6 August 2012 Last updated at 14:52 ET

Accused singer vows to clear nameRandy Blythe of US metal band Lamb of God

Rock singer Randy Blythe, who fronts US band Lamb of God, vows to "fight to clear his good name" after being released on bail from a Prague jail.

Gary Barlow and wife Dawn in 2005Gary Barlow mourns stillborn baby

Take That singer Gary Barlow confirms that his fourth child with wife Dawn has been delivered stillborn.

The Oriel of the Blue Horses by Martin GostnerDung piles adorn Berlin gallery

An art installation made up of artificial dung, intended to pay tribute to a seminal work seized by the Nazis in 1937, goes on display in Berlin.

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There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise.

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