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Anna Faris and Chris Pratt Welcome Son Jack

08/25/2012 at 07:30 PM ET
Michael Buckner/Getty

Anna Faris and Chris Pratt are parents!

The actress, 35, recently delivered son Jack, her rep tells PEOPLE exclusively.

The couple “are happy to announce the birth of their beautiful baby boy Jack,” the rep says in a statement.

“He arrived earlier than expected and will be spending some time in the NICU. The happy parents thank you for your warm wishes and ask that you honor their privacy during this time.”

Faris first debuted her baby belly in May at the premiere of The Dictator, a day after she revealed she was pregnant. She had been due in the fall.

Pratt, 33 — who stars on Parks and Recreation – and Faris tied the knot in 2009.

– Jennifer Garcia

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Leslie on

Whoa, that is really early. Hope everything is okay.

klutzy_girl on

Congratulations to them! Hope everyone’s okay.

youngadultreads on

Congrats to Anna and Chris on the birth of your son, Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers at this trying time..

krissa on

Oh my! He is early!

All the best for little Jack (and mom and dad!)

Dana E. on

Awe, wishing them all the best… And warm squishy hugs to little baby Jack.

Emily on

Oh boy, I hope everything is okay. She was only in her seventh month, right?

It makes me nervous but they must have a reason to release a statement so soon after a complicated delivery. Maybe Star or TMZ was going to say something and they wanted to get ahead of the game. Can’t blame them, I’d do the same thing.

Lightening the mood a bit, do any Friends watchers remember that Anna’s character gave birth to Monica and Chandler’s twins and named the boy Jack? Just a funny coincidence.

Anonymous on

Hope all is ok!!!

lizardbrain on

I had a 5 week premature baby. He is now a healthy and happy one year old boy. Hang in there Anna! It’s going to be a bit of a roller coaster but he will be just fine…

Marie on

I had a baby boy at 30 weeks & 3 days with a month in the NICU. He is a thriving 2 1/2 yr. old & smart as a whip!! Strong as well.

Good luck & blessings to all of you.

Anonymous on

I echo the statemnt of previous posters, I hope everything’s okay (I assume so, though, as if there were major issues I doubt they’d have announced the birth. Most likely they would have waited until things- hopefully!- improved). Also, I wonder why she had to deliver so soon?

Anyway, congrats to them!

Anonymous on

Also, I’m a bit perplexed by this part of the rep’s statement: “The happy parents thank you for your warm wishes and ask that you honor their privacy during this time.” How can Anna and Chris possibly be happy when their son is in the NICU?!

Anonymous on

Sorry, also meant to say that while I like the name Jack, I’m not overly fond of it with the last name “Pratt”. Sounds too close to “Jack Sprat” (as in the nursery rhyme), for my taste!

But that’s just my opinion, and I’m sure they could care less! :)

amethyst197 on

When she was on Friends as chandler and monica’s surrogate, she had a baby named jack. Talk about coincidence!

Megan on

Best wishes to them hope their little man is ok I know how scary it can be having a baby earlier than expected

Jacquelyn on

Congrats to them! Hope everyone is doing alright. I love the name Jack! That’s my oldest nephew’s name too! He’s named after my dad who passed away.

Meahan on

They can still be happy even if their son is in the NICU, because he is alive and getting good care…I had my baby at 26 weeks in March and she is almost 5 months and doing beautifully…but having a baby in the NICU is hard…good luck to you!

Becky on

She had such a tiny belly in recent pap photos! Hope everything is under control, leading to the statement release. But, not a fan of the name Jack Pratt. Sounds like a RugRat or cartoon character.

Mia on

Hope he is well! – I was born @ 26 weeks….was 3 months + 3 days early. That was 20 years ago – I’m sure he’ll be fine! x

Kat on

Congratulations to Anna and Chris, Welcome to this world to Jack. Our thoughts and prayers are with all three of you.

Chase on

That’s funny. I just seen the friends episode where she has Chandler and Monica’s babies.

Stormy on

Prayers ! My daughter was born 2 1/2 weeks early and spent the first 9 days of her life in the NICU it’s not easy but it’s nice to know things like this will pass. god be with this family as they travel this journey !

JoJos Momma on

YAYYYYYYY she had him on my sons birthday!!!!! congrats!!!

Katieisweird on

I was also born early, 7 weeks and all turned out well :) good luck!

librababe on

Best wishes to Baby Jack and his parents. I have a cousin who was born 3 months early and she’s doing amazing now. Congratulations on your baby boy, hopefully he’ll be home soon.

Erin on

wishing them the best!

janet on

Oh, that’s great.

sat on

congratulations! wishing them all the best!

liz on

I just saw that episode last night. Thought it was cute.

mine on


Melisa on

For you ding dongs questioning how they can be “Happy” when their son is in the NICU……..DUUUHHHH!!! They just had a baby. As a mom of a boy to spent a week in the NICU, I was just as happy when he was born as my other two children. He is now a happy healthy 9 year old. Having a preemie doesn’t change the fact that you just delivered the person you love most in the world.

Meg on

Any birth makes parents happy, even an early one. They welcomed their sweet son into the world. It’s really not hard to figure out why they’d be happy.

jessicad on

Congrats to them and I hope he’s ok:( I saw that episode of Friends last night on Nickelodeon, how weird!

Cali on

Anna doesn’t star on Parks & Recreation? That’s amy poehler. ;)

Kells on

Ten years ago, my daughter was approximately 6 weeks early. She is now above average in every way (including height!).

Wishing them health and continued happiness.

ps – to “Anonymous” who questions why they are happy: they just had a baby. It’s still an amazing experience. They are STILL new parents!

Smarter than you on

How can they be happy??? They just had a baby. How can they NOT be happy. I’m sure they’re not happy he’s in the NICU…but come on…think about what you’re saying before you write such stupidity.

Smarter than you on

I don’t think they care if you like the name Jack Pratt. There sure are negative people in this world & those people need to keep there negative opinions to themselves.

Diane on

I am a mom to a premi, there is more scarey then have a child born early, you never know what to expect when you walk into the NICU. Wishing this couple lots of luck and hoping they have the same blessest out come that I had. My little boy is perfect.

kikiandkyle on

Sending best best wishes to them, and thinking of little baby Jack. Get big little guy!

Janna on

Anonymous doesn’t think they should be called “Happy parents”? Much better if they had been described as “Devastated Parents”? How bizarre some people are.

There was a photo of her from yesterday posted on another site where she is clearly not pregnant. That’s probably what prompted them to release a statement. Just leave them alone people!

Christie on

Congrats to them! And sending many prayers their way. My son was born at 30 weeks and is now an amazing 6 month old little boy! Life as a NICU mommy is a hard thing, but you will get through it!

Harley on

Aw! I’m sure little Jack is getting the best of care. My friend gave birth to her eldest at 5 1/2 months into her pregnancy and that little girl is THE smartest and healthiest child I have EVER met. I can only imagine how frightening this time is, but my thoughts are with them as I’m sure most everyone else’s are.

Anonymous on

Congrats to Anna & Chris on a baby boy Jack!!! Hopes, all is fine with them. It seems like Anna gave birth 2 or even more months premature because when she debuted her “baby bump” in May it was not looks like she is 6 months pregnant.

Karyn on

I have to say, I am not a fan of Anna Farris, in the sense of she’s not someone whose career I follow, but every time I see her I can’t help thinking what a cutie pie she is! Anyway, congrats on the baby, and like others I hope everything is well with your little one since it seems he might have been a little early.

Kelly on

As a mom of 2 NICU babies, my heart goes out to the couple. No matter how long they are there (my son was there 4 days, my daughter for 5 weeks), it’s always hard because you can’t be with them all the time and bond. Stay strong and let Baby Jack know mommy and daddy are there!! Best wishes.

Alayna on

CONGRATS! I love his name…that is one of my favorite boy names.

dawn on

NOT good. Baby is very early. Nothing to really celebrate at this point.

Alison on

Dawn, go take your negativity somewhere else. The couple has everything to celebrate. They have a brand new baby boy. Even as early as he is, they have great advances now in helping keep these early ones healthy. I can’t count how many people I know who have delivered very early babies (before 30 weeks) and those children are now married with their own kids.

Kim on

Congrats on little Jack’s birth, he might be early but you’ll appreciate him all the more, all those little milestones in weight and growth, my son was 8 weeks early tiny fella and its a long slow process but you get there. All I can say is take lots of photos, give him lots of kangaroo cuddles and write down in a journal or something because there’s always stuff you look back on wishing you’d taken it down. Best wishes and hope hes out of nicu soon! My son was 32 weeks and came home in just short of 4 weeks in nicu/special care.

Jackie on

My baby boy was born at 25 weeks Sept 30. He spent 250 days in the NICU. He is now home and almost 1 year old. I couldn’t feel more blessed. Being there that long I saw it doesn’t matter if your baby is there for any amount of time, it’s the hardest experience you will ever have in your life. My thoughts are with the new parents and you will come out stronger then you could ever imagine after this.

SLS on

Congratulations! Love the name Jack! So simple and sweet :) Hope all is well for them!

amy on

I love the name…a strong,normal name.

Cher630 on

I hope the baby is doing well and is able to go home soon. My prayers are with Anna and Chris.

이진수 on


Kim H. on

Everything will be fine little Jack just wanted to be the big star in the family insted of mom and dad. Congrats and good luck.

Sarah on

my son was born Aug 24 and his due date was Nov 25th weight 1lb 12 ounces, he just turned 4! NICU is a great place where he will get lots of care, congrats! :)

Miffy on

Jack Pratt? Are you kidding me?

What is wrong with people? Though neither Chris nor Anna seem like the brightest bulbs on the marquee.

Cyndi on

My daughter was born early at 31 weeks and 3.1lbs. She is now 2 and 26 pounds of energy. From one mom to another, NICU time is ROUGH. I hope nothing but the best for this family!

Cyndi on

and for the person questioning how someone can be happy with a baby in NICU, um, THEY JUST HAD A BABY! It’s a hard time, I experienced it myself, but you are welcoming a new family member! The best comments I got from friends when my daughter was born was “congratulations”.

Chelsea on

Miffy, get a life….

Ang on

Some babies just can’t wait to see mummy and daddy. My liitle one was born 13 weeks early so I know the NICU experience can be a challenge. Best wishes and congratulations!

Anna on

How about happy their baby is alive. Happy that they are parents….doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.

Sara on

I had a baby boy had 34 weeks and he is now 2 yrs old with only 1 small health problem but very smart. He spent 2 weeks in the NICU. My prayers are with Anna, Chris and Jack.

kristin on

My daughter was born at 30 weeks. It will be hard when Anna is released and the baby has to stay. Preemies develop on their own schedule rather than on the schedule had he been full term. All the best to the new parents. He will be home before you know it.

Anonymous on

Tied the knot in 2009? Suuuuure! According to public record in Seattle, they were legally wed in January 2012. Not that it matters, but why lie?

Isabel on

Miffy, I think Chris and Anna are more invested in the well-being of their son than caring as to whether or not you approve of his name.

Anonymous on

If you read the news about Snooki and her bubs birth, it is full of trash talkers comments – and here it is all rainbows and butterflies………

A baby being born is a sweet thing, so ALL mums (yep, I am not American) deserve respect and congratulations. SO, best wishes to Anna and Snooki – both equals in motherhood.

Mary on

Congrats wish all the best my daughter was born two months early and she if happy girl . It will be ok the nurses are awesome in the Nicu all the best

Krista on

My first daughter was born at 34 weeks when my water broke while I was asleep. She was in the NICU for 2 weeks. It seems like forever, but he will be home soon, and he will be healthy. Sending positive vibes your way. Congratulations.

becky on

My son spent the first 16 days of his life. It was the happiest and scariest time of my life. It is so hard being a parent of a nicu baby and it got harder each night i had to leave him. But nicu nurses are amazing! I hope that their son gets stronger every day. Every day is a victory, if just a small one.

tashastar81 on

Congrats to her, love her in “Scary Movie” movies.

Amy on

Soo…..this child’s name is Jack Pratt? Hmmmm….. :0)

Jen on

God bless them. You are all in my heart and prayers for your dear little boy.

Anonymous on

kristin- Another poster mentioned that there’s a recent picture of Anna clearly not pregnant, so it sounds like she’s been released already. It must be really rough for her and Chris right now!

As for wondering why they were happy….I didn’t mean they shouldn’t be or that it was horrible that they are, and I’m sorry if it came out that way. Rather I was just confused, I guess. I would think that if you had a preemie in the NICU, you’d be nervous and scared rather than happy.

However, I understand it a bit better now that other parents of preemies have commented. Plus, I also realized that they most likely know that he’s going to pull through, since otherwise they probably wouldn’t have announced his birth.

Obviously that’s going to make things a bit easier, too! :)

Anonymous on

Also, as far as the name goes, I wasn’t trying to be mean about it (and even admitted that they probably don’t give a hoot what I think about their son’s name!). I was simply saying that it’s not my cup of tea.

Anonymous on

Congratulations Anna & Chris.

I myself had a baby in the NICU. My son was born at 24 weeks. He was tiny & spent 300 days in the NICU and is now a happy and healthy 2 year old. All babies are fighters and are stronger than adults.

My sons name is Jack also. So I love the name.

Boricua on

Congrats to the new family ;)

Laura on

Good luck and prayers for this new family! I, too, had a 30 weeker and it was the scariest and happiest time of my life. Yes, you can be scared, miserable, worried and deliriously happy all at the same time. I’m not sure anyone but other NICU parents can really understand though.

panna on

i have been through the same thing but my story is upsetting which i dont want to put on here but all the best to the baby jack pratt

@jobschildren.com on

I guess they never learned Nursery Rhymes as children. Now their son can eat no fat.

AmandaC on

I don’t think their happy he’s in the NICU but happy to be parents. I bet he is beautiful!

amy v on

Cripes! Their child is born! It’s a happy thing to bring your child into the world! Especially in the NICU you need to celebrate the little things (and learn to too) or you will waste away into depression! Preemies can be healthy to too, our twins were 7 weeks early and lucky enough to thrive from the start! My nephew is a 26 weeker and also doing amazing! They may be tiny, but they are fighters!

Best wishes to the family for an uneventful NICU stay full of smiles and hope!

****tiny miracles****

amy v on

Wow, you are very insensitive Dawn…..obviously don’t know how preemies can thrive or that all babies are miracles to be celebrated!

kjc on

Congratulations on the birth of baby Jack! I love the name, but my first thought when I read the name was Jack Sprat as well. No biggie. Also, maybe he goes by Faris-Pratt.

My cousin was born preemie at 2lbs 2oz, and spent about 3 months in the nicu. She is now 12 and aside from having to wear glasses at a very early age is perfectly healthy… and one of the tallest girls in her class.

Well wishes for Jack and his family. Fight little man!

Janna on

Karyn… Really? You just HAD to say that you weren’t a fan? As if the world would implode unless you announced on a message board (about babies) that you don’t follow this woman’s career?

I think your post is the ultimate W-H-O C-A-R-E-S?

Elena on

They are so cute, Congratulations!!

NoAdditives on

Too bad they euthanized her cat to make room for this baby.

Ava on

I’ve been thinking a lot about Anna, Chris, and Jack, and hoping everything will be okay!

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