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  1. World News (08.06.12)

    Mon, 6 Aug 2012

    stockpiles of chemical weapons in the world and America and Israel which is obviously serious. Immediate neighbor are afraid aside could lose control of these weapons. Now we spoke to Israeli officials today who told us they have prepared plans to intervene that they don't fall into the hands of these groups like Hezbollah and al-Qaeda. Okay Alex thanks very much good work. Now

    Israel found at 9:45

    the biggest stockpiles of chemical weapons in the world and America and Israel which is obviously serious. Immediate neighbor are afraid it in this chaotic situation aside could lose control of these weapons. Now we spoke to Israeli officials today who told us they have prepared plans to intervene in Syria. To secure those weapons -- that they don't fall into the hands of these groups like Hezbollah and al-Qaeda. Okay -- Alex thanks very much good work. Now we're gonna go to the London on the Olympic Games as

Latest Israel News

  1. Beyond the grave: Wills give gift of travel

    Sun, 19 Aug 2012

    that with two daughters living in Israel and one son in the United States five family celebrations, three in Israel and two in the United States. The children flew from the East Coast to Israel for a wedding and received a check

  2. Cutler, Marshall Sharp; Bears Beat Redskins 33-31

    Sat, 18 Aug 2012

    in the offseason — wrapped on the sideline. Then, after the Redskins took over on their 17, Griffin got sacked by Israel Idonije and lost the fumble. Bush immediately plowed through the middle for an 8-yard TD that made it 14-0, while

  3. Syria War Tipping Mideast Balance Toward Sunnis

    Sat, 18 Aug 2012

    listened when the leader of Hezbollah spoke. Sheik Hassan Nasrallah's force's battles against Israel , was a sign of the rising make front pages even in Lebanon . The change is emblematic the Syria conflict. The Palestinian militant group Hamas moved its political leadership straining its economy. Israel has talked of military strikes after his fighters battled Israel to a near stalemate in a

  4. Palestinian Government Debt Hurts Private Sector

    Sat, 18 Aug 2012

    afford to work with the West Bank 's Palestinian government shortage of key drugs in Palestinian hospitals, making financial crisis for the Palestinian Authority. The cash toward resolving the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. Some warn that the Palestinian Authority, key to future peace deal with Israel , will not survive without decade — ever since Israel sharply restricted N. to recognize " Palestine " in the West Bank , Gaza and east Jerusalem, territories Israel captured in 1967. The U.S. and Israel say a Palestinian state the Islamic militant Hamas , which seized Gaza

  5. Ex-Fundraiser for US Rep. Grimm Arrested in NYC

    Sat, 18 Aug 2012

    An Israeli who helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for U.S. Rep. Michael ongoing FBI probe of money donated to Grimm's campaign by followers of an Israeli rabbi, Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto. Biton was formerly a top aide to Pinto

  6. Official: Egypt's President to Visit Iran

    Sat, 18 Aug 2012

    thaw in relations between Egypt and Iran after years of enmity, especially since Egypt signed its 1979 peace treaty with Israel and the Islamic revolution in Iran. Under Morsi's predecessor Hosni Mubarak, Egypt sided with Saudi Arabia and other


  1. New Papal Envoy to Israel Hopes to Foster Peace

    Sat, 18 Aug 2012

    Pope Benedict XVI has named Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto as a new envoy to Israel , who will also serve as apostolic delegate in Jerusalem and Palestine . Lazzarotto, a 70-year-old Italian prelate, told Vatican Radio Saturday that

  2. Iran Commander 'Welcomes' Possible Israeli Strike

    Sat, 18 Aug 2012

    senior Iranian commander says a possible Israeli airstrike against his country's nuclear agency. Hajizadeh says in the event of an Israeli strike, Iran's response would be and destructive." But he also claims Israeli threats of a strike are just part of war of words between the archenemies. Israel considers Iran an existential threat

  3. 4 Egyptian Troops Wounded in Sinai Attack

    Sat, 18 Aug 2012

    northern Sinai's main city of el-Arish to the Egypt- Gaza border town of Rafah. The troops were returning from month, militants killed 16 Egyptian soldiers near the Israel - Gaza border. That attack prompted authorities to take a tougher

  4. Paul Ryan Accuses Obama of 'Devastating' Defense Cuts

    Fri, 17 Aug 2012

    In the past day, Iran's president called our ally Israel , quote, a cancerous tumor that must be excised. Let Friday, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did call Israel a "cancerous tumor." "You want a new Middle East

  5. White House, Romney Assail Iran Comments on Israel

    Fri, 17 Aug 2012

    Iran's threatening comments about Israel 's existence is spilling over into the presidential Ahmadinejad (ah-muh-DEE'-neh-zhahd) says Israel 's existence was an "insult to all humanity." Israel considers Iran an existential threat because

  6. New York District Plagued With Scandal

    Fri, 17 Aug 2012

    FBI, allegedly accepted illegal donations from members of an Upper East Side rabbi's congregation. Ofer Biton, an Israeli citizen and a top aide to the prominent Orthodox rabbi, Yoshiyahu Yosef Pinto, came under investigation by the FBI over

  7. Hezbollah : We Can Transform Israeli Lives to Hell

    Fri, 17 Aug 2012

    Lebanese Shiite militant Hezbollah says his group will transform Israelis to "hell" if Israel attacks Lebanon . Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah says the group has a list of Israeli targets that it can hit of Zionists in occupied Palestine to a real hell," he said. The threat came as Israel debated whether to attack Iran's response to any Israeli attack would be "lightning

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  1. Hamas : Gaza to Be Israeli 'Graveyard'

    Sat, 3 Jan 2009

    East tonight after Israeli forces swept across the border into Gaza . Dramatically expanding Israel 's offensive against the Palestinian militant group Hamas . Israel says it wants southern Israel tonight Israel warns that its campaign ABC's Miguel Marquez in Israel . It started just after sundown thousands of Israeli troops moved in to

    Israel found at 0:06, 1:34, 2:18

    There is fierce fighting in the Middle East tonight after Israeli forces swept across the border into Gaza . Dramatically expanding Israel's offensive against the Palestinian militant group Hamas . Israel says it wants to deal a punishing blow to end the reign of Hamas rockets plaguing southern Israel tonight Israel warns that its campaign won't be short or easy. And Hamas vows to turn Gaza into a quote graveyard for the Israelis we have several reports tonight beginning with ABC's Miguel Marquez in Israel .
    It started just after sundown thousands of Israeli troops moved in to Gaza . They attacked the tiny Gaza Strip from four directions on land and there are reports they are also invading -- C. After a higher clocks in the streets tonight hospitals in Gaza report doesn't Palestinian casualties. Sources tell ABC news the plan is to encircle -- Gaza City the biggest population center with 250000. People by morning. We have is ridiculous. News drained out of for a long time. But not know -- the time to do what needs to be done. The government here has authorized the call of thousands of reservists signaling this conflict could widen even war. Israeli defense forces say the immediate goal is to destroy hamas' infrastructure and take control of areas used by the group to launch rockets. In the last week Hamas fired more than 100 rockets and mortars killing four Israelis. This is -- an alert while we were working in -- wrote in southern Israel . It is what residents here have lived with for years Hamas easily -- they claim they've already -- he's really soldiers. In Gaza or reporters says it is chaos people were fearful. As -- really news. -- the city's.
    That's tonight Israel's defense minister says it is also watching its northern border in case of any military action by the radical group. Has --
  2. Israel Aims to Divide Gaza

    Mon, 5 Jan 2009

    Israel 's attacks on Hamas militants escalated populated areas in the Gaza Strip. Along with misery nearly 75%. Of Gaza is without electricity escalated tonight when Israeli troops tried to move causing dozens of Israeli casualties some critical. Palestinian eyewitnesses tell ABC news at least one Israeli tank is being destroyed. Israeli forces are trying rockets into southern Israel today one post this

    Israel found at 0:05, 1:16

    Israel's attacks on Hamas militants escalated dramatically today was fighting around some of the most densely populated areas in the Gaza Strip. Along with the increased fighting has come increased misery nearly 75%. Of Gaza is without electricity in more than half a million residents are without water. ABC seven McGregor wood is in Jerusalem tonight.
    they would do this to buy it. But it hasn't worked yet Hamas -- 38 rockets into southern Israel today one post this government minister. Wanted to just came to go left or schools in the 25 mile radius of Gaza have been shut down. In Gaza Israeli shelling killed more Palestinians today including seventy children just thought He says his baby son and fix that -- to super strength of this Hamas leader should. When you cannot children executive we're allowed to -- you'll lose the Obama mosques and we will destroy your soon. The only options especially children almost half the population. Terrified by Israel's relentless shelling. Today we spoke to a producer -- Sammy Xeon -- it just come under Israeli finest high -- Pioneering.
  3. Israel -Hezbollah POW Exchange

    Wed, 16 Jul 2008

    Today Israel and the militant group Hezbollah exchanged prisoners border between Israel and Lebanon . Hezbollah is reclaiming is somber in Israel . ABC's Simon reports. Most Israeli stole two missing To grieving Israeli families at least him In return Israel is paying a high notorious killer. Israel also released Lebanese and Palestinian fighters we have another victory for Hezbollah and its leader Beirut. And for Israel there is still one more Israeli soldier in captivity should held by Hamas in Gaza for two chapter from Israel 's war with

    Israel found at 0:00, 0:34

    Today Israel and the militant group Hezbollah exchanged prisoners of war but there were markedly different reactions and underside of the border between Israel and Lebanon . Hezbollah is reclaiming a great victory all the mood is somber in Israel . ABC's Simon McGregor wood reports.
    Most Israeli stole -- two missing soldiers would do it today these two coffins handed over by Hezbollah provided the sand proof. To grieving Israeli families at least now able to bury their sons. After two years of desperate uncertainty. And on him -- In return Israel is paying a high price releasing five Lebanese prisons including four captured Hezbollah fighters and this man semi -- could tough. A notorious killer. Israel also released the bodies of 200 Lebanese and Palestinian fighters we have a moral obligation. -- what we can do. To bring them home. Despite living prisoners were transferred to Lebanese soil and treated as returning heroes. She's eleven on the -- is considered another victory for Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah. There will be a hero's welcome in Beirut. And for Israel there is still one more Israeli soldier in captivity. -- should -- held by Hamas in Gaza for two years now. And alive for his release the price and Hamas prisoners will be even higher. Today's prisoner swap closes a painful chapter from Israel's war with Hezbollah in 2006. That war was launched -- rescue these two soldiers. It killed over a thousand people and it's only today finally the two soldiers are returning to Israel Simon McGregor -- ABC news Jerusalem.
  4. Should There Be a Blockade on Gaza ?

    Wed, 30 Jun 2010

    this blockade of Gaza . Well I think larger issue that Israel . By this kind of from getting in. To Gaza I would have much reported that the Israeli newspaper Haaretz at the work. Of Israeli human rights organizations the statements and Israeli officials if you to travel to the West Bank . For education something denounced by many Israeli academics. Wires the reality is that Israel has put for policy people of Gaza against Hamas by making their lives Consistent with Israel 's best moral traditions because all of the Israeli government says that

    Israel found at 0:26, 2:43, 3:39

    not committed. To nonviolence but I think the larger issue -- that Israel . By this kind of blockade. Backed itself into a corner where the blockade really as Morton Klein describes it simply meant to prevent weapons from getting in. To Gaza I would have much less of a problem with it sadly that's not the case -- look at the reported that the Israeli newspaper Haaretz is that if you look at the work. Of Israeli human rights organizations even if you look at the statements and Israeli officials if you will why why are no books and toys. And chocolate and -- and coriander not allowed into the Gaza Strip why he's 90% of the water in the Gaza Strip not drinkable wired. He's written -- got students in Gaza not allowed to travel to the West Bank . For education something it's been denounced by many Israeli academics. Wires required Gaza fishermen not allowed to go more than three miles offshore so that it -- He barely able to get any tax the reality is that Israel has put -- for policy. A strategy of collective punishment aimed at trying to turn people of Gaza against Hamas by making their lives miserable I think that is not. Consistent with Israel's best moral traditions and is also simply not working as a political strategy.
    thousands of tons every day of food medicines and clothing them. Reach Gaza -- others some -- reasons for these other with chocolate or notebooks what does that have to do with the primary issue which is to stop Iran. From allowing thousands of missiles -- rockets from getting into. Into Gaza for Hamas to -- against and civilians. How would an -- rockets -- getting in anyway because all of the Israeli government says that trading peace for land and land for peace doesn't actually worked because. There's still rockets coming they are coming in through underground tunnels from Egypt including into Gaza . But much fewer far fewer can get -- through that means then -- from huge -- and as -- told about little boat this is a huge ocean liner with thousands of missiles. And rockets could have been -- and by the -- officials stopped at least two of these ocean liners and they found thousands of rockets and missiles and stopped him from getting into the hands of Hamas the terrorist groups committed to Israel's destruction -- they committed to America's destruction that destruction of the west as well. And what do you think of the Obama administration's. Response to this. Mark -- who can put them well I find it astonishing thing that Obama's asking for some sort investigation. Of Israel democracy that simply trying to stop Iran from getting at these missiles into Gaza who did Obama and the world asked. For North Korea and moving to be investigated because -- destroyed a South Korean ship.
    in Afghanistan and in Iraq during the war there's been local investigations. Israel's being singled out womb frankly because I'm afraid it's the Jewish state. And the Israel epitomizes the anti semitism toward the --
  5. No Celebration of Israel in Gaza

    Thu, 15 May 2008

    this week the states of Israel celebrates its sixtieth everyone is celebrating. In Gaza children dressed as militants call or catastrophe. Of Israeli independence. why do especially those living in the west bank and Gaza harbors such resentments toward Israel . Reporting from Gaza There's no celebration of Israel 's sixtieth anniversary people's resentment of Israeli kind of thing. Grows let it go home And now Hamas has taken aback. Israel has imposed the blockade included until it recognizes Israel and stops the violence left out. me over any Palestinian who was optimistic about

    Israel found at 0:01, 0:48, 1:35

    In the Middle East this week the states of Israel celebrates its sixtieth anniversary but not everyone is celebrating. In Gaza children dressed as militants commemorated what they call -- or catastrophe. Of Israeli independence. -- why do so many Palestinians especially those living in the west bank and Gaza harbors such resentments toward Israel . Reporting from Gaza are Middle East correspondent Simon McGregor --
    In Gaza these days everything is in short supply it especially fuel. So the remote donkeys -- cars on the streets taxis that run run on cooking oil it works. Just. The garbage is piling up and there's no fuel to -- this rules sewage being pumped into the sea. There's no celebration of Israel's sixtieth anniversary down here in Gaza people coldest day that catastrophe. And -- gets worse here people's resentment of Israeli kind of thing. Grows stronger then you and me we can because they let it go home -- And now Hamas has taken aback. Israel has imposed the blockade or -- and the Palestinians call it. It supported by the US in the -- to ten people wave from -- but in demonstrations today in many held Israel responsible for their plight. And still expressed support for Hamas and its violence they call -- resistance.
    And as for the peace process Hamas will not be included until it recognizes Israel and stops the violence. The people of Gaza feel left out.
  6. Palestinian -Israeli Conflict in :90

    Fri, 20 May 2011

    believe the borders of Israel Palestine should be based on the that as did 1967. When Israel in its Arab neighbors region stretching from the West Bank to the Sinai Peninsula refuge in Syria Egypt Lebanon in Jordan. Next just Nations recognizes that Palestinian people's right to sovereignty precise. The formal Egypt Israel peace treaty is signed bring it. Withdrawal from Gaza in another. He signed of the equation could Israel . The Palestinian people saga the hope is that Israel and the Palestinians may

    Israel found at 0:01, 1:22, 1:58

    We believe the borders of Israel Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines -- mutually agreed swaps. It's the most fiercely contested border on earth but just what makes the lines that divide is real and the Palestinians so important. The answers often line in the meant so let's break it down by the numbers we start. We sixty said that as did 1967. When Israel in its Arab neighbors more students sixties of war over land dividing the actions. As in two times as He. How is real double the size of -- controlled following the sixties war incorporating a region stretching from the West Bank to the Sinai Peninsula. Conversely we had 500000. As -- and a half million Palestinians displaced. After the six day war refugees who fanned out across the Middle East seeking refuge in Syria Egypt Lebanon in Jordan. Next just -- it. Is in -- ten years in between the founding of the Palestine Liberation Army or PLO in 1960 court. In when the United Nations -- recognizes that Palestinian people's right to sovereignty He put it in 1978 on war.
    The formal Egypt Israel peace treaty is signed -- nearly thirty years of warfare between the two adversaries. For 26 we arrived at just war as -- before moments with a world thought peace was possible the treaty with Egypt because we'll bring it. Withdrawal from Gaza in another. He signed in Egypt were all glimmers of hope that have largely faded over time.
    number of casualties suffered on both sides of the equation could -- Israel .
  7. Roundtable: Arab-Israeli Conflict

    Sun, 6 Jun 2010

    threatened to destroy Israel with impunity. And exactly the problem that Israel faces. The government on our site and what Israel is doing now. He's Makes it impossible for Israel to conduct this kind of boycott. To prevent Hamas from being on two things scuds are coming to Hezbollah from Syria and north. Weapons will forum to Gaza from which 6000 rockets have been fired Israel have to take active defense and go again to Gaza and the southern Lebanon furthermore. No Israeli prime minister has state solution. If a Palestinian state based on the West Bank . Cannot allow some undermine the legitimacy of Israel self defense What is

    Israel found at 0:44, 1:08, 3:08

    Second video the second election right now is from the Israeli defense forces that shows troops being attacked. As they descend on the boat with the highlights from. The IDF -- the Obama administration. Has not condemned Israel as one of the few western countries in the world -- not the only one that has not. But you. Have criticized
    in -- still condemn what happened called for investigation this isn't complicated. Israel is under attack. By Hamas which uses Gaza . As a platform from which to launch attacks against Israel they want to destroy the State of Israel and they are supported and that by the countries Iran Syria and now looks to like Turkey as well. This flotilla headed really been committed to providing humanitarian relief to Gaza . Could -- in the Israeli government up on the offer to hit the dock and take that relief in. They didn't do that it was clearly -- propaganda ploy clearly you have members of Muslim Brotherhood on board He had people who were armed ready for the Israeli commandos to arrive. The United States. -- to stand with Israel if the United States in a choice between Israel and Hamas tries to stand above it which is with -- likes to do on every issues sort of be detached and say on the one hand. You know as He said in his Cairo speech a year ago on the one hand He had the Holocaust on the other hand you've got Palestinians living under occupation. That kind of moral equivalence is very not only is it wrong not only -- it shameful but it is dangerous the United States of America. Not to be standing with Israel and when we don't stand with Israel in the face of this kind of an attack. I Iran by Syria by Turkey we send a very clear message. That those nations can in fact attack Israel with impunity that they can in fact threatened to destroy Israel with impunity. And that the United States won't stand by its most important -- in Italy.
    But you've just said demonstrates exactly the problem that Israel faces. The government of Turkey supported the launching -- this flotilla become evident currently I have sanitary He has stood up and said. Hamas is not a terrorist organization. The the the Turks themselves have ally themselves with Iran and with Syria -- not be admitted
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