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44 USC - Public Printing and Documents

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Title 44 - Public Printing and Documents

Chapter 1 - Joint Committee on Printing
§ 101 Joint Committee on Printing: membership
§ 102 Joint Committee on Printing: succession; powers during recess
§ 103 Joint Committee on Printing: remedial powers
Chapter 3 - Government Printing Office
§ 301 Public Printer: appointment
§ 302 Deputy Public Printer: appointment; duties
§ 303 Public Printer and Deputy Public Printer: pay
§ 304 Public Printer: vacancy in office
§ 305 Public Printer: employees; pay
§ 306 Public Printer: employment of skilled workmen; trial of skill
§ 307 Public Printer: night work
§ 308 Disbursing officer; deputy disbursing officer; certifying officers and employees
§ 309 Revolving fund for operation and maintenance of Government Printing Office: capitalization; reimbursements and credits; accounting and budgeting; reports
§ 310 Payments for printing, binding, blank paper, and supplies
§ 311 Purchases exempt from the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act; contract negotiation authority; small purchase threshold
§ 312 Machinery, material, equipment, or supplies from other Government agencies
§ 313 Examining boards: paper; bindery materials; machinery
§ 314 Inks, glues, and other supplies furnished to other Government agencies: payment
§ 315 Branches of Government Printing Office; limitations
§ 316 Detail of employees of Government Printing Office to other Government establishments
§ 317 Special policemen
§ 318 Transfer of surplus property; acceptance of voluntary services
Chapter 5 - Production and Procurement of Printing and Binding
§ 501 Government printing, binding, and blank-book work to be done at Government Printing Office
§ 502 Procurement of printing, binding, and blank-book work by Public Printer
§ 503 Printing in veterans’ hospitals
§ 504 Direct purchase of printing, binding, and blank-book work by Government agencies
§ 505 Sale of duplicate plates
§ 506 Time for printing documents or reports which include illustrations or maps
§ 507 Orders for printing to be acted upon within one year
§ 508 Annual estimates of quantity of paper required for public printing and binding
§ 509 Standards of paper; advertisements for proposals; samples
§ 510 Specifications in advertisements for paper
§ 511 Opening bids; bonds
§ 512 Approval of paper contracts; time for performance; bonds
§ 513 Comparison of paper and envelopes with standard quality
§ 514 Determination of quality of paper
§ 515 Default of contractor; new contracts and purchase in open market
§ 516 Liability of defaulting contractor
§ 517 Purchase of paper in open market
Chapter 7 - Congressional Printing and Binding
§ 701 "Usual number" of documents and reports; distribution of House and Senate documents and reports; binding; reports on private bills; number of copies printed; distribution
§ 702 Extra copies of documents and reports
§ 703 Printing extra copies
§ 704 Reprinting bills, laws, and reports from committees not exceeding fifty pages
§ 705 Duplicate orders to print
§ 706 Bills and resolutions: number and distribution
§ 707 Bills and resolutions: style and form
§ 708 Bills and resolutions: binding sets for Congress
§ 709 Public and private laws, postal conventions, and treaties
§ 710 Copies of Acts furnished to Public Printer
§ 711 Printing Acts, joint resolutions, and treaties
§ 712 Printing of postal conventions
§ 713 Journals of Houses of Congress
§ 714 Printing documents for Congress in two or more editions; printing of full number and allotment of full quota
§ 715 Senate and House documents and reports for Department of State
§ 716 Printing of documents not provided for by law
§ 717 Appropriation chargeable for printing of document or report by order of Congress
§ 718 Lapse of authority to print
§ 719 Classification and numbering of publications ordered printed by Congress; designation of publications of departments; printing of committee hearings
§ 720 Senate and House Manuals
§ 721 Congressional Directory
§ 722 Congressional Directory: sale
§ 723 Memorial addresses: preparation; distribution
§ 724 Memorial addresses: illustrations
§ 725 Statement of appropriations; "usual number"
§ 726 Printing for committees of Congress
§ 727 Committee reports: indexing and binding
§ 728 United States Statutes at Large: distribution
§ 729 United States Statutes at Large: references in margins
§ 730 Distribution of documents to Members of Congress
§ 731 Allotments of public documents printed after expiration of terms of Members of Congress; rights of retiring Members to documents
§ 732 Time for distribution of documents by Members of Congress extended
§ 733 Documents and reports ordered by Members of Congress; franks and envelopes for Members of Congress
§ 734 Stationery and blank books for Congress
§ 735 Binding for Senators
§ 736 Binding at expense of Members of Congress
§ 737 Binding for Senate library
§ 738 Binding of publications for distribution to libraries
§ 739 Senate and House document rooms; superintendents
§ 740 Senate Service Department and House Publications Distribution Service; superintendents
§ 741 Disposition of documents stored at Capitol
Chapter 9 - Congressional Record
§ 901 Congressional Record: arrangement, style, contents, and indexes
§ 902 Congressional Record: Indexes
§ 903 Congressional Record: daily and permanent forms
§ 904 Congressional Record: maps; diagrams; illustrations
§ 905 Congressional Record: additional insertions
§ 906 Congressional Record: gratuitous copies; delivery
§ 907 Congressional Record: extracts for Members of Congress; mailing envelopes
§ 908 Congressional Record: payment for printing extracts or other documents
§ 909 Congressional Record: exchange for Parliamentary Hansard
§ 910 Congressional Record: subscriptions; sale of current, individual numbers, and bound sets; postage rate
Chapter 11 - Executive and Judiciary Printing and Binding
§ 1101 Printing and binding for the President
§ 1102 Printing to be authorized by law and necessary to the public business, not in excess of appropriation, and on special requisition filed with the Public Printer
§ 1103 Certificate of necessity; estimate of cost
§ 1104 Restrictions on use of illustrations
§ 1105 Form and style of work for departments
§ 1106 Inserting "compliments" forbidden
§ 1107 Appropriations chargeable for printing and binding of documents or reports
§ 1108 Presidential approval required for printing of periodicals; number printed; sale to public
§ 1109 Printing documents in two or more editions; full number and allotment of full quota
§ 1110 Daily examination of Congressional Record for immediate ordering of documents for official use; limit; bills and resolutions
§ 1111 Annual reports: time for furnishing manuscript and proofs to Public Printer
§ 1112 Annual reports: type for reports of executive officers
§ 1113 Annual reports: exclusion of irrelevant matter
§ 1114 Annual reports: number of copies for Congress
§ 1115 Annual reports: time of delivery by Public Printer to Congress
§ 1116 Annual reports: limitation on number of copies printed; reports of bureau chiefs
§ 1117 Annual reports: discontinuance of printing of annual or special reports to keep within appropriations
§ 1118 Documents beyond scope of ordinary departmental business
§ 1119 Government publications as public property
§ 1120 Blanks and letterheads for judges and officers of courts
§ 1121 Paper and envelopes for Government agencies in the District of Columbia
§ 1122 Supplies for Government establishments
§ 1123 Binding materials; bookbinding for libraries
Chapter 13 - Particular Reports and Documents
§ 1301 Agriculture, Department of: report of Secretary
§ 1302 Agriculture, Department of: monthly crop report and other publications
§ 1303 American Historical Association: report
§ 1304 Army and Navy registers
§ 1305 Attorney General: opinions
§ 1306 Civil Service Commission: report
§ 1307 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: nautical products, sale and distribution
§ 1308 Coast Guard: annual report of the Commandant
§ 1309 Coast Guard: notices to mariners and other special publications
§ 1310 Commerce Department: navigation and weather information
§ 1312 Director of Public Health of District of Columbia: report
§ 1313 Education, Commissioner of: report
§ 1314 Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac
§ 1315 Fish and Wildlife Service: bulletins
§ 1316 Fish and Wildlife Service: report of the Director
§ 1317 Foreign Relations
§ 1318 Geological Survey: classes and sizes of publications; report of mineral resources; number of copies; reprints; distribution
§ 1319 Geological Survey: specific appropriations required for monographs and bulletins
§ 1320 Geological Survey: distribution of publications to public libraries
§ 1320A Historical societies’ publications
§ 1321 Hydrographic Surveys; foreign surveys
§ 1322 Immigration and Naturalization Service: report
§ 1323 Interstate Commerce Commission: report
§ 1324 Labor Statistics, Bureau of: bulletins
§ 1325 Labor Statistics, Bureau of: report of Commissioner
§ 1326 Librarian of Congress: reports
§ 1327 Mines, Bureau of: publications
§ 1328 Merchant vessels of the United States
§ 1329 Mint: reports of Director
§ 1330 Monthly Summary Statement of Imports and Exports
§ 1331 National Academy of Sciences: report
§ 1332 National encampments of Veterans’ organizations; proceedings printed annually for Congress
§ 1333 National high school and college debate topics
§ 1334 Naval Intelligence Office: additional copies of publications
§ 1335 Naval Observatory Observations
§ 1336 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency: special publications
§ 1339 Printing of the President’s Message
§ 1340 Public Printer: annual report
§ 1341 Smithsonian Institution: report
§ 1343 Statistical Abstract of the United States
§ 1344 Treasury Department: reports
Chapter 15 - Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations
§ 1501 Definitions
§ 1502 Custody and printing of Federal documents; appointment of Director
§ 1503 Filing documents with Office; notation of time; public inspection; transmission for printing
§ 1504 "Federal Register"; printing; contents; distribution; price
§ 1505 Documents to be published in Federal Register
§ 1506 Administrative Committee of the Federal Register; establishment and composition; powers and duties
§ 1507 Filing document as constructive notice; publication in Federal Register as presumption of validity; judicial notice; citation
§ 1508 Publication in Federal Register as notice of hearing
§ 1509 Costs of publication, etc.
§ 1510 Code of Federal Regulations
§ 1511 International agreements excluded from provisions of chapter
Chapter 17 - Distribution and Sale of Public Documents
§ 1701 Publications for public distribution to be distributed by the Public Printer; mailing lists
§ 1702 Superintendent of Documents; sale of documents
§ 1703 Superintendent of Documents: assistants, blanks, printing and binding
§ 1704 Superintendent of Documents: pay of employees for night, Sunday, holiday, and overtime work
§ 1705 Printing additional copies for sale to public; regulations
§ 1706 Printing and sale of extra copies of documents
§ 1707 Reprinting of documents required for sale
§ 1708 Prices for sales copies of publications; crediting of receipts; resale by dealers; sales agents
§ 1709 Blank forms: printing and sale to public
§ 1710 Index of documents: number and distribution
§ 1711 Catalog of Government publications
§ 1712 Documents for use of the Public Printer
§ 1713 Documents to be delivered to the Executive Mansion
§ 1714 Publications for use of National Archives and Records Administration
§ 1715 Publications for department or officer or for congressional committees
§ 1716 Public documents for legations and consulates of United States
§ 1717 Documents and reports for foreign legations
§ 1718 Distribution of Government publications to the Library of Congress
§ 1719 International exchange of Government publications
§ 1720 Documents not needed by departments to be turned over to Superintendent of Documents
§ 1721 Exchange of documents by heads of departments
§ 1722 Departmental distribution of publications
Chapter 19 - Depository Library Program
§ 1901 Definition of Government publication
§ 1902 Availability of Government publications through Superintendent of Documents; lists of publications not ordered from Government Printing Office
§ 1903 Distribution of publications to depositories; notice to Government components; cost of printing and binding
§ 1904 Classified list of Government publications for selection by depositories
§ 1905 Distribution to depositories; designation of additional libraries; justification; authorization for certain designations
§ 1906 Land-grant colleges constituted depositories
§ 1907 Libraries of executive departments, service academies, and independent agencies constituted depositories; certifications of need; disposal of unwanted publications
§ 1908 American Antiquarian Society to receive certain publications
§ 1909 Requirements of depository libraries; reports on conditions; investigations; termination; replacement
§ 1910 Designations of replacement depositories; limitations on numbers; conditions
§ 1911 Free use of Government publications in depositories; disposal of unwanted publications
§ 1912 Regional depositories; designation; functions; disposal of publications
§ 1913 Appropriations for supplying depository libraries; restriction
§ 1914 Implementation of depository library program by Public Printer
§ 1915 Highest State appellate court libraries as depository libraries
§ 1916 Designation of libraries of accredited law schools as depository libraries
Chapter 21 - National Archives and Records Administration
§ 2101 Definitions
§ 2102 Establishment
§ 2103 Officers
§ 2104 Administrative provisions
§ 2105 Personnel and services
§ 2106 Reports to Congress
§ 2107 Acceptance of records for historical preservation
§ 2108 Responsibility for custody, use, and withdrawal of records
§ 2109 Preservation, arrangement, duplication, exhibition of records
§ 2110 Servicing records
§ 2111 Material accepted for deposit
§ 2112 Presidential archival depository
§ 2113 Depository for agreements between States
§ 2114 Preservation of motion-picture films, still pictures, and sound recordings
§ 2115 Reports; correction of violations
§ 2116 Legal status of reproductions; official seal; fees for copies and reproductions
§ 2117 Limitation on liability
§ 2118 Records of Congress
§ 2119 Cooperative agreements
§ 2120 Online access of founding fathers documents
Chapter 22 - Presidential Records
§ 2201 Definitions
§ 2202 Ownership of Presidential records
§ 2203 Management and custody of Presidential records
§ 2204 Restrictions on access to Presidential records
§ 2205 Exceptions to restricted access
§ 2206 Regulations
§ 2207 Vice-Presidential records
Chapter 23 - National Archives Trust Fund Board
§ 2301 Establishment of Board; membership
§ 2302 Authority of the Board; seal; services; bylaws; rules; regulations; employees
§ 2303 Powers and obligations of the Board; liability of members
§ 2304 Compensation of members; availability of trust funds for expenses of the Board
§ 2305 Acceptance of gifts
§ 2306 Investment of funds
§ 2307 Trust fund account; disbursements; sales of publications and releases
§ 2308 Tax exemption for gifts
Chapter 25 - National Historical Publications and Records Commission
§ 2501 Creation; composition; appointment and tenure; meetings
§ 2502 Vacancies
§ 2503 Executive director, staff, transportation expenses
§ 2504 Duties; authorization of grants for historical publications and records programs; authorization for appropriations
§ 2505 Special advisory committees; membership; reimbursement
§ 2506 Records to be kept by grantees
Chapter 27 - Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress
§ 2701 Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress
§ 2702 Membership; chairman; meetings
§ 2703 Functions of the Committee
§ 2704 Powers of the Committee
§ 2705 Compensation and travel expenses
§ 2706 Administrative provisions
Chapter 29 - Records Management by the Archivist of the United States and by the Administrator of General Services
§ 2901 Definitions
§ 2902 Objectives of records management
§ 2903 Custody and control of property
§ 2904 General responsibilities for records management
§ 2905 Establishment of standards for selective retention of records; security measures
§ 2906 Inspection of agency records
§ 2907 Records centers and centralized microfilming services
§ 2908 Regulations
§ 2909 Retention of records
§ 2910 Preservation of Freedmen’s Bureau records
Chapter 31 - Records Management by Federal Agencies
§ 3101 Records management by agency heads; general duties
§ 3102 Establishment of program of management
§ 3103 Transfer of records to records centers
§ 3104 Certifications and determinations on transferred records
§ 3105 Safeguards
§ 3106 Unlawful removal, destruction of records
§ 3107 Authority of Comptroller General
Chapter 33 - Disposal of Records
§ 3301 Definition of records
§ 3302 Regulations covering lists of records for disposal, procedure for disposal, and standards for reproduction
§ 3303 Lists and schedules of records to be submitted to the Archivist by head of each Government agency
§ 3303a Examination by Archivist of lists and schedules of records lacking preservation value; disposal of records
§ 3308 Disposal of similar records where prior disposal was authorized
§ 3309 Preservation of claims of Government until settled in Government Accountability Office; disposal authorized upon written approval of Comptroller General
§ 3310 Disposal of records constituting menace to health, life, or property
§ 3311 Destruction of records outside continental United States in time of war or when hostile action seems imminent; written report to Archivist
§ 3312 Photographs or microphotographs of records considered as originals; certified reproductions admissible in evidence
§ 3313 Moneys from sale of records payable into the Treasury
§ 3314 Procedures for disposal of records exclusive
§ 3315 Definitions
§ 3316 Establishment of Commission
§ 3317 Duties of Commission
§ 3318 Membership
§ 3319 Director and staff; experts and consultants
§ 3320 Powers of Commission
§ 3321 Support services
§ 3322 Report
§ 3323 Termination
§ 3324 Authorization of appropriations
Chapter 35 - Coordination of Federal Information Policy
Subchapter I - Federal Information Policy
§ 3501 Purposes
§ 3502 Definitions
§ 3503 Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
§ 3504 Authority and functions of Director
§ 3505 Assignment of tasks and deadlines
§ 3506 Federal agency responsibilities
§ 3507 Public information collection activities; submission to Director; approval and delegation
§ 3508 Determination of necessity for information; hearing
§ 3509 Designation of central collection agency
§ 3510 Cooperation of agencies in making information available
§ 3511 Establishment and operation of Government Information Locator Service
§ 3512 Public protection
§ 3513 Director review of agency activities; reporting; agency response
§ 3514 Responsiveness to Congress
§ 3515 Administrative powers
§ 3516 Rules and regulations
§ 3517 Consultation with other agencies and the public
§ 3518 Effect on existing laws and regulations
§ 3519 Access to information
§ 3520 Establishment of task force on information collection and dissemination
§ 3521 Authorization of appropriations
Subchapter II - Information Security
§ 3531 Purposes
§ 3532 Definitions
§ 3533 Authority and functions of the Director
§ 3534 Federal agency responsibilities
§ 3535 Annual independent evaluation
§ 3536 National security systems
§ 3537 Authorization of appropriations
§ 3538 Effect on existing law
Subchapter III - Information Security
§ 3541 Purposes
§ 3542 Definitions
§ 3543 Authority and functions of the Director
§ 3544 Federal agency responsibilities
§ 3545 Annual independent evaluation
§ 3546 Federal information security incident center
§ 3547 National security systems
§ 3548 Authorization of appropriations
§ 3549 Effect on existing law
Chapter 36 - Management and Promotion of Electronic Government Services
§ 3601 Definitions
§ 3602 Office of Electronic Government
§ 3603 Chief Information Officers Council
§ 3604 E-Government Fund
§ 3605 Program to encourage innovative solutions to enhance electronic Government services and processes
§ 3606 E-Government report
Chapter 37 - Advertisements by Government Agencies
§ 3701 Advertisements for contracts in District of Columbia
§ 3702 Advertisements not to be published without written authority
§ 3703 Rate of payment for advertisements, notices, and proposals
Chapter 39 - Government Printing Office: Office of Inspector General
§ 3901 Purpose and establishment of the Office of Inspector General
§ 3902 Appointment of Inspector General; supervision; removal
§ 3903 Duties, responsibilities, authority, and reports
Chapter 41 - Access to Federal Electronic Information
§ 4101 Electronic directory; online access to publications; electronic storage facility
§ 4102 Fees
§ 4103 Biennial report
§ 4104 Definition