
Millions flow in to aid organisations as Australians dig deep

Tom Arup Australians donate more than $2.5 million to Haiti recovery effort in four days, a rate aid groups are comparing to the response to the Boxing Day tsunami.

Arab Spring 'luring jihadis'

Arab Spring

Tom Whitehead, London The last 18 months of upheavals in the Arab world have spawned a new generation of British-born terrorists after al-Qaeda moved into unstable countries and began training potential bombers, Britain's...

Jet downing a Syria attack on NATO, Turkey to claim

A Turkish Air Force F-4 war plane

Colum Lynch, New York Turkey suggested it would ask its NATO allies to consider Syria's downing of a Turkish jet to be an attack on the entire alliance, and is seeking to galvanise support at the United Nations for a...

Journalists go to men on women's issues

Womens' issues

Paul Farhi, Washington New analysis of campaign coverage finds women aren't even the principal news source on a topic they would presumably know best: women's issues.

Ban on 'pro-gay' NGOs

Uganda has announced a ban on 38 non-governmental organisations it accuses of supporting homosexuality.

Uganda Uganda announced a ban on 38 non-governmental organisations for promoting homosexuality.

Syrian rebels strike back in Homs

Syrian rebels have launched an offensive to recapture the Baba Amro nieghbourhood in the city of Homs.

David Enders Rebels have launched an offensive to recapture the Baba Amro neighbourhood in Homs.

Syrian colonel defects in MiG fighter jet as world explores a way out for Assad


Ruth Pollard in Amman A Syrian air force colonel has become the country's first senior military officer to defect in his aircraft, seeking asylum in Jordan after making an emergency landing in his MiG-21 fighter jet.

Gaza's children live and die on contaminated water

Palestinian children drinking water.

Ruth Pollard Too contaminated to drink and never in continuous supply because of daily power shortages, the water in Gaza is causing chronic health problems and contributing to high rates of child mortality.

Russia vows to deliver Syrian arms

Syrian Army Mi-18 helicopters.

Ruth Sherlock, Beirut A defiant Moscow announces that a cargo ship would deliver weapons to Syria under the Russian national flag despite being forced to abandon its voyage when Britain withdrew insurance cover.

Are Assange's fears justified?

Are Assange's fears justified?

Philip Dorling There has been a predictable storm of media commentary following Julian Assange's dramatic bid to seek political asylum at Ecuador's London embassy.

Minor tweaks makes bird flu more lethal

Bird flu more lethal.

Five genetic tweaks made a deadly strain of bird flu, that can infect humans, spread more easily, according to a study that the US government had sought to censor fearing it could be used by...

Bloody Saturday: more than 100 reportedly killed in Syria


More than 100 people were reported killed yesterday in violence across Syria, as Turkey downplayed the Syrian shooting down of a Turkish plane while President Bashar al-Assad formed a new cabinet...

Militia attacks and abuses pushing Libya toward chaos

Libyan government forces arrive at Tripoli international airport to join in negotiations with the Al-Awfya brigade that overran the airport few hours earlier on June 4, 2012. The militia of Libyan ex-rebels seized control of the airport, surrounding planes with tanks and grounding all flights after their leader's apparent arrest, officials said. AFP PHOTO/GIANLUIGI GUERCIA

Ruth Pollard Instability has plagued the nation since the revolution that ended Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year rule

Argentina demands talks on Falklands

British soldiers parade in Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, Thursday, June 14, 2012, as Falkland Islanders commemorate Liberation Day paying homage to British soldiers who died in the 1982 war against Argentina. It snowed heavily as locals gathered to mark 30 years since the day British troops forced Argentina to give up its occupation. (AP Photo/Derek Pettersson)

British Prime Minister refuses to take part in 'game of global Monopoly'.

Lone, fragile future beckons the Greeks


At the beginning of last year, they were both in work. By the end of it, they were both unemployed. Now, like many young city people, Vasso Simu and Panagiotis Vovos have been forced by what Greeks...

Anxieties aplenty at leaders' beach retreat

Activists wear masks of G-20 leaders, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) and Russia's President Vladimir Putin during a protest for food security at the Monument to the Revolution in Mexico city June 14, 2012. The G20 Leaders' Summit will be held June 18-19 in Los Cabos, Mexico. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido (MEXICO - Tags: POLITICS)

Paul McGeough World leaders transport their security bubbles to a remote Mexican hideaway.

Reporting for booty: Secret Service log reveals boozy misconduct, following prostitution claims

Secret Service 'Deepy dissapointed' (Thumbnail)

The United States has released a log of allegations of improper conduct made against Secret Service employees during the past decade, including a description of an agent who appeared under the...

Greece's moment of truth


Dario Thuburn Greeks face a stark dilemma in today's elections that will be watched around the world, between voting against austerity or in favour of a party more likely to keep their country in the eurozone.

The election that could change the global economic landscape

Greece vote

Ballots have opened nationwide in Greece for a critical general election that will determine whether the debt-laden country will complete painful austerity reform or see its eurozone future...

Fat people 'a threat to food security'

'Tackling population fatness may be critical to world food security and ecological sustainability.'

Ella Pickover, London Overweight people are a threat to future food security, scientists say.