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Health Statistics > Health Index (most recent) by state

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Rank   States  Amount 
# 1     Vermont: 22.67 
# 2     New Hampshire: 21.4 
# 3     Massachusetts: 18.69 
# 4     Minnesota: 16.3 
# 5     Maine: 16.06 
# 6     Iowa: 14.57 
# 7     Utah: 14.19 
# 8     Hawaii: 13.71 
# 9     Nebraska: 12.82 
# 10     Connecticut: 12.63 
# 11     North Dakota: 11.47 
# 12     Rhode Island: 10.51 
# 13     Washington: 9.87 
# 14     Wisconsin: 8.07 
# 15     Kansas: 7.85 
# 16     New Jersey: 7.71 
# 17     Virginia: 6.74 
# 18     California: 6.51 
# 19     Oregon: 5.92 
# 20     Idaho: 5.42 
# 21     Pennsylvania: 5.33 
# 22     South Dakota: 5.29 
# 23     Michigan: 3.73 
# 24     Indiana: 3.33 
# 25     Montana: 3.19 
# 26     Ohio: 3.12 
# 27     Colorado: 1.61 
# 28     West Virginia: 1.23 
# 29     Maryland: 0.77 
# 30     Wyoming: -0.19 
# 31     New York: -0.64 
# 32     Kentucky: -0.86 
# 33     North Carolina: -1.03 
# 34     Illinois: -1.17 
# 35     Delaware: -1.49 
# 36     Missouri: -2.89 
# 37     Alaska: -4.98 
# 38     Tennessee: -5 
# 39     Arizona: -5.78 
# 40     Arkansas: -5.93 
# 41     Alabama: -9.97 
# 42     Georgia: -10 
# 43     South Carolina: -10.63 
# 44     Florida: -11.21 
# 45     Texas: -11.85 
# 46     Oklahoma: -12.07 
# 47     Nevada: -13.37 
# 48     New Mexico: -17.69 
# 49     Mississippi: -18.43 
# 50     Louisiana: -20.95 
Weighted average: 2.1  

DEFINITION: Health Index by state. "The Healthiest State designation is awarded based on 21 factors chosen from the year 2005 edition of our annual reference book, Health Care State Rankings. These factors reflect access to health care providers, affordability of health care and a generally healthy population. All 21 factors are the same as last year. The 21 factors were divided into two groups: those that are “negative� for which a high ranking would be considered bad for a state, and those that are “positive� for which a high ranking would be considered good for a state. Rates for each of the 21 factors were processed through a formula that measures how a state compares to the national average for a given category. The positive and negative nature of each factor was taken into account as part of the formula. Once these computations were made, the factors then were weighted (factors were weighted equally.) These weighted scores were then added together to get a state’s final score (“SUM� on the table above.) This way, states are assessed based on how they stack up against the national average. The end result is that the farther below the national average a state’s health ranking is, the lower (and less healthy) it ranks. The farther above the national average, the higher (and healthier) a state ranks." - Morgan Quitno Press

SOURCE: Morgan Quitno Press, 2005

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"Health Index by state", Morgan Quitno Press, 2005. Retrieved from http://www.StateMaster.com/graph/hea_hea_ind-health-index

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