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True Meaning of Devotion
Talk 1
[Video 51:13]

Chuck Lief is Marty's guest on Cooking Rice

Message of Milarepa
Talk 7: Milarepa's Compassion
[Audio 36:08]

Part Two of Marty's conversation with Laurie Mallery
[Audio 23:16]

25 years from the upper meadow: Remembering the Vidyadhara's cremation

Message of Milarepa:
Talk 6
[Video 1:04:35]
With commentary by Robert Walker

Tribute to Chris Keyser

Boudha Blog: "He never lost his smile,"
Posted by Gesar Mukpo: 5 May

Message of Milarepa:
Talk 5 [Video 58:40]
With commentary by Robert Walker

Cooking Rice:
Marty Janowitz talks
with Jeff Torbert: Part two
[Audio 28:12]

What if they gave a party and everyone came?
New Comments: 28 April

Marty Janowitz
talks with
Meg Wheatley
on Cooking Rice
[Audio 24:13]

Chronicles Parinirvana Day Edition

Updated: Tribute to Tenga Rinpoche

Recollections: April 4, 1987

The Passing of Tenga Rinpoche

Video tribute to CTR, from Gesar Mukpo

Photo by Denault Blouin
His Final Home: Denault Blouin reviews the GES Exhibit

The Chronicles Onion: It's Never Too Late

Traleg Rinpoche Remembers Thinley Norbu Rinpoche

Celebrating the 25th, including a new film from Konchok Foundation

Shambhala Ball 2012, a report from Colin Stubbert

A Living Space: A Chögyam Trungpa exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Immigration

Touch And Go, The Journey Continues: Next Stop Kathmandu

The Journey East, a clip from Iron Bird [Video 3:35]

The First Shambhala Day Address [Audio 9:15]

Tour the Great Eastern Sun exhibit in Halifax [Video 8:36]

Photo by Marvin Moore

Enter the Dragon

Touch and Go Now Screening at Culture Unplugged Film Festival

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Parinirvana Day
Special Edition

Ocean of Dharma

Quotes at random

Copyright Diana J. Mukpo. Used here by arrangement with Diana J. Mukpo and Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week

These teachings by Chogyam Trungpa are selected at random from Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week: the email service that brings Trungpa Rinpoche's dharma to your inbox several times each week. For more information, or to add your name to the list, visit OceanofDharma.com.

Ocean of Dharma Quotes of the Week is edited and produced by Carolyn Rose Gimian. Thank you to Lady Diana Mukpo, Mrs. Gimian, and Shambhala Publications for making these teachings available on the Chronicles.

The calligraphy at the top of this page Mukpo is by Trungpa Rinpoche; used here with the kind permission of Lady Diana Mukpo.

The Chronicles of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche bears the Vidyadhara's name with the express permission of Lady Diana Mukpo. We offer our heartfelt gratitude to Lady Diana for her permission, blessings, and trust.

Toast to the Vidyadhara (Chögyam Trungpa)

Delivered at the Halifax Shambhala Center 4 April 2012

Asked to give a toast to the Vidyadhara at the events celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Vidyadhara's parinirvana in Halifax, Barry Boyce began to compose a toast telling a story or two centered on him and what a great and important student he was and is and has become and will be�somewhat diminishing and overshadowing Lord Mukpo in fact. And then a little haunting voice suggested he go another way...

The Top Ten Reasons


the Vidyadhara, the Venerable Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, the eleventh Trungpa Tulku, the Druk Sakyong, the Dorje Dradül of Mukpo, Lord Mukpo, the Makkyi Rabjam, Genghis Khan, Yung Lo, Chögyie is still not dead after 25 years

10.   because father and child are still one in the realm of thought
9.   because all acts are still the acts of the guru, and in the single circle beyond confusion, nothing whatever but everything arises from it
8.   because pain and pleasure alike are still ornaments which it is pleasant to wear, and go still follows touch
7.   because Vajrayogini and Chakrasamvara are still dating
6.   because it doesn't really matter and he couldn't care less�still!
5.   because "Good luck, Sir!" or "Good luck, Madam!" are still the best advice you've ever received
4.   because your guess is still as good as mine
3.   because first thought is still best thought
2.   because he's still saying "I love you all very much, sweetheart," with a big wet sake-soaked kiss

And the number 1 reason the Vidyadhara is still not dead after 25 years:

1.   because your shoes�like everything else you hold dear�will still be stolen by your guru

Long live the Vidyadhara!

Barry Boyce
4 April 2012
Dorje Dzong

GES Exhibit Video

Coming Soon:
Cooking Rice with Marty Janowitz

As we've all heard many times, words don't cook rice.

But how does one cook rice?

Marty Janowitz is the host of the Chronicles' newest radio program: Cooking Rice — a series of conversations with people who are cooking rice in myriad ways. By the way, this is not a cooking show.

Tune in for the first episode on Saturday, April 7, when Marty talks to Meg Wheatley, internationally acclaimed writer, speaker, and teacher about cooking rice.

Video tour of "Great Eastern Sun: The Shambhala Community in Nova Scotia"

  Watch Touch and Go at the Festival
Touch and Go Now Screening
at the Culture Unplugged Film Festival

Watch Touch And Go at the festival!

Touch And Go: Chögyam Trungpa's Epic Journey to the West has been selected for the Culture Unplugged Film Festival. Festival organizers describe the movie as a "moving and dramatic account of one of the greatest of all escapes by one of Buddhism's greatest and most controversial teachers, Chögyam Trungpa."

An online movie site with "a socio-spiritual mission serving citizens around the globe," in the last few years Culture Unplugged's festivals have been visited by more than 18 million people around the globe.

Touch and Go Links

> Watch Touch and Go online, and order the DVD

> Read about the premiere in Halifax

> Read Carolyn Gimian's Review

> Read Denault Blouin's review

On retreat in Charlemont: Silent footage from 1972
by Vivian Kurz


In the Fall of 1972 Vivian Kurz visited Trungpa Rinpoche during his retreat in Charlemont Massachusetts. Fortunately, she had a super 8 mm camera with her and managed to record these intimate moments of Chogyam Trungpa working with a few of his students. Vivian writes: "This is unedited footage straight from the camera, sometimes too dark, out of focus, but filmed with love. Some parts of it were used in "Crazy Wisdom," others have never been seen before. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed being there and now sharing it with you through the Chronicles." -Vivian Kurz

A long time ago in a kingdom far away

Rabjam Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Trulshik Rinpoche,
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, circa 1987

The Shambhala Sun Surveys
The Teachings of Chögyam Trungpa

  Read the article
In the January 2012 Shambhala Sun, senior editor Barry Boyce takes on the impossible task of surveying Trungpa Rinpoche's fathomless ocean of teachings, with impressive results. In just 5,000 words, Boyce looks insightfully into CTR's seminal teachings, including cutting through spiritual materialism, living in the Charnel ground, sitting practice of meditation, bodhicitta, dharma art, kasungship (here he coins the term "meditation-in-interaction" to describe the practice of kasungship), and the path of Shambhala warriorship.

Weaved throughout the article is the underlying message that Trungpa Rinpoche's influence is ongoing -- that (as Boyces puts it so well) "he lived to leave a legacy, so that far into the future people could experience the dharma he taught not as an artifact of a past time and place, but always as 'fresh-baked bread.'"

Over the next year the Shambhala Sun will present a selection of Chögyam Trungpa's teachings to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death. We're all looking forward to what they have in store.

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