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FACTOID # 1: The total number of state executions in 2005 was 60: 19 in Texas and 41 elsewhere. The racial split was 19 Black and 41 White.
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The West > Idaho > Government

2004 Election > Total votes as percentage 58.7% [34th of 51]
2004 Election > Voting age population 948,000 [41st of 51]
2004 Election > Youth voter turnout 48% [18th of 41]
Electoral Votes 4 [42nd of 51]
Gun Laws > Permits
No permit is required to purchase firearms. A permit is required to carry a concealed weapon.
Gun Laws > Prohibited firearms None.
Seats in the House of Representatives 2 seats [42nd of 50]
US gubernatorial elections, 1998 > Summary of results > Party
US gubernatorial elections, 1998 > Summary of results > Status
Retired, Republican victory
US gubernatorial elections, 2002 > Election results > Incumbent Dirk Kempthorne
US gubernatorial elections, 2002 > Election results > Opposing Candidates
Jerry Brady (Democratic) 41.7%
Daniel Adams (Libertarian) 2%
US gubernatorial elections, 2002 > Election results > Party
US gubernatorial elections, 2002 > Election results > Status Re-elected, 56.3%
US gubernatorial elections, 2006 > Elections > Incumbent Jim Risch
US gubernatorial elections, 2006 > Elections > Party Republican
US gubernatorial elections, 2006 > Elections > Status
Elected Lieutenant Governor - Republican Hold
Western Governors Association > Current Western Governors > Current Governor
C.L. "Butch" Otter
Western Governors Association > Current Western Governors > Elected/took office 2,007
Western Governors Association > Current Western Governors > Party Republican
Western Governors Association > Current Western Governors > Seat Up 2,010

... View all Government stats

SOURCES: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, 2005.; CIRCLE, The Center for Information and Reasearch on Civic Learning and Engagement; FirstGov Official Government website; Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2003; The United States House of Representatives; Wikipedia: United States gubernatorial elections, 1998; Wikipedia: United States gubernatorial elections, 2002; Wikipedia: United States gubernatorial elections, 2006; Wikipedia: Western Governors Association


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