US & Canada

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July hottest US month on record
8 August 2012

July 2012 has broken the old record set in 1936 during the Dust Bowl era to become the hottest month ever in the US, scientists say.

Mars rover lifts its mast cameras
8 August 2012

The Curiosity Mars rover uses its navigation cameras for the first time, capturing images of its shadow on the ground and views of the horizon.

Facebook expands mobile adverts
8 August 2012

Adverts for apps will feature in Facebook's news feed on mobile devices as it seeks to counter a decline in visits via the web.

Texas executes man despite IQ appeal
8 August 2012

A death-row inmate is executed in Texas after the US Supreme Court rejected arguments he should be ineligible for execution because of his low IQ.

Blackwater settles US arms charge
8 August 2012

The security firm formerly known as Blackwater agrees to pay a $7.5m (£4.8m) fine to settle US federal charges related to arms trafficking.

Twitter in Tyson threat subpoena
8 August 2012

The New York police subpoena Twitter to force it to identify a user who threatened to shoot up Mike Tyson's one-man Broadway show.

Arizona shooter makes guilty plea
8 August 2012

Jared Loughner admits killing six people in a shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, as a judge finds him mentally fit to enter a plea.

Features & Analysis


US homeowners stuck in houses that may never recover value

Body counts

Rating how US states combat the scourge of human trafficking

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