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  • 15 June

    CONCLUSION: What Is The Internet?

    BWE Ending

    Well folks, we’ve reached the end here at BWE.tv, and to achieve the proper closure, we’ve invited all the past contributors from the BWE.tv days of yesteryear to bid their farewells and impart their bloggerly knowledge unto you by answering the unanswerable question: “What Is The Internet?”

    Here, offering their goodbyes, are Michelle Collins, Alex Blagg, Piper Weiss, Adam Winer, Sara Schaefer, Cory Cavin, Josh Lay, Tom Ganjamie, Eliot Glazer, Sarah Walker, Noah Garfinkel, Rohit Sang, Raphael Rodriguez, and Bob Castrone. Enjoy!

    Michelle Collins (@michcoll)

    Favorite Posts: These.

    When I first started blogging, I was working in an office not unlike the basement where Gary Sinise locks up Mel Gibson’s kid in Ransom. The internet was my escape. It’s all our escapes. Going all the way back to those AOL chat rooms I used to a/s/l my way around when I was only 13/f/miami, the internet has been like the warm, strange hug you get from a guy high on MDMA at an outdoor music festival, ie perfect. And one day, when our children have grown and left the home to plug their brains into digital thought-controlling nano-pavilions at the nearest Winn Dixie, let’s remember back to those days when you could almost sometimes make human connections with real, amazing people over the internet.

    In short, we’ve had a lot of fun Best Week Ever! I already miss your rainbow-colored smile. Thanks to everyone for reading and contributing over the years. Because this feels like the last day of school, there’s really only one thing I can leave you with… this:

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  • 15 June

    The 20 Most Popular Posts In The History Of BWE.tv

    Everyone who has ever worked here at BWE.tv has their own personal favorite posts that they’ve written and read, naturally, but now that we’re winding the site down, we thought we’d compile this list of posts that you, the loyal BWE readers, seemed to gravitate towards the most. What follows is a list of the Top 20 most popular posts in the site’s history*, as ranked by the number of people who ultimately read them.

    20. Christine Staub: New Jersey’s First Supermodel (May 12, 2010)

    19. The 50 Creepiest Baby Halloween Costumes (October 14, 2010)

    18. Christina Hendricks = Ridiculous (February 1, 2010)

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  • 15 June

    The 15 Greatest Posts In The History Of The Internet By Me

    Over the course of my 5+ years at BWE, I’ve written a handful of posts that I didn’t hate immediately after publishing them – I’ve collected them here in what is certain to be the internet’s most important post ever, DANTHOLOGY: My 15 Favorite BWE Posts Of All Time.

    Starting in July, I’ll be moving over to write for Jest.com, where you can expect plenty more transcendent works of art like the above “Best Of The Doors” Photoshop (although if you thought that was bad, just know that it took every fiber of my being not to title my ‘Greatest Hits’ post “Honkin’ On Danbo”.) You can also follow me on Twitter, where my inanity is at least character-limited.

    And on that note, cue up “Reelin’ In The Years” and let’s GET TO THE LAFFS:

    15. The 10 Actual Worst Things To Put In Your Coverletter

    Some “Business” website made a list of “The 10 Worst Things To Put On A Coverletter,” but it’s BS, so I improved it – read my advice instead. Theirs doesn’t even mention penises, which I guess are awesome on coverletters??

    14. Norbit Trailer Remix

    I made this video for BWE in 2007 when I was still a Production Assistant, and a producer saw it and went “Yeeew’ve got…IT!” and that’s how I got my writing job (I tell people):

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  • 14 June

    The Ultimate BWE Television Recap Archive

    Here’s an Archive of every TV Recap we’ve ever done here at BWE.tv, organized by show and season, for Breaking Bad, Lost, The Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones, Mad Men, The Office, Teach: Tony Danza (essential), American Idol, The Real Housewives, Boardwalk Empire, and Top Chef.

    Feel free to read them at your recap-needing leisure, or all right now in a row (mini photo-spoilers):


    Breaking Bad Season 4:

    Episode 1 – “Box Cutter”

    Episode 2 – “Thirty-Eight Snub”

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  • 14 June

    The 37 Greatest Michelle Collins Posts Of All Time

    When Michelle Collins left BWE several months ago, she compiled this list of her favorite posts of all time. In honor of BWE’s final week, we’ve reposted this handy guide in case you find yourself suffering from BWEthdrawal in the coming weeks and wish to peruse some bona fide literary classics. She also would like us to clarify that she did not write the title of this post. Take it away, Michelle:

    Well, my time at Best Week Ever is coming to a close. But before I go, here are 37 things I am proud to have done over the last 6 years. Please note that putting this list together has given me life-altering anxiety this week because I can’t believe it’s over! So, presenting THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: 37 Things I Did For Best Week Ever:

    37. Fell In Love With Knut. Met Him. Then Mourned Him.

    Our journey with Knut was a deep one. We fell in love with the little scamp from birth, as did the other 1000 billion people living in China and beyond. But, like a little Lindsay Lohan except not quite as pale, the attention got to little Knuty, right around the time he started growing up into a less small, way filthy dirtier full grown polar bear.

    I was one of the millions to go to Berlin and meet Knut. He was huge, navy brown, and depressed. Nearly a year later to the day, poor baby Knut passed away. And we gave you 50 photos to remember him by. I just hope his girlfriend from Stuttgart is OK.

    36. Wasn’t Discovered At Planet Hollywood

    You’ve heard the story a million times: Small town girl takes the bus to Planet Hollywood with big dreams, but leaves older, wiser, broken, with nary a single cement handprint plaque to her name. This is the story of how I found out I wasn’t cut out for the celebrity-owned restaurant industry.

    Read: Planet Hollywood… 17 Years Later

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  • 13 June

    60 Random Stock Photos To Use Up The Rest Of Our Photo Budget

    Even though it’s our final week here at BWE.tv, we still have a full 2012 budget for Getty Images, the photo website that provides us with the high-res stock photos necessary to create masterpieces like this. So, rather than just let the site fizzle with a bunch of photo-money left unused, Halle Kiefer and I have taken the liberty of blowing our remaining 2012 photo allotment on the following list of 60 Completely Random Stock Photos For The Sole Purpose Of Using Up Our Photo Budget.

    I think we can all agree, VH1′s money has never been better spent:




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  • 12 June

    10 Stupid Videos That Will Never Ever Stop Being Funny

    Nu Thang Kid

    Five years of watching internet videos has certainly taken its toll on my sense of humor, patience, hygiene, and general human decency, but as much as we make fun of this internet-shaped garbage heap that people call “the internet,” there are some internet videos that we just never, ever get tired of. In honor of BWE.tv’s final week here are ten quintessentially ‘internetty’ videos that we will never stop laughing at:

    10. The Best Cry Ever

    Waaaaaittttt for itttttt…

    9. Kid Singing Nu Thang

    The Newest Testament:

    (Related: Ain’t Gonna Pee My Bed Tonight)

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  • 12 June

    The 20 Most Adorable Animal Lists Of All Time

    In honor of Bestweekever.tv’s final week, we’ve put together the following mega-list of BWE’s 20 Greatest Animal Lists Of All Time. We hope you find it useful, adorable, and “Whooooseeagoodpuppy!” yelling-at-your-screen-inducing. Meow! (Cat for “Enjoy!):

    20. 50 Corgis Super-Psyched About Halloween

    19. The 30 Most Underratedly Cute Animals

    Cute Bats

    18. 51 Animals Celebrating Father’s Day

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  • 11 June

    WORST WEEK EVER: Bestweekever.tv Is Officially Coming To An End

    BWE Ending

    Some sad news, everyone – after six years, nearly 24,000 posts, and roughly 7 trillion dogs doing specific things, Bestweekever.tv is officially going off the web. Or whatever the term for ‘a website ending’ is. ‘Askjeevesing?’ Sure.

    After this week, BWE.tv will no longer be updated, and VH1′s digital pop culture coverage will be rolled into VH1 Celebrity, VH1 Music, and the VH1 Blog. We’ll be spending this week doing a series of BWE wrap-up lists and blasting “I Will Remember You” and “End Of The Road” simultaneously on a loop, and Friday, June 15th be our last day of new content.

    If you’re wondering why this is happening, long story short, the show Best Week Ever went off the air more than three years ago. We attempted to re-pitch BWE.tv to VH1 as a type of Wives, but it didn’t take, so I’m afraid this is officially goodbye.

    We’d like to thank all of our loyal readers and commenters over the years, who’ve been UNBELIEVABLY passionate and kind (by both internet and human standards), as well as our fellow bloggers in the bloggocube for linking to us and finding crap for us to link to, and VH1, for actually paying us to do this and for giving us the autonomy to write about whatever topics we wanted, no matter how controversial they may be.

    On a sappy personal note – I moved to New York eight years ago, and my first job (after quitting comedy-club street-barking on my first day) was temping for a phone service whose sole purpose was to call executives at companies to remind them to schedule their annual physicals, for eight hours a day, five days a week. Needless to say, the fact that I’ve been able to spend ANY time – let alone five years of my life – writing fun nonsense on a website and having people care about it, and this being my job, is both amazing and legitimately humbling.

    Seriously, thank you all so much for the support over the years, it’s been ridiculously fun.

  • 8 June

    The Time I Was Almost Murdered By The Uptown Girl Music Video

    People are always coming up to me saying, “Dan, your writing is very annoying, but I’ve always wondered how annoying your voice is?” Well WORRY NO LONGER! (Spoiler: Very!)

    I appeared on the very funny Flee The Scene Podcast this week to tell the story of my ill-fated trip to Amsterdam, which may or may not have culminated in me fleeing from terror from the Billy Joel “Uptown Girl” music video (click the pic below to listen/download):

    Uptown Girl Video Podcast

    Basically, it’s an hour of us d*cking around telling unfortunate stories, but it’s very amusing and you should listen to it, because it’s not like you have anything better to do except go outside and enjoy your weekend as soon as you finish reading this sentence. (But don’t! Listen to the Podcast)

    Here’s the iTunes link. Subscribe! It’s funny!