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Celebrity Baby Blog
Celebrity Baby Blog

Garcelle Beauvais’s Blog: Meet Me and My Boys!

06/19/2012 at 07:30 PM ET

We’re so thrilled to welcome our newest celebrity blogger — please give a warm welcome to Garcelle Beauvais!

Best known for her roles on The Jamie Foxx Show and NYPD Blue, the actress, 45, currently stars on TNT’s Franklin & Bash, airing Tuesdays at 10 p.m.

Mom to three sons — Oliver, 21, and 4½-year-old twins Jax and Jaid — Beauvais supports the Step Up Women’s Network and is also active with March of Dimes, Children Uniting Nations and Yéle Haiti Foundation.

She can be found on Twitter @GarcelleB.

Jax, me and Jaid – Courtesy Garcelle Beauvais

Hey everyone, my name is Garcelle Beauvais. I am an actress, mom of three amazing boys — Oliver, Jax and Jaid — and now an author, but more on that later.

Many of you may know me from my work on The Jamie Foxx Show and NYPD Blue. Currently, I’m starring on Franklin & Bash with Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Breckin Meyer.

As much as I love what I have accomplished so far as an actress, I have to say that being a mom — with all of its challenges and rewards — has been the best role of my life. Growing up, I was the youngest of seven children, so babies and kids have always been around me. My mom has 25 grandchildren — yep, 25.

I always wanted to have kids, and when I dreamed about my future, I pictured having a boy first and then a girl — the perfect nuclear family. Well, we can’t always have it our way. But I have to say, I got really lucky!

I had my first son, Oliver, when I was very young. I was modeling in New York when I met his dad. We immediately fell in love and got married after only two months. Crazy, right?! Two years later, Oliver appeared on the scene. He was the best baby, so easy and happy. I took him everywhere with me — on photo shoots, on location, and he did so well on airplanes, too.

Oliver is now 21 years old and an up-and-coming rapper. (His stage name is Jayson Rose.)

Unfortunately, my first marriage didn’t work out. I thought that was the end of my baby days, but then I met Mike Nilon.

Beach hugs – Jaid and Jax – Courtesy Garcelle Beauvais

We fell in love and I wanted to have kids with him. Since I already had a child, I thought it would be a cinch. Boy, was I in for a surprise!

I learned the hard way that trying to have babies when you’re older is a whole different ball game. It took blood, sweat (both the good and bad kind!), lots of tears, and most importantly, fertility treatments. But I finally got pregnant. It was truly a miracle.

All I wanted was a healthy baby. That wish came true with an added bonus. Yep, I was expecting twins!

While I was pregnant, I couldn’t wait to meet my boys. Though I must admit that when the doctor first said he saw two penises on the ultrasound, I was a bit disappointed. I’m such a girly-girl, and I couldn’t believe I wasn’t getting a little mini-me! Now who would I give all of my designer shoes to?! Ha.

I was so excited for my sons. Because conceiving them had been so difficult, I was very nervous throughout the pregnancy. I tried to stay positive and lots of prayers got me through!

Well, on Oct. 18, 2007, I had a c-section and got to meet my yummy boys, Jax and Jaid. I was so happy — I couldn’t believe they were truly ours. They were so cute I couldn’t stand it!

Even though they’re fraternal twins, I wondered if they would share a lot of similar personality traits. But from day one, they were different. Jax came out screaming while Jaid came out looking both serious and curious about the world around him.

Seeing Oliver hold his tiny little siblings for the first time brought tears to my eyes. Jax has a love of music like his big brother, although my little guy prefers rock and roll to rap. Jaid loves to look at fishes and snuggle.

To this day, my happiest moments are when all three of my boys are with me hanging out at home. Even though they are a generation apart, they love each other so much.

My three sons! Jaid, Oliver and Jax – Courtesy Garcelle Beauvais

My sons bring me such joy, even when they drive me nuts. I’m sure you can relate! Let’s face it: little boys have lots of energy, and when you have two who are the same age at the same time, it means a lot of activity! That’s why I keep them busy with soccer, karate and swim lessons. ;)

My boys have also taught me a lot of about life. That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the children’s book series I’m writing based on Jax and Jaid’s experiences as twins of mixed race who split their time between two homes. (Stay tuned!)

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to sharing more with you about my life with my boys. You can leave a comment below or catch me on Twitter @GarcelleB.

– Garcelle Beauvais

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TK on

I remember hearing about what happened between you and the twins father and I must say, you have handled everything with a tremendous amount of class. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

cookie on

Looking forward to reading your blog.

lol on

Love this blog. Garcelle is a very good actress and devoted Mom. Keep up the great work.

JIS on

those boys are so cute!

JIS on

beautiful family

Joan on

At TK- LMAO.. that was hysterical!!!

Iuki on

Always enjoy your acting, and was happy when I read you successfully had twin boys. All three of your boys are beautiful and you are justified in your pride in them.

THerrell on

So glad to read your blog and see your beautiful family. Congratulations!

Kay on

I have identical twin 13 year old sons and I am a single mom. So all I can say is best of luck. At least, they have each other to play with – that has always been the blessing of time.

sierramarie425 on

Emailing your ex-husbands colleagues about his affair showed a LACK of CLASS. Doing that did not change the situation. He still cheated. I honestly thought you would have gone about it in a more mature way. Hopefully the bitterness is behind you and you can focus on positivity from now on. Your boys need to see that from you. Good luck.

Modero on

This is the first time I’ve felt to comply to a blog – what a beautiful picture of the three boys! Lovely, lovely, lovely.

alex on

To sierramarie425- You bitching about it doesn’t change it either. He’s a big boy I’m sure he got over it, why don’t you work on doing the same…..Freaking trolls are the worst. Where are the moderators?

Guest on

@sierramarie425, everyone handles pain differently. He’s lucky she didn’t do more, many of us have been there and done and said things we regret, that’s life.

After reading about John Edward’s fiasco who can blame any woman for coming unhinged when their husbands lie and cheat on them? Many go so far as to use psycological pain, denying the affair and acting like you are crazy for suspecting them, when all along they are cheating.

As long as no blood was shed all is well, besides you don’t know the full story of why she did what she did.

Garcelle, remain strong your children are beautiful as are you, easy to see where the beautiful genes come from. I also look forward to reading your blog, stay strong, beautiful and continue to love yourself, and your beautiful family.

Guest on

Beautiful family!

Deb on

Garcelle, enjoyed reading your blog. Your boys are beautiful. And ignore sierramarie. Most of the people on this blog are really nice. Looking forward to your next blog.

Nadia on

That pic is so cute. My sister is 10 years older, too, but we are In LOVE with each other. It’s fun and provides for different points of view.

What beautiful kids. I heard about her husband and his cheating, and it’s nice to see she does not dwell and moves forward.

Rhonda on

The twins are adorable. I love the picture of them hugging each other. That’s so precious.

Jenn on

I am really excited about this blog. I was not doing fertility treatment, was not over 35 and twins do not run in my family but I will be blessed with twin boys this October. They are also believed to be fraternal. This is my first pregnancy and I’m 29- would love to hear some of her stories!

DaisyMoon on

When practically every story about a cheating man/politician has a weak woman who is standing by his side, it’s great to know about the ones that didn’t.


Beautiful babies…look forward to your future blog posts.

Joann Rondeau on

It does not take blood, sweat, tears,and fertility treatments to create a baby. You may have gone through all of those but the reason you conceived through all that adversity is because God granted that to you. There are no happenstances. God bless you.

Bren on

Very beautiful family.Keep up the good work and God’s blessings be with you all.Thanks for sharing your life with us.Keep God in your plans, stay strong and you all will be just fine!

Leslee on

I have older kids and my fraternal twins boys that are just a couple of months younger than Jax and Jaid. It’s a crazy ride!

Anonymous on

Everyone needs to be mindful of the things we say about others it is easy to cast judgement on someone else’s situation when you don’t have a clue what it is like to live their lives. Remember the age old saying,”What goes around comes around” or payback is a **************** or you reap what you sow, or karma be kind.

Shannon on

You have a beautiful family.

Please tell your oldest son to change his Twitter background. j/k

Cat on

Definitely looking forward to your blog! You have had some hard times, but have just come through beautifully with so much grace. Beautiful sons. They all look so happy— :)

christa on

Wonderful person.

Jing on

Really, Joann Rondeau…As someone who has gone through the fertility treatments I find your comment very rude and hurtful. It does indeed take blood, sweat and lots and lots of tears to conceive a baby with fertility treatments as well as a lot of strength. Your comment minimizes all of that struggle.

While I respect your belief in God, I must say I do not have that same belief as I was not fortunate enough to be successful after years of struggle. Please be respectful of what people like us go through.

sugiray on

You go girl! I think, under the circimstances you could have done worse to your ex. I am behind you 100%! Your family is beautiful. Stay strong as you have many blessings to come. God nevers closes a door without opening another. Enter that door with your head up, smile on, knowing your are truly blessed. Much love to you G.

Dee on

I am a mom of a biracial son and stepdaughter and it is a pain in the butt to find books that reflect their cultural make up so I look forward to this.

It is so important for little children of all races to have characters they can identify with especially at a young age. Growing up as a little black girl, white dollies were mostly what I got to play with….today that has changed and it’s a good change.

Thanks for sharing your pictures, you have three handsome men there and they are lucky to have you as a mom.

Ignore the rude comments from some of these people….apparently we missed the perfection train and they got all the good stuff from it….lol

kjc on

Your boys are gorgeous! I love, LOVE their curls!

Garcelle, I know nothing about you, or your past, and I can’t believe people are bringing it up on your first blog post about your family. I wouldn’t blame you if you decided to stop at ONE post.

Everyone seems to forget that celebrities are human too, with real feelings and emotions.

foxychic32 on

Maria, apparently YOU DON’T HAVE A LIFE because you’re too busy worrying about what she did with her first husband…Take care of your own house while you’re busy passing judgement on someone else! You’re no BETTY CROCKER neither! take a good look in that mirror of yours! None of us are perfect! We don’t know her situation or what she’s been through..

Beautiful boys Garcelle! Keep loving em and continue to be the best mother you can! Enjoyed reading your blog…we have some haters in the house! SCREW THE HATERS! keep right on doing what you do best…

paula f. on

we all need a sip of reality kool-aid. which one of us is perfect?! this poor woman has blogged once, and nasty minded jerks are bringing up things that happened over 20 years ago. aren’t we supposed to grow and mature? who is the same person now as when they were 20 years ago?! i certainly am not. we have all made mistakes. learn, grow, let go.

Garcelle, you have a beautiful family. the beginning is irrelevant, it’s the end result that matters.

megan on

I have disliked Garcelle ever since she mentioned tricking one of the twins out of pink items he wanted. I was also surprised years ago when she admitted to never reading to the oldest son. She just rubs me the wrong way.

Kayte on

I agree with the idea behind your message, but….She’s no Betty Crocker?? How do you know whether she can bake or not? Ha!

Ayisha on

What a wonderful and refreshing blog to read. I look forward to more blog entries from you Miss G.

What I do find disappointing is the lack of empathy readers seem to have. We all handle pain and hurt differently, bringing up the details of her marriage isn’t necessary. Also saying God brought her blessings she has are opinions. Don’t take away the fact that this women with through so much to have her twins, we all have different journeys. There are too many negative and judgmental people in this world, none of us are perfect.

Congrats on your beautiful family Garcelle!

Kimberly Gamson on

Garcelle, i have been a fan of yours ever since your work on Models, Inc (one of my favorites shows from the 90′s!) and you are a beautiful lady inside and out and a wonderful actress and mother to your handsome and amazing sons and do not listen to any negative comments that insecure people feel that they have to leave. You rock Garcelle and love your blog! all the best and lots of love!

becky on

@- sierramarie425 Don’t be so quick to judge, If I were you I wouldn’t open my mouth about that because cheating happens, don’t think you are immune to that happening. You never know how you will handle a situation until you live through it. So good luck to you.

becky on

@ Joann Rondeau, I always believed that religion gives people understanding and compassion but not in your case i see. I guess you the closer people think they are to God they think that gives them a pass to condemn others. take that fakeness you are preaching somewhere else. hypocrite.

Rinaade on



Lola on

She really needs make up on. The twin boys are cute!

Lola on

sierramarie 425 has the right to voice her opinion. I do agree that the way this woman handled her husband’s affair was wrong, especially since she is in the public eye.

Beth on

they are both so cute , I just want to pick them up and squeeze em. lol. Little Jax looks like he might be a mischief maker ! Great smile.

Cdyana on

Two thumbs up @ Daisy Moon’s comment. She could of been a doormat or an idiot like (hate to say it) Mary Jo Buttafuoco so I’m glad she retaliated against HIM too.

Jen on

That was such a lovely blog entry! It filled my heart. How sweet it is that they are all so close. I love the pic of the twins with their older brother. What a gift that they are so close. Thank you for such a great and sweet blog entry!

meghan on

Lola, who said she didn’t? Others are just as allowed to disagree with it.

love on

wiki says you divorced nilon last year?

Lisa on

Your family is beautiful. All three boys are handsome. My favorite pic is of the two twins hugging. How adoreable!
Looking forward to your next blog!

Nesia on

Can’t wait to read more. I’m a mom of two 1st a boy and then a girl. I was hoping for a third but my pregnancy with my daughter was so complicated, its got me thinking 2 is enough.

Jess on

I hope someone told you the golden rule of blogging while female, which is entirely ignoring the comments because people are jerks. But in case they didn’t, believe me a hundred people read this, thought how beautiful your boys were, and then left without saying anything for every one who read it and then left a horrible comment.

Anyway, I really loved this piece. I started watching Franklin & Bash last year, and then afterwards I watched NYPD blue as well, and I absolutely love you in both roles. It’s really nice to read more about you as a person, and your boys are all gorgeous, no wonder you’re proud.

Yvonne on

It’s always nice to read a blog with substance. Yes, we all approach life differently and encounter circumstances that we never imagined would happen to us, but we make it through. I look forward to reading your “take” on raising the twins. God Bless.

Yvetta Van on

That was really beautiful, you have very handsome boys and they have beautiful and loving mother, I wish your family every happiness

Nhzinga on

I’ve been a fan of Garcelle’s since her days on Models Inc! She’s always classy, refined, and yet seems so down to earth.

ourdalyplate on

So excited for these books coming out! My fraternal twins Malachi and Lincoln remind me so much of your boys! They are also 4 and totally different personalities as well as being mixed race. Interested to hear your perspective and experience as well as theirs.

bre on

wow, her boys are so beautiful.

Ceele on

@ sierramarie425, who are you to judge? The comment sounds like one from a bitter adulteress who didn’t get the man once he was free. You have no idea what you would really do until you are in that situation.

Tee Tee on

I absolutely love the picture of all three of your sons sitting on the porch! It sounds like you have a very sweet family and I’m looking forward to reading your future blog posts!

Janna on

Lola, you do agree that the way this woman handled her husband’s affair was wrong? Did you even read what you wrote? The way SHE handled it was wrong? What do you suggest she do, give him a medal? Let her handle her own business, and how about you stop judging how people handle the scum in their lives.

Annie on

Beautiful family, handsome boys!

jenna on

LOVE Garcelle!! Was so sad when I went to look up who her husband was…first found an old article on how happy they were and THEN found out what he did to her. Now I love her even more! GO GARCELLE GO! All three of your boys are beautiful and I know you are going to live a very full and happy life. So excited for her next blog entry!

meghan on

megan, last time I saw a a pic of the boys one was wearing the pink crocs you mentioned, so I am guessing she changed her mind on the matter. I guess no one is allowed to make a mistake parenting.

Temitope on

This lovely i have 2 sons too but they are not twins one is 8yrs and other one is 5yrs.I love relaxing with them they always amaaze me.I LOVE MY BOYS

FC on

Love that you’e now a blogger on here. I’ve been in love with your little boys ever since they were babies, and I love that photo of them and big bro, Oliver. It’s adorable, and they all just have that “chillin’” vibe going on.

Can’t wait to read more of your blogging!

Traci on

Handsome sons Garcelle. I know you’re very proud of them. I’m a mom of twins (boy and girl). It’s so rewarding.


I agree your Children are Beautiful!!!!!! Some of the “Most Beautiful People In The World are Of Mixed Race.”That is all you need those 3 Darling Young Men, Walking with you thru Life.”

Kassandra on

I enjoyed reading your blog Garcelle. U give Haitian-American sisters like me a good name!!

Thammy on

Love you on Franklin and Bash! Cant wait to read your blog’s!

AR on

Beautiful blended family! Welcome and glad you’re aboard on the blogging scene!

mara on

wow @ people judging her parental decisions. I would not allow my son to wear pink anything. My money my choice, at 21 he can wear whatever. I’m glad you are moving on and doing for you Garcelle. I love the natural look! Some are jealous for women who can get back up and be powerful. How you choose to handle your life is your biz noone elses especially those who arent parents. Beautiful boys BTW.

Patty on

The twin boys are adorable. They remind me so much of the two young English characters in one of my favorite Britcoms. In fact, one of them reminds me a lot of the frontman for Cole-play.

Anna on

The twins are soooo adorable! The older son looks like a thug with all the tattoos. As an up-and-coming rapper, he looks like he is adopting the thug image and positioning himself to glorify violence, gangs & drugs. This sort of tomfoolery just exacerbates violence in the Black community. What a shame.

bLuNt on

I agree! The way she wants to handle her Biz is exactly that! HER BIZ! I prob would’ve done worse if my husband cheated…whether you are in the public eye or not isnt the issue, she was wronged and reacted like a human being(cause she IS human).

Blood, sweat, tears AND GOD are all part of her journey for her beautiful Boys! Her struggle to have them would have brought the blood, sweat and tears and the end result is definitely a blessing from GOD!(Why fight about it?)

Keep the faith Garcelle!

MafiaPrincess on

You’ve always been a classy lady I think you’ve handled all of what you went through remarkably well, and it had to be hard. I looked at the picture’s you posted and the twins look happy and loved and so does your oldest. Go about your life and be blessed all of you. :)

J on

Wow, I don’t to the blog thing but I had to comment after reading this one and the negative comments.

1. No one, absolutly no one has the right to judge anyone. You are not without fault.

2. Since when did one’s way of handling a situation deemed to be the right way to handly another situation …especially when they have not walked in another shoes.

3. For those who are negative- keep it to yourself. Negative spread negative faster that positivity. The old parent saying goes: if you don’t have something good to say, then don’t say it at all.

There is always a better way to say something in love and kindness, even if you thing someone could have handled something differently.

Speak in Love

Debi on

Hi Garcelle!
all 3 of your boys are adorable! Also, it’s great seeing you here and happy at what recently must have been a very difficult time for you and your sons.

wishing you all the very best,


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