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FACTOID # 15: A mere 0.8% of West Virginians were born in a foreign country.
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The Full Wiki marries Wikipedia and Google Maps.

Monday, 11 January 2010 19:58

Our new site, The Full Wiki has brought together Google Maps and Wikipedia. Now you can view any article on Wikipedia with all the locations mentioned on a Google Map.

You can see at a glance where most of the activity in the Renaissance happened, namely Europe and primarily in Italy. Where are the world's tornados? Or volcanos? Heat waves? Nuclear power plants?

The map and the article are linked throughout. Click on a map marker and it jumps to that part of the article. Click on an article marker and it will show you that location on the map.

See for example our tourism fact map. If we click on Bangkok (Q), for example, we can see the relevant part of the article and learn that it's the third most visited city in the world. Or zooming into Europe and clicking on Nice, Wikipedia tells us it was one of the first and best established resorts in the French Riveria.

Some more examples:

  • See what happened all around the world in 1945.
  • See where the drug trade is carried out.
  • Barack Obama has the most international background of any recent US president. See it mapped.



24th March 2010
Very interesting.
24th March 2010
Very interesting. I like this because it gives you the ability to see things visually.
24th March 2010
Great project!
Pete Locks
2nd April 2010
This is an excellent visualization. Thank you! It works well for articles where there are lots of locations.
My name
3rd April 2010
Great voyages and journeys work well with this tool.
12th April 2010
I used the wikipedia/google maps to show a client quite recently, the different services we offer in debt management It work really well and i will be using this so much in the future.
Fong Cheung
15th April 2010
Good free convenient website!!!!!NationMaster.com
5th May 2010
13th October 2010
Article so good, and worth a visit, to continue efforts.

13th October 2010
It really useful for me. Thanks.
ugg boots tall
5th November 2010
The map and the article are linked throughout. Click on a map marker and it jumps to that part of the article. Click on an article marker and it will show you that location on the map.
27th November 2010
The visit was useful. Content was really very informative.
Vasil Shelepko
13th January 2011
It is great to work with this tool. Thank you! It exccellent
works for a lots of locations and good established resors
Peter Rossy
3rd February 2011
I can't believe my eyes!
That's such a useful combination, now lessons of geography will become much easier, because now I will have a possibility to read scientifical facts and see where all the subjects are located at the same time.
Peter Rossy

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