nightmare" 2/5/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Bewitched Animals and the Muslim Media" 2/3/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "What's the Matter with Egypt" 2/3/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Thoughts on Chaos, Revolution, and Radicalism" 2/2/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Proteus-in-Chief" 2/1/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Loud Passing of the Old Order" 1/31/11

Week January 17-30, 2011

Bruce S. Thornton: "Free Men Have Free Tongues" 1/28/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Mandela Moment" 1/25/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Bloomberg Syndrome" 1/24/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Civility for Thee" 1/23/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Reminding Politicians Who's the Boss" 1/22/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Egypt on the Brink" 1/22/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The War Against Palin Goes On" 1/20/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Post-Tucson Era" 1/18/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Tab Comes Due in 2011" 1/17/11

Week January 10-16, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Rhetoric and Perceived Status" 1/16/11

Raymond Ibrahim: "Radical Muslims in America" 1/16/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Making It Up As We Go Along" 1/14/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Slouching Toward Geezerhood" 1/14/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Political Vultures" 1/13/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New Sophists" 1/10/11

Week January 3-9, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Destiny of Cities" 1/9/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "A US Foreign Policy Marked by Competence and Strength" 1/8/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "What to Expect from Mexico in 2011" 1/8/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why America Must Defend South Korea" 1/8/11

Bruce S. Thornton: "Anatomy of a Media Bias" 1/5/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Manhattan Project of Illegal Immigration" 1/4/11

December 28, 2010-January 2, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: "The American 21st Century" 1/2/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "Raging Against 'Them'" 1/2/11

Victor Davis Hanson: "How Did All That Happen" 12/31/10

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Face of Muhammad" 12/31/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "Wars of Religion" 12/30/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "When Reason Fades" 12/29/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Every Man a King" 12/28/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "No Labels, No Democracy" 12/27/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Obamaites' About-Face" 12/27/10

Week December 20-26, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "2011 Politically-Incorrect Resolutions" 12/24/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Paradoxes of the Present Age" 12/22/10

Raymond Ibrahim: "Swedish Jihad Revelations" 12/21/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "In Defense of the Liberal Arts" 12/20/10

Week December 13-19, 2010

Bruce S. Thornton: "On Ewald Stadler" 12/18/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Now What?" 12/18/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our 'Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain' Moment" 12/17/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Two Californias" 12/16/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Julian Assange's EgoLeaks" 12/15/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Not Soak the Rich?" 12/13/10

Week December 6-12, 2010

Raymond Ibrahim: "Islamists Target Christians 'Wherever They Can Reach Them'" 12/12/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "Modern Stupidity" 12/10/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Liberal Math" 12/10/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "Missing W." 12/8/10

Victor D. Hanson: "The Existential Dilemma" 12/8/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Jerry Brown's Last Hurrah" 12/7/10

Week November 29-December 5, 2010

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Consequences of Bad Ideas" 12/4/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Confused Morality of WikiLeaks" 12/4/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "An Age of Adolescence" 12/3/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Is Illegal Immigration Moral?" 12/1/10

Week November 21-27, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: In Defense of Defense" 11/28/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Reflections on an Ailing Society" 11/28/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The George W. Bush Fixation" 11/22/10

Week November 15-21, 2010

Raymond Ibrahim: "Muslims Project Islam's Worst Traits" 11/21/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "All the News Unfit to Print" 11/21/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Voting Present Beats Losing" 11/19/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "California's Assorted Rocks and Hard Places" 11/19/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "The Forgotten Anniversary" 11/17/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Politics of Budget-Cutting" 11/17/10

Week November 8-14, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Dead Souls" 11/14/10

Raymond Ibrahim: "Christians Behaving Like Islamists?" 11/12/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Obama Fabulists" 11/12/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "FDR, Churchill, and World War II"

Victor Davis Hanson: "Stay Worried" 11/11/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "It's the President Stupid" 11/10/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "What the Election Was Not About" 11/10/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "America Just Checked into Rehab" 11/8/10

Week November 1-7, 2010

Raymond Ibrahim: "Offensive Jihad" 11/5/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Doesn't Get It" 11/5/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The World of Obama - A Glossary" 11/03/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "American Groupspeak" 11/1/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Inexplicables" 11/1/10

Week October 25-31, 2010

Victor DAvis Hanson: "The Great Divider, or Elections Have Consequences" 10/29/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "WikiLeaks Selective Morality" 10/29/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "Whitewashing Islam" 10/27/10

Raymond Ibrahim: "Egypt Cuts a Deal" 10/27/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Three Wars, Little News" 10/25/10

Week October 18-24, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "That Strange Summer of 2008" 10/24/10

Terry Scambray: "Evidence Against the Evidence" 10/24/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Fire Juan Williams Right Now!" 10/23/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Parson Obama" 10/21/10

Bruce Thornton: "'I Love Your Hate'" 10/21/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Deficits and Depressions" 10/18/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Anatomy of Petulance" 10/18/10

Week October 11-17, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "How to Turn a Recession into a Depression" 10/17/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Politics Upside Down" 10/17/10

Reader Response: "The Blogosphere Assails the Daily" 10/16/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Slurs Replace Reasoned Debate" 10/15/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "Zombie Ideology" 10/13/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Obama Rope-a-dope" 10/11/10

Week October 4-10, 2010

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Ultimate Lesson of Egypt's Fake Photo" 10/10/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "From the Unbelievable to the Passé" 10/9/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Gift of Obama's Foreign Policy" 10/8/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Rep. Loretta Sanchez and the Bathos of Race" 10/6/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "Why Patriotism Iis Indispensable for Democracies" 10/6/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Americans Still Cling to Ignorance" 10/4/10

Week September 28-October 3, 2010

Bruce S. Thornton: "Jihadist Get the Veto" 10/2/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "President 40/60" 10/2/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Carly Fiorina" 10/1/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "Policies Based on Illusion" 9/28/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Nation of Peasants?" 9/27/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Multiculturalism" 9/27/10

Week September 21-27, 2010

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Specter of Muslim Disloyalty" 9/25/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama Made Us Do It?" 9/25/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Glass House" 9/24/10

Bruce S. Thornton: "Misunderstanding Muslim 'Tolerance'" 9/24/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Decline Is in the Mind" 9/22/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "An Apologetic 9/11?" 9/22/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Rethinking George Bush" 9/20/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Sleeper Reply" 9/20/10

Week September 13-19, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama's Washington Animal Farm" 9/18/10

John Hawkins: "History and War: An Interview with VDH" 9/18/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Enough Already with Reverend Jones" 9/18/10

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Strange and Tragic Case of Nagla Imam" 9/15/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "When Socialism Creeps In" 9/15/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "October Surprise" 9/13/10

Week September 6, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Nine Eleven and the Man with a Bullhorn" 9/12/10

Raymond Ibarhim: "Is Newt Gingrich Wrong to Talk about Sharia" 9/12/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "'Like a Dog'" 9/11/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Our Waning Obama Worship" 9/10/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "We Are Ruled by Professors" 9/8/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The New Old World Order" 9/6/10

Week August 30-September 5, 2010

VDH Interview

Jamie Glazov: "Obama's Teachable Mosque Moment" 9/5/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Bush...Come Back, Bush Come Back" 9/5/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Iraq Through the Looking Glass" 9/3/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "We Are Not Greece" 9/3/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "America — Compared to What?" 9/1/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Dangerous Dog Days of Summer" 8/30/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Sources of American Anger" 8/30/10

Week August 23-29, 2010

Raymond Ibrahim: "The Allawi Dance" 8/29/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "With a Whimper or a Bang — or Not at All?" 8/29/10

Raymond Ibrahim: "Top Muslims Condemn Ground Zero Mosque" 8/28/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "'Islam Idiots'?" 8/28/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Please, No More Teachable Moments" 8/25/10

Week August 16-22, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Enigma of Our Age" 8/22/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Cynical Brilliance of Imam Rauf " 8/20/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Teachable Moments" 8/19/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Democratic Leadership?" 8/18/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Race on the Brain" 8/18/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Everyone a Bigot?" 8/16/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Weeping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth" 8/16/10

Week August 9-16, 2010

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama: Fighting the Yuppie Factor" 8/15/10

Karen Lugo: "Ground Zero for Mosque Resistance" 8/15/10

Debate: "Dershowitz vs. Hanson" 8/13/10

Raymond Ibrahim: "Ground Zero Mosque" 8/12/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Rather Angry America" 8/11/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Illogical Immigration" 8/9/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Obama: Not the Great Stone Face" 8/8/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "A Weird Sort of Depression" 8/6/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "The Truths We Dare Not Speak about Illegal Immigration" 8/4/10

Victor Davis Hanson: "Why Are We Beginning to Hate Congress?" 8/3/10

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