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National Conference of State Legislatures - The Forum for America's Ideas
Issues and Research


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Natural gas rig

Natural Gas Development

A new report on natural gas development and hydraulic fracturing looks at the role of state lawmakers in natural gas regulation, and summarizes state legislation on the issue. More

Immigration Bills Plummet

Though immigration continues to be a hot issue in state legislatures, the number of bills has dropped significantly, according to a new report from NCSL’s Immigrant Policy Project. More

2011 Transportation Legislation

State considered a wide range of transportation-related measures during the 2011 session as they tried to cope with lack of action at the federal level on long-term transportation funding. More

Issue Areas
OverviewAgriculture & Rural DevelopmentBanking, Insurance & Financial ServicesBudget & TaxCivil & Criminal JusticeEconomic Development, Gambling and TradeEducationEnergy
Environment & Natural ResourcesHealth (subportal)Human Services (subportal)ImmigrationLabor & EmploymentState-TribalTelecommunications & Information TechnologyTransportation
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Environment and Natural Resources

Environment Agenda for the NCSL 2012 Summit

summit logoStates face a wide-range of environmental health issues, from food safety, healthy homes and chemical policy, to electric vehicles and federal environmental health requirements. Hear from a variety of experts and discuss any pressing problems facing your community. Contact Claire Lewis or 303-856-1433 to RSVP. More

Transportation Funding, Natural Gas and Environmental Regulations Webinar

webinar logo for 2012States are facing a transportation funding crisis. Legislators continue to seek solutions to an aging infrastructure and growing demand, while gas tax revenues decline and the future of federal funding for roads, transit and airports remain uncertain. This webinar addressed some of those issues. More  

Parks in Peril

forestAcross the country State Parks are fighting to stay open; find out some of the interesting approaches they have been taking to position themselves for success. More


The Nuclear Waste Dilemma

legisbrief logoAmerica’s nuclear waste is piling up. Without a permanent storage facility, states are asking where the spent fuel from nuclear power plants and federal defense programs will be stored. More 

Energy and Environment Legislation Tracking Database and Environmental Health Database

search keyThe National Conference of State Legislatures tracks both energy and environment as well as environmental health legislation with these two databases. More


The President's Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future

nuclear power plantThe President's Bue Ribbon Commission issued its final report  in January 2012. The report proposes a new strategy for managing the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle that incorporates many of NCSL’s recommendations before the Committee. More


NCSL 2012 Legislative Summit Early-Bird

Denver Office
Tel: 303-364-7700 | Fax: 303-364-7800 | 7700 East First Place | Denver, CO 80230


Washington Office
Tel: 202-624-5400 | Fax: 202-737-1069 | 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 515 | Washington, D.C. 20001

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