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The Paper Trail

Obama Cutout Hanged in Effigy Stuns Students

September 25, 2008 RSS Feed Print

Students and campus officials at George Fox University , a small Christian college outside Portland, Ore., have strongly denounced the cardboard cutout of Sen. Barack Obama found hanged in effigy Tuesday morning, the Oregonian reports. The life-size reproduction was found hanging by wire from a tree with a sign taped to the front that read, "Act Six reject," referring to a scholarship program that caters to low-income students from Portland.

On Wednesday, school officials addressed the incident before a packed auditorium at the end of the college's regular chapel service. "It has been my dream to establish a university that more adequately represents the kingdom of God," President Robert Baker said. "This act causes some to question our commitment. What I've learned is we still have work to do."

The university and police continue to investigate who was responsible for the incident, but they aren't even clear that a crime was committed. "It doesn't fit as a hate crime, and it doesn't fit in as intimidation, necessarily," Newberg police Sgt. Tim Weaver said. "If it's not a crime, we're not going to be involved."

Minority students on campus have said that they don't necessarily fear for their safety, but they do hope to use their shock and anger to create a teachable moment.

"Immediately, it was disgust and outrage, but that has waned off to understanding," said a George Fox sophomore. "Now I see not much can be done about what happened, but we can get through it together. Now there's a lot more hope."

2008 presidential election,
Barack Obama

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Tiwoscht of MI 2:11PM July 15, 2009

oh, it's just for holloween fun. that's what you said when the effigy of sarah palin was on the news. how come you can't say that to barack husein obama?

of 11:21PM October 30, 2008

In some peoples haste to try and find any reasons to excuse away the forceable images of the first black American President being lynched in effigy, they focus on Palin's effigy and pay little mind to McCain's. So Palin has been cut down, but McCain will be blazing through Halloween, who is also a potential President of the United States. But few seemed to care about his image being burned in effigy. Hardly a headline or photo of his portion of the West Hollywood display has been presented in the hundres of articles splashed across the Internet and TV. Why? Because the image of him burning didn't allow those so inclined, to draw racial parralls --- which aren't even applicable to the Palin effigy. A white artist created the display of white candidates with no racial symbols included in his display.

Not Surprised of IL 12:17AM October 30, 2008

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