
Snakes alive - if only he'd been seeing double

Deborah Smith CAPTURING the Holy Grail of Australian reptiles turned out to be something of an anti-climax for Gavin Bedford.

Snakes in water add to flood dangers


Richard Willingham, Mathew Murphy and Reid Sexton Victorians are being urged to be patient and prepare for long delays when they return to work and school today, as they battle flood-damaged and closed roads.

Snakes keep residents on their toes


Selma Milovanovic AN ISOLATED central Queensland property has become a gathering place for 1000 snakes, while the deserted town of Theodore is described as a ''snake haven''.

'Now we can at least control the snakes coming up the steps'


Erik Jensen THE locals didn't have to wait for official confirmation: they knew the flood had peaked as soon as they woke up and saw the water had not crossed a line painted on the gutter a day earlier.

Snakes fall from trees in floods

Snakes are still posing a threat to emergency and clean-up crews in central Queensland, with the reptiles even trying to escape the rising waters by slithering into flood boats.

Snakes alive: couple has everything under the sun

Paddy Manning When NSW brought in its generous solar panel subsidy scheme late last year, Aaron Cooper went big.

Snakes may be in decline worldwide

Distinct populations of snake species on three continents have crashed over the past decade, raising fears that the reptiles might be in global decline, according to a study published today.

Switch off and pull on a cardy to cut the bills

Light bulb.

Nicole Hasham WHEN winter descends, Dianne Moy pulls out more than jackets and scarves - she ''dresses'' her Newtown house by hanging heavy curtains and plugging draughts with door snakes.

A new lease of eco life


Stephen Lacey There's plenty renters can do to make their homes greener.

Can kangaroos co-exist with humans as their habitat shrinks?

Ron Cerabona One of the enduring overseas jokes about Australia is that our towns and cities have kangaroos hopping down the streets. In Canberra, at least, it's not a joke.

Expert fishery report hits doom mongers

David Lockwood In a rare but increasing show of solidarity, commercial and recreational fishers fired broadsides at the same target last week - hastily declared marine parks and Labor's proposed one million square...

Nathalia residents told to go as 'levees may not hold'

The Nathalia levee is breached.

Reid Sexton Hundreds of residents in the flood-ravaged town of Nathalia in Victoria’s north have been urged to evacuate this afternoon amid fears that temporary levees may not withstand the once-in-a-century...

Local wildlife disappears as giant pythons swamp Florida

Burmese python

Elizabeth Weise It sounded like a joke when the news first broke in 2000: giant Burmese pythons were invading the Everglades.

Attacked by a leopard: victim says he was trying to save animal


An Indian labourer who had his scalp ripped off by a rampaging leopard over the weekend has spoken of his horrific ordeal, saying he was trying to save the cat when it turned on him.

Reptile park celebrates pre-Christmas crackers


Baby Burmese pythons take their time, but the newest additions to the Australian Reptile Park are on track to hatch in time for the holidays.

Praying for a disappearing trick: when the possum magic wears thin


Richard Woolveridge "The brush-tailed possum is the most widely distributed possum in Australia. It can be found in forests and woodlands all along the east coast," states the NSW Government's Office of Environment...

Comments 43

Beak hour traffic destroying heritage buildings

Cockatoos are seriously damaging some apartments in Potts Point .Pic Nick Moir 31 August 2011

Kelsey Munro The sulphur-crested cockatoos of Potts Point, which have caused more than $40,000 in damage to one building alone, are absolutely incorrigible, say infuriated residents.

The last refuge


'No one is allowed to sleep until we find it.'' Ecologist Dr James Smith is half joking but the force of his voice suggests he is determined, even a bit desperate.

Residents fight back against noisy bats

Grey headed flying fox

Gold Coast residents are fighting back after being tormented for years by a noisy bat colony.

Koala 'for braising' gets traveller stewing

An Australian traveller says this animal, purported to be a koala, was a menu item at a Chinese restaurant.

Megan Levy An Australian traveller says he was horrified to find a live koala for sale at a restaurant in southern China where the menu was offering the iconic marsupial for dinner in either ‘‘braised or...