8 August 2012 Last updated at 15:12 ET

Mars rover lifts its mast camerasMars rover handout image released on 8 August 2012

The Curiosity Mars rover has lifted its mast and used its navigation cameras for the first time.

JawScientists find new human species

Fossils from Northern Kenya show that a new species of human lived two million years ago, researchers say.

Sha'ar HaGolanObjects may be 'earliest matches'

Researchers from Israel say mysterious clay artefacts from the Neolithic era are the earliest known "matches".

Our Experts

Jonathan Amos, Science correspondent Article written by Jonathan Amos Jonathan Amos Science correspondent
Richard Black, Environment correspondent Article written by Richard Black Richard Black Environment correspondent
David Shukman Article written by David Shukman David Shukman Science editor

Nasa Curiosity rover successfully lands on Mars Watch

The US space agency has landed a huge new robot rover on Mars.

Watch David's report

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Michael JohnsonPsychology of pressure

Are emotions the key to good performances?

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