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Natural gas rig

Natural Gas Development

A new report on natural gas development and hydraulic fracturing looks at the role of state lawmakers in natural gas regulation, and summarizes state legislation on the issue. More

Immigration Bills Plummet

Though immigration continues to be a hot issue in state legislatures, the number of bills has dropped significantly, according to a new report from NCSL’s Immigrant Policy Project. More

2011 Transportation Legislation

State considered a wide range of transportation-related measures during the 2011 session as they tried to cope with lack of action at the federal level on long-term transportation funding. More

Issue Areas
OverviewAgriculture & Rural DevelopmentBanking, Insurance & Financial ServicesBudget & TaxCivil & Criminal JusticeEconomic Development, Gambling and TradeEducationEnergy
Environment & Natural ResourcesHealth (subportal)Human Services (subportal)ImmigrationLabor & EmploymentState-TribalTelecommunications & Information TechnologyTransportation
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Telecommunications and Information Technology

9-1-1 Legislation Database

TelecommunicationsState legislatures are considering a variety of measures aimed at updating the current infrastructure to improve public emergency communication services to operate in today's digital mobile society. This database includes legislation related to E 9-1-1, NextGen 9-1-1 and other issues. More

Webinar: Leveraging Technology to Combat Health Care Fraud

NCSL will offer a webinar, Leveraging Innovative Technologies to Combat Health Care Fraud, on Wed., June 13. This free webinar will explore successful strategies to combat fraud and abuse in health care. Speakers will discuss the use of sophisticated IT systems and increased information sharing to identify abuses and reduce losses. More

Transforming Health Care with Technology LegisBrief logo

High-speed connections and sophisticated new technologies make it possible to monitor, diagnose and treat patients remotely from across the country. A new LegisBrief, part of an NCSL project on HIT, examines privacy concerns related to health IT. More 

Employer Access to Social Media Passwords

Computer crimeState legislatures are considering legislation that would restrict employers from requesting access to social networking usernames and passwords of applicants, students or employees. Review current legislation.  More

E-Prescribing Webinar

WebinarE-Prescribing reduces the risk of misread or illegible prescriptions, provides safety checks, and can identify lower-cost medications.  NCSL and HIMSS sponsored a webinarto provide an overview of the current landscape of e-prescribing in the states. View the archived webinar.  More

 Legislatures Using Social Media

social networkingBlogs and social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube are becoming increasingly popular with legislators and legislative caucuses.  These web pages track legislative caucuses' use of these tools, and provide links to social media policies and guidelines.


NCSL 2012 Legislative Summit Early-Bird

Denver Office
Tel: 303-364-7700 | Fax: 303-364-7800 | 7700 East First Place | Denver, CO 80230


Washington Office
Tel: 202-624-5400 | Fax: 202-737-1069 | 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Suite 515 | Washington, D.C. 20001

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