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  1. Basketball Wives 4
    Right to the Drama

  • Posted 5/29/12
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Jenn is over the Evelyn situation, but Eve still has things to address.

  • Basketball Wives 4
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    denita (6/19/2012 12:09:54 AM)

    exactly that was like hard to watch and all she said to Royce was that she knew it was wrong. knowing it was wrong does not make it okay tami. then to say **** royce, shes not being my friend, shes the only one who cares enough to tell you the truth! smdh they hear whatever they wanna hear, thats why none of them can get along. friendship is give and take and patience and forgiveness, not saying what you wanna hear!

    Beauty44Nice (6/9/2012 3:11:58 PM)

    My problem is if you say something on a blog or a magazine that is going to hurt your friend, why do it? Talk about yourself and keep your thoughts between you and your friend. If the media thinks you are weak, they will get any information they want and then this causes a problem.

    Justice4_all (6/6/2012 11:01:05 PM)

    Tami is a liar. You want to make her insane-self look like she is big-timing.

    Justice4_all (6/6/2012 11:00:18 PM)

    She is the straggler...along for the ride.

    DoBetter (6/4/2012 11:18:02 PM)

    Shaunie is trying to save face to keep that producer money coming. Yet she stood back and let it all happen and even joined in talking back Jen's lipgloss vs Evelyn's so called copycat makeup line.

    Beauty44Nice (6/2/2012 1:20:38 PM)

    She is the messenger. She can not keep her mouth shut for nothing! This is how mess get started.

    lynncrest (6/2/2012 8:04:05 AM)

    Shaunie is a groupie she is in favour of Evelyn the rat Tomi the slut, Suzie the news carrier, the most intelegent one is Royce, Jennifer I hope you never get back in Evelyn's company, also I hope you pursure your case against the SOB who put her hand in your face and Evelyn who threatnas you, go girl with goda blessing. 42Empress

    Sylvia (6/1/2012 11:02:47 AM)

    Why is Suzie in the show

    whit (6/1/2012 5:54:38 AM)

    Your 100% correct! Divorce changes people either for the better or worse. I think Jen is moving in the right direction by letting people go they will hold her back!Jen is finding out who she is as a women and the rest of the girls don't like it because she knows she is in a better place now.

    Qtip (5/31/2012 5:33:42 PM)

    lol Jamie Foster Brown denies giving Tami any manuscript. haha http://www.s2smagazine.com/stories/2012/05/s2s-clarifies-basketball-wives-claims000a

    Regina (5/31/2012 10:20:59 AM)

    That was supper "Stank" that Ev told Jen's business on TV. But Jen didn't strike back, because I'm sure Ev has just as much or more skeleton as Jen cause Ev is stank nasty.

    Regina (5/31/2012 10:15:07 AM)

    I thought Shaunie was better than that....so disappointed!

    Regina (5/31/2012 10:14:09 AM)

    This whole season could have been summed up in one or two shows. Tami is a bully, she talks about other people and says whatever she wants to say, but when you comment about her she acts as if she didn't say a word about you behind your back and if she did she would tell you to you face (not true). And Ev and Shaunie just sat back and watched and even instigated which made them sad too. I wish I was there when Tami too Keisha's purse, I wish I could have been her bodyguard. BULLIES!!!

    conishkee (5/30/2012 3:58:58 PM)

    Why are you all of a sudden tired of the b.s., Shaunie? You're getting paid, I'm so sure, big bucks for all the drama they bring to the show. Give me a break!

    lil mama (5/29/2012 10:38:32 PM)

    Me too I wanted Kenya to just wope that ass

    Prime (5/29/2012 9:22:50 PM)

    Okay this is #4 in a row: everytime I get to the point in my comment where I mention Jennifer's name (wow, I wasnt just thrown out) I get thrown out of my comment and onto a page with just her. Not cool.) Woman/NYC

    laylaaa (5/29/2012 9:19:50 PM)

    Royce you are the best out of all of them hope you ll remain your way

    laylaaa (5/29/2012 9:19:47 PM)

    Royce you are the best out of all of them hope you ll remain your way

    laylaaa (5/29/2012 9:19:45 PM)

    Royce you are the best out of all of them hope you ll remain your way

    lots of luv2020 (5/29/2012 9:17:32 PM)

    whats sad is all this nagging on some of these comments and its more funny how people really think they know whats going on you. Only know what the producers want you to know how are you going to read somebodys life in a 30 min edited show and what does any of them at this point have to be jealous of the only people who seem bitter is some of these viewers