A chart on Sunday with the continuation of an article about the importance of Ohio in the presidential race reversed the labels for Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico should have been to the right of Arizona.

A map on Sunday with the continuation of an article about the hurricane-battered Plaquemines Parish on the southeastern tip of Louisiana located Venice incorrectly. The town is on the west bank of the parish, not on the east bank.


An article on Saturday about Republican lawmakers and candidates who are distancing themselves from Representative Paul D. Ryan’s budget plan misstated the age at which recipients would be affected by his Medicare proposal. It is for people currently under 55, not 55 or younger.


Because of an editing error, a picture caption in some editions on Friday with an article about the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s expansion of a program to reduce trash by removing trash cans from subway stations misidentified the location of the photograph. The picture of a cup on top of a pay phone was taken at the Eighth Street and Broadway station in Greenwich Village, not at the 57th Street stop.


Because of an editing error, a picture credit in some editions on Monday with an article about the success of the British tennis players Andy Murray and Laura Robson this summer misidentified the photographer. The picture of Robson was taken by Barton Silverman of The New York Times, not by Gary Hershorn of Reuters.


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