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Celebrity Baby Blog
Jun 18 2012 06:00 PM ET
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Jerry O’Connell: I Want the Twins to Be In Showbiz

Cindy Ord/Getty

The O’Connell family show business legacy lives on!

Father-of-two Jerry O’Connell admits he has been coaxing his 3½-year-old twin daughters Charlie Tamara Tulip and Dolly Rebecca Rose to join him in the spotlight — much to wife Rebecca Romijn‘s dismay.

“I’m trying to force them into the entertainment industry. My wife is a little more, ‘Let them find their way,’” O’Connell, 38, jokes to PEOPLE.

“I would love for them to be on the Disney Channel, maybe with a twins show of their own. Maybe they’re the new Olsen twins!”

However, while the pint-size superstars recently began showing off their singing talents, no one can top their famous father’s vocal abilities.

“I’ve seen The Little Mermaid, I’m not joking, 700 times. Seven hundred times!” he laughs. “I’m a grown man who knows all the lyrics. ‘Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat? Wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete?’”

Taking a break from his princess performances, O’Connell will be showcasing his voice during an upcoming episode of the Disney Channel’s Jake and the Never Land Pirates, which is set to premiere early next year.

“In all honesty, when this opportunity for Jake and the Never Land Pirates came up, I just had to do it,” he says. “It’s just so fun to be in something that your kids can watch and they say, ‘Is that Daddy?’”

For O’Connell, it’s the perfect balance of his kids and his career. “It’s one of the real perks of being a dad and being in the entertainment business,” he adds.

– Anya Leon and Michele Stueven

Comments (36) + Add a comment

I can’t believe he wouldn’t want to keep them away. Hopefully they at lest stay away from Nickalodeon. Not a good place to be.

- Romy on

Stage dad!

- Shannon on

I always feel like readers here don’t “get” Jerry and Rebecca. He’s clearly joking. They’re both funny people. Just saw him here in NYC on Broadway in Seminar and he was so great.

- Melissa on

he sounds like he’s joking..

- Aimee on

I hope he’s joking,too! We don’t need anymore celebs pimping out their kids.

- B.A on

Do people read or just blindly comment based on the title of the article? “O’Connell, 38, jokes to PEOPLE”…

- DJ on

@Romy- Nickelodeon has a better track record than Disney with child celebs actually being successful positive role models.

- Cortney on

OMG he really is a dork.

- Sammie on

He does seem to talk about the girls ALOT, more so than other celebrity dads. And people DO seem to enjoy hearing about them and seeing their pictures. Oh well, I guess we’ll see if he’s joking when he and Rebecca are offered a reality show and they turn it down.

- Anna on

Why she dumped a hottie like Stamos for this dork, is beyond me. And to push your kids into show business is just wrong. Guess he will worry about paying the addiction counselor bills later on.

- notsosure on

yeah, because so many child stars turned out well. great idea.

- JessicaB on

I’m *hoping* he is joking. But just in case he’s not, let’s not forget that he is a former child star (Stand By Me). And while he is most definitely a dork, he seems to have turned out okay…

- happylime77 on

Obbbviouslyyy joking. You people have no sense of humor.

- emily on

Jerry is joking. He is hilarious…he is awesome in: Jerry O’Connell auditions for Two and a Half Men

- Lee Michals on

My guess is that he is joking. But even if he is serious, being a child star worked out just fine for him. As long as he keeps his kids grounded, they’ll be fine whatever they do.

- kjc on

The guy is adorable. Please, folks stop being so serious, the man is JOKING!

- Karen on

The story actually states he’s joking! LOL I think he sounds like a proud daddy, nothing wrong with that. :-)

- Catca on

He must not watch Disney Channel, or know who the olsen twins are today. It isn’t Mickey Mouse Club and Full House anymore, Jerry.

- Emily on

the way they treat them on Nickelodeon is horrible though. Sounds like he is joking, I’ve just been reading a lot about child stars lately.

- Romy on

To notsosure: Maybe she dumped Stamos because he was not nice to her. Jerry is one of the nicest guys in Hollywood according to lots of people. In a relationship, that happens to be important.

- Nancy on

Seems like he is joking to me. Anyway, children should be children, and not spend their childhoods working!

- Anonymous on

Whether he is joking or not, I think their daughters would be successful and stay grounded – like Jerry & Rebecca. They seem to be very “normal” people who absolutely adore and dote on their little girls! I think it is super sweet and not dorky – AT ALL! I’m not sure why some people are labeling him as such… doesn’t EVERY woman want a significant other in their life who would do anything for their children?! You can tell his family is #1 and yet you’re mocking him… doesn’t make sense. SING ON, JERRY!

- marion on

Look out Kris Jenner!! Here comes Dadager, Jerry O’Connell!!

- Katie on

My respect for this man has gone down several notches. What a self-serving idiot. How about getting your priorities straight, Jerry? Any celebrity dad with common sense would rather shield their kids from the spotlight, not shamelessly whore them out. Fame can be very rough on people, especially the yound ones. Looks to me like he’s a Dina Lohan-type of a parent. Listen to your much wiser wife, fella.

- Niko on

“I’m trying to force them into the entertainment industry. My wife is a little more, ‘Let them find their way,’” O’Connell, 38, jokes to PEOPLE.

Seems more like he was joking about the forcing them into the industry part, everything else he seemed legit about. But hey, if the mind readers know what he meant then I guess that’s how it is..

- J on

Ugh, shut up.

- ruby on

Love Jerry’s humor about his daughters and his life! Also if there were no children going into this business, those who have children would not have entertainment!

Get off your high horses! Everyones children have opportunities in any endeavor! Success and being well paid as a celebrity is not bad! If he is serious about his children following in his footsteps, I feel he would do his best to guide them as all parents do in whatever their children want to do!

Stop being hypocritical bloggers, if that how you feel that being in the business is so bad, why even follow the life of these stars! They kids may want to do something else which is ok, but if they want to be go into show biz, thats ok 2. You have doctors trying to make doctors out of their kids, and most parents trying to direct their kids choices to get a career in something to become rich! You are all trying to guide your kids in the directions you think is best for them!

Shut up he was joking and they have a mother who also has a say as to what they should do! But at their age, they are very cute girls, and if they have talent, I hope to see them in a show!

- Joyful on

Wow some people take these articles entirely too seriously. For the life of me I can’t understand how the article clearly states he JOKED with People, and so many are on here “whore kids out”, blah blah blah. Do you even read or is your obvious hatred for people you don’t even know affect your ability to comprehend? I don’t know if I should be sad that there are women with such issues or amused.

- Brandi on

Did any of the readers who seem to be beside themselves actually WATCH the video? It’s all very light-hearted and he’s obviously joking. Some of you need to get out more… or find a sense of humor.

- Melissa on

“‘…jokes to People.’” I see reading comprehension remains a problem here.

I think he’s hilarious – this whole thing was very funny and touching because obviously those girls have him whipped! Regardless of his status as a dork, any man willing to watch and sing along to frakkin’ Ariel for and with his babies is sexy.

- Jen DC on

Wow, the morons are out in force today!

- meghan on

id love to have my daughter on a show like Emily Young or Are we there yet. they are so much fun and kids learn so much by trying different things …

- kimmie on

Guys, I’ve been a HUGE Jerry O’Connell fan for about 10 years now. This is what he does. He makes corny jokes about everything. Anyone who has seen him in interviews would know this. Course, you would also know it if you read the article and saw the part where it actually mentioned that he was joking….

He’s a guy who loves his family, talks about his kids all the time, appears to be a hands on dad…but some still find the need to put him down.

HE makes Rebecca happy. Time to let the whole Stamos thing go cause after all, these two have been together since 2004.

- Elaine on

Hopefully he’s joking. I’m sorry but he really annoys me.

- Clairesamsmom on

He is clearly joking. He previously said that his biggest fear is seeing his daughters as reality show stars.

- Charlotte on


- Tbird21 on


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