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The Darkest Seduction (Hqn)

The Darkest Seduction (Hqn) [Kindle Edition]

Gena Showalter
4.2 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (98 customer reviews)

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Book Description

At long last, New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter unveils the story of Paris, the darkest and most tormented Lord of the Underworld….

Possessed by the demon of Promiscuity, immortal warrior Paris is irresistibly seductive—but his potent allure comes at a terrible price. Every night he must bed someone new, or weaken and die. And the woman he craves above all others is the one woman he'd thought was forever beyond his reach…until now.

Newly possessed by the demon of Wrath, Sienna Blackstone is racked by a ruthless need to punish those around her. Yet in Paris's arms, the vulnerable beauty finds soul-searing passion and incredible peace. Until a blood feud between ancient enemies heats up.

Will the battle against gods, angels and creatures of the night bind them eternally—or tear them apart?

At long last, New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter unveils the story of Paris, the darkest and most tormented Lord of the Underworld….

Possessed by the demon of Promiscuity, immortal warrior Paris is irresistibly seductive—but his potent allure comes at a terrible price. Every night he must bed someone new, or weaken and die. And the woman he craves above all others is the one woman he'd thought was forever beyond his reach…until now.

Newly possessed by the demon of Wrath, Sienna Blackstone is racked by a ruthless need to punish those around her. Yet in Paris's arms, the vulnerable beauty finds soul-searing passion and incredible peace. Until a blood feud between ancient enemies heats up.

Will the battle against gods, angels and creatures of the night bind them eternally—or tear them apart?

Editorial Reviews


"One of the premier authors of paranormal romance."

-New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole


"One of the premier authors of paranormal romance."

-New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole

Product Details

  • File Size: 675 KB
  • Print Length: 508 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0373776578
  • Publisher: HQN Books; Original edition (February 28, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B006QADQ5Y
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray: Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #4,056 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
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Customer Reviews
Can not wait until the next book in this series. KindleLuv  |  40 reviewers made a similar statement
The end of the book was AWESOME! Jess in Cali  |  25 reviewers made a similar statement
You can see and feel the love Paris has for Sienna. Olimpia A. Padula  |  20 reviewers made a similar statement
Most Helpful Customer Reviews
42 of 45 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars A bit bloated, but a great ending February 28, 2012
Format:Mass Market Paperback
Let me start out by saying that I am a huge, huge fan of the Lords of the Underworld series. And like everyone else, I have been anxiously awaiting the story that would give poor Paris his HEA. This book gave me all the things I wanted -and even worked in some amazing surprises-- but it didn't quite live up to its potential for me.

The biggest problem is simply that the book is bloated. It's too long and stuffed with too much stuff. I was excited when I first saw how thick it was, but it was actually a hindrance to the storytelling. The first 100 pages or so really dragged. It didn't feel anything like the snarky, snappy, and sexy series I love. It was a portrait of a miserable Paris and a miserable Sienna, each enduring their own tragedies as they dream of a reunion. This could have been streamlined enormously and still conveyed the same things. It isn't until Paris finally tracks down his long-lost woman, that the book becomes engaging at all. Maybe around page 150.


Once Paris and Sienna are together, you can start to see the sparks. And in their interactions, the book has some of its best moments. After all, their reunion is what we've all hungered for. But Paris has changed so much, he is almost unrecognizable from the character we once knew. I know he's been through a lot, but I would have liked to see a few more glimpses of the suave Lord of Promiscuity. This guy is supposed to be the end-all, be-all Lothario and he just didn't deliver. Yeah, the sex is hot, but no more so than with any of the other Lords.

We're introduced to a slew of new characters, from the annoying Lord of Narcissism to three random Lords stuffed in a castle turret. I could have done without all of them. We also get a healthy dose of Zacharel, which is no doubt designed to set up Showalter's new Angels of the Dark series. And I'll admit... I'm intrigued.

There were some things I really did enjoy. Surprisingly, I liked the Galen and Legion sidestory and I find myself really rooting for these two to make a go of it. We got the set-up on Kane's story with the female Horseman. And we got a few new teasers on the enigma that is William the Dark. All of that was great --as were the fantastic developments on the Cronus/ Rhea front-- and a shocking tidbit about Strider's history.

Yet, the book didn't quite satisfy. Maybe it's because it took too long to get to the good stuff. Maybe it's because Paris isn't Paris anymore. I don't know. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't everything I hoped it would be. 3 1/2 stars.
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23 of 25 people found the following review helpful
2.0 out of 5 stars Going for honesty here. What a let down!! March 2, 2012
By Kaye
Format:Mass Market Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase
My apologies to all those who loved it, but this book didn't cut the mustard. My main complaint is the lack of dialogue. It's pages and pages of introspection. I mean seriously, one character asks another a question and instead of getting a response we get paragraphs, sometimes pages, of self-analysis and back history, and most of it is redundant. By the time the second character replies, I forgot what the original question was! Not to mention, a lot of the limited dialogue between Paris and Sienna was just lacking. I literally skipped pages, looking for interesting key words to catch my eye and get me back into the storyline. And no, I wasn't in this read for the sex scenes, I was just looking for something beyond all the facts we already know. I did find the Galen/Legion plot engaging, but as other reviewers have stated, the book was bloated and the excessive plots were well ... draining. I guess I just anticipated Paris' story as a chart topper. Yes, it was great to read about the other Lords and their ladies, but the Paris/Sienna plot was simply weak.

I don't know if this is the last of the Lords, but I know I'm done. I've truly enjoyed so many of Showalter's books, though, and plan to revisit my faves. Starting with the Atlantis series--Love it.
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17 of 18 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars 3.5 Stars March 3, 2012
Format:Kindle Edition
Wow, what can I say? I've been waiting for Paris' story since he first met Sienna in The Darkest Pleasure (LOTU #3) As hyped as I was I struggled through the first 100 pages. It was sooooo slow. I mean, come on, I've been waiting for four years for these two to get together. When they FINALLY meet up past betrayals put a damper on the reunion, but are fairly quickly resolved. Then, we get treated to numerous chapters of Sienna warring between staying with Paris and (according to prophecies) getting him killed, or leaving him to fulfill the duty that King Cronus guarantees her will assure the survival of all the Lords. Tedious is the only word that comes to mind when trying to describe the drama between these two. I wanted to reach in the book, shake Sienna and yell, "MAKE A DECISION!"

The overall story was good, but I wasn't enthralled. Maybe I just hyped myself up too much. I didn't feel the *spark* that I'm always looking for. Honestly, I found myself far more interested in the side story of Galen and Legion. Not to mention the perilous situation that Kane (Keeper of Disaster) is thrown into.

While some have found the extended length daunting I probably would have been annoyed if it weren't for all the extra stories twirling around. The introduction of the angel Zacharel had me raising an eyebrow. With the situation concerning the Lords being, pretty much resolved, it looks like we're to be treated with a spin-off series featuring Zacharel and his band of bad-boy angels in Wicked Nights scheduled for release in June of this year.

In all, if you've been following the Lords from the beginning you absolutely have to read The Darkest Seduction. It ties up a lot of loose ends and, honestly, is a fun read. But promise yourself you'll stick through the first few chapters or you'll never get to the good stuff :)
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Most Recent Customer Reviews
4.0 out of 5 stars My favorite in the series
I was going to buy this book b/c I didn't like the cover but glad I did. I really liked the H/H together. Heroine's character was well rounded and likeable. Paris was great. Read more
Published 7 days ago by varied books
4.0 out of 5 stars Finally, Answers!
Demon of Promiscuity, Paris, must bed a different woman every day, or suffer and die. The woman he craves above all, and the only woman he seems to be able to bed successfully more... Read more
Published 16 days ago by Kelly Moran
4.0 out of 5 stars Simply loved it 4+++
I have to say that honestly this was a great end to an extremely well-written serie. Thank You Gena! Read more
Published 20 days ago by S
5.0 out of 5 stars Favorite series....start from the beginning
So this has been my favorite series in a really long time. And I love that I started them when this book came out. Read more
Published 2 months ago by Tylen Brown
5.0 out of 5 stars The Darkest Seduction Delivered!!
This has been one of my favorite installments of the Lords of the Underworld series. And to those comments I read saying this book is too long, Who Are You? Read more
Published 2 months ago by Jess in Cali
5.0 out of 5 stars Great
I think this may be one of my favorite GS books. Sienna was a great character. I was so happy Cronus was disposed of. My only problem was Paris' excessive use of the word "baby. Read more
Published 2 months ago by Not Telling
4.0 out of 5 stars Great but a bit long
I really love this series and this book is a good addition to it. The interaction between Paris and Sienna is so hot and Paris has got to be my favorite of the whole series. Read more
Published 2 months ago by B. Voelker
3.0 out of 5 stars Finally together
I have been looking forward to Paris and Sienna's story ever since she died. The tension just kept mounting with Paris's obsession and depression from previous books. Read more
Published 2 months ago by Nae
4.0 out of 5 stars I enjoyed the side stories a lot.
From Reading and Writing Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Blog

At a Glance
I have been waiting for Paris's story for quite some time, and though it wasn't what... Read more
Published 2 months ago by Jennifer Bielman
5.0 out of 5 stars Brilliant, Creative, and Mind Blowing!
Brilliant, Creative, and Mind Blowing!

Absolutely Fantastic! I mean just WOW! I know I can't say enough to tell everyone what a great series Gena Showalter has woven. Read more
Published 3 months ago by QueentuttsWorld
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More About the Author

Gena Showalter is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 30 books, ranging from white-hot paranormal romances set all over the world (and even in some places that do not technically exit), sexy contemporary novels and thrilling young adult novels.

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Youre about to find out how your liver tastes, my friend. I have tasted it already, Zacharel "e;
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I enjoy your honesty, though I believe you suffer from what the humans call ADD. Oh, yeah. I definitely have attention deficient demon. "e;
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By the way, only a real man can accept his feminine side. I dont know who fed you that line of garbage, but I can promise shes laughing at you right now. "e;
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