Press Releases

Wednesday, September 12

Ellison Statement on Anti-Islamic Video & Violent Response in Egypt & Libya

I am deeply disturbed by the attacks on our diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt. Four Americans have now been killed, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. My heart goes out to their families. They were brave public servants working tirelessly to improve relations with Egypt, Libya, and the rest of the world. This is a tragic loss. 

Press Releases

Tuesday, September 11

Rep. Ellison’s Statement on the Anniversary of September 11th

“Today we honor the memory of the thousands of lives lost on September 11, 2001, and commemorate the heroism displayed on that day. On September 11, we were not Democrats or Republicans, black or white, gay or straight; we were Americans. Despite the political backdrop of the moment, on 9/11 let us remember we are all Americans and treasure the freedoms we hold dear. 

Press Releases

Monday, September 10

Rep. Ellison’s Statement Honoring Labor Day

“On Labor Day, we celebrate the contributions of America’s heroes—the working men and women of this country. For decades, workers have been fighting for better pay and good benefits in exchange for a hard day’s work. As President John F. Kennedy said, ‘The history of the United States is in vital respects the history of labor.’

Press Releases

Monday, August 6

Ellison Statement on the Shooting in Oak Creek,Wisconsin

MINNEAPOLIS- “My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this horrific act of violence and their community. It is particularly disturbing that the shooting occurred in a place of worship—where many Americans go for peace and prayer.


“Acts of violence like this remind us that, no matter our religion or ethnicity, we are one American family. While we do not know the shooter’s motivation, many Sikhs have been victims of hate crimes in recent years based on their appearance.  More than half a million Sikhs live in the United States, including over 250 families in Minnesota. We should all rededicate ourselves to the safety and security of our communities.”

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  • Keith Ellison: Sorry I couldn't answer all your questions on reddit. It was a lot of fun and too little time, but I will be back soon I hope. Read my answers here.

  • Keith Ellison: I'll be taking your questions on reddit starting at 11:00 CST. Ask me anything!

  • Keith Ellison: My statement on the House Floor on the attacks on Americans in Libya. Nothing in this video could ever justify the murder of innocent people.

  • Keith Ellison: Honoring the memory of the thousands of lives lost on September 11, 2001, and commemorating the heroism displayed on that day. On September 11, we were not Democrats or Republicans, black or white, gay or straight; we were Americans.

  • Keith Ellison: Reminder: Paul Ryan voted for the defense cuts in the Budget Control Act. Sad that he is walking back position now.

  • Keith Ellison: On Labor Day, we celebrate the contributions of America’s heroes—the working men and women of this country. As President John F. Kennedy said, ‘The history of the United States is in vital respects the history of labor.’