Egypt election results: Your views

Egyptians celebrate Mohammed Mursi's victory Egyptians celebrate Mohammed Mursi's victory

Mohammed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood has been declared the winner of Egypt's presidential election.

Thousands of people have been celebrating his victory in Cairo's Tahrir Square.

Mr Mursi has been congratulated by the losing candidate Ahmed Shafiq, a former general and minister under President Mubarak.

Ali Tobah, Giza

Photo: Ali Tobah "I'm concerned Scaf will try to hold onto power"

I voted for the man and not the party and I am glad Dr Mursi won. He was the only candidate who had some concrete political experience.

His victory signals a new era for Egypt and the end the culture of fear.

Egypt still has many obstacles to overcome and his priorities should be job creation, education and security.

Egypt desperately needs an injection of new blood in the government, politician's and public officials who have been untainted by sleaze, corruption and cronyism.

Hopefully the Muslim brotherhood can slowly transform our political system of governance from a huge, corrupt bureaucracy to an executive that provides the Egyptian people with a functioning public service system that works seamlessly.

My main concern is that Scaf will try to hold onto power. This could scare off potential investors' and cause future unrest.

Mohammed Okda, Cairo

Half the nation is thrilled by the outcome of the election results. Others are concerned about what kind of leader Dr Mursi will become.

People stand on statue in Tahrir Square, Egypt. Photo: Ali Tobah Dr Mursi's supporters gather in Cairo's Tahrir Square. Photo: Ali Tobah

The elections results could have been botched. They weren't. The announcement was methodical and detailed. This is a good sign.

It is imperative now that a new constitution is drawn up in the next few weeks, safe guarding the rights of minority groups and ensuring that freedom of expression and religious freedoms are protected.

We need to elect a new parliament with broad representation of the people and at the same time minimise the role of the military in our society.

This will do much to quell fears of a lurch back to the ways of the old regime and corruption.

In the first round of the elections I voted. I was excited and convinced that I had a say about the direction our country would take.

In the second round of the election, we were only given two options. Choose a proxy from the old regime or a candidate pushing for religious rule. It was hardly a choice.

Like many disillusioned voters I withheld my ballot in the runoff and voided it. However, today I don't want to bemoan our election process. Irrespective of the winner, we need to focus on our financial future.

As a small businessman I would like to employ more people and help the economy. This can only be done when there is stability.

Dr Eman Altahawy, Ismailia

I work as a cardiology specialist in Ismailia. I voted for Dr Mursi because he has the support of a large political party and he will keep the revolution alive.

Behinds the scenes I know he will work hard to establish national unity, overcome the divisions and forge new links with non-religious parties such as Independents, leftists and secular parties.

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Dr Mursi needs to represent the entire population not just his supporters.”

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We have had six decades of authoritarian rule and it is incredibly to realise all Egyptians are now living in a democracy that some people in western societies take for granted.

Once in government Dr Mursi can begin the process of reconciliation. More importantly I hope he will champion healthcare reform.

It is a basic need which has been overlooked for decades.

As doctor I'm always concerned about replenishing medical stocks, providing good treatment to people from lower income groups and retaining qualified medical staff who may be tempted to leave for better opportunities in other countries.

Although Dr Mursi has a small mandate, nearly half the electorate abstained or voted for the opposition, when he takes office he needs to represent the entire population not just his supporters.

I think our country has turned a corner today.

Tarek Ali, Alexandria

Photo: Tarek Ali 'Egypt is not ready for democracy'

The role of religion has no part in politics and it should be separate from the state.

The election of a candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood means the death of secularism and a politically plural society.

Dr Mursi may hope to a more inclusive political landscape but there are stronger forces in his party who will prevent that from happening.

The Muslim Brotherhood is extremely conservative in their policies.

The party elite will move quickly to shore up their power and monopolize key legislative positions, shutting out other political parties, to the detriment of our secular society.

More than half the population do not want a constitution, drawn up solely from an Islamist perspective imposed upon us all.

Egypt is not ready for a democracy of this kind and until our all rights are assured the military should not relinquish power.

All our hopes for real reform have been dashed.

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