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19 USC - Customs Duties

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Title 19 - Customs Duties

Chapter 1 - Collection Districts, Ports, and Officers
§ 1 Organization of customs service
§ 2 Rearrangement and limitation of districts; changing locations
§ 3 Superintendence of collection of import duties
§ 4 Omitted
§ 6 Designation of customs officers for foreign service; status; rejection of designated customs officer; applicability of civil service laws
§ 6e Overtime compensation based on standard or daylight saving time
§ 29 Repealed.]
§ 30 Repealed.]
§ 30a Repealed.]
§ 38 Repealed.]
§ 39 Repealed.]
§ 40 Repealed.]
§ 41 Repealed.]
§ 48 Repealed.]
§ 49 Repealed.]
§ 52 Payment of compensation and expenses
§ 58 Repealed.]
§ 58a Fees for services of customs officers
§ 58b User fee for customs services at certain small airports and other facilities
§ 58b-1 Expenses from fees collected
§ 58c Fees for certain customs services
§ 59 Repealed.]
§ 60 Penalty for extortion
§ 63 Repealed.]
§ 64 Laws imposing fines applicable to persons acting under customs laws
§ 66 Rules and forms prescribed by Secretary
§ 67 Repealed.]
§ 68 Enforcement of customs and immigration laws in Guam and the Virgin Islands and along Canadian and Mexican borders; cooperation by Secretary of the Treasury and Attorney General; erection of buildings
§ 69 Erection of protective gates and fences across and around roads crossing borders
§ 70 Obstruction of revenue officers by masters of vessels
Chapter 1A - Foreign Trade Zones
§ 81a Definitions
§ 81b Establishment of zones
§ 81c Exemption from customs laws of merchandise brought into foreign trade zone
§ 81d Customs officers and guards
§ 81e Vessels entering or leaving zone; coastwise trade
§ 81f Application for establishment and expansion of zone
§ 81g Granting of application
§ 81h Rules and regulations
§ 81i Cooperation of Board with other agencies
§ 81j Cooperation of other agencies with Board
§ 81k Agreements as to use of property
§ 81l Facilities to be provided and maintained
§ 81m Permission to others to use zone
§ 81n Operation of zone as public utility; cost of customs service
§ 81o Residents of zone
§ 81p Accounts and recordkeeping
§ 81q Transfer of grant
§ 81r Revocation of grants
§ 81s Offenses
§ 81t Separability
§ 81u Right to alter, amend, or repeal chapter
Chapter 2 - The Tariff Commission
§ 93 Repealed.]
§ 94 Omitted
§ 95 Repealed.]
§ 99 Repealed.]
§ 100 Omitted
§ 101 Repealed.]
§ 105 Repealed.]
§ 106 Omitted
§ 107 Repealed.]
Chapter 3 - The Tariff and Related Provisions
Chapter 4 - Tariff Act of 1930
Chapter 5 - Smuggling
§ 1701 Customs-enforcement area
§ 1702 Repealed.]
§ 1703 Seizure and forfeiture of vessels
§ 1704 Refusal or revocation of registry, enrollment, license or number on evidence that vessel engaging in smuggling; appeal; immunity from liability
§ 1705 Destruction of forfeited vessel or vehicle
§ 1706 Importation in vessels under thirty tons and aircraft; licenses; labels as prima facie evidence of foreign origin of merchandise
§ 1706a Civil penalties for trading without required certificate of documentation
§ 1707 Repealed.]
§ 1708 Repealed.]
§ 1709 Definitions
§ 1710 Separability
§ 1711 Citation of chapter
Chapter 6 - Trade Fair Program
§ 1751 Designation of fairs
§ 1752 Entry of articles for fairs
§ 1753 Disposition of articles entered for fairs
§ 1754 Marking, packaging, and labeling requirements
§ 1755 Responsibilities of fair operator
§ 1756 Regulations
Chapter 7 - Trade Expansion Program
Subchapter I - General Provisions
§ 1801 Statement of purposes
§ 1806 Definitions
Subchapter II - Trade Agreements
Part I - General Authority
§ 1821 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 1822 Repealed.]
§ 1823 Waiver of limitation on decrease in duty and negotiation and staging requirements for dicyandiamide and limestone
Part II - European Economic Community
Part III - Requirements Concerning Negotiations
Part IV - National Security
§ 1861 Repealed.]
§ 1862 Safeguarding national security
§ 1863 Repealed.]
§ 1864 Import sanctions for export violations
Part V - Administrative Provisions
§ 1871 Repealed.]
§ 1872 Interagency trade organization
§ 1873 Repealed.]
Part VI - General Provisions
§ 1881 Normal trade relations
§ 1885 Termination of proclamations
§ 1886 Repealed.]
§ 1887 Limitation on imports under section 624 of title 7
§ 1888 References in other laws
Subchapter III - Tariff Adjustment and Other Adjustment Assistance
Part I - Eligibility for Assistance
Part II - Adjustment Assistance to Firms
§ 1916 Administration of financial assistance; recording of mortgages
§ 1917 Repealed.]
§ 1918 Protective provisions
§ 1919 Penalties
§ 1920 Suits by and against Secretary of Commerce
Part III - Adjustment Assistance to Workers
§ 1931 Repealed.]
Part IV - Tariff Adjustment
§ 1981 General authority
§ 1982 Marketing agreements
Part V - Advisory Board
§ 1991 Repealed.]
Chapter 8 - Automotive Products
Subchapter I - Statement of Purposes
§ 2001 Congressional declaration of purposes
Subchapter II - Basic Authorities
§ 2011 Implementation of the Agreement
§ 2012 Omitted
§ 2013 Effective date of proclamations
§ 2014 Termination of proclamations
§ 2015 Special reports to Congress
Subchapter III - Tariff Adjustment and Other Adjustment Assistance
§ 2021 General authority
§ 2024 Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter IV - General Provisions
§ 2031 Authorities; delegation of functions; rules and regulations
§ 2032 Annual report to Congress
§ 2033 Applicability of antidumping provisions and antitrust laws
Chapter 9 - Visual and Auditory Materials of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Character
§ 2051 Implementation of the Agreement; executive designation and duty of Federal agencies
§ 2052 Assistance from other Federal agencies; facilities and personnel
Chapter 10 - Customs Service
§ 2071 Establishment of Service; Commissioner; appointment
§ 2072 Officers and employees
§ 2073 Transfer of personnel, etc., to Service
§ 2074 Establishment of revolving fund
§ 2075 Appropriations authorization
§ 2076 Advances in foreign countries
§ 2077 Advances for enforcement of customs provisions
§ 2078 Certification of reason for advance
§ 2079 Payments in foreign countries; claims for reimbursement
§ 2080 Advances from available appropriations; rules and regulations
§ 2081 Undercover investigative operations of Customs Service
§ 2082 Customs Service administration
§ 2083 Annual national trade and customs law violation estimates and enforcement strategy
Chapter 11 - Importation of Pre-columbian Monumental or Architectural Sculpture or Murals
§ 2091 List of stone carvings and wall art; promulgation and revision; criteria for classification
§ 2092 Export certification requirement
§ 2093 Forfeiture of unlawful imports
§ 2094 Rules and regulations
§ 2095 Definitions
Chapter 12 - Trade Act of 1974
§ 2101 Short title
§ 2102 Congressional statement of purpose
Subchapter I - Negotiating and Other Authority
Part 1 - Rates of Duty and Other Trade Barriers
§ 2111 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 2112 Barriers to and other distortions of trade
§ 2113 Overall negotiating objective
§ 2114 Sector negotiating objectives
§ 2114a Negotiating objectives with respect to trade in services, foreign direct investment, and high technology products
§ 2114b Provisions relating to international trade in services
§ 2114c Trade in services: development, coordination, and implementation of Federal policies; staff support and other assistance; specific service sector authorities unaffected; executive functions
§ 2114d Foreign export requirements; consultations and negotiations for reduction and elimination; restrictions on and exclusion from entry of products or services; savings provision; compensation authority applicable
§ 2114e Negotiation of agreements concerning high technology industries
§ 2115 Bilateral trade agreements
§ 2116 Agreements with developing countries
§ 2117 International safeguard procedures
§ 2118 Access to supplies
§ 2119 Staging requirements and rounding authority
Part 2 - Other Authority
§ 2131 Authorization of appropriation for GATT revision
§ 2132 Balance-of-payments authority
§ 2133 Compensation authority
§ 2134 Two-year residual authority to negotiate duties
§ 2135 Termination and withdrawal authority
§ 2136 Reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2137 Reservation of articles for national security or other reasons
§ 2138 Omitted
Part 3 - Hearings and Advice Concerning Negotiations
§ 2151 Advice from International Trade Commission
§ 2152 Advice from executive departments and other sources
§ 2153 Public hearings
§ 2154 Prerequisites for offers
§ 2155 Information and advice from private and public sectors
Part 4 - Office of the United States Trade Representative
§ 2171 Structure, functions, powers, and personnel
Part 5 - Congressional Procedures With Respect to Presidential Actions
§ 2191 Bills implementing trade agreements on nontariff barriers and resolutions approving commercial agreements with Communist countries
§ 2192 Resolutions disapproving certain actions
§ 2193 Resolutions relating to extension of waiver authority under section 402 of the Trade Act of 1974
§ 2194 Special rules relating to Congressional procedures
Part 6 - Congressional Liaison and Reports
§ 2211 Congressional advisers for trade policy and negotiations
§ 2212 Transmission of agreements to Congress
§ 2213 Reports
Part 7 - United States International Trade Commission
§ 2231 Change of name
§ 2232 Independent budget and authorization of appropriations
Part 8 - Identification of Market Barriers and Certain Unfair Trade Actions
§ 2241 Estimates of barriers to market access
§ 2242 Identification of countries that deny adequate protection, or market access, for intellectual property rights
Subchapter II - Relief From Injury Caused by Import Competition
Part 1 - Positive Adjustment by Industries Injured by Imports
§ 2251 Action to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition
§ 2252 Investigations, determinations, and recommendations by Commission
§ 2253 Action by President after determination of import injury
§ 2254 Monitoring, modification, and termination of action
Part 2 - Adjustment Assistance for Workers
Part 3 - Adjustment Assistance for Firms
§ 2341 Petitions and determinations
§ 2342 Approval of adjustment proposals
§ 2343 Technical assistance
§ 2344 Oversight and administration
§ 2345 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2346 Repealed.]
§ 2347 Repealed.]
§ 2348 Protective provisions
§ 2349 Penalties
§ 2350 Civil actions
§ 2351 "Firm" defined
§ 2352 Regulations
§ 2353 Repealed.]
§ 2354 Study by Secretary of Commerce when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2355 Assistance to industry; authorization of appropriations
§ 2356 Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms
Part 4 - Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2391 GAO study and report
§ 2392 Adjustment Assistance Coordinating Committee
§ 2393 Trade monitoring and data collection
§ 2394 Firms relocating in foreign countries
§ 2395 Judicial review
§ 2396 Omitted
§ 2397 Omitted
§ 2397a Sense of Congress
Part 6 - Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
§ 2401 Definitions
§ 2401a Petitions; group eligibility
§ 2401b Determinations by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 2401c Study by Secretary of Agriculture when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2401d Benefit information to agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401e Qualifying requirements and benefits for agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401f Fraud and recovery of overpayments
§ 2401g Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter III - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Trade Agreements and Response to Certain Foreign Trade Practices
§ 2411 Actions by United States Trade Representative
§ 2412 Initiation of investigations
§ 2413 Consultation upon initiation of investigation
§ 2414 Determinations by Trade Representative
§ 2415 Implementation of actions
§ 2416 Monitoring of foreign compliance
§ 2417 Modification and termination of actions
§ 2418 Request for information
§ 2419 Administration
§ 2420 Identification of trade expansion priorities
Subchapter IV - Trade Relations With Countries Not Receiving Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Part 1 - Trade Relations With Certain Countries
§ 2431 Exception of products of certain countries or areas
§ 2432 Freedom of emigration in East-West trade
§ 2433 United States personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia
§ 2434 Extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2435 Commercial agreements
§ 2436 Market disruption
§ 2437 Procedure for Congressional approval or disapproval of extension of nondiscriminatory treatment and Presidential reports
§ 2438 Payment by Czechoslovakia of amounts owed United States citizens and nationals
§ 2439 Freedom to emigrate to join a very close relative in United States
§ 2440 Repealed.]
§ 2441 Repealed.]
Part 2 - Relief From Market Disruption to Industries and Diversion of Trade to the United States Market
§ 2451 Action to address market disruption
§ 2451a Action in response to trade diversion
§ 2451b Regulations; termination of provision
Subchapter V - Generalized System of Preferences
§ 2461 Authority to extend preferences
§ 2462 Designation of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2463 Designation of eligible articles
§ 2464 Review and report to Congress
§ 2465 Date of termination
§ 2466 Agricultural exports of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2466a Designation of sub-Saharan African countries for certain benefits
§ 2466b Termination of benefits for sub-Saharan African countries
§ 2467 Definitions
Subchapter VI - General Provisions
§ 2481 Definitions
§ 2482 Exercise of functions of International Trade Commission
§ 2483 Consequential changes in Tariff Schedules of the United States
§ 2484 International drug control
§ 2485 Voluntary limitations on exports of steel to United States
§ 2486 Trade relations with North American countries
§ 2487 Repealed.]
Subchapter VII - Tariff Treatment of Products Of, and Other Sanctions Against, Uncooperative Major Drug Producing or Drug-transit Countries
§ 2491 Short title
§ 2492 Tariff treatment of products of uncooperative major drug producing or drug-transit countries
§ 2493 Sugar quota
§ 2494 Progress reports
§ 2495 Definitions
Subchapter VIII - Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance
§ 2497 Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance
§ 2497a Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
§ 2497b Jurisdiction
Subchapter I - Negotiating and Other Authority
Part 1 - Rates of Duty and Other Trade Barriers
§ 2111 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 2112 Barriers to and other distortions of trade
§ 2113 Overall negotiating objective
§ 2114 Sector negotiating objectives
§ 2114a Negotiating objectives with respect to trade in services, foreign direct investment, and high technology products
§ 2114b Provisions relating to international trade in services
§ 2114c Trade in services: development, coordination, and implementation of Federal policies; staff support and other assistance; specific service sector authorities unaffected; executive functions
§ 2114d Foreign export requirements; consultations and negotiations for reduction and elimination; restrictions on and exclusion from entry of products or services; savings provision; compensation authority applicable
§ 2114e Negotiation of agreements concerning high technology industries
§ 2115 Bilateral trade agreements
§ 2116 Agreements with developing countries
§ 2117 International safeguard procedures
§ 2118 Access to supplies
§ 2119 Staging requirements and rounding authority
Part 2 - Other Authority
§ 2131 Authorization of appropriation for GATT revision
§ 2132 Balance-of-payments authority
§ 2133 Compensation authority
§ 2134 Two-year residual authority to negotiate duties
§ 2135 Termination and withdrawal authority
§ 2136 Reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2137 Reservation of articles for national security or other reasons
§ 2138 Omitted
Part 3 - Hearings and Advice Concerning Negotiations
§ 2151 Advice from International Trade Commission
§ 2152 Advice from executive departments and other sources
§ 2153 Public hearings
§ 2154 Prerequisites for offers
§ 2155 Information and advice from private and public sectors
Part 4 - Office of the United States Trade Representative
§ 2171 Structure, functions, powers, and personnel
Part 5 - Congressional Procedures With Respect to Presidential Actions
§ 2191 Bills implementing trade agreements on nontariff barriers and resolutions approving commercial agreements with Communist countries
§ 2192 Resolutions disapproving certain actions
§ 2193 Resolutions relating to extension of waiver authority under section 402 of the Trade Act of 1974
§ 2194 Special rules relating to Congressional procedures
Part 6 - Congressional Liaison and Reports
§ 2211 Congressional advisers for trade policy and negotiations
§ 2212 Transmission of agreements to Congress
§ 2213 Reports
Part 7 - United States International Trade Commission
§ 2231 Change of name
§ 2232 Independent budget and authorization of appropriations
Part 8 - Identification of Market Barriers and Certain Unfair Trade Actions
§ 2241 Estimates of barriers to market access
§ 2242 Identification of countries that deny adequate protection, or market access, for intellectual property rights
Subchapter II - Relief From Injury Caused by Import Competition
Part 1 - Positive Adjustment by Industries Injured by Imports
§ 2251 Action to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition
§ 2252 Investigations, determinations, and recommendations by Commission
§ 2253 Action by President after determination of import injury
§ 2254 Monitoring, modification, and termination of action
Part 2 - Adjustment Assistance for Workers
Part 3 - Adjustment Assistance for Firms
§ 2341 Petitions and determinations
§ 2342 Approval of adjustment proposals
§ 2343 Technical assistance
§ 2344 Oversight and administration
§ 2345 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2346 Repealed.]
§ 2347 Repealed.]
§ 2348 Protective provisions
§ 2349 Penalties
§ 2350 Civil actions
§ 2351 "Firm" defined
§ 2352 Regulations
§ 2353 Repealed.]
§ 2354 Study by Secretary of Commerce when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2355 Assistance to industry; authorization of appropriations
§ 2356 Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms
Part 4 - Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2391 GAO study and report
§ 2392 Adjustment Assistance Coordinating Committee
§ 2393 Trade monitoring and data collection
§ 2394 Firms relocating in foreign countries
§ 2395 Judicial review
§ 2396 Omitted
§ 2397 Omitted
§ 2397a Sense of Congress
Part 6 - Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
§ 2401 Definitions
§ 2401a Petitions; group eligibility
§ 2401b Determinations by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 2401c Study by Secretary of Agriculture when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2401d Benefit information to agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401e Qualifying requirements and benefits for agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401f Fraud and recovery of overpayments
§ 2401g Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter III - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Trade Agreements and Response to Certain Foreign Trade Practices
§ 2411 Actions by United States Trade Representative
§ 2412 Initiation of investigations
§ 2413 Consultation upon initiation of investigation
§ 2414 Determinations by Trade Representative
§ 2415 Implementation of actions
§ 2416 Monitoring of foreign compliance
§ 2417 Modification and termination of actions
§ 2418 Request for information
§ 2419 Administration
§ 2420 Identification of trade expansion priorities
Subchapter IV - Trade Relations With Countries Not Receiving Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Part 1 - Trade Relations With Certain Countries
§ 2431 Exception of products of certain countries or areas
§ 2432 Freedom of emigration in East-West trade
§ 2433 United States personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia
§ 2434 Extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2435 Commercial agreements
§ 2436 Market disruption
§ 2437 Procedure for Congressional approval or disapproval of extension of nondiscriminatory treatment and Presidential reports
§ 2438 Payment by Czechoslovakia of amounts owed United States citizens and nationals
§ 2439 Freedom to emigrate to join a very close relative in United States
§ 2440 Repealed.]
§ 2441 Repealed.]
Part 2 - Relief From Market Disruption to Industries and Diversion of Trade to the United States Market
§ 2451 Action to address market disruption
§ 2451a Action in response to trade diversion
§ 2451b Regulations; termination of provision
Subchapter V - Generalized System of Preferences
§ 2461 Authority to extend preferences
§ 2462 Designation of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2463 Designation of eligible articles
§ 2464 Review and report to Congress
§ 2465 Date of termination
§ 2466 Agricultural exports of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2466a Designation of sub-Saharan African countries for certain benefits
§ 2466b Termination of benefits for sub-Saharan African countries
§ 2467 Definitions
Subchapter VI - General Provisions
§ 2481 Definitions
§ 2482 Exercise of functions of International Trade Commission
§ 2483 Consequential changes in Tariff Schedules of the United States
§ 2484 International drug control
§ 2485 Voluntary limitations on exports of steel to United States
§ 2486 Trade relations with North American countries
§ 2487 Repealed.]
Subchapter VII - Tariff Treatment of Products Of, and Other Sanctions Against, Uncooperative Major Drug Producing or Drug-transit Countries
§ 2491 Short title
§ 2492 Tariff treatment of products of uncooperative major drug producing or drug-transit countries
§ 2493 Sugar quota
§ 2494 Progress reports
§ 2495 Definitions
Subchapter VIII - Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance
§ 2497 Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance
§ 2497a Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
§ 2497b Jurisdiction
Subchapter I - Negotiating and Other Authority
Part 1 - Rates of Duty and Other Trade Barriers
§ 2111 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 2112 Barriers to and other distortions of trade
§ 2113 Overall negotiating objective
§ 2114 Sector negotiating objectives
§ 2114a Negotiating objectives with respect to trade in services, foreign direct investment, and high technology products
§ 2114b Provisions relating to international trade in services
§ 2114c Trade in services: development, coordination, and implementation of Federal policies; staff support and other assistance; specific service sector authorities unaffected; executive functions
§ 2114d Foreign export requirements; consultations and negotiations for reduction and elimination; restrictions on and exclusion from entry of products or services; savings provision; compensation authority applicable
§ 2114e Negotiation of agreements concerning high technology industries
§ 2115 Bilateral trade agreements
§ 2116 Agreements with developing countries
§ 2117 International safeguard procedures
§ 2118 Access to supplies
§ 2119 Staging requirements and rounding authority
Part 2 - Other Authority
§ 2131 Authorization of appropriation for GATT revision
§ 2132 Balance-of-payments authority
§ 2133 Compensation authority
§ 2134 Two-year residual authority to negotiate duties
§ 2135 Termination and withdrawal authority
§ 2136 Reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2137 Reservation of articles for national security or other reasons
§ 2138 Omitted
Part 3 - Hearings and Advice Concerning Negotiations
§ 2151 Advice from International Trade Commission
§ 2152 Advice from executive departments and other sources
§ 2153 Public hearings
§ 2154 Prerequisites for offers
§ 2155 Information and advice from private and public sectors
Part 4 - Office of the United States Trade Representative
§ 2171 Structure, functions, powers, and personnel
Part 5 - Congressional Procedures With Respect to Presidential Actions
§ 2191 Bills implementing trade agreements on nontariff barriers and resolutions approving commercial agreements with Communist countries
§ 2192 Resolutions disapproving certain actions
§ 2193 Resolutions relating to extension of waiver authority under section 402 of the Trade Act of 1974
§ 2194 Special rules relating to Congressional procedures
Part 6 - Congressional Liaison and Reports
§ 2211 Congressional advisers for trade policy and negotiations
§ 2212 Transmission of agreements to Congress
§ 2213 Reports
Part 7 - United States International Trade Commission
§ 2231 Change of name
§ 2232 Independent budget and authorization of appropriations
Part 8 - Identification of Market Barriers and Certain Unfair Trade Actions
§ 2241 Estimates of barriers to market access
§ 2242 Identification of countries that deny adequate protection, or market access, for intellectual property rights
Subchapter II - Relief From Injury Caused by Import Competition
Part 1 - Positive Adjustment by Industries Injured by Imports
§ 2251 Action to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition
§ 2252 Investigations, determinations, and recommendations by Commission
§ 2253 Action by President after determination of import injury
§ 2254 Monitoring, modification, and termination of action
Part 2 - Adjustment Assistance for Workers
Part 3 - Adjustment Assistance for Firms
§ 2341 Petitions and determinations
§ 2342 Approval of adjustment proposals
§ 2343 Technical assistance
§ 2344 Oversight and administration
§ 2345 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2346 Repealed.]
§ 2347 Repealed.]
§ 2348 Protective provisions
§ 2349 Penalties
§ 2350 Civil actions
§ 2351 "Firm" defined
§ 2352 Regulations
§ 2353 Repealed.]
§ 2354 Study by Secretary of Commerce when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2355 Assistance to industry; authorization of appropriations
§ 2356 Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms
Part 4 - Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2391 GAO study and report
§ 2392 Adjustment Assistance Coordinating Committee
§ 2393 Trade monitoring and data collection
§ 2394 Firms relocating in foreign countries
§ 2395 Judicial review
§ 2396 Omitted
§ 2397 Omitted
§ 2397a Sense of Congress
Part 6 - Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
§ 2401 Definitions
§ 2401a Petitions; group eligibility
§ 2401b Determinations by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 2401c Study by Secretary of Agriculture when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2401d Benefit information to agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401e Qualifying requirements and benefits for agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401f Fraud and recovery of overpayments
§ 2401g Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter III - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Trade Agreements and Response to Certain Foreign Trade Practices
§ 2411 Actions by United States Trade Representative
§ 2412 Initiation of investigations
§ 2413 Consultation upon initiation of investigation
§ 2414 Determinations by Trade Representative
§ 2415 Implementation of actions
§ 2416 Monitoring of foreign compliance
§ 2417 Modification and termination of actions
§ 2418 Request for information
§ 2419 Administration
§ 2420 Identification of trade expansion priorities
Subchapter IV - Trade Relations With Countries Not Receiving Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Part 1 - Trade Relations With Certain Countries
§ 2431 Exception of products of certain countries or areas
§ 2432 Freedom of emigration in East-West trade
§ 2433 United States personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia
§ 2434 Extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2435 Commercial agreements
§ 2436 Market disruption
§ 2437 Procedure for Congressional approval or disapproval of extension of nondiscriminatory treatment and Presidential reports
§ 2438 Payment by Czechoslovakia of amounts owed United States citizens and nationals
§ 2439 Freedom to emigrate to join a very close relative in United States
§ 2440 Repealed.]
§ 2441 Repealed.]
Part 2 - Relief From Market Disruption to Industries and Diversion of Trade to the United States Market
§ 2451 Action to address market disruption
§ 2451a Action in response to trade diversion
§ 2451b Regulations; termination of provision
Subchapter V - Generalized System of Preferences
§ 2461 Authority to extend preferences
§ 2462 Designation of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2463 Designation of eligible articles
§ 2464 Review and report to Congress
§ 2465 Date of termination
§ 2466 Agricultural exports of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2466a Designation of sub-Saharan African countries for certain benefits
§ 2466b Termination of benefits for sub-Saharan African countries
§ 2467 Definitions
Subchapter VI - General Provisions
§ 2481 Definitions
§ 2482 Exercise of functions of International Trade Commission
§ 2483 Consequential changes in Tariff Schedules of the United States
§ 2484 International drug control
§ 2485 Voluntary limitations on exports of steel to United States
§ 2486 Trade relations with North American countries
§ 2487 Repealed.]
Subchapter VII - Tariff Treatment of Products Of, and Other Sanctions Against, Uncooperative Major Drug Producing or Drug-transit Countries
§ 2491 Short title
§ 2492 Tariff treatment of products of uncooperative major drug producing or drug-transit countries
§ 2493 Sugar quota
§ 2494 Progress reports
§ 2495 Definitions
Subchapter VIII - Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance
§ 2497 Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance
§ 2497a Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
§ 2497b Jurisdiction
Subchapter I - Negotiating and Other Authority
Part 1 - Rates of Duty and Other Trade Barriers
§ 2111 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 2112 Barriers to and other distortions of trade
§ 2113 Overall negotiating objective
§ 2114 Sector negotiating objectives
§ 2114a Negotiating objectives with respect to trade in services, foreign direct investment, and high technology products
§ 2114b Provisions relating to international trade in services
§ 2114c Trade in services: development, coordination, and implementation of Federal policies; staff support and other assistance; specific service sector authorities unaffected; executive functions
§ 2114d Foreign export requirements; consultations and negotiations for reduction and elimination; restrictions on and exclusion from entry of products or services; savings provision; compensation authority applicable
§ 2114e Negotiation of agreements concerning high technology industries
§ 2115 Bilateral trade agreements
§ 2116 Agreements with developing countries
§ 2117 International safeguard procedures
§ 2118 Access to supplies
§ 2119 Staging requirements and rounding authority
Part 2 - Other Authority
§ 2131 Authorization of appropriation for GATT revision
§ 2132 Balance-of-payments authority
§ 2133 Compensation authority
§ 2134 Two-year residual authority to negotiate duties
§ 2135 Termination and withdrawal authority
§ 2136 Reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2137 Reservation of articles for national security or other reasons
§ 2138 Omitted
Part 3 - Hearings and Advice Concerning Negotiations
§ 2151 Advice from International Trade Commission
§ 2152 Advice from executive departments and other sources
§ 2153 Public hearings
§ 2154 Prerequisites for offers
§ 2155 Information and advice from private and public sectors
Part 4 - Office of the United States Trade Representative
§ 2171 Structure, functions, powers, and personnel
Part 5 - Congressional Procedures With Respect to Presidential Actions
§ 2191 Bills implementing trade agreements on nontariff barriers and resolutions approving commercial agreements with Communist countries
§ 2192 Resolutions disapproving certain actions
§ 2193 Resolutions relating to extension of waiver authority under section 402 of the Trade Act of 1974
§ 2194 Special rules relating to Congressional procedures
Part 6 - Congressional Liaison and Reports
§ 2211 Congressional advisers for trade policy and negotiations
§ 2212 Transmission of agreements to Congress
§ 2213 Reports
Part 7 - United States International Trade Commission
§ 2231 Change of name
§ 2232 Independent budget and authorization of appropriations
Part 8 - Identification of Market Barriers and Certain Unfair Trade Actions
§ 2241 Estimates of barriers to market access
§ 2242 Identification of countries that deny adequate protection, or market access, for intellectual property rights
Subchapter II - Relief From Injury Caused by Import Competition
Part 1 - Positive Adjustment by Industries Injured by Imports
§ 2251 Action to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition
§ 2252 Investigations, determinations, and recommendations by Commission
§ 2253 Action by President after determination of import injury
§ 2254 Monitoring, modification, and termination of action
Part 2 - Adjustment Assistance for Workers
Part 3 - Adjustment Assistance for Firms
§ 2341 Petitions and determinations
§ 2342 Approval of adjustment proposals
§ 2343 Technical assistance
§ 2344 Oversight and administration
§ 2345 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2346 Repealed.]
§ 2347 Repealed.]
§ 2348 Protective provisions
§ 2349 Penalties
§ 2350 Civil actions
§ 2351 "Firm" defined
§ 2352 Regulations
§ 2353 Repealed.]
§ 2354 Study by Secretary of Commerce when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2355 Assistance to industry; authorization of appropriations
§ 2356 Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms
Part 4 - Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2391 GAO study and report
§ 2392 Adjustment Assistance Coordinating Committee
§ 2393 Trade monitoring and data collection
§ 2394 Firms relocating in foreign countries
§ 2395 Judicial review
§ 2396 Omitted
§ 2397 Omitted
§ 2397a Sense of Congress
Part 6 - Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
§ 2401 Definitions
§ 2401a Petitions; group eligibility
§ 2401b Determinations by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 2401c Study by Secretary of Agriculture when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2401d Benefit information to agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401e Qualifying requirements and benefits for agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401f Fraud and recovery of overpayments
§ 2401g Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter III - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Trade Agreements and Response to Certain Foreign Trade Practices
§ 2411 Actions by United States Trade Representative
§ 2412 Initiation of investigations
§ 2413 Consultation upon initiation of investigation
§ 2414 Determinations by Trade Representative
§ 2415 Implementation of actions
§ 2416 Monitoring of foreign compliance
§ 2417 Modification and termination of actions
§ 2418 Request for information
§ 2419 Administration
§ 2420 Identification of trade expansion priorities
Subchapter IV - Trade Relations With Countries Not Receiving Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Part 1 - Trade Relations With Certain Countries
§ 2431 Exception of products of certain countries or areas
§ 2432 Freedom of emigration in East-West trade
§ 2433 United States personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia
§ 2434 Extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2435 Commercial agreements
§ 2436 Market disruption
§ 2437 Procedure for Congressional approval or disapproval of extension of nondiscriminatory treatment and Presidential reports
§ 2438 Payment by Czechoslovakia of amounts owed United States citizens and nationals
§ 2439 Freedom to emigrate to join a very close relative in United States
§ 2440 Repealed.]
§ 2441 Repealed.]
Part 2 - Relief From Market Disruption to Industries and Diversion of Trade to the United States Market
§ 2451 Action to address market disruption
§ 2451a Action in response to trade diversion
§ 2451b Regulations; termination of provision
Subchapter V - Generalized System of Preferences
§ 2461 Authority to extend preferences
§ 2462 Designation of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2463 Designation of eligible articles
§ 2464 Review and report to Congress
§ 2465 Date of termination
§ 2466 Agricultural exports of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2466a Designation of sub-Saharan African countries for certain benefits
§ 2466b Termination of benefits for sub-Saharan African countries
§ 2467 Definitions
Subchapter VI - General Provisions
§ 2481 Definitions
§ 2482 Exercise of functions of International Trade Commission
§ 2483 Consequential changes in Tariff Schedules of the United States
§ 2484 International drug control
§ 2485 Voluntary limitations on exports of steel to United States
§ 2486 Trade relations with North American countries
§ 2487 Repealed.]
Subchapter VII - Tariff Treatment of Products Of, and Other Sanctions Against, Uncooperative Major Drug Producing or Drug-transit Countries
§ 2491 Short title
§ 2492 Tariff treatment of products of uncooperative major drug producing or drug-transit countries
§ 2493 Sugar quota
§ 2494 Progress reports
§ 2495 Definitions
Subchapter VIII - Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance
§ 2497 Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance
§ 2497a Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
§ 2497b Jurisdiction
Subchapter I - Negotiating and Other Authority
Part 1 - Rates of Duty and Other Trade Barriers
§ 2111 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 2112 Barriers to and other distortions of trade
§ 2113 Overall negotiating objective
§ 2114 Sector negotiating objectives
§ 2114a Negotiating objectives with respect to trade in services, foreign direct investment, and high technology products
§ 2114b Provisions relating to international trade in services
§ 2114c Trade in services: development, coordination, and implementation of Federal policies; staff support and other assistance; specific service sector authorities unaffected; executive functions
§ 2114d Foreign export requirements; consultations and negotiations for reduction and elimination; restrictions on and exclusion from entry of products or services; savings provision; compensation authority applicable
§ 2114e Negotiation of agreements concerning high technology industries
§ 2115 Bilateral trade agreements
§ 2116 Agreements with developing countries
§ 2117 International safeguard procedures
§ 2118 Access to supplies
§ 2119 Staging requirements and rounding authority
Part 2 - Other Authority
§ 2131 Authorization of appropriation for GATT revision
§ 2132 Balance-of-payments authority
§ 2133 Compensation authority
§ 2134 Two-year residual authority to negotiate duties
§ 2135 Termination and withdrawal authority
§ 2136 Reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2137 Reservation of articles for national security or other reasons
§ 2138 Omitted
Part 3 - Hearings and Advice Concerning Negotiations
§ 2151 Advice from International Trade Commission
§ 2152 Advice from executive departments and other sources
§ 2153 Public hearings
§ 2154 Prerequisites for offers
§ 2155 Information and advice from private and public sectors
Part 4 - Office of the United States Trade Representative
§ 2171 Structure, functions, powers, and personnel
Part 5 - Congressional Procedures With Respect to Presidential Actions
§ 2191 Bills implementing trade agreements on nontariff barriers and resolutions approving commercial agreements with Communist countries
§ 2192 Resolutions disapproving certain actions
§ 2193 Resolutions relating to extension of waiver authority under section 402 of the Trade Act of 1974
§ 2194 Special rules relating to Congressional procedures
Part 6 - Congressional Liaison and Reports
§ 2211 Congressional advisers for trade policy and negotiations
§ 2212 Transmission of agreements to Congress
§ 2213 Reports
Part 7 - United States International Trade Commission
§ 2231 Change of name
§ 2232 Independent budget and authorization of appropriations
Part 8 - Identification of Market Barriers and Certain Unfair Trade Actions
§ 2241 Estimates of barriers to market access
§ 2242 Identification of countries that deny adequate protection, or market access, for intellectual property rights
Subchapter II - Relief From Injury Caused by Import Competition
Part 1 - Positive Adjustment by Industries Injured by Imports
§ 2251 Action to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition
§ 2252 Investigations, determinations, and recommendations by Commission
§ 2253 Action by President after determination of import injury
§ 2254 Monitoring, modification, and termination of action
Part 2 - Adjustment Assistance for Workers
Part 3 - Adjustment Assistance for Firms
§ 2341 Petitions and determinations
§ 2342 Approval of adjustment proposals
§ 2343 Technical assistance
§ 2344 Oversight and administration
§ 2345 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2346 Repealed.]
§ 2347 Repealed.]
§ 2348 Protective provisions
§ 2349 Penalties
§ 2350 Civil actions
§ 2351 "Firm" defined
§ 2352 Regulations
§ 2353 Repealed.]
§ 2354 Study by Secretary of Commerce when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2355 Assistance to industry; authorization of appropriations
§ 2356 Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms
Part 4 - Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2391 GAO study and report
§ 2392 Adjustment Assistance Coordinating Committee
§ 2393 Trade monitoring and data collection
§ 2394 Firms relocating in foreign countries
§ 2395 Judicial review
§ 2396 Omitted
§ 2397 Omitted
§ 2397a Sense of Congress
Part 6 - Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
§ 2401 Definitions
§ 2401a Petitions; group eligibility
§ 2401b Determinations by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 2401c Study by Secretary of Agriculture when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2401d Benefit information to agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401e Qualifying requirements and benefits for agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401f Fraud and recovery of overpayments
§ 2401g Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter III - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Trade Agreements and Response to Certain Foreign Trade Practices
§ 2411 Actions by United States Trade Representative
§ 2412 Initiation of investigations
§ 2413 Consultation upon initiation of investigation
§ 2414 Determinations by Trade Representative
§ 2415 Implementation of actions
§ 2416 Monitoring of foreign compliance
§ 2417 Modification and termination of actions
§ 2418 Request for information
§ 2419 Administration
§ 2420 Identification of trade expansion priorities
Subchapter IV - Trade Relations With Countries Not Receiving Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Part 1 - Trade Relations With Certain Countries
§ 2431 Exception of products of certain countries or areas
§ 2432 Freedom of emigration in East-West trade
§ 2433 United States personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia
§ 2434 Extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2435 Commercial agreements
§ 2436 Market disruption
§ 2437 Procedure for Congressional approval or disapproval of extension of nondiscriminatory treatment and Presidential reports
§ 2438 Payment by Czechoslovakia of amounts owed United States citizens and nationals
§ 2439 Freedom to emigrate to join a very close relative in United States
§ 2440 Repealed.]
§ 2441 Repealed.]
Part 2 - Relief From Market Disruption to Industries and Diversion of Trade to the United States Market
§ 2451 Action to address market disruption
§ 2451a Action in response to trade diversion
§ 2451b Regulations; termination of provision
Subchapter V - Generalized System of Preferences
§ 2461 Authority to extend preferences
§ 2462 Designation of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2463 Designation of eligible articles
§ 2464 Review and report to Congress
§ 2465 Date of termination
§ 2466 Agricultural exports of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2466a Designation of sub-Saharan African countries for certain benefits
§ 2466b Termination of benefits for sub-Saharan African countries
§ 2467 Definitions
Subchapter VI - General Provisions
§ 2481 Definitions
§ 2482 Exercise of functions of International Trade Commission
§ 2483 Consequential changes in Tariff Schedules of the United States
§ 2484 International drug control
§ 2485 Voluntary limitations on exports of steel to United States
§ 2486 Trade relations with North American countries
§ 2487 Repealed.]
Subchapter VII - Tariff Treatment of Products Of, and Other Sanctions Against, Uncooperative Major Drug Producing or Drug-transit Countries
§ 2491 Short title
§ 2492 Tariff treatment of products of uncooperative major drug producing or drug-transit countries
§ 2493 Sugar quota
§ 2494 Progress reports
§ 2495 Definitions
Subchapter VIII - Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance
§ 2497 Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance
§ 2497a Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
§ 2497b Jurisdiction
Subchapter I - Negotiating and Other Authority
Part 1 - Rates of Duty and Other Trade Barriers
§ 2111 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 2112 Barriers to and other distortions of trade
§ 2113 Overall negotiating objective
§ 2114 Sector negotiating objectives
§ 2114a Negotiating objectives with respect to trade in services, foreign direct investment, and high technology products
§ 2114b Provisions relating to international trade in services
§ 2114c Trade in services: development, coordination, and implementation of Federal policies; staff support and other assistance; specific service sector authorities unaffected; executive functions
§ 2114d Foreign export requirements; consultations and negotiations for reduction and elimination; restrictions on and exclusion from entry of products or services; savings provision; compensation authority applicable
§ 2114e Negotiation of agreements concerning high technology industries
§ 2115 Bilateral trade agreements
§ 2116 Agreements with developing countries
§ 2117 International safeguard procedures
§ 2118 Access to supplies
§ 2119 Staging requirements and rounding authority
Part 2 - Other Authority
§ 2131 Authorization of appropriation for GATT revision
§ 2132 Balance-of-payments authority
§ 2133 Compensation authority
§ 2134 Two-year residual authority to negotiate duties
§ 2135 Termination and withdrawal authority
§ 2136 Reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2137 Reservation of articles for national security or other reasons
§ 2138 Omitted
Part 3 - Hearings and Advice Concerning Negotiations
§ 2151 Advice from International Trade Commission
§ 2152 Advice from executive departments and other sources
§ 2153 Public hearings
§ 2154 Prerequisites for offers
§ 2155 Information and advice from private and public sectors
Part 4 - Office of the United States Trade Representative
§ 2171 Structure, functions, powers, and personnel
Part 5 - Congressional Procedures With Respect to Presidential Actions
§ 2191 Bills implementing trade agreements on nontariff barriers and resolutions approving commercial agreements with Communist countries
§ 2192 Resolutions disapproving certain actions
§ 2193 Resolutions relating to extension of waiver authority under section 402 of the Trade Act of 1974
§ 2194 Special rules relating to Congressional procedures
Part 6 - Congressional Liaison and Reports
§ 2211 Congressional advisers for trade policy and negotiations
§ 2212 Transmission of agreements to Congress
§ 2213 Reports
Part 7 - United States International Trade Commission
§ 2231 Change of name
§ 2232 Independent budget and authorization of appropriations
Part 8 - Identification of Market Barriers and Certain Unfair Trade Actions
§ 2241 Estimates of barriers to market access
§ 2242 Identification of countries that deny adequate protection, or market access, for intellectual property rights
Subchapter II - Relief From Injury Caused by Import Competition
Part 1 - Positive Adjustment by Industries Injured by Imports
§ 2251 Action to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition
§ 2252 Investigations, determinations, and recommendations by Commission
§ 2253 Action by President after determination of import injury
§ 2254 Monitoring, modification, and termination of action
Part 2 - Adjustment Assistance for Workers
Part 3 - Adjustment Assistance for Firms
§ 2341 Petitions and determinations
§ 2342 Approval of adjustment proposals
§ 2343 Technical assistance
§ 2344 Oversight and administration
§ 2345 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2346 Repealed.]
§ 2347 Repealed.]
§ 2348 Protective provisions
§ 2349 Penalties
§ 2350 Civil actions
§ 2351 "Firm" defined
§ 2352 Regulations
§ 2353 Repealed.]
§ 2354 Study by Secretary of Commerce when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2355 Assistance to industry; authorization of appropriations
§ 2356 Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms
Part 4 - Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2391 GAO study and report
§ 2392 Adjustment Assistance Coordinating Committee
§ 2393 Trade monitoring and data collection
§ 2394 Firms relocating in foreign countries
§ 2395 Judicial review
§ 2396 Omitted
§ 2397 Omitted
§ 2397a Sense of Congress
Part 6 - Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
§ 2401 Definitions
§ 2401a Petitions; group eligibility
§ 2401b Determinations by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 2401c Study by Secretary of Agriculture when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2401d Benefit information to agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401e Qualifying requirements and benefits for agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401f Fraud and recovery of overpayments
§ 2401g Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter III - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Trade Agreements and Response to Certain Foreign Trade Practices
§ 2411 Actions by United States Trade Representative
§ 2412 Initiation of investigations
§ 2413 Consultation upon initiation of investigation
§ 2414 Determinations by Trade Representative
§ 2415 Implementation of actions
§ 2416 Monitoring of foreign compliance
§ 2417 Modification and termination of actions
§ 2418 Request for information
§ 2419 Administration
§ 2420 Identification of trade expansion priorities
Subchapter IV - Trade Relations With Countries Not Receiving Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Part 1 - Trade Relations With Certain Countries
§ 2431 Exception of products of certain countries or areas
§ 2432 Freedom of emigration in East-West trade
§ 2433 United States personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia
§ 2434 Extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2435 Commercial agreements
§ 2436 Market disruption
§ 2437 Procedure for Congressional approval or disapproval of extension of nondiscriminatory treatment and Presidential reports
§ 2438 Payment by Czechoslovakia of amounts owed United States citizens and nationals
§ 2439 Freedom to emigrate to join a very close relative in United States
§ 2440 Repealed.]
§ 2441 Repealed.]
Part 2 - Relief From Market Disruption to Industries and Diversion of Trade to the United States Market
§ 2451 Action to address market disruption
§ 2451a Action in response to trade diversion
§ 2451b Regulations; termination of provision
Subchapter V - Generalized System of Preferences
§ 2461 Authority to extend preferences
§ 2462 Designation of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2463 Designation of eligible articles
§ 2464 Review and report to Congress
§ 2465 Date of termination
§ 2466 Agricultural exports of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2466a Designation of sub-Saharan African countries for certain benefits
§ 2466b Termination of benefits for sub-Saharan African countries
§ 2467 Definitions
Subchapter VI - General Provisions
§ 2481 Definitions
§ 2482 Exercise of functions of International Trade Commission
§ 2483 Consequential changes in Tariff Schedules of the United States
§ 2484 International drug control
§ 2485 Voluntary limitations on exports of steel to United States
§ 2486 Trade relations with North American countries
§ 2487 Repealed.]
Subchapter VII - Tariff Treatment of Products Of, and Other Sanctions Against, Uncooperative Major Drug Producing or Drug-transit Countries
§ 2491 Short title
§ 2492 Tariff treatment of products of uncooperative major drug producing or drug-transit countries
§ 2493 Sugar quota
§ 2494 Progress reports
§ 2495 Definitions
Subchapter VIII - Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance
§ 2497 Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance
§ 2497a Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
§ 2497b Jurisdiction
Subchapter I - Negotiating and Other Authority
Part 1 - Rates of Duty and Other Trade Barriers
§ 2111 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 2112 Barriers to and other distortions of trade
§ 2113 Overall negotiating objective
§ 2114 Sector negotiating objectives
§ 2114a Negotiating objectives with respect to trade in services, foreign direct investment, and high technology products
§ 2114b Provisions relating to international trade in services
§ 2114c Trade in services: development, coordination, and implementation of Federal policies; staff support and other assistance; specific service sector authorities unaffected; executive functions
§ 2114d Foreign export requirements; consultations and negotiations for reduction and elimination; restrictions on and exclusion from entry of products or services; savings provision; compensation authority applicable
§ 2114e Negotiation of agreements concerning high technology industries
§ 2115 Bilateral trade agreements
§ 2116 Agreements with developing countries
§ 2117 International safeguard procedures
§ 2118 Access to supplies
§ 2119 Staging requirements and rounding authority
Part 2 - Other Authority
§ 2131 Authorization of appropriation for GATT revision
§ 2132 Balance-of-payments authority
§ 2133 Compensation authority
§ 2134 Two-year residual authority to negotiate duties
§ 2135 Termination and withdrawal authority
§ 2136 Reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2137 Reservation of articles for national security or other reasons
§ 2138 Omitted
Part 3 - Hearings and Advice Concerning Negotiations
§ 2151 Advice from International Trade Commission
§ 2152 Advice from executive departments and other sources
§ 2153 Public hearings
§ 2154 Prerequisites for offers
§ 2155 Information and advice from private and public sectors
Part 4 - Office of the United States Trade Representative
§ 2171 Structure, functions, powers, and personnel
Part 5 - Congressional Procedures With Respect to Presidential Actions
§ 2191 Bills implementing trade agreements on nontariff barriers and resolutions approving commercial agreements with Communist countries
§ 2192 Resolutions disapproving certain actions
§ 2193 Resolutions relating to extension of waiver authority under section 402 of the Trade Act of 1974
§ 2194 Special rules relating to Congressional procedures
Part 6 - Congressional Liaison and Reports
§ 2211 Congressional advisers for trade policy and negotiations
§ 2212 Transmission of agreements to Congress
§ 2213 Reports
Part 7 - United States International Trade Commission
§ 2231 Change of name
§ 2232 Independent budget and authorization of appropriations
Part 8 - Identification of Market Barriers and Certain Unfair Trade Actions
§ 2241 Estimates of barriers to market access
§ 2242 Identification of countries that deny adequate protection, or market access, for intellectual property rights
Subchapter II - Relief From Injury Caused by Import Competition
Part 1 - Positive Adjustment by Industries Injured by Imports
§ 2251 Action to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition
§ 2252 Investigations, determinations, and recommendations by Commission
§ 2253 Action by President after determination of import injury
§ 2254 Monitoring, modification, and termination of action
Part 2 - Adjustment Assistance for Workers
Part 3 - Adjustment Assistance for Firms
§ 2341 Petitions and determinations
§ 2342 Approval of adjustment proposals
§ 2343 Technical assistance
§ 2344 Oversight and administration
§ 2345 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2346 Repealed.]
§ 2347 Repealed.]
§ 2348 Protective provisions
§ 2349 Penalties
§ 2350 Civil actions
§ 2351 "Firm" defined
§ 2352 Regulations
§ 2353 Repealed.]
§ 2354 Study by Secretary of Commerce when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2355 Assistance to industry; authorization of appropriations
§ 2356 Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms
Part 4 - Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2391 GAO study and report
§ 2392 Adjustment Assistance Coordinating Committee
§ 2393 Trade monitoring and data collection
§ 2394 Firms relocating in foreign countries
§ 2395 Judicial review
§ 2396 Omitted
§ 2397 Omitted
§ 2397a Sense of Congress
Part 6 - Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
§ 2401 Definitions
§ 2401a Petitions; group eligibility
§ 2401b Determinations by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 2401c Study by Secretary of Agriculture when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2401d Benefit information to agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401e Qualifying requirements and benefits for agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401f Fraud and recovery of overpayments
§ 2401g Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter III - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Trade Agreements and Response to Certain Foreign Trade Practices
§ 2411 Actions by United States Trade Representative
§ 2412 Initiation of investigations
§ 2413 Consultation upon initiation of investigation
§ 2414 Determinations by Trade Representative
§ 2415 Implementation of actions
§ 2416 Monitoring of foreign compliance
§ 2417 Modification and termination of actions
§ 2418 Request for information
§ 2419 Administration
§ 2420 Identification of trade expansion priorities
Subchapter IV - Trade Relations With Countries Not Receiving Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Part 1 - Trade Relations With Certain Countries
§ 2431 Exception of products of certain countries or areas
§ 2432 Freedom of emigration in East-West trade
§ 2433 United States personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia
§ 2434 Extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2435 Commercial agreements
§ 2436 Market disruption
§ 2437 Procedure for Congressional approval or disapproval of extension of nondiscriminatory treatment and Presidential reports
§ 2438 Payment by Czechoslovakia of amounts owed United States citizens and nationals
§ 2439 Freedom to emigrate to join a very close relative in United States
§ 2440 Repealed.]
§ 2441 Repealed.]
Part 2 - Relief From Market Disruption to Industries and Diversion of Trade to the United States Market
§ 2451 Action to address market disruption
§ 2451a Action in response to trade diversion
§ 2451b Regulations; termination of provision
Subchapter V - Generalized System of Preferences
§ 2461 Authority to extend preferences
§ 2462 Designation of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2463 Designation of eligible articles
§ 2464 Review and report to Congress
§ 2465 Date of termination
§ 2466 Agricultural exports of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2466a Designation of sub-Saharan African countries for certain benefits
§ 2466b Termination of benefits for sub-Saharan African countries
§ 2467 Definitions
Subchapter VI - General Provisions
§ 2481 Definitions
§ 2482 Exercise of functions of International Trade Commission
§ 2483 Consequential changes in Tariff Schedules of the United States
§ 2484 International drug control
§ 2485 Voluntary limitations on exports of steel to United States
§ 2486 Trade relations with North American countries
§ 2487 Repealed.]
Subchapter VII - Tariff Treatment of Products Of, and Other Sanctions Against, Uncooperative Major Drug Producing or Drug-transit Countries
§ 2491 Short title
§ 2492 Tariff treatment of products of uncooperative major drug producing or drug-transit countries
§ 2493 Sugar quota
§ 2494 Progress reports
§ 2495 Definitions
Subchapter VIII - Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance
§ 2497 Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance
§ 2497a Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
§ 2497b Jurisdiction
Subchapter I - Negotiating and Other Authority
Part 1 - Rates of Duty and Other Trade Barriers
§ 2111 Basic authority for trade agreements
§ 2112 Barriers to and other distortions of trade
§ 2113 Overall negotiating objective
§ 2114 Sector negotiating objectives
§ 2114a Negotiating objectives with respect to trade in services, foreign direct investment, and high technology products
§ 2114b Provisions relating to international trade in services
§ 2114c Trade in services: development, coordination, and implementation of Federal policies; staff support and other assistance; specific service sector authorities unaffected; executive functions
§ 2114d Foreign export requirements; consultations and negotiations for reduction and elimination; restrictions on and exclusion from entry of products or services; savings provision; compensation authority applicable
§ 2114e Negotiation of agreements concerning high technology industries
§ 2115 Bilateral trade agreements
§ 2116 Agreements with developing countries
§ 2117 International safeguard procedures
§ 2118 Access to supplies
§ 2119 Staging requirements and rounding authority
Part 2 - Other Authority
§ 2131 Authorization of appropriation for GATT revision
§ 2132 Balance-of-payments authority
§ 2133 Compensation authority
§ 2134 Two-year residual authority to negotiate duties
§ 2135 Termination and withdrawal authority
§ 2136 Reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2137 Reservation of articles for national security or other reasons
§ 2138 Omitted
Part 3 - Hearings and Advice Concerning Negotiations
§ 2151 Advice from International Trade Commission
§ 2152 Advice from executive departments and other sources
§ 2153 Public hearings
§ 2154 Prerequisites for offers
§ 2155 Information and advice from private and public sectors
Part 4 - Office of the United States Trade Representative
§ 2171 Structure, functions, powers, and personnel
Part 5 - Congressional Procedures With Respect to Presidential Actions
§ 2191 Bills implementing trade agreements on nontariff barriers and resolutions approving commercial agreements with Communist countries
§ 2192 Resolutions disapproving certain actions
§ 2193 Resolutions relating to extension of waiver authority under section 402 of the Trade Act of 1974
§ 2194 Special rules relating to Congressional procedures
Part 6 - Congressional Liaison and Reports
§ 2211 Congressional advisers for trade policy and negotiations
§ 2212 Transmission of agreements to Congress
§ 2213 Reports
Part 7 - United States International Trade Commission
§ 2231 Change of name
§ 2232 Independent budget and authorization of appropriations
Part 8 - Identification of Market Barriers and Certain Unfair Trade Actions
§ 2241 Estimates of barriers to market access
§ 2242 Identification of countries that deny adequate protection, or market access, for intellectual property rights
Subchapter II - Relief From Injury Caused by Import Competition
Part 1 - Positive Adjustment by Industries Injured by Imports
§ 2251 Action to facilitate positive adjustment to import competition
§ 2252 Investigations, determinations, and recommendations by Commission
§ 2253 Action by President after determination of import injury
§ 2254 Monitoring, modification, and termination of action
Part 2 - Adjustment Assistance for Workers
Part 3 - Adjustment Assistance for Firms
§ 2341 Petitions and determinations
§ 2342 Approval of adjustment proposals
§ 2343 Technical assistance
§ 2344 Oversight and administration
§ 2345 Authorization of appropriations
§ 2346 Repealed.]
§ 2347 Repealed.]
§ 2348 Protective provisions
§ 2349 Penalties
§ 2350 Civil actions
§ 2351 "Firm" defined
§ 2352 Regulations
§ 2353 Repealed.]
§ 2354 Study by Secretary of Commerce when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2355 Assistance to industry; authorization of appropriations
§ 2356 Annual report on trade adjustment assistance for firms
Part 4 - Trade Adjustment Assistance for Communities
Part 5 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2391 GAO study and report
§ 2392 Adjustment Assistance Coordinating Committee
§ 2393 Trade monitoring and data collection
§ 2394 Firms relocating in foreign countries
§ 2395 Judicial review
§ 2396 Omitted
§ 2397 Omitted
§ 2397a Sense of Congress
Part 6 - Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
§ 2401 Definitions
§ 2401a Petitions; group eligibility
§ 2401b Determinations by Secretary of Agriculture
§ 2401c Study by Secretary of Agriculture when International Trade Commission begins investigation
§ 2401d Benefit information to agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401e Qualifying requirements and benefits for agricultural commodity producers
§ 2401f Fraud and recovery of overpayments
§ 2401g Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter III - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Trade Agreements and Response to Certain Foreign Trade Practices
§ 2411 Actions by United States Trade Representative
§ 2412 Initiation of investigations
§ 2413 Consultation upon initiation of investigation
§ 2414 Determinations by Trade Representative
§ 2415 Implementation of actions
§ 2416 Monitoring of foreign compliance
§ 2417 Modification and termination of actions
§ 2418 Request for information
§ 2419 Administration
§ 2420 Identification of trade expansion priorities
Subchapter IV - Trade Relations With Countries Not Receiving Nondiscriminatory Treatment
Part 1 - Trade Relations With Certain Countries
§ 2431 Exception of products of certain countries or areas
§ 2432 Freedom of emigration in East-West trade
§ 2433 United States personnel missing in action in Southeast Asia
§ 2434 Extension of nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2435 Commercial agreements
§ 2436 Market disruption
§ 2437 Procedure for Congressional approval or disapproval of extension of nondiscriminatory treatment and Presidential reports
§ 2438 Payment by Czechoslovakia of amounts owed United States citizens and nationals
§ 2439 Freedom to emigrate to join a very close relative in United States
§ 2440 Repealed.]
§ 2441 Repealed.]
Part 2 - Relief From Market Disruption to Industries and Diversion of Trade to the United States Market
§ 2451 Action to address market disruption
§ 2451a Action in response to trade diversion
§ 2451b Regulations; termination of provision
Subchapter V - Generalized System of Preferences
§ 2461 Authority to extend preferences
§ 2462 Designation of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2463 Designation of eligible articles
§ 2464 Review and report to Congress
§ 2465 Date of termination
§ 2466 Agricultural exports of beneficiary developing countries
§ 2466a Designation of sub-Saharan African countries for certain benefits
§ 2466b Termination of benefits for sub-Saharan African countries
§ 2467 Definitions
Subchapter VI - General Provisions
§ 2481 Definitions
§ 2482 Exercise of functions of International Trade Commission
§ 2483 Consequential changes in Tariff Schedules of the United States
§ 2484 International drug control
§ 2485 Voluntary limitations on exports of steel to United States
§ 2486 Trade relations with North American countries
§ 2487 Repealed.]
Subchapter VII - Tariff Treatment of Products Of, and Other Sanctions Against, Uncooperative Major Drug Producing or Drug-transit Countries
§ 2491 Short title
§ 2492 Tariff treatment of products of uncooperative major drug producing or drug-transit countries
§ 2493 Sugar quota
§ 2494 Progress reports
§ 2495 Definitions
Subchapter VIII - Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance
§ 2497 Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance
§ 2497a Agricultural Disaster Relief Trust Fund
§ 2497b Jurisdiction
Chapter 13 - Trade Agreements Act of 1979
§ 2501 Short title
§ 2502 Congressional statement of purposes
§ 2503 Approval of trade agreements
§ 2504 Relationship of trade agreements to United States law
Subchapter I - Government Procurement
§ 2511 General authority to modify discriminatory purchasing requirements
§ 2512 Authority to encourage reciprocal competitive procurement practices
§ 2513 Waiver of discriminatory purchasing requirements with respect to purchases of civil aircraft
§ 2514 Expansion of the coverage of the Agreement
§ 2515 Monitoring and enforcement
§ 2516 Repealed.]
§ 2517 Availability of information to Members of Congress designated as official advisers
§ 2518 Definitions
Subchapter II - Technical Barriers to Trade
Part A - Obligations of the United States
§ 2531 Certain standards-related activities
§ 2532 Federal standards-related activities
§ 2533 State and private standards-related activities
Part B - Functions of Federal Agencies
§ 2541 Functions of Trade Representative
§ 2542 Establishment and operation of technical offices
§ 2543 Representation of United States interests before international standards organizations
§ 2544 Standards information center
§ 2545 Contracts and grants
§ 2546 Technical assistance
§ 2547 Consultations with representatives of domestic interests
Part C - Administrative and Judicial Proceedings Regarding Standards-related Activities
Part D - Definitions and Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2571 Definitions
§ 2572 Exemptions
§ 2573 Reports to Congress on operation of agreement
Part E - Standards and Measures Under the North American Free Trade Agreement
Part F - International Standard-setting Activities
§ 2578 Notice of United States participation in international standard-setting activities
§ 2578a Equivalence determinations
§ 2578b Definitions
Subchapter III - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2581 Auction of import licenses
§ 2582 Repealed.]
Subchapter I - Government Procurement
§ 2511 General authority to modify discriminatory purchasing requirements
§ 2512 Authority to encourage reciprocal competitive procurement practices
§ 2513 Waiver of discriminatory purchasing requirements with respect to purchases of civil aircraft
§ 2514 Expansion of the coverage of the Agreement
§ 2515 Monitoring and enforcement
§ 2516 Repealed.]
§ 2517 Availability of information to Members of Congress designated as official advisers
§ 2518 Definitions
Subchapter II - Technical Barriers to Trade
Part A - Obligations of the United States
§ 2531 Certain standards-related activities
§ 2532 Federal standards-related activities
§ 2533 State and private standards-related activities
Part B - Functions of Federal Agencies
§ 2541 Functions of Trade Representative
§ 2542 Establishment and operation of technical offices
§ 2543 Representation of United States interests before international standards organizations
§ 2544 Standards information center
§ 2545 Contracts and grants
§ 2546 Technical assistance
§ 2547 Consultations with representatives of domestic interests
Part C - Administrative and Judicial Proceedings Regarding Standards-related Activities
Part D - Definitions and Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2571 Definitions
§ 2572 Exemptions
§ 2573 Reports to Congress on operation of agreement
Part E - Standards and Measures Under the North American Free Trade Agreement
Part F - International Standard-setting Activities
§ 2578 Notice of United States participation in international standard-setting activities
§ 2578a Equivalence determinations
§ 2578b Definitions
Subchapter III - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2581 Auction of import licenses
§ 2582 Repealed.]
Subchapter I - Government Procurement
§ 2511 General authority to modify discriminatory purchasing requirements
§ 2512 Authority to encourage reciprocal competitive procurement practices
§ 2513 Waiver of discriminatory purchasing requirements with respect to purchases of civil aircraft
§ 2514 Expansion of the coverage of the Agreement
§ 2515 Monitoring and enforcement
§ 2516 Repealed.]
§ 2517 Availability of information to Members of Congress designated as official advisers
§ 2518 Definitions
Subchapter II - Technical Barriers to Trade
Part A - Obligations of the United States
§ 2531 Certain standards-related activities
§ 2532 Federal standards-related activities
§ 2533 State and private standards-related activities
Part B - Functions of Federal Agencies
§ 2541 Functions of Trade Representative
§ 2542 Establishment and operation of technical offices
§ 2543 Representation of United States interests before international standards organizations
§ 2544 Standards information center
§ 2545 Contracts and grants
§ 2546 Technical assistance
§ 2547 Consultations with representatives of domestic interests
Part C - Administrative and Judicial Proceedings Regarding Standards-related Activities
Part D - Definitions and Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2571 Definitions
§ 2572 Exemptions
§ 2573 Reports to Congress on operation of agreement
Part E - Standards and Measures Under the North American Free Trade Agreement
Part F - International Standard-setting Activities
§ 2578 Notice of United States participation in international standard-setting activities
§ 2578a Equivalence determinations
§ 2578b Definitions
Subchapter III - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 2581 Auction of import licenses
§ 2582 Repealed.]
Chapter 14 - Convention on Cultural Property
§ 2601 Definitions
§ 2602 Agreements to implement Article 9 of the convention
§ 2603 Emergency implementation of import restrictions
§ 2604 Designation of materials covered by agreements or emergency actions
§ 2605 Cultural Property Advisory Committee
§ 2606 Import restrictions
§ 2607 Stolen cultural property
§ 2608 Temporary disposition of materials and articles subject to this chapter
§ 2609 Seizure and forfeiture
§ 2610 Evidentiary requirements
§ 2611 Certain material and articles exempt from this chapter
§ 2612 Regulations
§ 2613 Enforcement
Chapter 15 - Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery
§ 2701 Authority to grant duty-free treatment
§ 2702 Beneficiary country
§ 2703 Eligible articles
§ 2703a Special rules for Haiti
§ 2704 International Trade Commission reports on impact of Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Program
§ 2705 Impact study by Secretary of Labor
§ 2706 Effective date
§ 2707 Center for the Study of Western Hemispheric Trade
Chapter 16 - Wine Trade
§ 2801 Congressional findings and purposes
§ 2802 Definitions
§ 2803 Designation of major wine trading countries
§ 2804 Actions to reduce or eliminate tariff and nontariff barriers affecting United States wine
§ 2805 Required consultations
§ 2806 United States wine export promotion
Chapter 17 - Negotiation and Implementation of Trade Agreements
§ 2901 Overall and principal trade negotiating objectives of the United States
§ 2902 Trade agreement negotiating authority
§ 2903 Implementation of trade agreements
§ 2904 Termination and reservation authority; reciprocal nondiscriminatory treatment
§ 2905 Accession of state trading regimes to General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade or WTO
§ 2906 Definitions
Chapter 18 - Implementation of Harmonized Tariff Schedule
§ 3001 Purposes
§ 3002 Definitions
§ 3003 Congressional approval of United States accession to the Convention
§ 3004 Enactment of Harmonized Tariff Schedule
§ 3005 Commission review of, and recommendations regarding, Harmonized Tariff Schedule
§ 3006 Presidential action on Commission recommendations
§ 3007 Publication of Harmonized Tariff Schedule
§ 3008 Import and export statistics
§ 3009 Coordination of trade policy and Convention
§ 3010 United States participation on Customs Cooperation Council regarding Convention
§ 3011 Transition to Harmonized Tariff Schedule
§ 3012 Reference to Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Chapter 19 - Telecommunications Trade
§ 3101 Findings and purposes
§ 3102 Definitions
§ 3103 Investigation of foreign telecommunications trade barriers
§ 3104 Negotiations in response to investigation
§ 3105 Actions to be taken if no agreement obtained
§ 3106 Review of trade agreement implementation by Trade Representative
§ 3107 Compensation authority
§ 3108 Consultations
§ 3109 Submission of data; action to ensure compliance
§ 3110 Study on telecommunications competitiveness in United States
§ 3111 International obligations
Chapter 20 - Andean Trade Preference
§ 3201 Authority to grant duty-free treatment
§ 3202 Beneficiary country
§ 3203 Eligible articles
§ 3204 International Trade Commission reports on impact of this chapter
§ 3205 Impact study by Secretary of Labor
§ 3206 Termination of preferential treatment
Chapter 21 - North American Free Trade
§ 3301 Definitions
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3311 Approval and entry into force of North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3312 Relationship of Agreement to United States and State law
§ 3313 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 3314 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 3315 United States Section of NAFTA Secretariat
§ 3316 Appointments to chapter 20 panel proceedings
§ 3317 Congressional intent regarding future accessions
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 3331 Tariff modifications
§ 3332 Rules of origin
§ 3333 Drawback
§ 3334 Prohibition on drawback for television picture tubes
§ 3335 Monitoring of television and picture tube imports
Subchapter III - Application of Agreement to Sectors and Services
Part A - Safeguards
Part B - Agriculture
§ 3391 Agriculture
Part C - Temporary Entry of Business Persons
§ 3401 Nonimmigrant traders and investors
Part D - Standards
Subchapter IV - Dispute Settlement in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases
Part A - Organizational, Administrative, and Procedural Provisions Regarding Implementation of Chapter 19 of Agreement
§ 3431 References in part
§ 3432 Organizational and administrative provisions
§ 3433 Testimony and production of papers in extraordinary challenges
§ 3434 Requests for review of determinations by competent investigating authorities of NAFTA countries
§ 3435 Rules of procedure for panels and committees
§ 3436 Subsidy negotiations
§ 3437 Identification of industries facing subsidized imports
§ 3438 Treatment of amendments to antidumping and countervailing duty law
Part B - General Provisions
§ 3451 Effect of termination of NAFTA country status
Subchapter V - Miscellaneous Provisions
Part A - Provisions Relating to Performance Under Agreement
§ 3461 Discriminatory taxes
§ 3462 Review of operation and effects of Agreement
§ 3463 Report on impact of NAFTA on motor vehicle exports to Mexico
Part B - Implementation of Nafta Supplemental Agreements
§ 3471 Agreement on Labor Cooperation
§ 3472 Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
§ 3473 Agreement on Border Environment Cooperation Commission
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3311 Approval and entry into force of North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3312 Relationship of Agreement to United States and State law
§ 3313 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 3314 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 3315 United States Section of NAFTA Secretariat
§ 3316 Appointments to chapter 20 panel proceedings
§ 3317 Congressional intent regarding future accessions
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 3331 Tariff modifications
§ 3332 Rules of origin
§ 3333 Drawback
§ 3334 Prohibition on drawback for television picture tubes
§ 3335 Monitoring of television and picture tube imports
Subchapter III - Application of Agreement to Sectors and Services
Part A - Safeguards
Part B - Agriculture
§ 3391 Agriculture
Part C - Temporary Entry of Business Persons
§ 3401 Nonimmigrant traders and investors
Part D - Standards
Subchapter IV - Dispute Settlement in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases
Part A - Organizational, Administrative, and Procedural Provisions Regarding Implementation of Chapter 19 of Agreement
§ 3431 References in part
§ 3432 Organizational and administrative provisions
§ 3433 Testimony and production of papers in extraordinary challenges
§ 3434 Requests for review of determinations by competent investigating authorities of NAFTA countries
§ 3435 Rules of procedure for panels and committees
§ 3436 Subsidy negotiations
§ 3437 Identification of industries facing subsidized imports
§ 3438 Treatment of amendments to antidumping and countervailing duty law
Part B - General Provisions
§ 3451 Effect of termination of NAFTA country status
Subchapter V - Miscellaneous Provisions
Part A - Provisions Relating to Performance Under Agreement
§ 3461 Discriminatory taxes
§ 3462 Review of operation and effects of Agreement
§ 3463 Report on impact of NAFTA on motor vehicle exports to Mexico
Part B - Implementation of Nafta Supplemental Agreements
§ 3471 Agreement on Labor Cooperation
§ 3472 Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
§ 3473 Agreement on Border Environment Cooperation Commission
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3311 Approval and entry into force of North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3312 Relationship of Agreement to United States and State law
§ 3313 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 3314 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 3315 United States Section of NAFTA Secretariat
§ 3316 Appointments to chapter 20 panel proceedings
§ 3317 Congressional intent regarding future accessions
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 3331 Tariff modifications
§ 3332 Rules of origin
§ 3333 Drawback
§ 3334 Prohibition on drawback for television picture tubes
§ 3335 Monitoring of television and picture tube imports
Subchapter III - Application of Agreement to Sectors and Services
Part A - Safeguards
Part B - Agriculture
§ 3391 Agriculture
Part C - Temporary Entry of Business Persons
§ 3401 Nonimmigrant traders and investors
Part D - Standards
Subchapter IV - Dispute Settlement in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases
Part A - Organizational, Administrative, and Procedural Provisions Regarding Implementation of Chapter 19 of Agreement
§ 3431 References in part
§ 3432 Organizational and administrative provisions
§ 3433 Testimony and production of papers in extraordinary challenges
§ 3434 Requests for review of determinations by competent investigating authorities of NAFTA countries
§ 3435 Rules of procedure for panels and committees
§ 3436 Subsidy negotiations
§ 3437 Identification of industries facing subsidized imports
§ 3438 Treatment of amendments to antidumping and countervailing duty law
Part B - General Provisions
§ 3451 Effect of termination of NAFTA country status
Subchapter V - Miscellaneous Provisions
Part A - Provisions Relating to Performance Under Agreement
§ 3461 Discriminatory taxes
§ 3462 Review of operation and effects of Agreement
§ 3463 Report on impact of NAFTA on motor vehicle exports to Mexico
Part B - Implementation of Nafta Supplemental Agreements
§ 3471 Agreement on Labor Cooperation
§ 3472 Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
§ 3473 Agreement on Border Environment Cooperation Commission
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3311 Approval and entry into force of North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3312 Relationship of Agreement to United States and State law
§ 3313 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 3314 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 3315 United States Section of NAFTA Secretariat
§ 3316 Appointments to chapter 20 panel proceedings
§ 3317 Congressional intent regarding future accessions
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 3331 Tariff modifications
§ 3332 Rules of origin
§ 3333 Drawback
§ 3334 Prohibition on drawback for television picture tubes
§ 3335 Monitoring of television and picture tube imports
Subchapter III - Application of Agreement to Sectors and Services
Part A - Safeguards
Part B - Agriculture
§ 3391 Agriculture
Part C - Temporary Entry of Business Persons
§ 3401 Nonimmigrant traders and investors
Part D - Standards
Subchapter IV - Dispute Settlement in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases
Part A - Organizational, Administrative, and Procedural Provisions Regarding Implementation of Chapter 19 of Agreement
§ 3431 References in part
§ 3432 Organizational and administrative provisions
§ 3433 Testimony and production of papers in extraordinary challenges
§ 3434 Requests for review of determinations by competent investigating authorities of NAFTA countries
§ 3435 Rules of procedure for panels and committees
§ 3436 Subsidy negotiations
§ 3437 Identification of industries facing subsidized imports
§ 3438 Treatment of amendments to antidumping and countervailing duty law
Part B - General Provisions
§ 3451 Effect of termination of NAFTA country status
Subchapter V - Miscellaneous Provisions
Part A - Provisions Relating to Performance Under Agreement
§ 3461 Discriminatory taxes
§ 3462 Review of operation and effects of Agreement
§ 3463 Report on impact of NAFTA on motor vehicle exports to Mexico
Part B - Implementation of Nafta Supplemental Agreements
§ 3471 Agreement on Labor Cooperation
§ 3472 Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
§ 3473 Agreement on Border Environment Cooperation Commission
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3311 Approval and entry into force of North American Free Trade Agreement
§ 3312 Relationship of Agreement to United States and State law
§ 3313 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 3314 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 3315 United States Section of NAFTA Secretariat
§ 3316 Appointments to chapter 20 panel proceedings
§ 3317 Congressional intent regarding future accessions
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 3331 Tariff modifications
§ 3332 Rules of origin
§ 3333 Drawback
§ 3334 Prohibition on drawback for television picture tubes
§ 3335 Monitoring of television and picture tube imports
Subchapter III - Application of Agreement to Sectors and Services
Part A - Safeguards
Part B - Agriculture
§ 3391 Agriculture
Part C - Temporary Entry of Business Persons
§ 3401 Nonimmigrant traders and investors
Part D - Standards
Subchapter IV - Dispute Settlement in Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Cases
Part A - Organizational, Administrative, and Procedural Provisions Regarding Implementation of Chapter 19 of Agreement
§ 3431 References in part
§ 3432 Organizational and administrative provisions
§ 3433 Testimony and production of papers in extraordinary challenges
§ 3434 Requests for review of determinations by competent investigating authorities of NAFTA countries
§ 3435 Rules of procedure for panels and committees
§ 3436 Subsidy negotiations
§ 3437 Identification of industries facing subsidized imports
§ 3438 Treatment of amendments to antidumping and countervailing duty law
Part B - General Provisions
§ 3451 Effect of termination of NAFTA country status
Subchapter V - Miscellaneous Provisions
Part A - Provisions Relating to Performance Under Agreement
§ 3461 Discriminatory taxes
§ 3462 Review of operation and effects of Agreement
§ 3463 Report on impact of NAFTA on motor vehicle exports to Mexico
Part B - Implementation of Nafta Supplemental Agreements
§ 3471 Agreement on Labor Cooperation
§ 3472 Agreement on Environmental Cooperation
§ 3473 Agreement on Border Environment Cooperation Commission
Chapter 22 - Uruguay Round Trade Agreements
§ 3501 Definitions
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, Uruguay Round Agreements
Part A - Approval of Agreements and Related Provisions
§ 3511 Approval and entry into force of Uruguay Round Agreements
§ 3512 Relationship of agreements to United States law and State law
§ 3513 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force; regulations
Part B - Tariff Modifications
§ 3521 Tariff modifications
§ 3522 Liquidation or reliquidation and refund of duty paid on certain entries
§ 3523 Duty free treatment for octadecyl isocyanate and 5-Chloro-2-(2,4-dichloro-phenoxy)phenol
§ 3524 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
Part C - Uruguay Round Implementation and Dispute Settlement
§ 3531 Definitions
§ 3532 Implementation of Uruguay Round Agreements
§ 3533 Dispute settlement panels and procedures
§ 3534 Annual report on WTO
§ 3535 Review of participation in WTO
§ 3536 Increased transparency
§ 3537 Access to WTO dispute settlement process
§ 3538 Administrative action following WTO panel reports
§ 3539 Fund for WTO dispute settlements
Part D - Related Provisions
§ 3551 Working party on worker rights
§ 3552 Implementation of Rules of Origin work program
§ 3553 Membership in WTO of boycotting countries
§ 3554 Africa trade and development policy
§ 3555 Objectives for extended negotiations
§ 3556 Certain nonrubber footwear
Subchapter II - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Subsidies Agreement
§ 3571 Subsidies enforcement
§ 3572 Review of Subsidies Agreement
Subchapter III - Additional Implementation of Agreements
Part A - Foreign Trade Barriers and Unfair Trade Practices
§ 3581 Objectives in intellectual property
Part B - Textiles
§ 3591 Textile product integration
§ 3592 Rules of origin for textile and apparel products
Subchapter IV - Agriculture-related Provisions
Part A - Market Access
§ 3601 Administration of tariff-rate quotas
§ 3602 Special agricultural safeguard authority
Part B - Exports
§ 3611 Repealed.]
Part C - Other Provisions
§ 3621 Tobacco proclamation authority
§ 3622 Repealed.]
§ 3623 Study of milk marketing order system
§ 3624 Additional program funding
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, Uruguay Round Agreements
Part A - Approval of Agreements and Related Provisions
§ 3511 Approval and entry into force of Uruguay Round Agreements
§ 3512 Relationship of agreements to United States law and State law
§ 3513 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force; regulations
Part B - Tariff Modifications
§ 3521 Tariff modifications
§ 3522 Liquidation or reliquidation and refund of duty paid on certain entries
§ 3523 Duty free treatment for octadecyl isocyanate and 5-Chloro-2-(2,4-dichloro-phenoxy)phenol
§ 3524 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
Part C - Uruguay Round Implementation and Dispute Settlement
§ 3531 Definitions
§ 3532 Implementation of Uruguay Round Agreements
§ 3533 Dispute settlement panels and procedures
§ 3534 Annual report on WTO
§ 3535 Review of participation in WTO
§ 3536 Increased transparency
§ 3537 Access to WTO dispute settlement process
§ 3538 Administrative action following WTO panel reports
§ 3539 Fund for WTO dispute settlements
Part D - Related Provisions
§ 3551 Working party on worker rights
§ 3552 Implementation of Rules of Origin work program
§ 3553 Membership in WTO of boycotting countries
§ 3554 Africa trade and development policy
§ 3555 Objectives for extended negotiations
§ 3556 Certain nonrubber footwear
Subchapter II - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Subsidies Agreement
§ 3571 Subsidies enforcement
§ 3572 Review of Subsidies Agreement
Subchapter III - Additional Implementation of Agreements
Part A - Foreign Trade Barriers and Unfair Trade Practices
§ 3581 Objectives in intellectual property
Part B - Textiles
§ 3591 Textile product integration
§ 3592 Rules of origin for textile and apparel products
Subchapter IV - Agriculture-related Provisions
Part A - Market Access
§ 3601 Administration of tariff-rate quotas
§ 3602 Special agricultural safeguard authority
Part B - Exports
§ 3611 Repealed.]
Part C - Other Provisions
§ 3621 Tobacco proclamation authority
§ 3622 Repealed.]
§ 3623 Study of milk marketing order system
§ 3624 Additional program funding
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, Uruguay Round Agreements
Part A - Approval of Agreements and Related Provisions
§ 3511 Approval and entry into force of Uruguay Round Agreements
§ 3512 Relationship of agreements to United States law and State law
§ 3513 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force; regulations
Part B - Tariff Modifications
§ 3521 Tariff modifications
§ 3522 Liquidation or reliquidation and refund of duty paid on certain entries
§ 3523 Duty free treatment for octadecyl isocyanate and 5-Chloro-2-(2,4-dichloro-phenoxy)phenol
§ 3524 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
Part C - Uruguay Round Implementation and Dispute Settlement
§ 3531 Definitions
§ 3532 Implementation of Uruguay Round Agreements
§ 3533 Dispute settlement panels and procedures
§ 3534 Annual report on WTO
§ 3535 Review of participation in WTO
§ 3536 Increased transparency
§ 3537 Access to WTO dispute settlement process
§ 3538 Administrative action following WTO panel reports
§ 3539 Fund for WTO dispute settlements
Part D - Related Provisions
§ 3551 Working party on worker rights
§ 3552 Implementation of Rules of Origin work program
§ 3553 Membership in WTO of boycotting countries
§ 3554 Africa trade and development policy
§ 3555 Objectives for extended negotiations
§ 3556 Certain nonrubber footwear
Subchapter II - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Subsidies Agreement
§ 3571 Subsidies enforcement
§ 3572 Review of Subsidies Agreement
Subchapter III - Additional Implementation of Agreements
Part A - Foreign Trade Barriers and Unfair Trade Practices
§ 3581 Objectives in intellectual property
Part B - Textiles
§ 3591 Textile product integration
§ 3592 Rules of origin for textile and apparel products
Subchapter IV - Agriculture-related Provisions
Part A - Market Access
§ 3601 Administration of tariff-rate quotas
§ 3602 Special agricultural safeguard authority
Part B - Exports
§ 3611 Repealed.]
Part C - Other Provisions
§ 3621 Tobacco proclamation authority
§ 3622 Repealed.]
§ 3623 Study of milk marketing order system
§ 3624 Additional program funding
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, Uruguay Round Agreements
Part A - Approval of Agreements and Related Provisions
§ 3511 Approval and entry into force of Uruguay Round Agreements
§ 3512 Relationship of agreements to United States law and State law
§ 3513 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force; regulations
Part B - Tariff Modifications
§ 3521 Tariff modifications
§ 3522 Liquidation or reliquidation and refund of duty paid on certain entries
§ 3523 Duty free treatment for octadecyl isocyanate and 5-Chloro-2-(2,4-dichloro-phenoxy)phenol
§ 3524 Consultation and layover requirements for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
Part C - Uruguay Round Implementation and Dispute Settlement
§ 3531 Definitions
§ 3532 Implementation of Uruguay Round Agreements
§ 3533 Dispute settlement panels and procedures
§ 3534 Annual report on WTO
§ 3535 Review of participation in WTO
§ 3536 Increased transparency
§ 3537 Access to WTO dispute settlement process
§ 3538 Administrative action following WTO panel reports
§ 3539 Fund for WTO dispute settlements
Part D - Related Provisions
§ 3551 Working party on worker rights
§ 3552 Implementation of Rules of Origin work program
§ 3553 Membership in WTO of boycotting countries
§ 3554 Africa trade and development policy
§ 3555 Objectives for extended negotiations
§ 3556 Certain nonrubber footwear
Subchapter II - Enforcement of United States Rights Under Subsidies Agreement
§ 3571 Subsidies enforcement
§ 3572 Review of Subsidies Agreement
Subchapter III - Additional Implementation of Agreements
Part A - Foreign Trade Barriers and Unfair Trade Practices
§ 3581 Objectives in intellectual property
Part B - Textiles
§ 3591 Textile product integration
§ 3592 Rules of origin for textile and apparel products
Subchapter IV - Agriculture-related Provisions
Part A - Market Access
§ 3601 Administration of tariff-rate quotas
§ 3602 Special agricultural safeguard authority
Part B - Exports
§ 3611 Repealed.]
Part C - Other Provisions
§ 3621 Tobacco proclamation authority
§ 3622 Repealed.]
§ 3623 Study of milk marketing order system
§ 3624 Additional program funding
Chapter 23 - Extension of Certain Trade Benefits to Sub-saharan Africa
Subchapter I - Trade Policy for Sub-saharan Africa
§ 3701 Findings
§ 3702 Statement of policy
§ 3703 Eligibility requirements
§ 3704 United States-Sub-Saharan Africa Trade and Economic Cooperation Forum
§ 3705 Reporting requirement
§ 3706 Sub-Saharan Africa defined
Subchapter II - Trade Benefits
§ 3721 Treatment of certain textiles and apparel
§ 3722 Protections against transshipment
§ 3723 Free trade agreements with sub-Saharan African countries
§ 3724 Assistant United States Trade Representative for African Affairs
Subchapter III - Economic Development Related Issues
§ 3731 Sense of the Congress regarding comprehensive debt relief for the world’s poorest countries
§ 3732 Executive branch initiatives
§ 3733 Overseas Private Investment Corporation initiatives
§ 3734 Export-Import Bank initiatives
§ 3735 Expansion of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service in sub-Saharan Africa
§ 3736 Donation of air traffic control equipment to eligible sub-Saharan African countries
§ 3737 Additional authorities and increased flexibility to provide assistance under the Development Fund for Africa
§ 3738 Assistance from United States private sector to prevent and reduce HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa
§ 3739 Sense of the Congress relating to HIV/AIDS crisis in sub-Saharan Africa
§ 3740 Study on improving African agricultural practices
§ 3741 Sense of the Congress regarding efforts to combat desertification in Africa and other countries
Chapter 24 - Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority
§ 3801 Short title and findings
§ 3802 Trade negotiating objectives
§ 3803 Trade agreements authority
§ 3804 Consultations and assessment
§ 3805 Implementation of trade agreements
§ 3806 Treatment of certain trade agreements for which negotiations have already begun
§ 3807 Congressional Oversight Group
§ 3808 Additional implementation and enforcement requirements
§ 3809 Committee staff
§ 3810 Application of certain provisions
§ 3811 Report on impact of trade promotion authority
§ 3812 Interests of small business
§ 3813 Definitions
Chapter 25 - Clean Diamond Trade
§ 3901 Findings
§ 3902 Definitions
§ 3903 Measures for the importation and exportation of rough diamonds
§ 3904 Regulatory and other authority
§ 3905 Importing and exporting authorities
§ 3906 Statement of policy
§ 3907 Enforcement
§ 3908 Technical assistance
§ 3909 Sense of Congress
§ 3910 Kimberley Process Implementation Coordinating Committee
§ 3911 Reports
§ 3912 GAO report
§ 3913 Delegation of authorities
Chapter 26 - Dominican Republic-central America Free Trade
§ 4001 Purposes
§ 4002 Definitions
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, the Agreement
§ 4011 Approval and entry into force of the Agreement
§ 4012 Relationship of the Agreement to United States and State law
§ 4013 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 4014 Consultation and layover provisions for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 4015 Administration of dispute settlement proceedings
§ 4016 Arbitration of claims
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 4031 Tariff modifications
§ 4032 Additional duties on certain agricultural goods
§ 4033 Rules of origin
§ 4034 Retroactive application for certain liquidations and reliquidations of textile or apparel goods
§ 4035 Enforcement relating to trade in textile or apparel goods
§ 4036 Regulations
Subchapter III - Relief From Imports
§ 4051 Definitions
Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous
§ 4111 Periodic reports and meetings on labor obligations and labor capacity-building provisions
§ 4112 Earned import allowance program
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, the Agreement
§ 4011 Approval and entry into force of the Agreement
§ 4012 Relationship of the Agreement to United States and State law
§ 4013 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 4014 Consultation and layover provisions for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 4015 Administration of dispute settlement proceedings
§ 4016 Arbitration of claims
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 4031 Tariff modifications
§ 4032 Additional duties on certain agricultural goods
§ 4033 Rules of origin
§ 4034 Retroactive application for certain liquidations and reliquidations of textile or apparel goods
§ 4035 Enforcement relating to trade in textile or apparel goods
§ 4036 Regulations
Subchapter III - Relief From Imports
§ 4051 Definitions
Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous
§ 4111 Periodic reports and meetings on labor obligations and labor capacity-building provisions
§ 4112 Earned import allowance program
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, the Agreement
§ 4011 Approval and entry into force of the Agreement
§ 4012 Relationship of the Agreement to United States and State law
§ 4013 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 4014 Consultation and layover provisions for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 4015 Administration of dispute settlement proceedings
§ 4016 Arbitration of claims
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 4031 Tariff modifications
§ 4032 Additional duties on certain agricultural goods
§ 4033 Rules of origin
§ 4034 Retroactive application for certain liquidations and reliquidations of textile or apparel goods
§ 4035 Enforcement relating to trade in textile or apparel goods
§ 4036 Regulations
Subchapter III - Relief From Imports
§ 4051 Definitions
Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous
§ 4111 Periodic reports and meetings on labor obligations and labor capacity-building provisions
§ 4112 Earned import allowance program
Subchapter I - Approval Of, and General Provisions Relating To, the Agreement
§ 4011 Approval and entry into force of the Agreement
§ 4012 Relationship of the Agreement to United States and State law
§ 4013 Implementing actions in anticipation of entry into force and initial regulations
§ 4014 Consultation and layover provisions for, and effective date of, proclaimed actions
§ 4015 Administration of dispute settlement proceedings
§ 4016 Arbitration of claims
Subchapter II - Customs Provisions
§ 4031 Tariff modifications
§ 4032 Additional duties on certain agricultural goods
§ 4033 Rules of origin
§ 4034 Retroactive application for certain liquidations and reliquidations of textile or apparel goods
§ 4035 Enforcement relating to trade in textile or apparel goods
§ 4036 Regulations
Subchapter III - Relief From Imports
§ 4051 Definitions
Subchapter IV - Miscellaneous
§ 4111 Periodic reports and meetings on labor obligations and labor capacity-building provisions
§ 4112 Earned import allowance program