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Transgender pageant winner murdered in South Africa

A South African who had won a Miss Gay pageant was found in his rented room with his throat slit, news24 reported

Thapelo Makutle, 23, had argued late Friday night with two men about his sexuality, his friend, Shaine Griqua told mambaonline.com. Those two men followed him home, broke down his door and killed him, Griqua said.

Makutle, known as Queen Bling, was active in the LGBT community in the Kuruman region, a rural area in the north, Griqua told mambaonline.com. He said his friend identified as gay and recently started calling himself transgender.

"It's so sad. I can't describe the pain that we are feeling right now," Griqua told mambaonline. "We have lost a young, talented, gay man who was open about who he was. The last few days have been like a dark cloud."

Griqua, the director of Legbo Northern Cape, a nonprofit that provides sexual health education, released a statement saying that witnesses had seen Thapelo’s body, and that his genitalia had been “severed and inserted into his mouth.”

There was no sign of burglary, Griqua said, according to globalpost.com.

Police have not arrested anyone in the case, according to media reports.

South Africa has long been lauded for its liberal positions on gay rights. The country was the first to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation in its constitution, and same-sex marriage became legal in 2006.

But a Human Rights Watch report from 2011 found that black lesbians and transgender men in rural areas of South Africa face “extensive discrimination and violence in their daily lives, both from private individuals and government officials.”

Nearly all 120 people interviewed by Human Rights Watch said they lived in fear of sexual assault and that they were reluctant to approach police for protection.

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Horrible. This is indeed sad. What kind of person kills someone because of who they love? Insane. These two murderers will vividly remember the horror they performed. Savage and hateful. Long live love in all it's forms.

  • 77 votes
#2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:15 AM EDT

Just goes to show - there are haters everywhere.

  • 31 votes
#2.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:46 AM EDT

No one knows the motive so stop with the haters lable, who knows what happened or why. It could have been a drug deal gone bad, a jilted lover, a random act of violence, who real knows what ...

  • 11 votes
#2.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:24 AM EDT

Love? What has this to do with this case?

  • 9 votes
#2.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:24 AM EDT
Comment author avatarShuklackExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

No one knows the motive so stop with the haters lable, who knows what happened or why

Well, seeing that

a) He was an LGBT leader and advocate

b) He got into an argument with the assailants regarding his sexuality

c) His genitals were cut off and stuffed in his mouth

I'd say it might very well be a hate crime. Also considering that this is South Africa we are talking about, it still has a pretty strong extreme right social conservative wing.

  • 75 votes
#2.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:28 AM EDT

Bit of a stretch to draw the comparison between this crime and the 'right social conservative' dont you think Skunklack? I would go ahead and bet good money that the assailants were black south africans. Many of whom vehemently hate homosexuals. You and I both know had they been white this article would have jumped all over it. Nice try though, I bet if we scroll down some more some one might even blame Bush.

  • 25 votes
#2.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:48 AM EDT

This is, unfortunately Africa, even if it is South Africa. Between the Christian missionaries and the Muslim...do they call them missionaries or something else...anyway between the Christians and Muslims and the primitive cultural mindsets of the people in that contenent, the gay people in Africa don't stand much of a chance. In America we will arrest extremist Christians and other anti-gay people who commit a murder like this. In Africa not so much.

The people are being told that gays are out to destroy families and bring anarchy and chaos via the degredation of morality and the people believe it without proof. This makes them think that persecuting, raping, torturing, and visiting all manner of evils upon gay people is holy, good, and justified.

Study the situation and think about what it take to get good people to do bad things. Simply put, you call evil goodness and people will do it, thinking that evil is good.

  • 21 votes
#2.6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:51 AM EDT

It is sad. So is the fact that many Christians are murdered around the world simply for their faith.

  • 21 votes
#2.7 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:59 AM EDT

Bit of a stretch to draw the comparison between this crime and the 'right social conservative' dont you think Skunklack?

No. Anti-gay ideologies are social conservative ideologies, social conservative ideologies are right wing by definition.

This is South Africa we are talking about here, so I'm using the generic definitions of the terminology, not the US version as you seem to imply. Not every country is Democrat vs Republican, just fyi.

South Africa is known for having rather extreme right wing social conservative groups, both black and white. There remains a strong neo-nazi presence as well as heavily religious social conservative blacks. Both fall under similar ideologies when it comes to social matters.

  • 30 votes
#2.8 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:02 AM EDT
Comment author avatarPhil-3222496Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community


It is sad. So is the fact that many Christians are murdered around the world simply for their faith.

And no-one gives a flip about the Christians getting killed for their faith, it's hypocrisy on the part of others.

I prefer to ignore LGBT people, let them be right, despite their being obvious disasters and often vile, obnoxious people.

  • 15 votes
#2.9 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:21 AM EDT

It's sad when anyone gets murdered just for their faith.

  • 26 votes
#2.10 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:27 AM EDT

Phil, i am none of the things you listed so easily in your post.."obvious disasters and often vile, obnoxious". but what i am is HUMAN, now is there something wrong with being that? or should i HAVE to be a breeder to be perfect in your and most of the worlds eyes? let me see, last time i checked, there is something called "freedom". now if you want to list people that are "obvious disasters, vile, and obnoxious", take a look at MANY of the government people and than talk.

  • 23 votes
#2.11 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:46 AM EDT

Actually it is sad when any human life is treated cheaply based on ideology.

  • 27 votes
#2.12 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:46 AM EDT

The ones that murdered him are worse then anything they could have ever imagined a gay person being. How horrible for that poor guy, I hope they catch the ones responsible and give them harsh punishment. To murder anyone just because they are different shows a rotten person who shouldn't be out in society.

Phil~ Talk about hypocrite. There are a lot of obvious disaster and often vile obnoxious people who are religious too, sounds like you could be walking that line there. We are all human and none of us have the right to judge other, that's God's work if you believe in Him. Otherwise I've found most members of the LGBT community to be absolute delights and model citizens when compared to straight people. There's always a 'bad egg' in there somewhere but those few certainly don't speak for all.

Like rconstant said, it's sad when any human life is treated cheaply based on ideology.

  • 19 votes
#2.13 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:58 AM EDT


The ones that murdered him are worse then anything they could have ever imagined a gay person being. How horrible for that poor guy, I hope they catch the ones responsible and give them harsh punishment. To murder anyone just because they are different shows a rotten person who shouldn't be out in society.

Phil~ Talk about hypocrite. There are a lot of obvious disaster and often vile obnoxious people who are religious too,

Absolutely! I agree, I stay away from them too! You cannot call me a hypocrite, sorry.

  • 6 votes
#2.14 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:22 AM EDT

Don't you find it odd that the only creatures on this planet that actively seek to change their gender and make themselves look horribly disfigured and repulsive are humans?

  • 6 votes
#2.15 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:25 AM EDT

Beauty is subjective Phil.

And humans are the only creatures CAPABLE, both cognitively and technologically, of making such an attempt or desiring it for that matter - animals aren't known for having anywhere near the complex emotions/psychology of humans.... so your logic there doesn't follow.

  • 16 votes
#2.16 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:27 AM EDT




In answer to your statement....no, humans aren't the only creatures that display homosexual behavior. In terms of 'changing gender and making themselves look horribly disfigured......" I'll let you know the next time a penguin walks into a plastic surgeons office with its hard earned cash to change its gender. Seriously the comparison is apples and oranges, animals don't have the capabilities that we pride ourselves on.

There are plenty of straight people who disfigure themselves in a vain attempt at beauty...just look that the leather skin on the tanning woman who has been in articles recently. So again, there are some on all sides of the spectrum but that doesn't mean they speak for all.

  • 11 votes
#2.17 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:33 AM EDT

James C, whom do you think are the Conservative Right in South Africa? They're the black Africans, who are equivalent to the white so-called Christian conservatives in the US. That's never occurred to you, has it?

Does it sting?

  • 1 vote
#2.18 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:47 AM EDT

So if its ok for an animal to do something, its ok for a human do to so also? Aren't humans the highest order creatures living here? Why remove the line between human and animal? So if we are blurring the lines between human and animal, it will be ok for me to ostracize people like wolves do in their packs? Will it be ok to go kill and eat other humans because animals do that...? We cannot cherry pick attributes of the animal world to apply to our own lives in order to justify our actions. We are humans, not animals, and using animals as templates for our own lives merely devolves us to their level, animals. This is part of what is wrong with the LGBT philosophy in my viewpoint. The next question, is what group is next to utilize the animal template, and the gay precedent to seek to change the societal rules so they can live as they desire?

  • 3 votes
#2.19 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:15 AM EDT

No one is condoning killing Christians simply for their faith, but isn't it ironic that Christians are condoning killing a gay person simply for their sexual orientation?

  • 13 votes
#2.20 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:27 AM EDT

Phil, one can use that exact same argument for any aspect that we share with animals. There's no logical reason or scientific backing as to why homosexuality is different when compared to other traits shared with animals. You're cherry picking attributes that you don't think should be shared with the animal kingdom with no scientific basis as to why you chose homosexuality as the shared attribute that shouldn't be shared. Could have just as easily chosen eating meat as the trait and had as much backing as the one you picked.

  • 5 votes
#2.21 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:42 AM EDT


No one is condoning killing Christians simply for their faith, but isn't it ironic that Christians are condoning killing a gay person simply for their sexual orientation?

What? That's a really bad assumption on your part. A true christian does not condone killing anyone for their sexual orientation. You seem to be stuck on your own narrow perception.

  • 3 votes
#2.22 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:11 PM EDT
Comment author avatarAvenger-2464988Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

HIV was natures way of telling us the homosexuality is not natural. We have managed to out smart mother nature this time but our into the centuries to come nature WILL show man that we should have seen AIDS and other illnesses in the gay community as wrong and wipe us all off the face of the earth.

  • 3 votes
#2.23 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:18 PM EDT

I don't get conservatives/religious people. All lives are precious until they are born, then if they don't fall into their guidelines, they are a 'weirdo' and it's good they are dead.


When you cite the nauseating hypocrisy, you get nothing from them other than a bland 'God said' speech. If you won't love everyone equally, then stop being so pious and washing your judgement on everyone.

  • 7 votes
#2.24 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:25 PM EDT

HIV was natures way of telling us the homosexuality is not natural.

How many times must you say this then have it debunked before you stop repeating it?

It was wrong before, it's still wrong, and it will be wrong the next time you say it.

  • 9 votes
#2.25 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:40 PM EDT


You do realize there are far more hetero people with HIV and AIDS, right? So, following your logic, AIDS is mother nature's way of telling us that guys sleeping with women is wrong. That's absurd and you really should do a little reading before you spout off ignorance.

But have a great day anyway!

  • 8 votes
#2.26 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:45 PM EDT

Phil~ Of course humans are the higher order of creatures living here, however I must point out that YOU are the one that wanted to try to compare animals to humans in your original argument suggesting that humans are the only one displaying homosexual tendencies and that animals don't try to change themselves. If you don't like the rebuttal using your example then mayhaps you should think of a better example to begin with.

We cannot cherry pick attributes of the animal world to apply to our own lives in order to justify our actions.

That is something you did when you suggested humans are the only creatures that act as such, and now don't like it when evidence can point to the contrary.

Also to point an observation, I wouldn't go around saying how 'true Christians' should act when by your own words you have no problems condoning others for being "stuck by their own narrow perception."

  • 6 votes
#2.27 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:23 PM EDT
Comment author avatarSpadesExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

homosexual love does not exist

  • 2 votes
#2.28 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:05 PM EDT

Above comment deleted, revised.

1, 3, 4, others deleted, one-and-two-liners applauding murder based on the murdered person's gender. Don't do that, zipperthecat, you're suspended for a day for violating #5 of the Code of Honor.

al-2891335, tnscot, you're suspended for a week for violating #1 and #5 of the Code of Honor.

  • 7 votes
#2.30 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:47 PM EDT

homosexual love does not exist

I see way more examples of homosexual love than I do of Christian compassion.


  • 11 votes
#2.31 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:20 PM EDT

Don't you just love this chain of reasoning (paraphrased from above, but I've seen this plenty of times in the past):

Christian argument: "Humans are the only creatures that display homosexual behavior, proving it's NOT natural!"

Retort: No, actually there's lots of animals out there that exibit homosexual behavior...

Christian counter-argument: "So if its ok for an animal to do something, its ok for a human do to so also?"


Uhh... You just said animals not doing this is a prove that it's not natural. Now you seem to say it's totally natural, but you're not allowed to act on it. Wow, God certainly works in very mysterious ways.

Or maybe you just don't personally like it yourself, and you want to use the Bible as an excuse to legislate your own taste, and you'll use whatever argument you can find that seems to fit the bill until it stops working. Then you'll go find another argument.

So if we're busy doing stuff like THAT... I for one think that I eatings lobster should be illegal for everyone because I don't like the taste of them, and hey, the Bible totally supports me on that one! So let's get going and get rid of THOSE abominations first!

  • 5 votes
#2.32 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:44 PM EDT

My comment that nature is sending us a signal was not wrong the first time nor is is the many more times i will remind you of it Shuklack. Nature has is way of cleaning house and mankind will not stop that from happening.HIV and other sicknesses has spead into the straight community flowerkowiski because it got into our blood supply indetected. we now have the capability of preventing it but it all began in the gay community.

Some time in the future perhaps many thousands of years man will vanish because we don't pay attention to what nature is telling us. mnay other species are gone by natures design. Nature knows no religious beliefs or has no moral compass just reality.

  • 2 votes
#2.33 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:27 PM EDT

Tyler...... when you delete messages for whatever reason, it seems that all the other attached messages calling that person out on his/her ignorance are also deleted.

Why not simply call the person(s) out, collapse and suspend them and point out the irresponsible and offensive ignorant spiel/behaviour for all to see and also let other Newsviners either correct the person (which they often do with great gusto)or shun/ignore them? LOL

  • 2 votes
#2.34 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:30 PM EDT

All I know is what I read by self-proclaimed Christians on Newsvine

  • 2 votes
#2.35 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:18 AM EDT

What? That's a really bad assumption on your part. A true christian does not condone killing anyone for their sexual orientation. You seem to be stuck on your own narrow perception

oh really? a "bad assumption" just like the preacher in Arizona that has called on the government to kill all the gays?, the NC preacher that has called for the gays to be fenced off so they will "die off", the "god hates fags" preacher, etc.

no, not all or even a majority of christians are homicidal , "murder in the name of god" lunatics, but there are plenty of christian taliban idiots out there and they are doing their best to take controlof this country and turn it into a theocracy

  • 3 votes
#2.36 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:39 AM EDT

we now have the capability of preventing it but it all began in the gay community.

actully, it got started in the straight community in Africa . African hunters eating bush meat (chimps) infected with simian immunodeficiency virus, they passed in on to their straight spouses, then it was established before it got into the gay community.

so by your logic and the real message is that we shouldn't be killing our closest relatives.

  • 4 votes
#2.37 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:45 AM EDT

This is why I hate telling people I'm a Christian. Thanks Avengers, you've made an entire religious sect look narrow minded, we've had enough of those in the past and your ignorance is not wanted or needed. Off is the direction I'd like you to fu*k. Now.

Despite what the Bible says about homosexuality, the pervading message is that God loves EVERYONE. Not just the ones the masses deem acceptible, EVERYONE.

I may very well be a bad Christian to some, but I happen to value every single life, whether you be gay, straight, whatever...well except for child molesters (I'll cut you from stern to stem.)

God's message has gotten so twisted that He wouldn't even be able to recognize it anymore.

And stop calling people breeders. It's rude and ignorant. If it wasn't for "breeders" none of us would be here, so stop it.

  • 2 votes
#2.38 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:35 AM EDT

I prefer to ignore LGBT people, let them be right, despite their being obvious disasters

Phil-3222496, you're suspended for a day for violating #5 of the Code of Honor. Don't smear everyone in sexualities/genders - no better than comments that smear everyone in a race or religion.


Phil~ Talk about hypocrite

Lyrica, you're suspended for a day for violating #1 of the Code of Honor.


Why not simply call the person(s) out, collapse and suspend them and point out the irresponsible and offensive ignorant spiel/behaviour for all to see and also let other Newsviners either correct the person (which they often do with great gusto)or shun/ignore them? LOL

Sometimes I do suspend folks under collapsed threads, but if the discussion is centered around the violation I'll always err on the side of deleting it. Time spent correcting is better spent reporting and ignoring.

  • 2 votes
#2.39 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:49 PM EDT

Tyler, you are a typical liberal "politically correct" debaser of morality. But Im sure you will suspend me for this too.

so much for free speech.

    #2.40 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:09 PM EDT

    Just WoNdErInG .... why have you not suspended the one who used the insult "breeder" why are you not suspending all of those who stereotype, denigrate and demonize people of "faith"?

    Why was my last account permanently disabled, when I had never made any disparaging statements about other humans based upon their racial, ethnic, sexual preference etc etc

    It is clear, you are selectively censoring content based upon your own agenda. It wouldn't jive with the stereotypes you are trying to foster of those who are not in line with your viewpoint.

    All of this turmoil over the LGBT community will dissipate in time.

    You will have your equality. (*).... There is a cultural paradigm shift in process. There is a trading of places occurring, homosexuals coming out of the closet, the bigots who hate them taking their place hiding in the dark.. (although interestingly, minority revelry of hatred, bigotry, stereotyping, demonization, prejudice etc etc is considered acceptable as the "real haters" hated you first.)

    (*) In the end, historically no subjugated, oppressed or maligned group ever seeks only equality, they inevitably become the most oppressive of ty-rants, and indeed we see evidence of that in this cyber-stoning circle.

    It really is irrelevant how anyone feels about homosexuality, whether it's right or wrong or natural or not, this behavior has always occurred and always will.

    The fact remains though, no one has been able to argue that the digestive system of human or any other species was evolved for the purpose of sexual gratification...

    The long-term practice of sodomy (either hetero or homosexual) will inevitably result in serious damage to the digestive tract, not the least of which is the compromise of the ability of the anus to seal in dangerous micro-bacteria.

    Certainly, no one would attempt to argue that soap and water is sufficient to eradicate microbial elements. Who would permit a surgeon to use instruments that had been "sterilized" only in that manner...?

    This means that these harmful organisms are being traded each time...

    The argument that they cannot survive long in the air is invalid, this is otherwise, sewage treatment plants would not be necessary.

    It is often the case that humans get cancer as a result of abusing their bodies, the colon is no exception to that.

    Isn't it about time that the LGBT community openly deal with these issues so that those who may be considering participating in that lifestyle may be well informed about some of the risks and consequences of it?

    We don't seem to have any problem as a society facing the health issues linked to smoking. However one views it, sodomy is risky behavior.

    Why should it be any different?

    Are there any of you out there who have participated in this behavior and would be willing to share the long-term effects associated with it?

    • 2 votes
    #2.41 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:31 PM EDT

    We don't seem to have any problem as a society facing the health issues linked to smoking. However one views it, sodomy is risky behavior.

    Society doesn't seem to have any problem facing the health issues linked to the radon under each and every persons dwelling or other societal living space either which contributes much more to cancers than smoking does and an even larger majority of straight people seem to be willing to share the long term effects of hiv, syphillis or any of the other incurable diseases associated with sex and passed amongst the hetero community as well so your point is moot. Any form of sex with any other person of either gender carries the very same risks.

      #2.42 - Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:08 AM EDT

      I'll take a"weirdo" transgender neighbor over the vile, ignorant zippers and al2891335s of the world anyday. Insufficient braincells to muster an expanded viewpoint. No one desrves to die in such a brutal way because they identify as anything but hetero.

      • 49 votes
      Reply#5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:17 AM EDT

      PEOPLE, PEOPLE, PEOPLE........These idiots are baiting you with their outrageous statements. They're laughing at you and your outrage. Just ignore them or you'll stress yourselves out.

      • 19 votes
      #5.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:30 AM EDT

      Why are the trolls always bigots?

      Are bigots just naturally drawn to trolling forums like zit-face adolescents? Is the psychology of a bigot that close to a troller that they form a symbiotic relationship?

      • 19 votes
      #5.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:08 AM EDT

      Sure they are baiting, me, I just see things as they are in an ethical or moral manner, I dont really care what they think. They dont know why this happened, they just jump in with MSNBC like sheep.

      • 3 votes
      #5.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:27 AM EDT

      Shuklack, trolls pretend to be bigots because that receives more attention and greater response. In addition, maladjusted people tend to act out more on public boards.

      Those of us who are sane understand there's no 'choice' in sexual preference. I certainly didn't 'decide' to be heterosexual one day. Scientific research backs up this knowledge and the percentage of homosexuals in the human population is equal to the numbers in mammals that have been studied. None of the arguments brought by fundamentalists are valid. It's an excuse for hatred and divisiveness.

      For Christians, remember Jesus told us to love one another no matter what. Where is that message today?

      • 7 votes
      #5.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:54 AM EDT

      I just see things as they are in an ethical or moral manner, I [don't] really care what they think. They [don't] know why this happened[;] they just jump in with MSNBC like sheep.

      OK, then, Mr. A: despite your apparent attempt to sound even-handed and neutral, your position remains clear. Perhaps since you've chosen to define this issue in terms of ethics and morals, you can tell us whether ethics and/or morals has anything to do with whether people are helped or harmed and, if so, whether you believe homosexuality is unethical or immoral. You're clearly on the fence about the ethics and morality of what the evidence pretty clearly indicates is premeditated murder.

      • 1 vote
      #5.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:27 PM EDT

      Yeah, they never, ever answer that question.

      • 1 vote
      #5.6 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:25 AM EDT

      Interestingly enough Dave, you are already replicating the fundamental mindset yourself, going from addressing an individual over his perspective, to the dreaded "THEY"

      So is it now "US vs. THEM" you, the good, open hearted, open minded people, against all of the hateful bigoted people of "faith"...?

      Before you continue your cyber-lobotomy, could you kindly clarify for us:

      Is is all Christian, just Christians form the South, are Muslims lumped together with "THEM" ... does your "THEM" also include all Republicans/conservatives... Perhaps your groupings also include moderates who are not comfortable with homosexuality, yet are enlightened enough to not hate them...?

      By the way, disagreement with or failure to embrace the perspectives, or merely QUESTIONING the viewpoints, lifestyle choices, political persuasion or stand on any given social issue with any other human being is NOT in fact, tantamount to HATE.

      That perception has been fostered by the left as part of it's strategy of the manipulation of perception in order to gain control over the masses.

      For example: many of you disapprove of smoking, does that mean you're a bigoted, individual full of spite and hate for every person who lights up a cigarette...?

      See what I mean?

        #5.7 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:18 PM EDT

        Ponderthis, I interpreted "they" as meaning the trollers who typically post that kind of thing and refuse to respond to the specific rebuttal Dave in NM mentioned. To me, "they" in this situation is a pretty defined group with distinct characteristics. While I agree with your logic above, condescending though it was, please keep in mind that your interpretation isn't always the correct or only one.

        See what I mean?

        • 1 vote
        #5.8 - Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:28 PM EDT


        • 2 votes
        Reply#6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:22 AM EDT

        Let's see here... AIDS in Africa is the highest in the nation. They just keep spreading their diseases and performing activities to promote their "lifestyle". Irresponsible "transgender" people get to spread the AIDS virus prolifically to both sexes. Yep, we gotta have tolerance for these people. Afterall, they are responsible human beings that would never do anything to jeopardize anyone's health or spread a virus that kills. Don't believe me? Fine. I don't care. Believe the CDC instead.

        • 17 votes
        #10 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:46 AM EDT

        Funny screen name you have there, bub. Aids in Africa is spread primarily through heterosexual contact. The disease will spread in whatever population it appears in. It isn't linked to a specific sexual orientation as a CAUSE.

        • 24 votes
        #10.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:08 AM EDT

        "AIDS in Africa is the highest in the nation"

        Did you take the $arah Paylin course on geography?

        • 28 votes
        #10.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:20 AM EDT

        Don't you mean continent? Africa is a continent. Unless your referring to South Africa.

        • 9 votes
        #10.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:33 AM EDT


        It is obvious you do not have an idea of what you are talking about. AIDS is not a "homo" dissease in Africa. You obviously never seen a rural village where a third of the preagnant women are HIV +.

        Secondly, it may be a good idea if the people in the U.S loose their freedoms and their liberties so that you can learn to appreciate it all over again!!!

        • 11 votes
        #10.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:32 AM EDT

        And in Africa, men who get AIDS think that they can cure it by having sex with a virgin girl which just spreads it even more. It has NOTHING to do with being gay.

        • 9 votes
        #10.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:53 AM EDT

        It is true that there are a lot of pregnant females in Africa, with HIV. The men are having sex with everything that moves and spreading it to these poor girls. I classify men like this as animals. Sodomy and other sexual acts that homosexuals practice are unsanitary and go against nature. When you have sex, where you poop, that ought to open someone’s eyes. When a male dog tries to breed another male dog, he gets bit. Even animals know this is wrong. I don't hate homosexuals or want anything bad to happen to them but no right thinking person would accept it as normal or okay. The lifestyle is sad, the behavior is disgusting.

        It also disturbs me to see some posts saying that homosexuality is no different than couples of different races. These are two completely different things. People of different races can procreate, people of the same sex can't. Again, another sign that shows same sex people were never meant to be together sexually.

        • 8 votes
        #10.6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:00 AM EDT

        Yet your opinion doesn't give you the right to force your personal prejudices upon others.

        Sodomy and other sexual acts that homosexuals practice are unsanitary and go against nature

        Well, both sexual pleasure and homosexuality are a part of nature - so how, exactly, does it go against nature? Because it's not for making babies? Quite a myopic view of what nature is, then.

        • 12 votes
        #10.7 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:05 AM EDT

        HIV/Aids is a homosexual disease, and unfortunately passed over to hetero's due to unnatural behavior.

        We don't have to accept your lifestyle... and your bashing of religion and personal beliefs are hypocritical to your own "preachings", so quit trying to push your gay and lesbian views on us... or we're just going to start calling you communists.

        • 7 votes
        #10.8 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:06 AM EDT

        HIV/Aids is a homosexual disease, and unfortunately passed over to hetero's due to unnatural behavior.

        I make completely unsubstantiated statements as fact, then base my opinion off those unsubstantiated statements. I make up things, and forget that far more heteros have HIV than gays. I then end my posts by calling people communists, because like a dog - I've been trained with a Pavlovian response to cringe at a word for an economic/political ideological philosophy of which I know nothing about.

        We don't have to accept your lifestyle, and your bashing of religion and personal beliefs

        When your religion and personal beliefs advocate bigotry, you best bet they will be bashed. You can hide your hate behind the Bible and "personal opinion" all you want, that doesn't make it immune from the criticism it so richly deserves.

        • 15 votes
        #10.9 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:13 AM EDT
        Comment author avatarMr Accountability-2446281Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

        Problem in this country is the death of morals and ethics by many, next beastiality will be promoted as a lifestyle.

        • 6 votes
        #10.10 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:29 AM EDT

        Problem in this country is the death of morals and ethics by many, next beastiality will be promoted as a lifestyle.

        What, exactly, is moral and ethical about demanding society abide by your personal religious dogma? What is moral and ethical about denying rights to a minority for no other reason than your personal prejudice?

        As far as your classic use of the slippery slope fallacy, please write down the word "CONSENT" - then go find a dictionary, or open google, and look up the definition. Then look up the legal meaning. Then look at the Bill of Rights. Hell, while you are at it, look up common logical fallacies.

        Then come back and make an informed argument.

        • 11 votes
        #10.11 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:37 AM EDT

        << Proverbs 4:7

        New International Version
        Wisdom is supreme; therefore
        get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

        New Living Translation (©2007)
        Getting wisdom
        is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.

        English Standard Version
        The beginning of wisdom
        is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.

        New American Standard
        "The beginning
        of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; And with all your acquiring, get understanding.

        James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

        Wisdom is the principal thing;
        therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

        Bible in Plain English (©2010)

        Wisdom is the summit; get wisdom,
        and with all your possessions purchase understanding.

        GOD'S WORD® Translation
        The beginning of wisdom
        is to acquire wisdom. Acquire understanding with all that you have.

        King James 2000 Bible

        Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and
        with all your getting get understanding.

        American King
        James Version

        Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom:
        and with all your getting get understanding.

        Standard Version

        Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get
        wisdom; Yea, with all thy getting get understanding.


        The beginning of wisdom, get wisdom, and with all thy
        possession purchase prudence.

        Bible Translation

        The beginning of wisdom is, Get wisdom; and with
        all thy getting get intelligence.

        English Revised

        Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: yea,
        with all thou hast gotten get understanding.

        Webster's Bible

        Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom:
        and with all thy getting get understanding.

        English Bible

        Wisdom is supreme. Get wisdom. Yes, though it costs
        all your possessions, get understanding.

        Literal Translation

        The first thing is wisdom -- get wisdom, And
        with all thy getting get understanding.

        • 6 votes
        #10.12 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:53 AM EDT

        Got news for you, Mr. Accountability. You have accountability for one soul and that's your own. If your neighbor happens to "get off" by porking pork, that's his right - and his responsibility when he faces his creator. You see - unless I'm really in bad shape - you are not God. You have a right to disagree with him (your neighbor - you can disagree with God all you want, but I doubt it'll boot you anything). You have a right to live your life in accord with your belief system. You DO NOT have a right to live his life.

        That's the wonderful thing about this country. We all have a right to "pursue happiness" in whichever way is "right" to us (as long as it's not dangerous to others). The problem I have - and will always have - with religion is that it's never "good enough" to be able to live your own life in accordance with your own beliefs. Nope. No siree. Not a damn one of you is happy unless you're controlling everyone elses' lives and ensuring that they live in accordance with your belief system as well.

        Personally... I don't agree with "beastiality" - or homosexuality. It's not my lifestyle. But by all I hold holy - I'll fight like hectate for the right of other people to live their lives as they choose.

        The only person you're responsible for is yourself. You have a responsibility to your children (not for your children - big difference). It's no different than the fact that you have a responsibility to your community - not for it.

        And by the way. The "death" of morals? Really? Whose morals do we go by? Yours? Southern Baptists? Perhaps Charles Manson?

        • 11 votes
        #10.13 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:03 AM EDT

        DAV: "so quit trying to push your gay and lesbian views on us... or we're just going to start calling you communists"

        I don't about the rest of you but I'm SO SCARED! Please Dav, please don't call me a "communist!" hehehehe

        • 6 votes
        #10.14 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:09 AM EDT

        We don't have to accept your lifestyle... and your bashing of religion and personal beliefs are hypocritical to your own "preachings", so quit trying to push your gay and lesbian views on us... or we're just going to start calling you communists.

        We'll stop pushing when you stop pulling. Got it!?!

        • 5 votes
        #10.15 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:06 AM EDT

        TiredofStupidity (#10.14): I have never before said this on a comment board, and wasn't ever planning on it, but for you I will make the exception. I just want you to know that I absolutely agree with you, and you are wrong: not every religious person wants to control what other people do and believe. I am a Christian and my husband is an atheist (and we have been going strong for years), and I am perfectly okay with that. We never argue about religion like the people who act like children on here do, or ever even talk about it. I understand that the only one life I am responsible for is my own. I also understand that every person thinks differently and believes differently, period. The key is having respect for others as human beings, no matter what we may think is right; we can't change anyone and the sooner we accept that, the better off we will all be.

        • 5 votes
        #10.16 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:07 PM EDT

        "Problem in this country is the death of morals and ethics by many, next beastiality will be promoted as a lifestyle."

        And yet Mr Accountability claims he isn't a troll and that he just, "see(s) things as they are in an ethical or moral manner. . ."

        Great thing about bigots is that they're generally poor liars as well.

        • 3 votes
        #10.17 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:53 PM EDT

        It is obvious that there are many people in this country who consider homosexuality to be destructive, hedonistic, and without merit. To constantly try to censor our comments proves your cowardness.

        God exists, and when people go to war against my God, they go to war against me. Stay in San Francisco where you all belong.

        • 1 vote
        #10.18 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:17 PM EDT

        You keep your god, you are welcome to him, and we'll keep ours.

        • 2 votes
        #10.19 - Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:09 AM EDT

        You have no God. You people are merely hubric humanists.

          #10.20 - Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:12 PM EDT

          There's a god now for pitiful, mewling little men? Not sure what other god Spades would be worshiping.

          • 2 votes
          #10.21 - Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:38 PM EDT

          your attempts to create a rise out of me prove the weakness of your argument. Everyone knows that homosexuality is destructive and immoral and if you don't, then you are lying to yourself.

            #10.22 - Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:21 PM EDT

            It so so SAD that People can't LIVE in PEACE!

            So much hate, cruelty, and internalized ANGER...Which causes people to MUTILATE and MURDER!

            Come on NOW!!! we only have one earth and one type of human species...

            Be KIND to one another...who cares if someone is gay straight, bisexual...it's NONE of your business...but to KILL some one...and perform such Horrific ACTS...GET A LIFE...or you may doing LIFE in Prison somewhere!

            Absolutely a WASTE OF a HUMAN LIFE...NO REASON IN THE WORLD TO KILL OR MAME SOMEONE for any REASON...what kind of animals are we breeding in this world?

            Aye por favor gente!

            • 27 votes
            Reply#11 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:48 AM EDT


            • 3 votes
            #11.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:11 AM EDT

            so if you believe in the 10 commandments... (as most christians/religious groups agree) one of the commandments is ...thou shall not kill.. so any christian has to agree that taking a life... any life... for any reason....even if you HATE this person.......even if you do this horrible act in the name of your god....doing this is wrong and a sin....HUMANS are always going to disagree....that's what makes us a dominant and beautiful species..but none has any right to take a life...unless it is their own..

            the punishment for taking the life of this guy who was trying to be himself.. should be swift and severe...it's time to rid this planet of hatred and violence

            • 4 votes
            #11.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:25 AM EDT

            what Tina said.....grassy-a$$......

            • 1 vote
            #11.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:37 AM EDT
            Comment author avataral-2891335Expand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

            Aids is the easiest disease to get rid of , forever...

            Some one explain why it s alive and well ?

            • 2 votes
            Reply#13 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:54 AM EDT

            Oh yeah, tell me all about the cure, Doctor?

            Hatred never built anything worth having, man.

            • 16 votes
            #13.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:21 AM EDT

            I have to say "Hatred in, hatred out" and "you reap what you sow". By the way, if you EVER expect anyone to actually take what you post seriously, you may want to ensure you use the correct words in the correct way, otherwise you just sound like an ignorant ranter that is trolling.

            For example: some one
            If you are referring to a person: someone

            Take the time and use IT'S - the apostrophe is free and on your keyboard

            You and your cohorts (and I am not convinced that it is not you using alias) have enough hatred to keep society in darkness and can only take solice in the fact that karma is a great thing and irony has a sense of humor. Live your lives and leave others out of your hatred. Find a hobby

            • 11 votes
            #13.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:35 AM EDT

            Dude - you need help.

            • 5 votes
            #13.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:07 AM EDT

            Anytime someone is killed for being what they are is tragic. I am sure that this person did not chose this path, but rather he has been walking this way all of his life. To kill someone for this reason is as atrocious as Hitler killing 6 million Jews simply because they were Jews.

            10 % of the world is left-handed. No one chooses to be left-handed but in many cases they are called "clumsy", "Awkward" and other names. Aussies call them "mollydookers".

            Those who are so intolerant of a lifestyle ought to look into the origin of that lifestyle before they condemn.

            This is not the same thing as choosing to belong to a gang like the Crips and assuming the lifestyle of a gangbanger.

            You cannot hold people responsible for the situation that they were born into.

            • 23 votes
            #14 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:19 AM EDT

            prove they were born this way.

            how do you explain a man being married for 25 years to a woman and having 4 kids suddenly finds that he is gay, please explain your born this way theory for this man.

            • 11 votes
            #14.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:24 AM EDT

            prove they were born this way.

            Prove you made a "choice" to be heterosexual; because if you have to think about whether or not you want a man's junk in or around your face, then you are absolutely not a heterosexual.

            If it's not a choice for you, what makes you think it's a choice choice for them?

            • 21 votes
            #14.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:03 AM EDT

            I'll put it to you another way.

            The day a person has to think long and hard about whether or not they want to be heterosexual is the day they CHOSE to PRETEND to be straight.

            If you gotta think about it... YOU ARE NOT STRAIGHT.

            • 18 votes
            #14.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:14 AM EDT

            AZK, OF course, you are 100% right on the money. The problem, as I see it it this. The people who are bigots have a very low sense of themselves or self-esteem....for whatever reason. Maybe something about the way THEY were born, maybe having been picked on at some time, maybe because they have felt scorn because they stuggle intellectually, etc., etc. Whatever it is, these folks are kinda victims themselves, or have been at some point, and are crying ot to be understood and loved themselves. They express that with "hatred" for those they can feel "superior" to (You know....I might not have anything going for me, but at least I'm not queer). We gotta work on what's eating them, get them to unburden themselves, and come on over with the good folks breathing freedom, equality, and fairness for everyone.

            • 22 votes
            #14.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:39 AM EDT

            I saw "sissy boys" from the first grade through 12th grade who never dated girls and walked "funny". I have a second cousin who was caught putting his mother's clothes on when he was 10. I believe that many people are "born" homosexual. Sure, some choose the lifestyle for other reasons. I do not condone the "in-your-face" attitude exhibited by many anymore than I care for blacks who flaunt the fact that they are black and consider any criticism to be racist in origin.

            Then again, some people are just mentally challenged and do weird things. This is an extremely small group.

            As long as people do not force their lifestyle on others, I think that there is room for all. While I do not choose to travel that path, I cannot automatically condemn those who do.

            If left-handed people squawked about the problems that they face, it would make all others pale in comparison. Left handedness is 10 % of the population.

            Try using a chain saw left handed. Try playing most musical instruments left handed. When someone offers a promotional pen or pencil, it is designed to be read while holding it in the right hand.

            Most power tools are right handed to the point of being dangerous for a southpaw to try to use.

            Has there been any legislation passed demanding that manufacturers of power tools be forced to manufacture ambidexterous equipment?

            At work, a left handed person is expected to staple in the upper right hand corner, just like right handed people (I never did and it pissed off a lot of people.)

            There are many instances when a lefty is forced to conform. No discrimination here, right. So if I seem to understand the plight of those born different from most, I do.

            • 9 votes
            #14.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:45 AM EDT


            Prove you made a "choice" to be heterosexual

            We turn out the way we are when growing up in the world. The idea by you that we only pretend to be straight is just totally outlandish. I knew that I am a heterosexual the first time I had kissed a girl and then the sex with a WOMAN. I for one do not pretend to be straight. Maybe its because of good genetics.

            Also, I am glad that no one in my family is gay. Maybe that also is part of good genetics.

            • 5 votes
            #14.6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:49 AM EDT

            . I knew that I am a heterosexual the first time I had kissed a girl and then the sex with a WOMAN

            It took you that long to figure it out?

            I call bullsh!t.

            Maybe its because of good genetics.

            Telling by the intellectually vacant post of yours - I assume your 'good genes' don't include the ones for critical thought.. Give me a gay son over a moron son any day.


            We turn out the way we are when growing up in the world.

            It's actually a variety of factors. Genetics, womb development, brain chemistry, hormones, experiences, atmosphere, environment, diet, education....

            But homosexuality develops much the same way as heterosexuality.

            • 21 votes
            #14.7 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:36 AM EDT


            I knew I liked women long before I understood anything regarding sexuality. Its the same for any strait person. I couldn't explain to you why I liked women at that early age. All I knew was that something about women seemed "special".

            If you weren't sure about your sexuality until you were old enough to be engaging in intercourse then that suggests there is some ambiguity going on. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But, one would think it would make you a little more tolerant of others.

            The same with tnscot. He also seems to have been confused on the subject, hence his "choice". I've noticed that being common among those who are the most vocal against homosexuality.

            • 9 votes
            #14.8 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:49 AM EDT

            The same with tnscot. He also seems to have been confused on the subject, hence his "choice". I've noticed that being common among those who are the most vocal against homosexuality.

            I think their hatred derives from their struggle against their true nature. They don't understand that most people don't have to struggle to fit the heterosexual mold, so they think their 'moral jihad' is shared by all straights, when it's not - which leads to their seemingly incomprehensible lack of rationalism when it comes to understanding sexuality. They truly think it is a choice, a fight - to be straight, and if they can do it, why can't others?

            • 11 votes
            #14.9 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:10 AM EDT

            What??? DO you mean if everyone is abstinent there will be no more AIDS cases?? Do you mean those with it should die thus wiping it out?? Do you think using protection will prevent it 100%??

            Please clarify your statements???

            • 1 vote
            #14.10 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:23 AM EDT

            thenight, you know for an certainty that NO ONE in your family is gay? how do you know? do some research into the background history of your family, i'm sure you will find out differenly.

            • 5 votes
            #14.11 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:52 AM EDT

            I think their hatred derives from their struggle against their true nature. They don't understand that most people don't have to struggle to fit the heterosexual mold, so they think their 'moral jihad' is shared by all straights, when it's not - which leads to their seemingly incomprehensible lack of rationalism when it comes to understanding sexuality. They truly think it is a choice, a fight - to be straight, and if they can do it, why can't others?


            I think you stated that very well.

            • 3 votes
            #14.12 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:04 AM EDT

            I maintain that everyone has at least one family member who is gay.
            Whether you know it or not is another story.

            • 3 votes
            #14.13 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:15 AM EDT

            It dawned on me after talking with a bi friend of mine awhile back.

            She explained to me that when she was younger and more naive, she didn't understand that others didn't feel the way she did. It just didn't register to her that some people simply can't, by their very nature, be interested in well... any sex... in that way. To her, it was a perfectly natural feeling, and she assumed (because it's the only thing she knew) that everyone was capable of feeling that way too.

            As she grew up and learned from others, she discovered that some people are just all straight or all gay, and that others can be shades in between.

            Our conversation led to discussing what it would have been like for her to be in the shoes of someone raised in a heavily anti-gay community, if she was indoctrinated into a belief system where homosexuality was evil and wrong.... how then she would have interpreted her urges for the same sex as well as the opposite: It was interesting, because the conclusion she came to is that she would basically be like one of these bigots that can't seem to understand that their sexuality is not the same as everyone else's - that not everyone has a choice of which sex to go with.

            It makes me think that there might be a lot more bi-men who hide their attraction because it's far more taboo than a woman engaging in bi behaviour - which would explain the noticeable dirth in bi-men compared to bi-women.

            • 8 votes
            #14.14 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:22 AM EDT

            I had a great uncle who was gay. Flaming. The only one in the adult family. He died from AIDS. Shortly thereafter, his boyfriend did too. The rest of us didn't.

            • 2 votes
            #14.15 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:26 AM EDT

            Just the fact's here Tina_293371. Assumption will never win an argument.

              #14.16 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:34 AM EDT

              tnscot-how do you explain a man being married for 25 years to a woman and having 4 kids suddenly finds that he is gay, please explain your born this way theory for this man.

              Let me take a crack at this. Just because somebody is married, doesn't mean that they are straight. Perhaps he was raised around/by people who believe beeing gay is morally wrong (he may even believe it himself, and try as he might, can't change the way he feels), and thus suppressed his feelings for the same sex, dated women all his life and eventually got married/had kids to satisfy the expectations of everyone he knew. At some point, the faking who he was got to be too much, and he eventually came out as gay. There are many, many people who pretend to be straight because they are afraid of being alienated, disowned by their family and friends, or are even afraid of retaliation/violence against them.

              • 4 votes
              #14.17 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:24 AM EDT

              What am I assuming, Netmanxps?
              I have been around long enough and met enough people to say that it is so.
              It may be in their extended family, but it is there..

              • 3 votes
              #14.18 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:33 AM EDT


              I maintain that everyone has at least one family member who is gay.
              Whether you know it or not is another story.

              SORRY! No gays in my family gene pool and thats a fact, jack!

              • 1 vote
              #14.19 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:38 PM EDT

              Keep telling yourself that...

              • 3 votes
              #14.20 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:21 AM EDT

              Keep thinking it and see what happens!

                #14.21 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:52 AM EDT

                Keep thinking it and see what happens!

                So what exactly do you think is going to happen? Seriously?

                • 3 votes
                #14.22 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:18 AM EDT

                so knight, why did it take you so long to figure out you were straight? that sounds very suspicious, more like you are trying to convince yourself

                how do you know that someone in your extended family isn't pretending to be straight? maybe that someone is you? after all I knew I liked girls before I ever kissed one and before I knew what sex was.

                • 2 votes
                #14.23 - Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:11 AM EDT
                Comment author avatarfmstereoExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                Just because I dont like gays I'm considered a bigot. I dont care if they boof each other in the butt. When they say I have to respect them because they live an "alternative lifestyle" is when I resist their garbage. Being gay is not right.

                • 15 votes
                Reply#15 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:52 AM EDT

                But being a bigot is...

                AM I RIGHT?

                Sure, nobody is going to make you be considerate or respectful to others... then again, we don't have to stop treating you like you're a jerk if you don't.

                See how that works?

                • 15 votes
                #15.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:05 AM EDT


                All that you've managed to do is prove is that there are bigots on both sides of the fence.

                • 5 votes
                #15.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:09 AM EDT

                That's a strawman, nobody gives a flying f*k if you respect them or not.

                You don't have to respect something to tolerate it.

                I have no respect for brain damaged bigots, but I tolerate them and will never vote/advocate against their right to voice their bigoted opinions, or get married, or to have bigot sex with eachother (probably while imagining whatever it is they are bigoted against - but that's another story)

                All that you've managed to do is prove is that there are bigots on both sides of the fence.

                Yeah, the lovely bigoted against bigots circular logic again. SMH

                • 13 votes
                #15.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:49 AM EDT

                I think people should be able to disagree with a homo sexual lifestyle if they want to. However, there is a difference between disagreement and being derogatory, spiteful, hateful, etc.. All should try to chose their words wisely and respectfully. On the other hand if your gay you do not automatically get a pass on reversing the discrimination, predjuidice etc. by assuming all people have to conform and agree to anything gays, lesbians ,transgenders etc..etc..do, have to say and so on... IF everything and everyone changed in just the ways each of us would like, would it be Utopia or a nightmare??

                • 4 votes
                #15.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:30 AM EDT

                Those who think homosexuality is sinful or wrong have a right to their beliefs.
                What they do not have the right to do however is to persecute or harm homosexuals.
                There is a big difference between saying you don't like gays and bullying them or worse.

                • 3 votes
                #15.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:20 AM EDT

                Yeah Shuck, that's what we heterosexual men think about while bangin' a hot chick. Poking a hairy man-ass. That's what we probably think about....

                  #15.6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:35 AM EDT

                  FMStereo - you don't have to like or respect anyone you don't want.

                  You do have to understand that all American citizens get equal protection under the law, including those who you don't like.

                  This is the issue

                  • 2 votes
                  #15.7 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:57 PM EDT

                  The is not such thing as transgender. These people have made freaks out of themselves and they can't change their sex. Have you seen a transgender dog? cat? any other animal? I didn't think so. I do disagree totally with any hatred or violence directed at these people.. They are obviously something wrong with their brains and we should try to get them help.

                  • 5 votes
                  Reply#16 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:05 AM EDT

                  Well, at least you aren't dancing in the streets. It's better than nothing.

                  • 4 votes
                  #16.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:19 AM EDT

                  You can cut everything off or try to add to what you got, but you is what you is. You is what God made you. People trying to change that are deranged and need our help and not violence directed at them.

                  • 1 vote
                  #16.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:01 AM EDT

                  God didn't make me this way anymore than God made my breakfast... because, in my opinion, "God" doesn't exist.

                  Born one way or another, or taking hormones to have a different body... it's no different than anyone else being unhappy with the body they have and wanting a different one.

                  Some people want to lose weight, some people want to be taller and some people want to have a vagina instead of a penis or vice versa.

                  It's their body, they can change it if they want to.

                  • 14 votes
                  #16.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:05 AM EDT

                  Dee, you may not see a transgendered dog or cat, but you do see homosexuality in the animal kingdom. What you DON'T see in the animal kingdom is cats and dogs who believe in God, who elect their leaders, who perform organ transplants, who learn other languages, or who are monogamous. Does this make these things "abnormal"? And you say that you want to help gay people because they are "deranged". Careful with that thought; after the "normal" people lock them up for treatment, they may come after you and your kind.

                  • 12 votes
                  #16.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:32 AM EDT

                  Since you raised the question: Yes, there are transgender animals over 100 species including dogs, fish, snakes, insects, and more. Of course to learn things one has to open their mind a wee bit. The danger is that you might have to give up being a schoolyard bully if mature thinking accidentally sets in.

                  • 12 votes
                  #16.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:08 AM EDT

                  And there are situations where the baby is born with both male & female genitalia and the doc just picks one. In many cases the child never knew about this.

                  • 9 votes
                  #16.6 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:59 AM EDT

                  Dee - If you want to educate yourself at all, watch the documentary 'Orchids - Intersex and Identity Documentary" by Pheobe Hart.

                  • 4 votes
                  #16.7 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:05 AM EDT

                  And there's obviously something wrong with your brain Miss Dee as you obviously have difficulties making sense!

                  • 1 vote
                  #16.8 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:01 AM EDT

                  And there's obviously something wrong with your brain Miss Dee as you obviously have difficulties making sense!

                  Not to mention the grammar.

                  • 1 vote
                  #16.9 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:30 AM EDT

                  A hunan life....so precious, and the only one this human being had, extinguished by the black hatred consuming the ignorant brain. It took away everything he had, and everything he was ever going to have. Hey "Zipper" whose life are you and your boys going to extinguish today...and ...tomorrow...and..

                  • 10 votes
                  Reply#17 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:22 AM EDT
                  Comment author avatarJames W. Hall Jr.via FacebookExpand Comment Comment collapsed by the community

                  How does anyone defend a QUEER lifestyle,unless It's other QUEERS.Who are the most popular AIDS victims Heterosexuals or Homosexuals .A perfect job for a Homosexual is to be a Mortician.Their clients will keep secrets and they will have variety, at least for a short time.

                  • 4 votes
                  Reply#18 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:24 AM EDT

                  Actually, lunkhead, thinking, fully developed and rounded human beings are able to have empathy for other human beings who are different than them. It's one of the things that sets us apart from lower species, speaking of which, how are you all doing?

                  • 15 votes
                  #18.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:35 AM EDT

                  The thinking, caring people on this posting are wasting their time trying to explain basic empathy to these hateful human beings. Even if you don't "believe" in homosexuality, if your "god" tells you that it's wrong, doesn't your god also tell you that killing is wrong? BTW I'm not gay so there goes your theory that only gays support this.

                  • 10 votes
                  #18.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:02 AM EDT

                  This article is not about "defending the QUEER lifestyle".
                  It is about murdering another human being simply because you don't like their lifestyle.

                  • 5 votes
                  #18.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:23 AM EDT

                  No one has the right to kill somone over beliefs but it happens- they to will be judged by God on Judgement day- no one Gay will enter heaven ever unless they confess thiers sins and walk away from it- God said it is a sin so it will be a great sin on judgement day- Jesus christ cam to save nopt change Gods laws he himself said that- to be saved he also said you must confess your sins and trun from them- he said walk as he walked with out sex but if you can't then take a wife- he never said take another man or to take another woman- he said take a wife-man and woman only----- also transvesties your still a man or still a woman just because you change something wont make it right in the eyes of God- we should pray for the Gays as it is thier souls that reap hell for ever lasting time----- so sad- But also you can't hid being Gay as your sins will be brought to the light God says- look at those filming roommates- then because that boys sin were brought to the light the sin was to much for him to bare it and toook his own life- so sad two great sins gay sexual acts and taking his life-

                  • 2 votes
                  Reply#19 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:36 AM EDT

                  I love how you can speak with such confidence that you know exactly what god will decide.

                  I swear. Some of you take your faith so far, that you begin to speak for god himself.

                  Hey lets find out. Go slit your wrist. Then after your dead, if god agrees with you. Come back and post on this forum.

                  • 11 votes
                  #19.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:50 AM EDT

                  If God said "take a wife" and I'm a woman--is God promoting Lesbianism?

                  Also--who died and made you "God" anyway? I pity your wife (if you have one).

                  • 4 votes
                  #19.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:29 AM EDT

                  Unbelievable how people can justify hatred against their fellow humans by quoting an ancient text written by impotent old men.
                  How DARE you claim that anyone's soul will "reap hell for ever lasting time" or that the boy in the case you mention took his own life out of guilt for his "sin".
                  You had best look to your own soul, is all I have to say.

                  • 3 votes
                  #19.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:34 AM EDT


                  People such as yourself are the entire reason people run from Christianity. You all are so un-Christlike. Your main talent is twisting verses from the bible to fit your definition of what's going on around you, of which you know little. Neat trick, that is, if it works for you. People like you are afraid of the whole idea of reality. I am not anti-spirituality; I'm anti-religion. I find it interesting that the "god" of your own creation just "happens" to agree with whatever mindless thing you believe. There are so many like you who are just plain, for lack of a better term, incredibly ignorant. In my world ignorance is not bliss. I like to understand what I'm looking at and think for myself. In my understanding of God (as I admittedly don't understand him), he would have me do the next "good" right thing (such as loving my neighbor), not for the reward of heaven, or for the fear of the punishment of eternal damnation, but because it "is" the right thing to do. If we at our best are truly created in his image, that's what makes sense to me. Oh and uhhhh...it's incredibly arrogant to think you understand God or know what he thinks. The jury is out on that one, but at least most thinking humans have the humility to say they just don't know. I don't pretend to know what happens after death. No one credible has ever come back to talk about it.

                  If there is a heaven, and it's going to be full of people like you, I can't think of one place I'd rather not be. It's very convenient to have your head so full of heaven and hell that you're not present for the reality of life. Get one, while you're at it, and develop an informed opinion. It's work and takes responsiblity. Try it, you just might like it.

                  • 1 vote
                  #19.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:56 AM EDT

                  Such amazing arrogance mixed with a bizarre sense of wish fulfillment. You know (not believe - but know) the will of God. And surprise, surprise, since you hate gays, God hates gays too. What a f*ckin' coincidence, who would have guessed? Pitiful really.

                  • 3 votes
                  #19.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:04 PM EDT

                  Reading about HOW this person died is horrible. I don't think it was really necessary for the media to humiliate him and put it out there for the world to know about, but then again, I suppose they really don't give a hoot. It's bad enough he was taken away so young, but to die such a brutal death and have the media throw it all over is even worse. I could care less about peoples sex lives, or how they live their lives, but when it comes to pasting a brutal murder such as this all over the front page of my MSN front page when I wake up in the morning, it has gone too far. Geeze...

                  • 5 votes
                  Reply#20 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:42 AM EDT

                  Transgender people are murdered at rates higher than any other category. Exposing the public to the atrocities we face, and reading the comments to articles like this, an uninformed person gets exposed to the kind of bigotry, ignorance, and stupidity that is real in our world. Those with this kind of bigotry and stupidity are fortunately few number. However, they feel free to go out of their ways to target us for discrimination and violence.

                  In many states it is legal for: hospitals to refuse routine medical care like treating a cold, putting stitches in a wound, or giving an antibiotic for a common yeast infection; legal for restaurants to say leave because we don't serve "your kind"; legal for food stores or pharmacies to say you can't shop here; legal for insurance companies to say we cover these medical procedures in our health plan (unless you are transgender, then we take away the coverage that every other employee has); and the list goes on.

                  So not only is there physical violence, there is violence to ours spirits, a total attack on the human dignity of people with a "serious medical condition". The words in quotation marks aren't mine - they come from the American Medical Association (AMA) in their call for insurance companies to stop discriminating against transgender people.

                  • 8 votes
                  #20.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:50 AM EDT

                  The more sensational the media can make a story, the better.
                  The reporters and journalists of old, who actually had ethics and standards, are no doubt spinning in their proverbial graves.

                  • 1 vote
                  #20.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:37 AM EDT

                  Nobody should have their throat slit and genitalia severed posthumously - simple as that. It's a horrible, painful death and blatant disregard for the life.

                  • 6 votes
                  Reply#21 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:46 AM EDT

                  Some of you are defending this transgender guy by bashing @zipperthecat. So stupid lol

                  • 1 vote
                  Reply#22 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:47 AM EDT

                  No one is defending his lifestyle. They are attacking zipper for his negative views about how this poor guy deserved death. No ones deserves to die in such a violent manner.

                  The problem with people like you is that your religious extremists just like all those muslim terrorists. Instead of living your own life and trying to make the world around you better, you spread hatred and violence. If someone disagrees with you or has a different view, your immediate response is kill them.

                  Just like a religious terrorist.

                  News flash. Your not god. So stop acting like your his voice and right hand man. If god has a problem, let him dish out the judgments and punishments.

                  you just mind your own business and start taking medication. Your psyco attitude is old and boring.

                  • 17 votes
                  #22.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:54 AM EDT

                  God Already Has Established His Law Before Man Was Born. Man's option is to Enjoy Life By Following It - the best Man can (including women where Man is mentioned) OR live with the consequences. This goes for ANY PERSON LIVING ANYWHERE. I didn't make these facts, God Did.

                  • 3 votes
                  #22.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:19 AM EDT

                  not so "goodguy" I didn't make these facts, God Did."

                  You have not a clue what God did or did not do. These are not "facts." These are simply YOUR OPINIONS. That's all. You're entitled to them--but so are we entitled to ours--no matter our sexuality.

                  • 4 votes
                  #22.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:33 AM EDT

                  "Or live with the consequences" goodguy?
                  I love how religious folks like to threaten others.
                  Bloody arrogant, I'd say.

                  • 3 votes
                  #22.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:42 AM EDT

                  Goodguy--Apparently you are anything but good!

                  People such as yourself are the entire reason people run from Christianity. You all are so un-Christlike. Your main talent is twisting verses from the bible to fit your definition of what's going on around you, of which you know little. Neat trick, that is, if it works for you. People like you are afraid of the whole idea of reality. I am not anti-spirituality; I'm anti-religion. I find it interesting that the "god" of your own creation just "happens" to agree with whatever mindless thing you believe. There are so many like you who are just plain, for lack of a better term, incredibly ignorant. In my world ignorance is not bliss. I like to understand what I'm looking at and think for myself. In my understanding of God (as I admittedly don't understand him), he would have me do the next "good" right thing (such as loving my neighbor), not for the reward of heaven, or for the fear of the punishment of eternal damnation, but because it "is" the right thing to do. If we at our best are truly created in his image, that's what makes sense to me. Oh and uhhhh...it's incredibly arrogant to think you understand God or know what he thinks. The jury is out on that one, but at least most thinking humans have the humility to say they just don't know. I don't pretend to know what happens after death. No one credible has ever come back to talk about it.

                  If there is a heaven, and it's going to be full of people like you, I can't think of one place I'd rather not be. It's very convenient to have your head so full of heaven and hell that you're not present for the reality of life. Get one, while you're at it, and develop an informed opinion. It's work and takes responsiblity. Try it, you just might like it.

                  • 3 votes
                  #22.5 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:06 PM EDT

                  I don't approve of same sex marriage, but even more so, I don't approve of killing someone because you don't like their lifestyle. What anyone does is their choice. So long as it doesn't hurt you or me, why should we care? Feel bad for the young man and hope the killers are found and punished. They do not deserve to live among us.

                  • 9 votes
                  Reply#23 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:58 AM EDT

                  I don't approve of same sex marriage ... What anyone does is their choice. So long as it doesn't hurt you or me, why should we care?

                  I am intrigued by the apparent contradiction between your two statements above. I approve of same-sex marriage because what anyone does (that doesn't hurt anyone else) is their choice.

                  • 1 vote
                  #23.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 3:49 PM EDT

                  I can live with lesbians but i can't deal with rump rangers. It really doesn't

                  bother me when i see two women who are gay but two guys just seems freakish to me.

                  • 3 votes
                  Reply#24 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:01 AM EDT

                  Rump Rangers, thats a good one. At least you get a "A" for colorful thinking.

                  • 2 votes
                  #24.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:55 AM EDT

                  Muggsy, I suppose you are one of those who revile homosexual behavior WHEN males do it, but believe it's OK for women? Sounds pretty hypocritical to me, bub.

                  This young person died tragically and violently and needlessly for being the person who was true to himself and who he was. It is a sick sad statement on our world that this type of violence is even applauded by some of the posters here.

                  • 10 votes
                  #24.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:09 AM EDT

                  People like you make me fear for America's future....

                  • 6 votes
                  #24.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:48 AM EDT

                  Go Chaz.

                  • 2 votes
                  Reply#25 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:16 AM EDT

                  Wow. So much concern about what somebody else does in their own bedroom.

                  Outright hatred even. As if it somehow affected their own lives.

                  I see a lot of Larry Craig impersonators here. God and family!!

                  • 8 votes
                  Reply#26 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:32 AM EDT

                  He was a she before she became a he, and he who was a she was killed by two people who were he's who did not like him for being a he after she became a he. Is that correct?

                    Reply#27 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:33 AM EDT

                    I would be a great idea if all homosexuals would move to that country. Just think of all the votes, maybe they could turn the place around and while doing it let the word 'gay' return to its original meaning of happiness and holiday spirit, which they stole about 60 years ago!

                    • 1 vote
                    Reply#28 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:38 AM EDT

                    Gay people are not the ones that started using gay as a "term", it was others that did that, do some research and learn something before you sprew out crap that you have no idea about. and heres an idea for you, why don't YOU move there and do some preaching to see how well you do. "gay"....holiday spirit? what holiday are you speaking of around that word?

                    • 5 votes
                    #28.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:32 AM EDT

                    sounds like you know a lot about crap lol

                      #28.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:40 AM EDT

                      I think it would be a good idea if everyone who says someone should move out of our country should move out themselves, eh?

                      • 3 votes
                      #28.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:45 AM EDT

                      There's lot's of other countries that share your ideology (Iran, Pakistan, Syria, or some other terrorist supporting nation comes to mind) come to mind), why don't you move?

                      • 3 votes
                      #28.4 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:23 PM EDT

                      im prety sure this @!$%# didnt happen when the Afrikaans where in charge

                        Reply#29 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:41 AM EDT

                        All I can say is "I'M" not in mourning over the loss of this useless weirdo.

                        • 2 votes
                        Reply#30 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:46 AM EDT

                        we won't mourn your lose either

                        • 7 votes
                        #30.1 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:34 AM EDT

                        Mary Ann
                        You should be ashamed of yourself.
                        That's all I can say.

                        • 7 votes
                        #30.2 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:46 AM EDT

                        Mary Ann, I think you need to learn some proper respect for human life. It doesn't matter whether or not you agree with them or not. Just because someone doesn't live the way you think they should is no reason to be glad they're dead.

                        • 2 votes
                        #30.3 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 4:21 PM EDT

                        Pretty scary what fear and ignorance can lead to, isn't it?

                        • 11 votes
                        Reply#31 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:47 AM EDT

                        So keep good behavior, it's your one lifesaver, with Popeye the Sailor Man. (toot, toot)

                          Reply#32 - Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:49 AM EDT
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