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World News

China's first female astronaut watching down on the motherland

David Eimer BEIJING: As a child Liu Yang's earliest ambition was to be a bus conductor, so she could get to travel on the bus every day. Now she finds herself travelling at several times the speed of sound aboard a Long March rocket.

Becalmed Greece awaits the storm

Polling station in Athens

Andrew Gilligan The dominant sense is of a country grinding to a halt.

Jack Daniel's recipe claim

Jack Daniels

A British man believes he has found the original recipe for Jack Daniel's whiskey.

Leveson threat to quit

Lord Justice Brian Leveson

Lord Justice Leveson complained to Downing Street about claims by the Education Secretary.

New hopes, fears for young 'illegals'

Fabiola Santiago

Pamela Constable Immigrant advocates and Hispanic youth groups across the US have hailed President Barack Obama's decision to offer legal status to some undocumented immigrants younger than 30 as a long-sought victory for young people denied a chance to realise the American dream.

Polio teams warned off


A militant leader in north-west Pakistan has warned polio vaccination teams to stay away.

Secret space plane back


An unmanned air force space plane has steered itself to a landing at a California military base.

Birth of a new art form: photographing baby's arrival

Briana Kalajian

Elissa Gootman The most frequently asked question for photographers: precisely where do you stand when the baby comes out?

Fights, arrests and a poor turnout mar Egypt's presidential election

Egyptian woman

Cairo 'The election is essentially for the selection of a new dictator,' said Ziad al-Oleimi.

UK's task to prevent lethal cargo reaching Syria

MI 24 attack helicopter

Ruth Sherlock The US government has enlisted Britain in an attempt to intercept an arms shipment.

Women ready to be Saudi Arabia's new driving force

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah speaks to Saudi media upon his arrival at Riyadh airport February 23, 2011. King Abdullah unveiled a series of benefits for Saudis estimated to be worth $35 billion on his return home on Wednesday from three months abroad for medical treatment. The action plan, which includes funding to offset high inflation, to help young unemployed people and support families to get affordable housing, was made as popular protests over poverty, corruption and repression hit many Arab countries.

Ruth Pollard The kingdom faces unprecedented demands for reform.

Prince Philip back on duty but handled with extra care

Prince Philip.

Roya Nikkhah LONDON: With a smile to match her ''sunray'' dress, the Queen looked delighted to have Prince Philip back by her side as she attended her official birthday parade.

Carr calls for lawyer's release

Melinda Taylor with her family.

RICHARD WILLINGHAM Opinion Foreign Minister Bob Carr presses his Libyan counterpart for the release of detained Australian lawyer Melinda Taylor.

GM calves pave way for milk revolution

Researchers have created a calf whose milk could be drunk by those who are lactose intolerant.

Richard Gray SCIENTISTS have genetically modified calves so that the milk they produce as cows will be healthier for humans.

New global crisis warning

Paul McGeough, Mexico, and Peter Martin World leaders arriving in Mexico for today's G20 summit are warned that Europe's economic ills could precipitate a second global financial crisis.

The election that could change the global economic landscape

Greece vote

4:48pm Ballots have opened nationwide in Greece for a critical general election that will determine whether the debt-laden country will complete painful austerity reform or see its eurozone future jeopardised.

Burma's Suu Kyi awarded Nobel Peace Prize - 21 years on

2:02pm More than 20 years after winning the Nobel Peace prize, Burma opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has finally received the honour - gaining two standing ovations as she gave her long-delayed acceptance speech.

Rock concert cancelled after stage collapse death


10:59am A Radiohead concert in Canada has been cancelled after a stage collapse left one person dead and three others injured.

Search for wrecked yacht's crew moves to Tonga island

7:59am Search crews are hoping to scour a remote, uninhabited Tongan island as they hunt for two missing yachtsmen.

Hard, hot but not all 'hell'


RACHEL BROWNE It is just as well known as Bali's surf beaches and ancient temples, but Kerobokan jail is a part of the holiday island that few visitors ever get to see.

'Crude' Murdoch urged Blair to rush into Iraq war

Former British prime minister Tony Blair.

Nicholas Watt, London Rupert Murdoch joined in an 'over-crude' attempt by US Republicans to force Tony Blair to accelerate British involvement in the Iraq war, according to Alastair Campbell's diaries.

Athens traders fight to reclaim their city

Against the trend, the Defteraios family's fabric shop is enjoying a revival. 'Greeks don't get rid of old clothes so easily any more. They repair them,' Fanis Defteraios says.

Karen Kissane and Eleni Chourmouzi Democracy has its price, and in democracy-riven Greece, the price is often paid by the small businesses in the centre of Athens.

Planning failures derail aid project

Link: Cambodians ride a bamboo train on a reopened a stretch of line.

Philip Heijmans and Tom Hyland An Australian-funded rail project in Cambodia has been riddled with problems, a report shows.

Le Pen granddaughter set to win seat

Marion Marechal-Le Pen.

Henry Samuel The granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen is on course to win a seat in the French parliament after her Socialist rival defied party orders to withdraw in favour of a mainstream Right candidate.

Bashing their way to wealth

Star power: Omar Sakho, a laamb wrestler who goes by the stage name of Balla Gaye 2, received about $US300,000 for his recent bout.

Nicholas Loomis In Senegal, traditional wrestling is as big as the contestants.

Storing carbon in ground could make earth shake, warn scientists


Jim Efstathiou BURYING carbon dioxide in the ground, considered a potential way to combat climate change, may increase the risk of earthquakes.

Young illegal immigrants can stay in US


Jon Swaine Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are to be allowed to stay and work in the US after the President, Barack Obama, offered them a partial amnesty.

Egypt split between old and new in lead-up to election

A man casts his vote with the help of his son at a polling station in Al-Sharqya.

Tarek El-Tablawy EGYPTIANS began voting for a president yesterday in a two-day run-off election widely portrayed as a choice between reviving the old regime and endorsing a new Islamist one.

Greece's moment of truth

Face of despair: A man has a drink in front of a mural. The country is consumed by division over the burden of austerity and the cost of losing the euro.

Dario Thuburn Greeks face a stark dilemma in today's elections that will be watched around the world, between voting against austerity or in favour of a party more likely to keep their country in the eurozone.

Sydney tourist jailed for false rape claim

Stevie Rochelle Bamford, 21, from Sydney's eastern suburbs, who has been jailed  for 15 days in Thailand after admitting she made up a story that she was raped by a Phuket taxi driver. The woman told police she took a tuk tuk taxi home after arguing with her boyfriend while on a late night out in Soi Bangla, Phuket's red light district, last Saturday. But CCTV footage put her on the back of a motorcycle.

Phil Teese A YOUNG Sydney woman on holiday in Thailand has been jailed for 15 days after admitting she made up a story that she was raped by a taxi driver.