Olympic 100m bottle throw: Man denies public order charge

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A 34-year-old man has denied throwing a bottle at the start of the men's Olympic 100m final on Sunday night.

Ashley Gill-Webb, of South Milford, North Yorkshire, pleaded not guilty at Stratford Magistrates' Court to a public order offence.

After the incident a Dutch judo champion hit a man she had seen throwing a bottle on to the track.

Edith Bosch, 32, said she hit him on the back with the flat of her hand.

Mr Gill-Webb was granted conditional bail and told he would face trial at Thames Magistrates' Court on 3 September.

He is charged with using threatening words or behaviour with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress under Section 4A of the Public Order Act.

District Judge Angus Hamilton granted bail on the condition that Mr Gill-Webb does not enter any Olympic venue, including the whole of the Olympic Park, and that he resides at his home with the exception of the evening before his trial.

'It's unacceptable'

A Locog spokesman said: "The incident had no impact on the competitors or the event."

However, US sprinter Justin Gatlin, who won bronze in Sunday's race, said the bottle had been a "little distraction".

He added: "I didn't know what it was, but when you're in those blocks, and the whole stadium's quiet, you can hear a pin drop."

John, who was sitting three feet away from the man, told BBC Radio 5 live: "Police dragged him down the tunnel where the athletes come out.

"The biggest cheer went out for this guy getting arrested as actually Usain Bolt getting over the line."

Ms Bosch, who won a Bronze medal in the 70kg category, said the incident made her miss the race.

"I am very sad about that," she added.

London 2012 chairman Lord Coe said: "Throwing a bottle on to the field of play is unacceptable. It's not just unacceptable at an Olympic Games, it's unacceptable at any sports venue.

"The guy was removed and anyone who does that in future will be removed so there is a zero tolerance to anything like that."

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