9 August 2012 Last updated at 17:25 ET

Gu Kailai murder trial adjourns

The wife of former high-flying Chinese politician Bo Xilai is awaiting a verdict after the end of her one-day trial for the murder of a UK businessmen.

A consumer buying vegetables in ChinaChina inflation at a 30-month low

China's inflation dips to a 30-month low in July, giving policymakers a bigger cushion to boost stimulus measures to spur economic growth.

At an evacuation centre in the PhilippinesPhilippines ramps up flood relief

Efforts are under way in the Philippines to help hundreds of thousands of people displaced by floods that have paralysed the capital.

Soutik Biswas, Delhi correspondent Article written by Soutik Biswas Soutik Biswas Delhi correspondent

Why do India's MPs love guns?

Indian MPs, many with criminal records, are buying guns despite getting official security. Why?

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Damian Grammaticas, Beijing correspondent Article written by Damian Grammaticas Damian Grammaticas Beijing correspondent

Chinese colonialism?

As China increases investment in Africa, there are concerns that this may not be a mutually beneficial relationship, writes the BBC's Damian Grammaticas.

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