Ben Cubby

Ben Cubby

Ben Cubby is the Environment Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald.

Shooters jump gun in pushing for hunting in more national parks

Ben Cubby THE Premier, Barry O'Farrell, has poured cold water on the aspirations of the Shooters and Fishers Party, which wants to expand recreational hunting to cover most of the state's national parks.

Carbon shown to rise as trees replace tundra

Ben Cubby In a surprise finding, researchers have shown that as trees start to grow closer to the North Pole, replacing once-barren tundra, they release more greenhouse gases than they absorb.

Arctic plant growth 'could speed up global warming'

The amount of carbon activated by a change from tundra to forest outweighs that soaked up by the new trees.

Ben Cubby As trees start to grow closer to the North Pole they release more greenhouse gases than they absorb, research shows.

Coal seam effluent salts sewerage

Excess water from the coal seam gas well was dumped.

Ben Cubby A COAL seam gas company has disposed of more than a million litres of dirty water at a sewage treatment plant in northern NSW, breaching the plant's licence conditions, the NSW Environment Protection...

Nation now 'indifferent' to environment


Ben Cubby CONCERN for the environment has dwindled into a ''middling'' issue that many people do not have strong feelings about, a major study into Australian attitudes towards society, politics and the...

Comments 87

Koalas to be listed as threatened amid rapid decline

Winston the koala

Ben Cubby KOALAS are expected to be listed as a threatened species across parts of Australia from Monday, and some environment groups claim the government has excluded the marsupial from protection in certain...

Chemicals may be cause of gender bending fish

Cleaning up

Ben Cubby SYNTHETIC chemicals being released into rivers and bays around the coast could be forcing fish to become more feminine, researchers say.

Soil, not radiation, made workers ill

No radioactive material ... a hazmat team at the site, near Port Macquarie, where five road workers fell sick earlier this month.

Ben Cubby THE FIVE road workers who fell ill after digging up an unknown substance at the edge of the Pacific Highway near Port Macquarie were apparently not affected by radiation, or by toxic chemicals, but...

Miners get $4b in direct subsidies, says think tank


Ben Cubby THE federal government gives just over $4 billion in direct subsidies to mining companies each year, mainly in the form of cheap fuel and tax breaks for building roads and railways, a report by the...

Greenhouse gas emissions still on the rise, data shows

Greenhouse gases.

Ben Cubby AUSTRALIA'S greenhouse gas emissions continued to rise last year, driven by an increase in vehicle use and gases leaking from coalmines, federal government data show.

Forecasts of power bill rises spark war of words


Anna Patty, Ben Cubby POWER bills will rise between $182 and $338 a year from July 1, figures from the state's independent price regulator show, sparking a war of words between the state and federal governments over the...

Geo-engineering 'a risk' in climate change battle


Ben Cubby ATTEMPTS to slow down climate change by large-scale geo-engineering present ''serious risks'' and are unlikely to replace the need to cut greenhouse gas emissions, Australia's chief scientist has...

Possum magic: national park sightings suggest glider is back after bushfires

Colleen Wood [0429 653 583 or 5165 3563] cares for a Greater Glider mother and daughter which were saved from the Gippsland bushfires.  The mother's eye has been stitched shut with a button [without this the stitches may tear through the eyelid].  Both have injuries including the juvenile's burnt nose. THE AGE . news . FEBRUARY 11, 2009 . pic by Nicole Emanuel .

Ben Cubby EIGHTEEN years after huge bushfires destroyed much of the Royal National Park, the area's biggest native mammal has finally returned.

Love of a sunburnt country a boon for solar set

Solar panels

Ben Cubby THE humble city of Dubbo has emerged as the solar power capital of Australia, with more than a quarter of the houses in one postcode generating their own electricity from rooftop panels.

Climate Commission finds growing support for action

Author, Climate change activist and member of the Climate Change Commission, Tim Flannery pictured this afternoon at Wooloomooloo

Ben Cubby PEOPLE feel starved of solid information about climate change and are unsure about what practical measures are being taken to deal with it, data gathered over the past year by the federal...

One-night stand: more than a billion switch off

The Great Wall before Earth Hour.

Ben Cubby WELL over a billion people turned off their lights for Earth Hour on Saturday night, in 150 nations and territories around the world, making it the largest voluntary event of its kind.

Campaign to ban eggs from battery farms

Half dozen eggs.

Ben Cubby A campaign to put an end to battery-hen egg production in Australia will begin today, with environmentalists targeting supermarkets and asking consumers to boycott non free-range eggs.

Light idea now shared by a billion

Earth Hour Logo by WWF.

Ben Cubby MORE than a billion people will switch of their lights at 8.30 tonight as a symbol of their commitment to tackle human-induced climate change.

Swap to greener street lights LED by Sydney


Ben Cubby SYDNEY is about to become the first city in Australia to be lit by energy-saving LED lights, with 6450 bulbs to be replaced in streetlights over coming months.

Electricity agency admits using herbicide in national park


Ben Cubby THE state electricity agency TransGrid has admitted its contractors sprayed herbicide across a swathe of wilderness in the Kosciuszko National Park, scarring the landscape and killing thousands of...