
Scott Walker, Venus and Ilias Kasidiaris: News tweets

Scott Walker, Ilias Kasidiaris and Venus Scott Walker, a Greek political punch-up, and "boring" Venus in this weeks News Tweets

For the week of 4 June, here is the news - condensed into 10 topical tweets, some more serious than others.

1. 56% Of Americans Hate The Supreme Court, Yearn For 'Thunderdome Law'

Snarky political website Wonkette (@Wonkette) reacts to a poll showing only 44% of Americans approve of the Supreme Court, and suggests the rest might prefer "two men enter, one man leaves" jurisprudence.

2. A lot of these "bath salts" cases sound like PCP or plain old paranoid schizophrenia, but police depts can't get more $$ for OLD problems.

US drug policy critic Sanho Tree (@SanhoTree) tries to quash the growing hysteria about the drug speculated to have been responsible for a Miami man's cannibalistic attack on a homeless man.

3. Ok, here's a deal: Spain lets Germany win the European Championships #Euro2012 this time and we'll bail them out.

Sandra Fiene (@EUFiene), a journalist with German broadcaster ZDF, proposes a solution to the European debt crisis.

4. Real talk: If Mitt Romney had been elected president in 2008, he'd be giving a pretty similar press conference right about now.

Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein (@EzraKlein) watches US President Barack Obama implore European leaders to take aggressive action on the debt crisis and ask Congress to pass economic stimulus legislation.

5. The Transit of Venus was by far the best small black dot moving boringly across a large yellow circle I've ever witnessed.

Writer Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) yawns at one of the most widely watched astronomical events of the decade.

6. Mitt Romney's email was hacked! So if you start getting messages that sound like they're from a bot, he's fixed the problem.

Political satirist Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

7. The Tories say unpaid Jubilee stewards had the "chance to develop skills". In stewarding a Jubilee. A much in-demand skill, no doubt.

Justin McKeating (@JustincMcKeat) comments on reports that volunteers from the UK government's work programme spent part of the night under London Bridge before Sunday's jubilee pageant.

8. NYC to legalize small amounts of marijuana. On the other hand, it'll still be a crime to satisfy your munchies afterward.

Actor and Republican politician Fred Thompson (@fredthompson) knocks NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg's "nanny state" proposal to ban sales of large sugary drinks.

9. I'm happy for Scott Walker, but not paying or feeding anybody was my idea first. #CREDIT

A Twitter wit spoofing twenty-something Korean leader Kim Jong Un (@KimJongNumberUn) reacts to the victory by anti-union Republican Governor Scott Walker in a Wisconsin recall election.

10. Left hook vs. Right wing in #GreekElections - far-right party member punches Communist in the face 3 times on live TV

The BBC's Washington DC bureau (@BBCNewsUS) gives a blow-by-blow account of a stunning attack by a right-wing Greek MP on a left-wing rival - on live TV..

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