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Holy site a source of geopolitical tension

Harriet Sherwood
June 29, 2012
Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic clergymen clean the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic clergymen clean the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Photo: AFP

The Church of the Nativity is at the eye of a political storm.

THE dusty gloom is barely relieved by dimly lit coloured glass lamps hanging from wooden rafters high above the ancient flagstone floor. After stooping to pass through a low and narrow entrance, one's eyes take a minute or two to adjust from the glare of the June sun to make out faded murals and mosaics, robed priests swinging silver caskets of incense, the steep and narrow stairs leading down to the grotto that traditionally marks Jesus' birthplace.

For many of the 2 million people who visit the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem each year, this is a moment of contemplation, prayer and thanksgiving. The church is one of the most revered Christian sites in the world. It is now at the centre of a debate encompassing cultural, historical, religious, political and territorial tensions as it is considered for world heritage status at a meeting in St Petersburg.

Efforts by the Palestinians to secure a place for the Church of the Nativity on the global list of protected sites will be discussed by the world heritage committee of UNESCO, the United Nations cultural body. A vote among the committee's 21 countries could take place today.

It is the first application lodged by the Palestinians following their admission to UNESCO last October. That step was viewed by Israel and the US as a contentious recognition of the as yet non-existent state of Palestine, and both countries withdrew their funding of UNESCO, amounting to a quarter of its annual budget - 22 per cent contributed by the US, and 3 per cent by Israel.

The Palestinians say they are confident the vote will go their way, despite a view advanced by a committee of UNESCO experts that the application should be delayed by at least a year, on the grounds that the church does not merit emergency inclusion on the list.

''Bethlehem is the capital city of the Christian world,'' said its deputy mayor, George Saade. ''We want to protect and preserve the church and pilgrimage route. This is very important for the Palestinian people, for us as Christians and for the world.''

Supporters of the bid cite the urgent need for renovation and restoration work to the church. Many of the roof timbers, last replaced more than 100 years ago, are rotting. Rainwater leaks are damaging mosaics and paintings dating from the 12th century. Heritage status is being sought not only for the complex of buildings that make up the church, parts of which are 1500 years old, but also the route taken by Mary and Joseph. A winding street of stone buildings and crumbling arches, it is now deserted, with about 80 per cent of its shops shut up.

Most pilgrim and tourist buses, run by Israeli or international companies, tour the holy sites in about two hours, bypassing local businesses. Such fleeting visits contribute to the economic strangulation of once-thriving Bethlehem, the main cause of which is the imposing eight-metre-high concrete separation wall dotted with watchtowers and checkpoints that Israel began building 10 years ago.

The Palestinians claim that Israel and the US have sought to block their bid for heritage status for the church. A statement from the US State Department urged the committee not to become a ''victim of politicisation''.

But leaders of the three denominations that share the administration of the church - Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian Apostolic - also declined to support the Palestinian application, reflecting intra-faith tensions that permeate the site.