6 August 2012 Last updated at 14:52 ET

Photo shows Mars rover descentMars rover (Nasa)

An orbiting spacecraft takes a spectacular image of the Curiosity rover descending to the surface of Mars.

Billy Jack tests a Gibson Les Paul guitar in a Nashville shopGibson settles discord on timber

The US government settles its legal case against the iconic Gibson Guitar company over use of illegal timber from Madagascar.

Mawchu Llacta (Image: Steven Wernke)Flying cameras to map Peru ruins

Archaeologists in Peru are getting ready to fly an unmanned craft that could radically speed up data gathering at historical sites

Our Experts

Jonathan Amos, Science correspondent Article written by Jonathan Amos Jonathan Amos Science correspondent
Richard Black, Environment correspondent Article written by Richard Black Richard Black Environment correspondent

Climate science and acts of creation

Is climate science moving into new fields of "cloud-review"? If so, does it matter?

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David Shukman Article written by David Shukman David Shukman Science editor

Why, oh why, does it keep raining?

The path of the jet stream is to blame for the wretched British summer, writes BBC Science Editor David Shukman.

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Michael JohnsonPsychology of pressure

Are emotions the key to good performances?

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The Big Picture

Vampire bat Reveal picture

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