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Celebrity Baby Blog
Celebrity Baby Blog

Meet Jewel and Ty Murray’s Son, Kase Townes

09/14/2011 at 03:00 PM ET
Kurt Markus

For Jewel and her husband Ty Murray, quiet life out on their 2,400-acre ranch in Stephenville, Texas just got a little more rambunctious.

On July 11, the couple welcomed son Kase Townes after an unexpected emergency c-section that left the new parents slightly shaken, but happy to end up with their “mellow and chill” baby boy.

“They always say, ‘Make a plan and God laughs,’ right?” says the Grammy-winning singer/songwriter, 37.

“We wanted a natural birth and I was committed to that. I studied hypnobirthing.”

Kurt Markus

At a routine check-up a week past her due date, doctors discovered that the baby’s heartbeat was dropping whenever Jewel had Braxton Hicks contractions, and the decision to undergo the surgery was made.

“I feel lucky to be pregnant in the modern age where they could actually tell he wasn’t well during those contractions,” explains the new mom.

“We felt thankful that we had good doctors and a good hospital nearby, and that everything was okay. I’m so lucky that we have a healthy baby boy. That’s all I cared about.”

Watching his son come into the world, Ty, 42, recalls, “I felt like somebody went to a cabinet, pulled out a perfect baby and handed him over. It’s overwhelming.”

Kurt Markus

Kase Townes, now 9 weeks old, draws his name from Ty’s best friend, as well as one of Jewel’s favorite singer-songwriters, Townes Van Zandt.

“We had a name list a long time ago, before we were even married,” says Ty. “I like one syllable names.”

Adds Jewel, “It’s a strong name. We like it.”

Now that the couple are settling into their new late night routine, the pair each have their own duties — dad Ty handles the dirty diapers before handing Kase off to mom for breastfeeding.

“Neither of us wants to have a nanny,” Jewel, whose new album of kids’ songs, The Merry Goes ‘Roundis in stores now, says.

“Ty wants his relationship with Kase to be special, and the time you put in is part of that. I just want to soak up this time with him.”

Kase — whose “little face changes day to day” — will grow up at home on the range as Ty, a fifth-generation cowboy, runs their property as a working ranch, tending to cattle and horses.

“I can’t wait until when Kase goes out there with me,” the co-founder of the Professional Bull Riders says, while admitting that he doesn’t necessarily want his son to follow in his footsteps.

“Jewel and I have to remember he is his own little person, and it’s all for him to figure out. Our job is to enjoy what his little journey is, not fret over it.”

Kurt Markus

– Alicia Dennis

For more on Jewel, Ty and baby Kase and to see the nursery, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE Country, on newsstands now. And for free music from artists like Vince Gill, Billy Currington and Ronnie Dunn, go to people.com/free.

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Brooke C. on

Uh, you guys are a little late on these. I saw these pics like 6 weeks ago in People. I am sure that Kase at almost 3 months now looks totally different.

Bella Mama on

So precious!

Brooklyn on

He’s really cute.

Vanessa on

Such a beautiful family! Love that the pics look natural and not staged.

MaryS on

Brooke, they were in the magazine in August but the country issue just came out, I got mine yesterday. There are probably certain usage rules for online that you just aren’t privy to. At least you can see them for free here without having to buy the magazine.

Kase is adorable! It looks like whoever it was that guessed that Townes was for Townes Van Zandt on the birth announcement story was right.

d on


Bree on

Very sweet, they make a cute family.

Mimi on

Thank you for sharing your birth story and such beautiful photos of Kase! That little cowboy is adorable

Fab on

So precious!!! He looks like dad… Congrats to the family!

Pam on

Congrats to Jewel and Ty! Your son is absolutely gorgeous!

Jenn on

For some reason, their story brought tears to my eyes…they are so down to earth and those pictures display such joy and happiness :)

Congrats to the beautiful family!!!

Kelley on

She seems so real, not the Hollywood norm. It’s refreshing. Wish them all the joy and happiness a new life brings.

Ella on

Aw, he looks just like Daddy. Very sweet. Congrats!

Jenn on

So cute! Kase looks EXACTLY like his daddy…so sweet!



Maggie on




Pat on

Very nice, but why do these celebs want to put pics of their kids out? Jewel has recently been stalked right on her own property so I am surprised.

amw on

the top photo is awkward, but i am happy for the family. i like his name and i love the dads quote at the end of the story. its an important thing to remind ourselves of as parents. congrats.

KPR on

I love their outlook on parenting!!! “Ty wants his relationship with Kase to be special, and the time you put in is part of that.” Fun to see parents who have the opportunity to hand their child off to someone else who actually decide and choose to do the work themselves :-) Kase is a very strong yet unique name. I also like one syllable names …. especially for boys … very strong! :-)

Karen on

Beautiful baby, and she looks great! Congratulations!

LP on

Awe, I love the pictures. I want to live on the ranch with them. Maybe they’d reconsider a Nanny? I just love Jewel, she seems like a very geniune person.

Janice Pielert on

What a gorgeous little boy. He looks so much like his daddy. God bless Kase and his parents. I hope they have a beautiful life together.

kelbelle on

looks just like his daddy!!! Glad to see pics!!!!

jenna on

is it just me, or do they sound way way WAY too normal to be celebrities?

eribri on

Pat – it’s probably because a lot get hounded for pics so it’s better to do them early on yourself.

Jewel is so pretty, her baby boy definitely looks like the dad too!

Kat on

All babies are perfect. People become nasty as they grow older :)

Zoe on

Beautiful baby. Beautiful family. I love how they don’t want nannies taking care of their baby.

Natasha on

Sweet little one. Best of luck!

hobieluv83 on

One of my favorite “celebrity” families. Jewel makes a gorgeous mommy.

Angie on

I love it! Just a beautiful family. I wish them nothing but love and healthy life :)

Ralph on

2,400 acres. .. I wish I had just 24 of them.

AZtroids on

Cute baby. He looks exactly like his dad.

stephanie on

uhh, @brooke, if he was born july 11 like the article states, then he’s only 2 months old. if those pictures are 6 weeks old, he would have only been 2 weeks old at the time they were taken and that baby in those pictures is definitely not just 2 weeks old.

Faith on

What a beautiful little baby boy

Candy on

Such a sweet family. Ty looks totally smitten with his little guy!

Kimmy on

It was me that said Townes was for Townes Van Zandt, I love him as well!

steve on

that baby looks like adriano

Catherine on

@stephanie…you took the words right out of my mouth. He is definitely older than 2 weeks in these pics!

Raven on


laurie on

No surprise she doesn’t want a nanny! I know someone who is friends with her and she is 100% down to earth and ‘real’. The baby is gorgeous.

ForeverMoore on

He’s definitely daddy’s little boy. He is so sweet! Jewel looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G…wow, motherhood sure looks good on her. I had a similar birth story as hers and all I cared about was a healthy baby, no matter what. What a great family, can’t wait to see this little guy grow up.

Arlene & Greg Carpenter on

Hi to you three….A wonderful family and one that shows true love. We hail from Clam Gulch area in Alaska but have now relocated into Lake Havasu. As a musician myself and have family in Clam Gulch, we appreciate your fortitude to ‘rise above’ and let the people ‘Outside’ know that Great Land has a lot to share with the rest of the World and you have have done it….Jewel. Kudo’s to your husband as he will sustain you and the baby with the understanding, support and love that you rightfully deserve. I enjoy sharing some of your songs to the LHC locals along with others that I am so familiar with from Alaska. Blessings to you three. Arlene and Greg

soph on

Kimmy: nope, I mentioned it first. (Not trying to be competitive, just stating a fact…)

Hillary on

I love that he’s wearing cloth diapers in his photo shoot!! Go Jewel!!

robbie on

so happy for you both,he is so cute,god bless you all.

mommymay on

beautiful baby! but Mommy Jewel does not look natural with the baby at all.

Kandee43 on

Such a lovely and blessed family.

Debbie on

So happy for Jewel – one of my favorite singers. Loved discovering that she is a Townes Van Zandt fan, as well, although I’m not surprised – she has excellent taste in singers AND husbands. She and Ty sound like they will be wonderful, grounded parents. Kase is a very lucky little boy… can’t wait to buy her children’s CD.
All the best to the lovely family.

Tara on

man he so looks like his father!

Allie on

What do u mean she doesn’t look natural she looks like a mom in love with her bundle of joy! Congrats to them both!

Kat on

She was one of my favorite singers as a teen, I’m glad to see her so happy!

Romy on

looks like her husband in a swaddle blanket!

Becky on

Such a touching story..They do sound so dwn to earth..Wishing tha best for them and their beautiful baby boy..

Katina128 on

What a precious bundle! Love the wool cover too. We cloth diaper as well and love it.

Morgan on

@ Brooke C….if you know how to count…9 weeks is almost 3 months old. 4 weeks in a month…he was born in July….the facts on this would be correct. Anyway……I couldnt be more happy for Ty and Jewel. They are amazing people and I know they will be amazing parents! So happy to see the love in their eyes for their little boy!!!

Tracy Dolin on

Congradulations on your new baby boy!, he is so adorablr, Congradts to both of you. He looks so much like your husband, but i see a little of you in him, how adorabe, good luck and hope to see you touring when he get’s s older.

Lady on

What a beautiful little boy, they are so blessed! Love them!

Tracy Dolin on

Congradualations on your new baby boy! He is so adorable. He looks like the both of you but more like your husband. Maybe when he get solder you can tour som more and go to Mystic lake in Shakopee. I Love your Music, Good Luck to the both of you, Sincerely, Tracy

Charles on

I am very happy for the parents and pray that he will be blessed with a wonderful life. I have followed Jewel’s music and enjoy it much. She has a beautiful voice and is very talented. I would hope the new son acquired much of that talent also. Jewel is a great performer and I look forward to new ventures and much new music from her soon. Congrats to YA’LL!

dsfg on

Morgan, do YOU know how to count? 9 weeks would be two months, not almost three months. Two months is 60-62 days, while 9 weeks = 63 days . . .

Dana Underwood on

Very sweet congrads

Sarah S. on

Looks just like his Daddy! Congrats to them on a beautiful son! :)

paula on

@Brook .. Do the math, he was born july 11 today is Sept.15 , that’s 9weeks and 3 days.

Amanda K on

Beautiful pics. Very happy for them.

torgster on

mommymay whatever do you mean she doesn’t look natural? That doesn’t even make sense.

La La Outlandish on

He’s just lovely!

La La Outlandish on

PS. Love hypnobirthing, fantastic!

Sheri on

They live in a beautiful area … I have been to Stephenville, Texas several times to visit a good friend. It is definitely small-town, friendly, rural America. What a great place to raise their little one. Little Kase looks just like his daddy! God bless all of them.

Ali on

I’ve never seen a baby that young that already showed insane resemblance to one of the parents, obviously the dad in this case.

denjul on

Actually Brooke, if you do the math July 11 was only 8 1/2 weeks ago, so not sure how you seen them that long ago. Just saying

jenw on

I’ve been a huge fan of Jewel since the mid-90′s and have loved following the news of her marriage a few yrs ago and now a baby!! So happy for her!! Can’t wait to hear her new music!!

Ellie on

Cute! But look at those lips on ‘im. Those’ll be so full when he grows up.

Colleen McCool on

Congratulations Jewel and Ty! Kase Townes expression in these pictures says he realizes already, “I’ve got it made in the shade, folks.”

The sweet life and all the best to this precious child and his family!

mmmm on

OMG, he is so adorable. He and my son ( when he was newborn) look alike- so weird. Congrats and enjoy him!!!

Kim on

What a Beautiful Baby! Jewel and Ty are such normal..sweet people. So so happy for them.

Peggy on

I love Ty and Jewel. Congratulations! Kase is a lucky little guy!

beehee on

Looks just like Ty!!!!! CONGRATS!!!

ruby on

How sweet :) I am not a big fan of Jewel’s music and I had (have) no idea who her hubby is, but I have always really liked her as a person. So happy that she finally has a baby :)

An interview she gave about her thyroid problems helped me realize that I had the same thing and now I’m finally getting well.

ray on

Baby is not beautiful like the mom, but he’s cute in an odd looking way. Husband is feo. Hope he doesn’t look like the father. How come all these stars like Elizabeth Taylor and Brangelina have the funkiest looking kids. The only good looking offspring I have seen is Heather Locklear’s daughter. The rest are funky looking.

Annie on

She looks sooo happy! Good for them!

Linda on

Congratulations Ty and Jewel!! Welcome to Baby Kase! You guys are gorgeous!

Rainbowstar on

The baby looks just like like his dad already…

sno on


SD on

Beautiful baby, and i bet Jewel and Ty will be great parents. they seem so down to earth. :)

Jamie on

Congratulations to both Jewel and her hubby. I have been wondering when she would have a baby. Jewel you will make an awesome mommy!

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