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28 of 28 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Pure, heart-melting perfection!!!
I. LOVED. THIS. BOOK. *dreamy sigh*

This book made my heart deeply happy and left me thoroughly contented and elated. A huge reason why I loved it was that it had one of THE MOST FUNCTIONAL relationships I've ever read in it. It was SO refreshing to read a whole book about a functional, totally-in-love couple. I was blissfully wrapped up in their world with the...
Published 3 days ago by Aestas Book Blog

9 of 11 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Good, but not great
Similar to many other reviewers, I read Love Unscripted and absolutely fell in love with the storyline and the characters. I was instantly drawn into the blossoming love story and the drama surrounding Taryn and Ryan. I was left wanting more after I finished the first book and was so excited to read Love Unrehearsed. I just finished the book and while it was good, I...
Published 2 days ago by RockerGirl25

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28 of 28 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Pure, heart-melting perfection!!!, September 14, 2012
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This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
I. LOVED. THIS. BOOK. *dreamy sigh*

This book made my heart deeply happy and left me thoroughly contented and elated. A huge reason why I loved it was that it had one of THE MOST FUNCTIONAL relationships I've ever read in it. It was SO refreshing to read a whole book about a functional, totally-in-love couple. I was blissfully wrapped up in their world with the HUGEST grin on my face while reading most of the book

Right from the start, I easily slipped back into Ryan and Taryn's world. Even though it had been quite a while since I read book 1, Love Unscripted, I had no problem instantly reconnecting with the characters and realizing just how much I had missed them.

The author perfectly captured the thrill of being in a relationship with a mega-celebrity, as well as the gritty realities that come with that world - the paparazzi, stalkers, invasion of privacy, constant media scrutiny - making Ryan and Taryn have to deal not only with their own personal life and issues, but also how all of those were seen in the public eye.

I loved how both of them learned from their mistakes. They weren't perfect, but they both worked really freaking hard at being functional, at rationally dealing with everything and each other. It was truly a joy to read.

They had their share of issues to work through, but they worked through them so functionally that I found myself constantly wanting to just cheer them on. It was like a breath of fresh air to see a couple actually talk through their issues, support each other, openly and honestly deal with things, handle things so maturely, and just love each other SO much. Their reactions, concerns, issues were all believable, understandable and I could totally sympathize with everything each of them went through.

Ryan Christensen. Definitely the sweetest and hottest Hollywood movie star to ever grace the pages of a romance novel. *swoon* *drool* *dreamy sigh* He was just so freaking HOT and PERFECT!! It melted my heart how utterly in love with Taryn he was and how completely he was devoted to her. Despite all of the pressures of his very public job, all of the gorgeous women throwing themselves at him, he always and only had eyes for Taryn.

Taryn was a wonderful heroine in this book. I loved that she had her own journey to go through as she dealt with the repercussions of being involved with a high-demand celebrity. I love how confidently she slipped into his world. It was daunting but she was strong and held her own and, of course, her deep love for Ryan was seriously heart warming.

I loved seeing them work through the highs and lows of the industry and the highs and lows of a relationship, supporting each other through their joys and fears and continuing to grow stronger and stronger.

I can honestly say that there is NO stupidity in this book. Seriously, you guys have NO idea how HAPPY that made me. I didn't want to put it down - it kept me flipping the pages and totally engrossed in the story.

This book was filled with feel-good moments, emotional moments, heart racing and heart warming moments, functionality, swooniness, HOTNESS (let's just say that now that they are traveling everywhere together, they have lots of lots of crazy hot sex and it is on FIRE!!), laugh out loud moments, moments that gave me happy shivers, and moments that made me clutch my heart and wipe my happy tears... and the ending left me with the most complete and contented feeling ever. That isn't to say there weren't moments of heart ache, but they were dealt with so well by the characters that it only added to the strength of the story ... and yes, there was a moment where I actually literally cried out "THIS BOOK IS AWESOME!!!!" when I was reading it right after squeeing loudly and thoroughly freaking my dog out, but I digress...

The ending was absolute PERFECTION!! I couldn't have imagined a happier or more perfectly beautiful ending for Ryan and Taryn... after I ended it, I just sat there hugging my kindle with the biggest, silliest grin on my face. There are no loose ends, no unanswered questions, just a wonderful, heart warming HEA.

If you want a book that's going to make you happy and swoony, this is it!! HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!!

(But be sure to read book 1, Love Unscripted first!)
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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars The Autumn Review for LOVE UNREHEARSED, September 14, 2012
This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
I'm going to start by saying, if you haven't read LU1, don't read this review. I'm going to try to keep this general and spoil free, but I may say things that you learn in book 1. So, come back to this review after you've read book1.

It seems that I've been waiting for this book for a very long time. I can honestly say that, LU1 gave me one of the biggest book hangovers I've ever had. So, going into this book, I was a bit nervous, but also anxious to see if Taryn and Ryan could really make it work. Despite the fact that I held my breath through the first quarter of the book, I loved it! Without giving too much of the story away, I'll tell you why.

Taryn. Ok, I almost hate to say this, but she drove me nuts in the first book. BUT, in this book, I really grew to like her. After learning more about Ryan's lifestyle I really felt like she became less needy and more apart of his life. She made adjustments to her routine and made it work for them. That said, there were some moments that, in my opinion, were very valid issues. I felt like they handled them well, together. Obviously I don't live a celebrity lifestyle, but I felt that the events that took place seemed very realistic. I appreciated that.

Ryan. I just love him. Yes, he's sexy. Yes, he says things that melt your panties off. But, what I love the most is the way he loves Taryn. There is nothing sexier than a guy showing his girl how much he loves her. Ryan puts Taryn first. Always. That to me, is what makes this book so great.

It was nice to see some returning characters. I liked the side story with Marie and I still love Pete. There were some big surprises and new developments in this book as well. I can say that I was shocked by one big revelation. I even went back to see if I had missed some hints.

Some highlight moments that melted my heart: their Skype "conversation" was pretty darn hot, the rain scene, Taryn's shoes, napkins, the bonus chapter, and of course the epilogue. It was perfect. What I loved the most was...that even though there were insecurities and dramatic moments, you never doubted their love.

You will root for this couple to make it work in a complicated world, where the odds are against them. Ryan and Taryn remain one of my favorite couples. I wasn't ready for the story to end. Thank you Tina, for giving me a great love story that has truly captured my heart.
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9 of 10 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Like going home after a long absence, September 14, 2012
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This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
Tina Reber's first book, Love Unscripted, caught me from the first page. I fell in love with Taryn's group of friends. It's one of the few books that I've read that has stuck with me, causing me to think about the characters and wonder what they were up to. They feel like family.

I'm one of the many women who've waited more or less patiently for the release of Tina's sequel, Love Unrehearsed. It was released at midnight, just over five hours ago, and I've been up all night reading it. Insomnia does have its perks ;)

The book picks up right where LU1 left off, as if the time between the publication of that one and LU2 hadn't occurred. It's fun to read about the life of a hot young movie star. Who unpacks his clothes? Who washes his underwear? What does it feel like when his fiancee is mobbed by an angry group of fans who want her man?

I know that Tina has finished Ryan and Taryn's story with the publication of this book. I'll miss them. However, she has several more novels in the works and will no doubt please us with her next novel.

Well done, Tina. Currently Love Unrehearsed is #14 in Amazon's paid store. What a way to kick off the day!
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Exceeded All My Expectations. Awesome!, September 14, 2012
This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
Original Review at Ana's Attic Sexy Tales book blog.

"Dreams do come true if you point yourself in their direction"

Love Unrehearsed by Tina Reber was everything I could have wished for and more. It has been over a year since I read Love Unscripted the first time, and I have patiently awaited the next chapter in Ryan and Taryn's life. It could not have been better in any way! I loved Love Unscripted so much. I thought that a second book, without the jittery butterflies of first falling in love, couldn't be as good. But I was wrong. It may have been even better.

"You're my world, babe. Mine. Not theirs. They can have me, but they can't have you, too"......

"I meant it when I said forever. That's why. You are IT for me"..... "They only get the outside, not the inside. That's for you......You bring me peace. That's mine to cherish, not theirs"

As I write this review, I am going back through the pages and I wan't to read the whole thing all over again. So much happens in this book. My favorite thing? Ryan finally mans up and stops letting his "handlers" tell him what to do.

"It's time to go big or go home. I want everyone to know you're mine, Taryn"

Ryan.......he is so sweet, loving, sexy, hunky, honest, and real. He is so devoted to Taryn, and never wavers in that devotion. He's also insatiable, and since Taryn travels with him in this book we get LOTS more of the good stuff, and the talking about it was almost as hot as the doing it!

"Oh, no. No sleeping. We're just taking a rest. We still have to test the shower and the bed and that dining table over there. And you still have four more orgasms to achieve" ~Ryan

One of my favorite quotes of the book:

"But I think he broke my vagina"

What did I love the most? Nobody acted stupid, nobody ran away, there were HUGE obstacles to overcome, and they did it as a team, together. They talked through their problems and worked them out as they came along! How refreshing! They became partners in every sense of the word. Sure, Taryn still had some major insecurities, I mean, who wouldn't? But Ryan tackled each and every one as well as he could. And Taryn took such good care of Ryan. They made a great team.

"You're my everything, Taryn"

It is clear how hard it can be to live in Ryan's world. The constant media scrutiny, the screaming fans, the travel, the death threats, watching your man "make love" on set to another actress, and paparazzi making it difficult to have any privacy at all, but they worked through it. On top of all that, Taryn had her own numerous issues to deal with between her bar, her family and her friends. Yet they took care of it all, together, and learned from each mistake they made.

There was another lovely part of the story. Mike the bodyguard, who may be almost as swoonworthy as Ryan. Always a gentleman, manly, sweet and protective, he is a great best friend to both Ryan and Taryn. And he becomes even more as he gets his own storyline (no spoilers here!).

Likes: (OK, in this case, loves)

-A true functional relationship with no miscommunications.
-Neither Ryan or Taryn were perfect. Ryan definitely had some issues (OK, so maybe that made him more perfect)
-Mike and Ryan's "bets".
-So many different side stories happening with friends, co-stars, managers, etc., and everything tied together perfectly.
-Ryan standing up to everyone and taking over.
-Marie getting to be such a big part of all the fun.
-An AWESOME epilogue!

Dislikes: (none, but I try to find something for every review)

-I don't have more to look forward to!
-Oh! I just thought of one: there were a few scenes that were a bit of a tease....all talk, no action. Maybe it's the kinky slut in me, but Ryan promised/threatened lots of tying up and spanking, but there wasn't really any of that in the book, though there were some great hot scenes.

Rating: 10 stars out of 5 (yes, I can do that! I did it only once before) 4.25 for heat

This book had me smiling, laughing, crying, gasping, and swooning. It was emotional, fun, delicious, and completely fulfilling. Together with Love Unscripted, this may be one of my favorite reads ever. I can not recommend it highly enough!
**Thank you so much to Tina Reber, for providing me with an advanced copy of this book, as well as one that I gave away. And thank you even more Tina, for writing this book! xo
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9 of 11 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Good, but not great, September 15, 2012
This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
Similar to many other reviewers, I read Love Unscripted and absolutely fell in love with the storyline and the characters. I was instantly drawn into the blossoming love story and the drama surrounding Taryn and Ryan. I was left wanting more after I finished the first book and was so excited to read Love Unrehearsed. I just finished the book and while it was good, I was left expecting and wanting so much more. I kept reading and waiting for something to happen, but it never came. For me, it was just too much of Taryn hating the paparazzi and Ryan being controlling to actually enjoy the story. I was waiting for some twists or unexpected somethings to happen, but they never did.

Love Unscripted was way better, but if you read the first one, you kind of have to read this one.

Overall, it was a good read, but not great (I stayed up until 3am waiting for something to happen...i was left disappointed, so now I'm going to bed).
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Ever after, September 14, 2012
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This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
I'm not one for writing reviews but I had to add my two cents worth for this book. Tina has done a wonderful job and I truly hated to finish the book... I wanted the story to continue. I laughed, I cried, and I sighed. Romance stories like this give us hope and allow us to believe in a happily ever after. Thanks Tina.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Disconnected..., September 14, 2012
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This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
Let me start off by saying that I enjoyed the first book very much and I can't help but compare this book to the first in the series. I honestly felt a little disconnected from the first book as I was reading this book. There are items that are brought to light in this book, such as Taryn's nightmares and Ryan's anxiety, that have clearly been affecting them for some time, but they are never mentioned in the first book. Yes, the first book covers a time span of 8 months, but for these items to have such a part in this book, I think they should have been mentioned. I did find that this book had a lot more angst than the first, sometimes a little too much. Really did Kyle need to come back? I think I could have done with out him re-emerging. Lauren and Nicole? Really? And for all of a sudden Ryan and Taryn want to get into producing, so confusing. Granted there were plot turns I would have never expected, but at the same time, I am not sure of the over all affect they had on the story. For the book to continue to lead up to their wedding, it certainly breezed right past that and the ending seemed to be a little too quick. Especially after the first book was 600 pages.

I love that Ryan felt he needed to do the grand guesture when proposing to Taryn, wheh he describes how he wrote the song he sang to her on the plane. Even though in the first book he mentioned he had sang it to her once before?

If I read this book alone without reading the first one, I would have enjoyed it a lot more than I did, I think I set my expectations a little too high. By itself, I think it is a good read which is why I am still giving it 4 stars even though I don't feel I enjoyed it as much as I hoped. Maybe it is the disappoinment I am feeling driving this review and maybe I will change my tune after I calm down a little bit.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Eh..ok, September 16, 2012
Zeba143 (Vancouver BC) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
Okay so let me just say off the bat.....I loved Love Unscripted! It had the right amount of romance, drama, angst, other man/other women. Just hit everything for me to make it such a fantastic read. So I couldn't wait to read the sequel. I patiently...then impatiently waited and waited.

This book was pretty disappointing for me. Firstly, it seemed as though there wasn't really a plot. I was left thinking that maybe Lauren would be a person featured in this sequel ( the preview at the end of the first book seemed to insinuate to me that she would be a featured person in the sequel) but she may have been in a ...hmm total of 6 pages through out the whole book. I wanted a little drama. And then the make up romance. I thought Marie was a great friend, but this book had wayyyyyytoo much about her. I wanted things with Taryn and Ryan. I mean he's the superstar amazing celebrity we would all love to have fall inlove with us right lol ;) anywho. Too much about Mike and Marie. The author put Mike and Ryan in the same category.. He is still a body guard right? In one part of the book Ryan and Mike purchased a necklace for both Marie and Taryn from Harry Winston. Diamonds and blah blah. I don't know if Johnny Depps body guard or Tom Cruises body guard have the same bank account balances as them or even similar. In this book it was like Mike was his own celebrity which I don't think should have gone on in this book. Maybe Mike and Marie's own book, but not this one, it was more of a shared book which I thought really sucked!!

Marie soon to be ex says to Marie and later on to Ryan and Taryn that he was tired of being compared to Ryan and that he was devalued and under appreciated and that Marie was a gold digger. She kind of did come off that way because apparently the authors answer to that was "Hey let's give Mike money to buy her all the stuff Ryan buys Taryn and take her on the same vacations where they go too. Oh and we will give them a sex life better then Ryan and Taryn" come on really?? Ugh anyways I stayed up all night hoping to see something interesting, but NOPE. There was even a scene with her ex Thomas and I thought " hmm maybe this is it! Where the the plot starts, but poof it was over! So stupid actually" the more I am writing the more pissed off I am getting that I waited a whole year for this. Ugh. I liked the characters and how romantic Ryan was so I still give it 3.5 stars.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Hm, September 16, 2012
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This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
I LOVED the first book. I fell in love with the characters and the story kept me on the edge of my seat. The second book, however, I read just to finish it since I had started it. I was kind of bored with it, there wasn't much action. Although, I loved the ending!
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Loved it....., September 15, 2012
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This review is from: Love Unrehearsed (Kindle Edition)
Wow. Loved the first book and loved the second book, and will re-read them again. Just finished reading LU2 and now I am finally going to catch on some sleep as I was up all night last night reading. Just could not put it down. Thank you Tina!
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Love Unrehearsed
Love Unrehearsed by Tina Reber
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