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You can contact Keith and his staff in the following ways:



  • Minneapolis Office:
    Office hours:
    8:30 AM to 6:00 PM Central Time, Monday Through Friday
  • Washington Office:
    Office hours:
    8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday Through Friday

Tweet Keith

Keith actively uses Twitter and frequently interacts with constituents who send him questions or comments at @KeithEllison. Also please if you'd like to see his updates in your Twitter feed.

Note: A Twitter account is required to Tweet Keith, Twitter conversations are public, and we cannot promise a response to your comments or questions sent on Twitter. If you'd like a response, please call or write our office with one of the above methods.

Postal Mail

Note: Please note that due to security procedures, mail may take up to three weeks to reach our office in Washington. While we welcome postal mail, please consider the environmental impact -- that's why we encourage comments that come from greener forms of communication, like e-mail or phone.

For messages about legislative issues, please send them to our Washington Office. For casework or local issues, please send them to our Minneapolis Office.

  • Washington Office:
    Representative Keith Ellison
    1027 Longworth Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515-2305
  • Minneapolis Office:
    Representative Keith Ellison
    2100 Plymouth Avenue North
    Minneapolis, MN 55411


Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to comments sent via fax. Due to environmental reasons, we generally discourage using it as a method to communicate with our office. If you still want to send us a fax, please call us shortly after it is sent to confirm receipt and to ensure the right person gets it.

  • Minneapolis Fax Number: 612-522-9915
  • Washington Fax Number: 202-225-4886
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  • Keith Ellison: Sorry I couldn't answer all your questions on reddit. It was a lot of fun and too little time, but I will be back soon I hope. Read my answers here.

  • Keith Ellison: I'll be taking your questions on reddit starting at 11:00 CST. Ask me anything!

  • Keith Ellison: My statement on the House Floor on the attacks on Americans in Libya. Nothing in this video could ever justify the murder of innocent people.

  • Keith Ellison: Honoring the memory of the thousands of lives lost on September 11, 2001, and commemorating the heroism displayed on that day. On September 11, we were not Democrats or Republicans, black or white, gay or straight; we were Americans.

  • Keith Ellison: Reminder: Paul Ryan voted for the defense cuts in the Budget Control Act. Sad that he is walking back position now.

  • Keith Ellison: On Labor Day, we celebrate the contributions of America’s heroes—the working men and women of this country. As President John F. Kennedy said, ‘The history of the United States is in vital respects the history of labor.’