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Rabat: Map


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Rabat (Arabic الرباط, transliterated ar-RabÄá¹­ or ar-RibÄá¹­), population 2 million (2007 estimate), is the capital of the Kingdom of Moroccomarker. It is also the capital of the Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer region.

The city is located on the Atlantic Oceanmarker at the mouth of the river Bou Regreg. On the facing shore of the river lies Salémarker, Rabat's bedroom community. Together the two cities with Témaramarker account for a population of 2 million. Silting problems have diminished the city's role as a port; however, Rabat and Salémarker still maintain relatively important textile, food processing and construction industries; some are from sweatshop labor by major multinational corporations (see Salémarker).

In addition, tourism and the presence of all foreign embassies in Morocco serve to make Rabat the second most important city in the country after the larger and more economically significant Casablancamarker.


BC to 17th century

Rabat's history began with a settlement, known as Chellahmarker on the banks of the Oued Bou Regreg in the third century BC. In 40 AD, Romans took over Chellah and converted it to the Roman settlement of Sala Colonia. Rome held the colony until 250 AD when they abandoned it to rulers. In 1146, the Almohad ruler Abd al-Mu'min turned Rabat's ribat into a full scale fortress to use as a launching point for attacks on Spainmarker. In 1170, due to its military importance, Rabat acquired the title Ribatu l-Fath, meaning "stronghold of victory," from which it derives its current name.

Yaqub al-Mansur (known as Moulay Yacoub in Morocco), another Almohad Caliph, moved the capital of his empire to Rabat. He built Rabat's city walls, the Kasbah of the Udayasmarker and began construction on what would have been the world's largest mosque. However, Yaqub died and construction stopped. The ruins of the unfinished mosque, along with the Hassan Towermarker, still stand today.

Yaqub's death initiated a period of decline. The Almohad empire lost control of its possessions in Spain and much of its African territory, eventually leading to its total collapse. In the 13th century, much of Rabat's economic power shifted to Fezmarker. In 1515 a Moorish explorer, El Wassan, reported that Rabat had declined so much that only 100 inhabited houses remained. An influx of Moriscos, who had been expelled from Spain, in the early 17th century helped boost Rabat's growth (principal families: Mouline [Molina], Bargach [Vargas], Balafrej [Palafresa], Moreno, Baena, Olivares [Loubaris],...).

Corsair republics

Rabat and neighboring Salé united to form the Republic of Bou Regreg in 1627. The republic was run by Barbary pirates who used the two cities as base ports for launching attacks on shipping. The pirates did not have to contend with any central authority until the Alaouite Dynasty united Morocco in 1666. They attempted to establish control over the pirates, but failed. European and Muslims authorities continued to attempt to control the pirates over many years, but the Republic of Bou Regreg did not collapse until 1818. Even after the republic's collapse, pirates continued to use the port of Rabat, which led to the shelling of the city by Austriamarker in 1829 after an Austrian ship had been lost to a pirate attack.

20th century

French invasion

The French invaded Morocco in 1912 and established a protectorate. The French administrator of Morocco, General Hubert Lyautey, decided to relocate the country's capital from Fez to Rabat. Among other factors, rebellious citizens had made Fez an unstable place. Sultan Moulay Youssef followed the decision of the French and moved his residence to Rabat. In 1913, Gen. Lyautey hired Henri Prost who designed the Ville Nouvelle (Rabat's modern quarter) as an administrative sector. When Morocco achieved independence in 1956, Mohammed V, the then King of Morocco, chose to have the capital remain at Rabat.

Post World War II

Following World War II, the United States established a military presence in Rabat at the former French air base. By the early 1950s, Rabat Salé Air Base was a U.S. Air Force installation hosting the 17th Air Force and the 5th Air Division, which oversaw forward basing for Strategic Air Command (SAC) B-47 Stratojet aircraft in the country. With the destabilization of French government in Morocco, and Moroccan independence in 1956, the government of Mohammed V wanted the U.S. Air Force to pull out of the SAC bases in Morocco, insisting on such action after American intervention in Lebanon in 1958. The United States agreed to leave as of December 1959, and was fully out of Morocco by 1963. SAC felt the Moroccan bases were much less critical with the long range capability of the B-52 Stratofortresses that were replacing the B-47s and with the completion of the USAF installations in Spainmarker in 1959.

With the USAF withdrawal from Rabat-Salé in the 1960s, the facility became a primary facility for the Royal Moroccan Air Force known as Air Base Nº 1, a status it continues to hold.


Rabat Downtown
The biggest place for theatre is the Theatre Mohamed V in the centre of the town.The city also has a few official galleries and an archeological museum.Many organisations are active in cultural and social issues. Orient-Occident Foundation and ONA Foundation are the biggest of these. An independent art scene is active in the city. L'appartement 22, which is the first independent space for visual arts created by Abdellah Karroum, opened in 2002.

Rabat was selected as a filming location for the war film Black Hawk Down (2001).

Main sights


File:Royal Palace, Rabat.jpg|Royal PalaceFile:Rabat_Parlament.JPG|The ParliamentFile:Parliament of morocco.jpg|The Parliament buildingFile:Sale_from_Rabat.JPG|Salé photographed from RabatFile:Palace_gate.jpg‎|Kasbah of the UdayasmarkerFile:Rabat SPOT 1104.jpg|Rabat as seen from Spot SatelliteFile:Tramway-rabat.jpg|Tramway de Rabat-SaléFile:Train of Morocco.jpg|Train of Morocco at Rabat station

International relations

Twin towns - Sister cities

Rabat is twinned with:


Located along the Atlantic Ocean, Rabat has a mild, temperate climate, shifting from cool in winter to warm days in the summer months. The nights are always cool (or colder in winter), with daytime temperatures generally always rising about +9/10 C° (+15/18 F°) every day. The winter highs typically reach only 17.5°C (64°F) in December-January (see weather-table below).

See also


  1. C. Michael Hogan, Chellah, The Megalithic Portal, ed. A. Burnham
  2. History of Morocco, Henri Terrasse, 1952
  3. Morocco: The Islamist Awakening and Other Challenges 2005, Marvine Howe

External links

Embed code: Rabat map at The Full Wiki">

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