8 August 2012 Last updated at 15:12 ET

Website warned over MMR claimsMMR jab

A website offering parents advice on vaccines has been ordered to remove information about the MMR jab after claiming it could be linked to autism.

Pfizer's world headquarters in New York, 25 January 2009 file photoAwaited Alzheimer's drug shelved

Two US drug firms say they are stopping development of an Alzheimer's drug because it failed in two late-stage clinical trials.

HIV awareness 'drops off radar'

Sexual health experts and leading HIV charities say not enough is being done to raise awareness of the dangers of the virus for young people in the UK. Newsbeat

Our Expert

Fergus Walsh, Medical correspondent Article written by Fergus Walsh Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent

Legacy for anti-doping centre

The anti-doping facility being used to test samples during the Olympic and Paralympic Games is to be turned into a medical research unit.

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