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World loses species with death of tortoise Lonesome George

Lonesome George has died, leaving the world one species poorer.

Baby rhino brings hope for species

Ratu, a Sumatran Rhinoceros, at the Way Kambas National Park in Indonesia.

A CRITICALLY endangered Sumatran rhinoceros has been born at an Indonesian sanctuary, the fourth birth in captivity in more than a century, boosting survival hopes for the species.

Disappointing end to Rio summit

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton smiles during her bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Julia Gillard during the Rio+20 United Nations sustainable development summit in Rio.

Lenore Taylor Julia Gillard has insisted the Rio sustainable development summit made some progress, as world leaders wavered between bemoaning its wishy washy agreement and trying to put a brave face on the outcome.

Mine giant signs $315m deal to build wind farms


Lenore Taylor in Rio De Janeiro AUSTRALIAN renewable energy company Pacific Hydro has signed a $315 million joint venture with Brazilian mining giant Vale to build two wind farms in the country's north-east.

Gillard keen to support sustainable development

Julia Gillard

Lenore Taylor JULIA GILLARD will throw Australia's weight behind the push for new ''sustainable development goals'' which will set clear standards on nations' sustainable use of food, water and energy, when she addresses almost 100 world leaders at the Rio Conference .

Rare white Dreamworld tiger dies at 17

Mohan with tiger cub Sali at Dreamworld.

BRIDIE JABOUR The ashes of Dreamworld's original white tiger will be buried at the theme park's Tiger Island after he put down by vets yesterday.

Comments 7

Parks shooting bill passes NSW upper house

Legislation allowing shooting in NSW national parks and reserves has cleared its first hurdle after upper house MPs passed it by 20 votes to 17.

World leaders' Rio accord is epic failure, says Greenpeace

A model of giant fish made with plastic bottles is exhibited at Botafogo beach in Rio de Janeiro June 19, 2012.

Lenore Taylor NEGOTIATORS in Rio de Janeiro have claimed success after finalising a statement to be issued by more than 100 world leaders who arrive in the Brazilian city over the next few days.

No wonder things stalled in this environment

Lenore Taylor dinkus

LENORE TAYLOR WHEN the nations of the world gather to discuss the environment, there is almost nothing they can't disagree upon. So they end up agreeing on very little.

Sea Shepherd offers to police Coral Sea

Anti-whaling crusaders Sea Shepherd have offered to help the Australian government police a proposed marine park in the Coral Sea against illegal fishing.

Zookeeper killed in wolf attack

A zookeeper has died after being attacked by wolves in their enclosure in Sweden's largest zoo, various media outlets report.

Antarctica must go on heritage list - Coalition

David Bushby: 'Antarctica is too important in the global scene to lose to mining or pollution.'

Andrew Darby THE Coalition has put its weight behind the world heritage listing of Antarctica, giving a fillip to an environmental cause sharply dividing polar experts.

O'Farrell's 10% of parks for hunting is 40% of total area

Barry O'Farrell provided a list of 79 parks, conservation areas and nature reserves under consideration for volunteer pest control.

Josephine Tovey ALMOST 40 per cent of NSW's national parks, including several containing World Heritage areas, are on the list provided by the Premier, Barry O'Farrell, as being under consideration for feral animal hunting, and green groups fear more will be added.

Evicted bats spread their wings

Flying fox

Jim O'Rourke FLYING FOXES driven from Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens have spread as far as Bundaberg to the north and Pambula to the south, according to data from satellite tracking devices strapped around their necks.

Sydney snares park conservation event

Robyn Parker

HEATH ASTON SYDNEY will host a conservation conference, to be announced just weeks after the state government opened 79 national parks to hunting of feral pests.

A new lease of eco life


Stephen Lacey There's plenty renters can do to make their homes greener.

Faroe Islanders' bloody slaughter

Inhabitants of Faroe Islands catch and slaughter pilot whales

Inhabitants of Faroe Islands have been catching and slaughtering pilot whales for 1000 years.

Sales of whale meat crash in Japan

Whales are lined up onboard a Japanese whaling vessel in the Southern Ocean

ANDREW DARBY Striking evidence is emerging that whale meat sales in Japan are crashing, with three-quarters of a "scientific" catch said to have failed to sell at auction.

Surprise visitor: squatting wombat blocks stormwater pipe

Furry critter ... the wombat will be respectfully nudged on to a new burrow.

There are many things that could block a stormwater drain. But a wombat? Imagine the surprise on the faces of the people at the Launceston City Council when they stumbled across a furry critter while viewing video from a stormwater pipe survey recently.

Crocs in the cross-hairs

A crocodile in Kakadu National Park.

Federal government agrees to rethink ban on killing crocodiles in the Northern Territory.


The live cattle trade

Animals Australia has uncovered terrible cruelty in Indonesian abattoirs. Here is our record of events.
