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Anna Nicole Smith

22 December

The 50 Hottest Dead People of The Decade

50 hottest dead people of the decade

The first decade of the new Millennium (or “The Naughts,” as they never became known) was, by all accounts, a depressing one. As part of that trend, Hollywood and the world lost some of their most familiar, iconic, and recognizable faces from all walks of the entertainment life.

Some deaths were shocking, some were perhaps less so… but if there is one thing that almost all of these deceased people had in common, it’s that they were, by all accounts, way, way more attractive than your average human being. Which is why we thought we’d celebrate their lives for the same reason that, in many cases, brought them their fame to begin with. So please, join BWE.tv in remembering our beloved celebrity brethren by perusing the following gallery…

The 50 Hottest Dead People of The Decade. Click on the first pic, scroll through, then tell us your favorites, who you’ll miss the most, and who we left out. Because the decade may have been full of tragedy… but on the bright side, these people were hot. Let us remember them that way.

5 March

TRAILER MIX: Finally, The Anna Nicole Smith 70′s B-Movie Biopic-Porno No One Wants To See!

annanicolemoviestill.JPGNow that its been literally months since the tragedy of Anna Nicole Smith’s life stopped dominating this country’s media coverage, it’s time to immortalize her life in a poorly-produced film. Luckily, Nasser Entertainment (the people who brought us Robo-Rollerblader and Big Butt Biker Babes) and star-dancing D-lister Willa Ford have recognized our crucial need to relive this sad tabloid tale yet again, and collaborated to bring us Anna Nicole, the “most anticipated motion picture of the year” that will clearly tell the story of the fallen starlet’s life with all the understatement and grace with which she lived it. Then again, this just might be a deleted scene from Grindhouse we weren’t aware of.

See the trailer after the jump.


6 February

DEAR ALEX: Should I Date A Paparazzo?

dearalexlogo.jpg["Dear Alex" is a new BWE.tv feature wherein I will offer my expert advice on how to become a better celebrity.]

Dear Alex,

I’m a famous person whose every move is photographed and printed in tabloid magazines. Should I date one of the paparazzi guys who follow me around?

–Poppy McStarlet, Hollywood

Dear Poppy,

As we’ve seen in countless rom-coms and TV reality shows, true love can be found in the unlikeliest of places, so while a relationship between a celebrity and someone whose sole existence revolves around systematically stalking them for money is highly illogical, it is by no means impossible. As is the case with most things in life, the answer to your query can be found in a careful inventory of the pros and cons associated with the endeavor you’re proposing, and what better way to assess the risks and rewards that come along with a celebrity-paparazzo romance than two very recent instances of this Hollywood line-blurring?

Anna Nicole Smith was a blonde bombshell with billions of dollars and personal problems to spare. Larry Birkhead was a probably gay failed actor so desperate to be famous that he earned a living following around and photographing people who were. On the surface, it would appear that Birkhead was only interested in Anna Nicole for her money and fame, but consider the positive changes he made in her life. He gave her a child, really very extremely publicly fought to establish his claim of fathering that child, and is now selling staged photos of said child in order to ensure its financial future if he doesn’t blow all the money first. And following Anna Nicole’s untimely passing, he’s firmly established himself as the Official Anna Nicole Spokesperson for any and all (no matter how small) press requests that might arise. All in all, I’d say a pretty positive influence.

Then there’s the case of Britney Spears and Adnan Ghalib. Britney, needing no introduction, was pretty much at the nadir of her celebrity existence when she began her mysterious romance with Adnan, one of the increasingly shameless paparazzi who have been following Brit night and day for the past two years. With Britney so clearly having the most public nervous breakdown in history, the casual TMZ observer would probably wager a guess that Ghalib was cynically exploiting her deteriorating mental condition to financially profit from her tragic downfall. Or then again, maybe he was a Paparazzi Knight In Shining Flash Bulb Armor come to save this damsel from the distress of Evil Celebrity Blood-Sucking Overlord Sam Lufti by taking the exclusivest exclusive photos of Britney in only her most flattering moments. From Britney’s standpoint, his constant stalking kept him conveniently close at hand, and if you can’t beat ‘em, why not f*ck ‘em? Or maybe Adnan was a willing pawn in Lufti’s so-insane-it-could- only-be-true masterplan to turn a young woman into the biggest, saddest carnival freakshow the world has ever known. This one’s a pretty a tough call.

Anywhoozers, back to the question at hand – should you, a famous person, get into a romantic relationship with a paparazzi photog? Now I’m no Dr. Phil or anything, so I don’t know how important my opinion is, but my answer would have to be, in a word, no. No, you should not.

Keep being the best celebs you can be, guys!

Until next time,
Alex Blagg

6 February

While You Were Wasting An Entire Night Watching People On CNN Play With Computer Screens


  • Now that she’s reportedly back on the sauce, Lindsay Lohan took a break from saucing long enough to reflect on last year, during which time she was covered in sauce.
  • Not only is Larry Birkhead continuing to rob the grave of Anna Nicole Smith, he’s having Glamor Shots taken as he does so.
  • Are Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Denzel Washington and Michael Jordan really squabbling about who got to ride on the new motorcycle first, or are the people who make and market that motorcycle just really good at manipulating the tabloid press? You make the call!
  • Metallica has been announced as the headliner for this year’s Bonnaroo Music Festival. Yes, when those hippies are just mellow-chillin’ out with a head full of shrooms, I’m sure the one thing they’re gonna want to groove out to is the super laid-back sounds of “Kill ‘Em All”.
  • We love you McLovin, but take it from that guy who played Pedro – you might just need to bring it down a notch.
9 October


When Anna Nicole Smith‘s old stylist gets into a dispute with her old interior decorator and they end up trying to sort things out on a daytime TV court show, the outcome is every bit as hilarious as one might expect.

30 August

Anna Nicole Paternity Case Takes Desperate, Shady Plot Twist

From MOLLYGOOD: You know how on “24“, to keep your attention over the course of however many years, they keep having more and more ridiculous plot twists occur, where the president will suddenly be behind it all, or Jack’s dad will be a villain and be James Cromwell or something, and all it ends up doing is make you care less every time? That’s kind of how I reacted to the shocking news from MOLLYGOOD that Larry Birkhead and Howard K. Stern may have been in cahoots with one another. Also, the president may be behind this too, and Los Angeles is going to explode.


27 August

BWE Halftime Report: The Top 10 Big Ladies of ’07

DITTY BEBE.JPGLook at your calendar. No… you’re not seeing things… summer is literally over. Kiss your tan goodbye, set your monokinis on fire, and guzzle the last of your margarita mix folks — the fun is almost over! This week, to celebrate the fact that 2007 is almost over, Dan, myself, and some of your favorite BWE panelists and podcasters are bringing you the BWE Halftime Report — a look back at the year so far, and also, a look ahead. The BWE Halftime Report: “Why Wait Til the End of the Year To Make Lists?”

In today’s post, Best Night Ever‘s Michael Cyril Creighton discusses the hottest and biggest ladies to come onto (and out of) the scene in 2007 so far. Enjoy! –Michelle

Big In ’07: Top 10 Zaftig Ladies of Pop Culture
by Michael Cyril Creighton

So far, 2007 has brought us big boned broads bombarding the pop culture scene. The days of the skinny girls getting all the glory are gone. (We love alliteration. Clearly.) We celebrate these zaftig beauties the only way we know…by putting arbitrary numbers next to their names, making fun of them, and hoping they don’t sit on us. (J/K. Big is Beautiful.)

JHUD12.JPG10. Jennifer Hudson

AND I AM TELLING YOU…that even though the lower half of her body didn’t move during her big number in “Dreamgirls”, making her look like a paraplegic with really expressive arms, she won an Oscar! She taught us that big girls don’t cry. They keen, belt, growl and hold notes for a really long time. Then they take an extremely aggressive intake of breath…and bring it home.


Making lesbianism something easy for Middle America to stomach, this dainty lady (and former co-host of “The View”) shot snot rockets, dressed up like a giant roll of dancing toilet paper, and blogged her face off…haiku style.

She is a lesbo
I miss her red blazer so
Why you so mad, Ro?
Sing a showtune please

Butch haircut is gone
You are a Fiery Mountain
‘Member “The Flinstones”?

JEZEBEL1.JPG8. Jezebel on “Meadowlands”

Showtime brought us a summer treat, the highly underrated 8 part series “Meadowlands”. The town beauty is Jezebel, a 200+ lb vixen with breasts that are larger than Stephen Baldwin’s ego and Danny DeVito’s entire body. Played by Ella Smith, Jezebel was a shallow, selfish princess of a girl, and all we want to do is give her Motorboats all day long. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

After the jump!! The Remaining Top 7 Big Ladies of ’07! The list continues…


27 August

Was Anna Nicole Smith the Greatest Comic Actress Of Her Time?

Look — I mean absolutely no disrespect with this clip, nor am I posting it to score stupid shock humor points by ripping on a dead person (if Kevin Costner died, would his Boston accent in “Thirteen Days” stop being funny?) That being said, I simply couldn’t stop laughing at this outtakes reel of a 29-year-old Anna Nicole Smith stumbling through her lines in the movie “Skyscraper,” sounding like some treacherous combination of Paula Abdul and Nell trying to speak after they’ve just roofied one another. I don’t usually have the patience for 6-minute online videos, but as you’ll see, there really isn’t a wasted second in this masterpiece (NSFW):

1 May

While You Were Cleaning Off The Old Spiderman Pajamas To Wear To The Movies This Weekend


  • Someone has discovered new tape recordings of Anna Nicole Smith, in which she recounts stories about how she had “a lot of sex” with that withered old millionaire and lots of other vaguely depressing stuff you don’t particularly want to know.
  • Ellen DeGeneres will be hosting today’s episode of her talk show entirely from her hospital bed. We bet she’ll still find a way to work in that annoying dance thing she does.
  • The good thing about watching Kathy Griffin drunkenly fall out of her car is that it’s hilarious. The bad thing is you’ll probably watch it over and over and waste an entire morning.
  • Kim Kardashian is one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, now commanding $5 million a movie.
  • If there’s one fictional character’s Greatest Hits album you buy this year, make it Andy Bernard from The Office‘s!
6 April

IN ODDER NEWS: Fairy Tales Do Come True

  • Disney has changed its policy and will now allow same-sex couples to participate in its popular Fairy Tale Wedding program. Because it’s about time homosexuals are given the same rights as cartoon rodents.
  • Coca Cola has taken legal action against the producers of an Italian film that depicts Jesus drinking Coke in the desert. He was clearly a Diet Coke kind of guy.
  • Radio talk-show host Don Imus upset some people by calling the Rutgers’ women’s basketball team “nappy headed ho’s.” Most upset of all? The nappy-headed ho’s.
  • A Vegas magician claims Anna Nicole Smith performed oral sex on him after he levitated her for a segment of her reality TV show. She figured one good trick deserved another.
  • According to the NFL Network, Larry David has been talking to the NY Jets about their draft needs. Officials say his advice was pretty… pretty… pretty good.