'Threatened' Honduran journalist requests US asylum

Protest march in Tegucigalpa in May 2012 The wave of violence against journalists has prompted protests, but the attacks continue

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A Honduran journalist has requested asylum in the US embassy in Tegucigalpa after he said he and his family were repeatedly threatened and attacked.

Jose Chinchilla, who works for a radio station in El Progreso in northern Honduras, said his son was injured when unidentified gunmen opened fire outside the family home.

More than 20 journalists have been murdered over the past three years in Honduras.

None of the crimes has been solved.

Wave of violence

It is not clear whether the attacks were linked to the the victims' professions, but pressure groups say journalists covering rising levels of crime and drug trafficking in Honduras are increasingly at risk.

Two gunmen on motorcycles drove past Mr Chinchilla's home on Friday night opening fire and injuring his 24-year-old son, he was quoted by local media as saying.

Map of Honduras

Mr Chinchilla is the correspondent for radio station Radio Cadena Voces in the city of El Progreso.

Journalists working for Radio Cadena Voces have been targeted before.

In October 2007, journalist and humorist Carlos Salgado was shot dead as he was leaving the Radio Cadena Voces' offices in the capital, Tegucigalpa.

A month later, the station's director, Dagoberto Rodriguez, left Honduras after receiving death threats.

In May of this year, thousands of people marched in cities across Honduras in protest at the wave of violence against journalists

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