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FACTOID # 1: Idaho produces more milk than Iowa, Indiana and Illinois combined.
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Background (5 statistics)

In this category, get background information on your state with our special History & Landscapes and People & Politics stats, a small amount of good information meant to act as introductions for our state profiles. This is a small, general information category.

Crime (81 statistics)

See how John Law and the outlaws square off in each state, with statistics on robberies, car thefts, capital punishment, murder, the list goes on. Be sure to check out our FBI stats on hate crimes. If your interested in Gun Laws, scroll further down to the Government category.

Economy (747 statistics)

What is the Gross State Product for each state? How heavy is the tax burden where you live? Who has the largest number of citizens below the poverty level? Which state is best at saving for a rainy day? Balance your knowledge account in U.S economics here.

Education (252 statistics)

Find out which state is at the head of the class in High School Diplomas, Bachelor's degrees, advanced degrees and literacy rates. Get the latest information available on teacher's salaries in all 50 states, as well as teacher-pupil ratio and other essential education stats which put your tax dollars into context.

Energy (128 statistics)

Which state leads the way in alternative energy vehicles? Who is most dependent on nuclear energy? How much money is being spent on research and development for renewable energies? Wind, coal, petroleum, hydroelectric, ethanol - find all the details on what powers your life here.

Geography (38 statistics)

The largest and smallest states, total land area and water area, capital cities and largest cities with up-to-date population figures, land borders and official geographic regions of the US Census Bureau, you get the idea. From Seattle to San Antonio, From LA to PA, get the facts from StateMaster!

Government (290 statistics)

Legislative sessions are in and we've got the votes, whether you're looking for recent election turnouts, youth voter turnout, or simply general information on number of electoral votes or seats in the House of Representatives. If you are looking for Presidential election results, look further below in the Presidential elections category. Also, check out our stats Gun Laws for every state including the territories. Can Oklahomans carry semi-automatic weapons? Who can't pack heat in Iowa? Get the latest here.

Health (268 statistics)

Find out critical details on the health of your state, everything from life expectancy to obesity levels. See how regions compare in the health of its residents. How pronounced is the divide between North and South in terms of healthcare? Where is the best doctor-patient ratio? The more you know, the better you might feel!

Housing (16 statistics)

Everything under one roof, including the kitchen sink. Find out house occupancy levels and percentages of seasonal homes per state. How many people have mortgages in Maryland? What are the housing values in Vermont? How crowded are households in the Carolinas? It's all here.

Identification (42 statistics)

Get the low down on identification details for all 50 states: postal codes, Associated Press abbreviations, state nicknames and the like. Also included here are state symbols. What is the official state flying mammal of Texas? How many states have the Cardinal as their state bird? Take a look inside and find out!

Immigration (158 statistics)

For a society made of immigrants, reliable data on where immigrants come from, refugees by country of origin, as well as illegal immigrant numbers are essential stats which put the United States into perspective. This is a new and growing category.

Industry (294 statistics)

Find all the stats on where the smokestacks are tallest, with detailed data on the total value of material and shipments, capital expenditures, and workers wages. Industries studied include textile mills, plastics manufacturers, metal fabrication, wood product and furniture manufacturing, transport equipment and more. For more detailed statistics on who is working in these industries, see the Labor category below.

Labor (169 statistics)

We've put our nose to the grindstone and come up with the nitty gritty on everything from who's clocking in and out, how long it takes for them to get there, where workers live, and other stats which put the cubicle in perspective. If you're looking for unemployment figures, see the Economy category above.

Lifestyle (50 statistics)

What do Americans do after work? What percent of Georgian married couples both hold down jobs? What percentage of Iowans never bothered to get married? Life is what you make it, but be sure to check here before drawing any conclusions!

Military (52 statistics)

Here is a general call to arms on all data related to America's mighty military. How are the costs of the Iraqi War divided between the states? Or the cost of America's nuclear arsenal? Find detailed statistics on military recruits, broken down by race and service branches. Pull on your flak jackets and click away.

People (79 statistics)

Here you will find the hard facts on population, density, foreign born residents, sex ratios and median ages. This category is essential for crunching the numbers on any population-based or per capita stat. What percentage of Nevadans are over 65? Or how about Spanish speakers in Minnesota? Take a head count, and get the details on StateMaster!

Presidential Elections (583 statistics)

Get all the details on Presidential elections going back to 1789, with the number of electoral votes given to each state, electoral victories by candidate, and total popular votes for every candidate in the election. How many votes did the Socialist Eugene Debs garner in the 1912 Election? What percent of all popular votes went to Thomas Dewey in 1948? Mark your ballots on election statistics inside.

Sports (35 statistics)

What state scored the maximum medals in the olympics? What about the summer and winter olympics? Get all the answers in this sports section

Trade (301 statistics)

Make dock inspections on imports and exports for US states, including valuable international data. What was the value of exports from North Carolina to France? Or New York to China? Get the estimates, crunch the numbers, compare with industries, all FOB: your computer.

Transportation (144 statistics)

Find interesting statistics on the number of border crossings into America, whether they are trucks, cars or buses. Also find out data on mean travel time to work, as well as other data to keep your wheels moving.


12th June 2011
Where is the arts section? The art generate more than a billion dollars in CA and half a B in NY. It deserves some analysis. Cyclic economics. Every dollar spent on arts turns 30 bucks back to local communities.
Anubha Shrivastava
25th May 2011
I hate studies but I have to study therefore I am studying.
21st January 2011
The Gov is braking disabled rights people who are disabled to work in sheelter workshop.
24th November 2010
pls open the statistical of robbey in philippines
Jordan Adamson
11th October 2010
The statistics on this website are incredible, I wish information was always this in depth and available
5th October 2010
I'm looking for the average age for both men and women for first time marriages per state.
Alan Wiford
14th May 2010
Iam doing a class project need to know where I can find out how many NEW businesses opened in the U.S.A. or in my state by decade starting in 1950 if possible Can you email me thank you
10th May 2010
Nice Site, keep going add more content.

Jyotika from http://www.punesite.com/
10th May 2010
Nice Site keep adding content.

Jyotika From http://www.punesite.com/
sandy lonh (houston, tx)
3rd November 2008
I would like to relocate to another city. It is very hot and humid here, but the main thing is the horrible traffic and rude drivers!! Also, Houston is very divere and many, many jobs require to be bilingual which I am not. I used to like it here when I moved here in 1992 but it has changed. Please, any info to relocate to another city out of state would be ok, too. I am in the dental front desk job category.
Thank you for any info you may be able to share with me.
Oh, I need affordability and was thinking about the southeast states maybe. Also need safety. Asking too much?
Abby (Wilmar)
29th October 2008
North and South Carolina are really cool places to see I loved my vacation there.
Arden Bercovitz (Vista, CA)
25th September 2008
This doc link below is from 2004 data...

I need to know how many licensed drivers were in the US last year, 2007. Is that info available? Please send me that data.
Thank you
Brandon Chackel (nothingpunk@yahoo.com)
7th May 2008
I'M DOING A STATS PROJECT IN MY CLASS AND I'M HAVING A DIFFICULT TIME FINDING THE RAW DATA FOR THE CASES. I would to know where i casn find that information with all quanittative and qualitative values. thank you
Jack (Vermont)
15th February 2008
You need to update your sites...thank you, keep up the good work
jessica (NY)
9th February 2008
I would like to know if there are statistics on illegal aliens applying for legal status via Violence Against Women Act, using the I30 immigration form.

Thank you.
Justin Newman (Minnesota)
20th January 2008
I really like the site. I am a Political Science major that is currently pursuing a minor in Economics from a local university. Anyhow, I was thinking that the internet and internet access is important to me...maybe you could have the most "wired" states. Another interesting thing would to create a database that compares cities...like a Citymaster, for instance.
z'mira (houston,texas)
14th January 2008
This is a great website it gives you alot of information I needed for my class project it is really great////
Lucius Brock (Mississippi)
24th July 2007
Can you export statistics into an Excel worksheet?
Joe (Harrisonburg)
28th June 2007
I have been trying to find the 2004 election votes by registered party affiliation. I.E. # of Republican votes, # of democrat votes, # of independent votes etc. Cannot seem to find that here.
Donna Robinson (West Virginia)
24th March 2007
My husband is a correctional officer. he is doing research for a training exercise and needs the statistics of sucides in the United States. Statistics on sucicides in the correctional facilities. Can ya help? Email address is dirthead@wvaccess.net. Thanks
Ted Campbell (Salem Oregon)
18th December 2006
In the People statistics I do not understand the Weighted average I have read the defination and still can not make out what it means. Can you explain it to me. Thank You
Ted Campbell
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